Chapter 44: Time Skip
*Author's P.O.V*
Hello? Ah! I got it to work!
I'm just here to recap/narrate the past....
*looks at script*
To narrate what happened in the past month while Balloon and Taco were in hospital!
Without further ado~
*Time Jump: 1 month later*
*Type of Chapter: Narration*
*No P.O.V*
The day seem to go by quickly for the duos. For so soon, the once bright day was now a sunset of beautiful orange and pink colors.
OJ had return as promised for Microphone and Suitcase. OJ had done a bit of shopping after leaving them.
Shopping always helped OJ destressed and calm his racing mind. OJ had found some nice things to hang in his shared room with his boyfriend.
Not wanting to say goodbye at all, both Suitcase and Mic had to eventually say goodbye. Mic and Taco were quicker to bid farewell to each other.
While Taco didn't want to, she did hope Mic would come back. Taco had small doubts about this, but still hoped Mic would come back to visit.
Suitcase on the other hand, she had a rather hard time saying goodbye to Balloon. And the opposite was true as well as Balloon didn't want Suitcase to leave.
After about an hour of OJ convincing Suitcase that she will come back soon, she eventually said goodbye to Balloon.
Balloon and Suitcase gave a huge; yet soft; hug to say goodbye. The hug lasted about a good 30 minutes before Suitcase finally let go.
Balloon gave Suitcase a small kiss on the head, which made the both of them blush. OJ and Mic didn't see this action, but Taco did.
Finally, OJ said goodbye to the two and they all left. Balloon was a little upset, but realized that they would see Suitcase again soon.
After a good 10 minutes of silence between the two friends, Taco procceded to tease the living hell out of Balloon.
They had friendly banter and hung out afterwards. Taco and Balloon talked about their reunion with their respected person and how nice it felt.
Balloon was shocked to hear Taco say that she apologized to Mic. He was willing to help her! But Taco replied that she needed to do this on her own.
After more talking, it soon became dark. After dinner, they both decided to sleep for the night.
The next day at the hotel, OJ wanted two more people to go and visit the hospital duo. Suitcase wanted to go, but she was having one of her episodes and was in no mindset to visit Balloon.
Paper had opted to go and visit the duo. Paper was a tad nervous about this visit, but he wanted to go.
Not just for Balloon, but for Taco. Sure, he remembered what Taco did to not just him, but everyone from season 1.
But he's come to terms with the past. If he could see that Balloon had change, then Taco could change too!
Sure, she technically changed at the end of season 1. But people can change again right? That's what's Paper was hoping anyways.
He wanted to see if Taco was good, not for his sake, but for everyone else's as well! Paper believed that Taco could change for the better.
If Balloon could change for the better, then so could Taco!
OJ still needed one more person to go with him. Trophy was debating on this offer. But he wasn't mentally ready to see his old friend just yet.
Cheesy on the other hand, he was willing to go. Now, to most, this was comepletely random. However, Cheesy wanted to go because he wanted to see Balloon again.
What most don't know, is that Balloon was one of the only ones who really liked Cheesy's puns and jokes. Cheesy would always try to find Balloon when Balloon themselves were isolated.
This was an oppertunity for Cheesy to say hello to his 'pun buddy'. And to actually make friends with him!
Once OJ was satisfied with everything, he left Knife in charge and left for the day. OJ was determined to stay longer for this visit, and he had Paper next to him this time!
So, off they all went to the hospital. Once there, Taco and Balloon were rather shocked to see Cheesy and Paper this time around.
OJ had said that he wanted other people to come and visit every day. It was so OJ wasn't taking the same people everytime.
Balloon was okay with this, but Taco... Well. She was absolutely NOT okay with this. She was the MOST hated person in the room!
Nobody was going to go visit her! The only people who didn't hate her were Mic and Balloon!
Balloon had saw Taco's shocked expression and requested the three visitors step out. They did just that and Balloon had went to comfort her.
Well, Taco went to him so Balloon could comfort her. After a few minutes of comfort and words of encouragement later, she was ready.
Balloon called for the 3 to come back in. The visit that time, was nothing less than awkward. Sure, everything was okay, but Taco was so nervous.
Once the visit was done, Taco pratically melted to the floor. Taco was so very tense that day, and Balloon was comforting her all night.
The next day wasn't any better. OJ had came with Soap and Bomb that day. Soap was eyeing Taco all visit, making sure she wasn't trying anything.
Weeks went by and Taco and Balloon slowly got somewhat comfortable with the other hotel residents. Sure, the two of them were still uncomfortable, but they were getting used to them.
Balloon was very uncomfotable during these times, but Taco always made sure Balloon was okay after these visits. Balloon's insecurities sometimes got the best of him, but made sure he didn't let the others see this.
OJ during these times, felt more and more at ease with his thoughts. The paranoia and negative thoughts in OJ's mind settled down as he visited the hospital daily.
While OJ and the others haven't truely made up with Balloon and Taco, they were getting closer with them.
Meanwhile, Trophy was beating himself both mentally and physically for not visiting Balloon these past weeks.
He wanted to don't get it wrong! It's just the fact that he felt like a failure to Balloon. He didn't feel like a brother to Balloon.
Trophy just couldn't bring himself to go. No matter how badly he wanted to, he just couldn't get the mentally to visit Balloon.
With Pickle, it was the same way but with Taco. Pickle wanted to go visit her, but he just couldn't.
He wanted to believe that she had change for the better. But deep down, he was still upset about everything she did.
Sure, Pickle and her were the best of friends back in season 1! And how he missed those days! But..........
She wasn't a true friend. She made it very clear at the end of season 1. She left him heartbroken, and alone.
Why should he feel pity for a liar like her? Maybe because...
Part of him wanted that back. Yea, he knows the true colors of Taco now. But he still wanted that friendship back.
He's pushed that desire down for what feels like forever ago. However, after seeing Taco's condition some weeks ago....
Pickle wanted nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare. To wake up back in season 1 and to see his once best friend and hug her again.
He wanted to see his old friend once more and to just forget his nightmare. But, he knew this wasn't a bad nightmare.
This was reality. A reality where that friend hurt him. A reality where he ignored all those letters she sent to him.
A reality where he saw the most gruesome sight ever. A reality where he wanted to just see Taco once again, but couldn't muster up that courage to do so.
Pickle had let himself cry these past weeks. Nobody would ask why, he just would. Knife would comfort him the best he could, and it helped greatly.
Trophy would also let himself cry, but did his best to not do it in front of everybody. He had already caused enough worrying the past year, he didn't want to be a burden.
Cheesy would always go and help his boyfriend whenever he could. He knew how hurt and upset Trophy was at himself.
The hospital duo only had a 2 weeks left before they could be released. Both Trophy and Pickle wanted to at least make one trip to the hospital to see their buddies.
Balloon had missed Trophy greatly and was always anticipating and hoping Trophy would come and visit him. They had worried that Trophy wouldn't come, but kept that hope up.
Taco had longed to see Pickle again, but knew it was very unlikely. Pickle was the very first one she hurt. She knew that he would never want to see her face again.
With each visit the duo had, well, the more they felt they would never see their most wanted person. Balloon got a little upset, while Taco was understanding.
During these visits these past weeks, Balloon had yet to tell almost everyone who came that they were genderfluid.
Taco had made very subtle, yet noticeable hints at this. These hints seemed to not have connected to the visitors.
However, a few picked up on these hints. Those few being Paper, Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Test Tube, and Fan.
Paper was already aware of this pronoun change; thanks to Mepad. Lightbulb, even being in the clouds and in her own world most of the time, is very observant.
She noticed this pronoun change in less than a second. She also 'pulled' Balloon aside to asked about this change.
Paintbrush; being non-binary; had noticed this change as well and went with Lightbulb to ask about it as well.
Balloon was surprised but decided the two of them were trustworthy enough to keep it a secret. So, Balloon had told the duo that they were genderfluid.
Trying not to make a scene, they accepted Balloon for who they were. Balloon was very happy that more people accepted them. (However, after they left, Lightbulb was pratically glowing in happiness.)
Test Tube and Fan had both picked up on the pronoun change after a few minutes during their visit. Now, they weren't as direct in asking Balloon like Lightbulb was....
However, Fan did whisper to Balloon that he and Test Tube accepted Balloon for whoever they were. While Balloon knew they didn't fully know about them being genderfluid, they still felt happy.
Knowing that the duo only had two weeks left at the hospital, OJ had decided to give them a proper welcome back.
So, he decided to throw a small party! Everyone was on board with this, wanting to make the hospital duo feel welcomed.
The party was still in the planning stages, but it was going well so far. OJ wanted everyone to pick out a small gift for both Taco and Balloon.
Sure, it felt a little weird picking gifts out for people the hotel residents hardly knew, but they felt like they had too.
They all hurt Balloon to the point of running away. They all exciled Balloon and Taco for years. This was the least they could do in order to make progress in forgiveness.
To Trophy, Suitcase, Microphone and Pickle... This was a chance to express themselves. Show Balloon and Taco how sorry they were. Show how much they cared about the duo.
All four of them had teamed up to look for the perfect gifts for Balloon and Taco. It's going to take time, but they were determined to find the perfect gifts.
They had plenty of time to find the gifts. Trophy and Pickle were both very different, yet so similar at the same time.
Surely, they would eventually communicate to each other. They would have to soon right?
It is here friends, where we will continue our tale normally.
2 weeks left for our protagonists in hospital. So much can happen during this time.
What could happen? Will Trophy and Pickle finally gain the courage to go and visit our hospital duo?
We'll find out soon enough. However...
Taco and Balloon should be prepare for their next adventure soon.
*End of Chapter 44*
This was a rather short chapter....
But it's nothing too special!
(Also... felt like this narration was a little bad.... T^T)
Moving on!
*calms down a bit*
So... If you guys want....
I can do another upload!
It would be like before!
Either today or tomorrow!
You guys pick!
(I am tired, but I still feel like writing!)
So let me know if you want another update to this book!
Until then....
See ya!
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