Chapter 41: Hello again...
*The Next Day*
*OJ's P.O.V*
I was on the couch this fine morning. My mind was still processing the information I had learnt last eveing.
I was walking along the hallways of the hotel when Lifering came over.
"Hey there OJ!", he greeted.
"Oh. Hello Lifering! What's up?", I asked him.
"I need to tell ya something! Could you come over the the lifegaurd hut?", he said.
"Of course!", I say.
We started to walk to the pool area. Nobody went into the pool today, so Lifering had a nice day off with us.
Eventually, we make it to the pool area. We walk towards the lifegaurd hut and he leads me inside.
I've never been in here before, so I take a look at the surroundings. It is small, but enough to hold at least 3 people.
It has a couch, a TV, a small 'kitchen', and a medical bed. It's very cosy but also feels safe.
"Come sit on the couch. What I'm about to tell you is a lot.", Liferings gesters.
"Alright.", I say.
I walk over to the couch. Nobody ever comes in here. The only ones I've seen come to this room are Lifering, Trophy and....
Balloon. I've only seen Balloon come in here once, but that's it. I wonder why Balloon came in here. He's not a lifegaurd.
I disregard this fact and sit down on the couch. Oh wow! This is very comfortable!
Lifering follows suit and sits down as well. He looks at me with some serious yet joyful eyes. It makes me both nervous and calm at the same time.
"So. What is it that you needed to tell me?", I asked.
"Well. I was on a call today with one of the doctors. And well...", he starts.
"Wait. Why were you talking to one of the doctors?", I interrupted.
"Oh. He was my brother and I had called him.", he said.
"Oh. Well. Why did you call him?", I asked.
"I wanted to get intel on my nephew. He was sent to the hospital. Remember?", he explained.
"That's right. You explained that a few days ago when you asked for the day off.", I remembered.
"Yep! Anyways. I just wanted to see if he was okay. I ended finding out that he was awake the same moment.", he kept going.
"I'm glad he's okay! But. What does that have to do with anything?", I asked him.
"Well. I wanted to see if the other person who was with him if it was okay if they wanted visitors.", he explained.
"Wait. There's another person with your nephew?", I questioned.
"Indeed. And I'm sure you know who she is.", he said.
She? Who is he- ..... Wait a minute... Is he talking about-?
"Are you talking about Taco?", I asked.
"Yep! I'm sure you can piece together who else I'm talking about.", he hints.
He wasn't explaining everything!? He didn't really mention his nephew's name. But if he was hinting at Taco.....
Does that mean....
Balloon is awake from his small coma!?
"Balloon is awake!?", I shouted in shock.
"Bingo kid! You're smart!", he confirms.
"Wait... so... that makes Balloon-", I started to piece together.
Lifering went to go visit Balloon that day. The day he asked for a day off, he visited Balloon. Bomb said he was buying flowers that day.
He brought flowers for Balloon that day. I don't believe it, Lifering and Balloon were related. How come Balloon never-
............ We hated him. He didn't tell us because none of us liked him. He had nobody to talk to, so he probably went to Lifering.
Why did Lifering not talk about him? Why keep him a secret? Was it because Balloon didn't want anyone to know?
"Balloon is indeed my nephew! Ha. I knew you could piece it together.", Lifering says.
"You two are realted... How come you never told us?", I asked.
"You never asked. And I know Balloon best, so I felt like he would want this a secret.", he explained.
"I see. So... Balloon is awake?", I asked again.
I couldn't believe it. After hearing about his condition, I could only assume he would be asleep for longer.
Balloon was so badly injured the last I saw him. That time.... he was bleeding out and all bruised up. I blink back from that memory.
Balloon was okay now. If Lifering was Balloon's uncle. And Lifering's brother was a doctor. Balloon really was in the best hands then.
"Yep! I got news of it today. And some other news as well!", he says with glee.
"What is it?", I asked.
"Remember I said I called to see if Taco wanted visitors?", he asked.
"Yea. Why?", I asked.
"Well. Since Balloon was also awake. I asked them if they were ready for visitors.", he explained.
"What did they say?", I asked.
I don't know why I was getting worried. Did they not want any visitors? I don't blame them if they don't!
Both Taco and Balloon were some of the most hated contestants on Inanimate Insanity. Taco left after she stole that case. Balloon.....
Balloon chose to stayed with us. He endured years of hurt and saddness from us. We hated him for somebody he wasn't.
He got fed up and left us. He had a reason to leave this hotel. We were that reason he left. Now look at where we are.
Taco and Balloon were both in hospital. They had gotten hurt by a bear in the forest. They almost died that night.
If they didn't want any visitors I'm perfectly okay with-
"They said they were okay with visitors.", Lifering says.
"Huh? T-they are?", I stutter.
"Yep! Sure Balloon was a little weary. But in his words. 'I don't care that they hurt me. I just miss them.' That's what he said.", Lifering quotes.
Balloon really said that? He.... misses us? The very same group of people who made his depression worse?
How the hell did he miss us!? Why does he miss us!?
"He misses us? ... Why?", I asked.
"Balloon is very forgiving. He doesn't care about the bad things that's happened. He just misses the atmosphere of this place.", Life ring says.
"R-really? .... It just... *sigh*", I tried to say.
Suddenly, I feel myself be pulled into a hug. I hesitate, but I hug back.
"He misses you. And I'm sure he forgives you as well. Trust me.", Liferings says.
I don't say anything. We just hug for the rest of the time.
I held a small meeting that evening and told the others. Everyone was so happy to hear that Balloon was okay.
I could see that Suitcase was very happy. Trophy, well. He was so happy he was crying. Lifering had to go over to him and calm him down.
Didn't know Trophy got along with Lifering. But Trophy was so happy. I could see him visibly light up and tear up.
I can only imagine the thoughts both Trophy and Suitcase must've felt after the news. I promised to take two people over to the hospital today.
Nobody came up to accept the offer yet. But I was leaving in the afternoon, so they had time. I would've been making breakfast, but my mind was racing.
Paper and Mepad are currently making breakfast. I was trying to rest my mind, but it wasn't helping.
"OJ?", I hear a voice.
I look over and see Microphone and Suitcase. Hm? I wonder what they needed.
"Yea? Can I help you two?", I asked them.
"We want to go with you.", Mic says.
"To go visit Balloon and Taco.", Suitcase finishes.
"You do? Are you sure? Mic?", I asked.
I wonder why Mic wanted to go. Taco hurt her worse than she did with Pickle. Suitcase I can understand.
Balloon and her were friends. Their friendship was so cute in the show!
"I'm sure OJ. I know Taco did me wrong. But I'm ready to see her again.", she comments.
"Well... Alright then. We'll be leaving at 1 pm okay?", I said.
"Sounds good.", Mic says.
"Alrighty OJ!", Suitcase follows.
"Guys! Breakfast is ready!", Paper exclaims.
I get up from my seat and walk with Mic and Suitcase to the kitchen. The food smells so good!
I wonder how Balloon and Taco are doing?
*Timeskip: 12 pm*
Alrighty. It's 12 pm. Me, Mic and Suitcase leave in an hour.
Maybe we should leave now to get a gift? Maybe some flowers? I should ask.
I walk over to the living room and see Mic and Suitcase. Perfect! I head over to them.
"Hey you two.", I greet.
"Hey OJ.", they greet at the same time.
"Would you guys like to leave now? Do a little shopping for the two?", I asked.
"Hmm... Sure! Why not!", Suitcase exclaims.
"I'm okay with it.", Mic added in.
"Alright! Let's go then.", I say.
They get up and head for the door. Paper walks in as I was about to head out.
"OJ! Where are you off to?", he asked.
"Gonna go visit Balloon and Taco. I have Mic and Suitcase with me.", I say.
"Oh! Okay! But I thought you planned to leave at 1?", he says.
"I was. But then I thought about bring Balloon and Taco a gift. So we're heading out now.", I explained.
"Ah. Alright OJ! You be careful out there honey!", he comments.
"Don't worry sweetie. I'll be fine.", I comfort.
Paper can get worried about others so easily. It's honsetly super cute. It's one of the reasons I love him so much!
I pull Paper closer to me. He blushes slightly by this and is taken aback. I lean down slightly and kiss him on the lips.
I could tell he was really shocked by how tense his body was. But after a few seconds, he calmed down and kissed me back.
After another few seconds, we break from the hug/kiss. I see his face is super red from embarrassment. He hides his face to cover it.
"OJ!!", he whines.
"Hehe. I love you Pay.", I coo.
"I love you too...", he mutters.
I smile lovelily at Paper. God, he's so adorable. I give him one last peck on the lips and wave good bye.
Paper couldn't wave back as he was a flustered mess. I chuckle to myself and walk out the hotel.
"You done being lovey dovey over there?", Mic asks.
"For now. Anyways. Let's go then!", I announce.
We all get into my car and I start the engine. I drive and make our way to Walmart. After another 10 minutes, we make it.
"Okay! Let's keep this quick okay?", I say.
"Sure thing OJ.", Mic says.
"Okay!", Suitcase says.
We all get out and prepare to get some gifts for our injured.... um. Fellow contestants. Yea. We weren't... exactly on the friend meter yet.
Let's hope we find some good gifts here!
*1 hour later*
Okay. It only took us an hour, but we found some good gifts!
We're on our way to the hospital now. On the drive there, the atmosphere grows super fucking tense.
Either it was just me... or the other two were feeling tense as well. I don't know, but I was starting to feel so nervous.
"Hey.... OJ... Are you okay?", Suitcase asked.
"Huh? Oh.. I'm okay Suitcase...", I said unconfidantly.
"Are you sure? You looks like your about to shake.", Mic added in.
"Heh.... Well... Not really.", I confess.
"You nervous too huh?", Mic butted in.
".... Yea.", i said.
I guess they were nervous too then. The ride continues in silence. Nobody knew what to say, and I'm prety sure our thoughts were eating us up.
Not long after, we arrive at the hospital. I park and we all get out with gifts and balloons in hand.
We walk in and are greeted by a very kind front desk person.
"Hello there!", she greeted.
"Hello. We're here to visit.", I greet back.
"I see! Who are you visiting?", she asked.
"We're here to visit Taco and Balloon.", I say.
"Taco and Balloon... Ah! Okay! They are both on the 4th floor. Room 403!", she explains.
"Thank you ma'am!", I thanked.
Mic and Suitcase thank her as well. We then begin our trek to the 4th floor. We take the elevator and wait for it to get to the floor.
"... Anyone else super nervous?", I asked.
"I am...", Mic said.
"So am I....", Suitcase added.
"Glad I'm not the only one then.", I confessed.
"Can you blame us however? We haven't seen Balloon in over a year. And Taco for a while too.", Mic said.
Mic has a point. We haven't seen Balloon in over a year. Taco for way longer for most of us. I can't even to begin how awkward this might feel for us.
"You have a point Mic.... This is going to feel so... weird.", I confess.
"Yea. I haven't seen Balloon in so long. I don't even know how I'm going to react!", Suitcase says.
Me and Mic nod in agreement. We continue to ride the elevator until it reached the 4th floor.
We walk out and walk to the right. We pass a small lobby and pass some rooms.
The front desk lady said Balloon and Taco were in room 403.
Room 410...
Ah! Here we are!
I'm nervous.
I knock on the door.
"Come in!", I hear a muffled voice call.
I open the door and walk in. The first thing I see....
Was Taco and Balloon talking and laughing.
I didn't know what to say. I was just staring at them.
They look.... happy. How could they be happy in their condition?
I decided to finally speak.
"Hello again..."
*End of Chapter 41*
Double upload!!
There's a reason for this!
For starters.
To make up for a lack of an upload last week!
And two!
I have a small update.
I will not be updating on Saturdays.
I have a reason for this!
I will be making a new book!
It's going to be a~
'Ask the Author' book!
I will upload that one only on Saturdays!
Well... the last Saturday of every month anyways.
Hope you understand!
Welp. I'm gonna go make the cover for the new book!'
I'll upload it tomorrow!
See ya!
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