Chapter 40: The Visit
*Mepad's P.O.V*
"He's awake Mepad.", Taco says over the phone.
Balloon is awake?!
Oh my, this is great news!
"He is?", I ask with 'glee'.
"Yeah. He's awake.", she confirms.
"That's great news! Should I tell the others?", I ask.
"No. Let the doctor do that.", she says.
Still being secretive huh? I can't blame her for that.
"Alright. What is he doing now?", I ask.
"He's watching some TV. I have no clue as to what it is though.", she explained.
"It's called Power Rangers Taco! It's a really cool show! Also, who are you talking to?", I hear a high pitched voice call out.
Balloon really is awake. I'm so happy; even though I can't express emotions.
"Thanks for that clarification Loon. Also, I'm talking to Mepad.", she answers.
"Oh? Okay! Can you tell him I said 'hi'?", he asks.
"I can hear him actually.", I but in.
"Wait. You can hear Balloon?", Taco asks.
"Yea. Can you bring the phone closer?", I asked.
"Sure! Hang on.", she says.
"Loon! Mepad can hear ya. Say hi.", she tells him.
"He can? Hi Mepad!", he says.
"Hello Balloon. It's nice to hear you again.", I say.
"It's nice to hear you too. I miss you.", he says.
"I miss you as well.", I say.
"How's Ash? Is he being a good little boy?", he asks with worry.
"Don't worry Balloon. Ash is fine. He is a good little boy and getting along with everyone here well.", I answer.
"That's good! I wish I could see him.", he says a little upset.
"Do not worry. You will soon. Until then, Ash will be okay.", I tell him.
"Thanks Mepad. You're a great babysitter.", he thanks.
"You are too kind. Thank you.", I thank.
"Alright. I gotta go. See you later Mepad.", Taco says.
"Bye Mepad!", Balloon calls out.
"Good-bye. I will see you later.", I say.
I hang up the phone and put it up. I'm glad Balloon is okay, and awake at last.
Getting up from the ground, I begin to walk inside. I like hanging outside, it's very peaceful.
I need to leave soon to head to the store. I promised Taco to bring games over to the hospital. I need to find some fun ones for the two of them.
I head inside the hotel and see everyone doing their normal things. Pickle and Knife are playing video games. (gayly).
Soap is doing a bit of cleaning. The Cherries are being kids and playing around. Cheesy, um.... Well, he's trying to think of puns... I think.
I couldn't help but smile to myself. Despite everything that has happaned in this past year, they all still remain themselves.
Sure, they still felt worry and sorrow for Balloon and now Taco. However, they put themselves up and remind themselves that they are okay now.
I love the fact that they can remain strong during hard times. Especially the final four contestants. They went through a lot before settling down here.
Hmm.... I wonder how Mephone is doing? I have not seen him in quite some time. According to the final four, he just left after he came here.
Like, he just said 'Hi there. Take my remaining contestants for who knows how long. Good-bye now'.
I do hope Mephone is okay where ever he is. I can survive here alone with everyone. I'll be fine here.
I walk into the kitchen so I can grab a snack. I look at the time, 3 pm. I should leave in a little bit.
Knowing me, I am going to probably going to buy gifts for each of them. I also might take a bit of time stalling.
Without wasting much time, I eat my snack. Once I'm done, I throw it away and start making my way out.
"Mepad. Where are you going?", I hear a voice call out.
I turn around and see Paper there. Ah, he must be curious as to where I'm off too.
"Hello Paper! I'm off to the store. I am going to buy some things. I will be back soon.", I explain.
"Oh. Okay then! I'll let OJ know you left! Take care!", he says.
I wave good-bye and leave. I didn't lie per say. But I didn't tell the full truth. I suppose Taco is rubbing off of me as well.
I teleport away to the nearst place to Walmart. From there, I walk another 5 minutes until I am there.
This place is very big. I shouldn't take too long here, I need to go visit Taco and Balloon. That, and I don't wish to make Paper worried.
I walk in the store and am met with a bunch of people and a lot of store to cover. I need to get mentally prepared for anything that gets thrown my way.
Including people who will bitch about the smallest shit. I need to avoid those types of people at all costs.
Now, what should I get for them? I know I need some games. Maybe some card games like Uno? Maybe some board games as well like Clue?
I head to the game section to see the choices I have. I see multiple types of Uno's, multiple types of Monopoly's.
Goodness, this is going to be tough.
*1 hour later*
Okay. That took way too long deciding on board games to choose. I spent a good 30 minutes choosing 5 games for them.
I then spent the other 30 minutes getting some gifts for Taco and Balloon. I also grabbed some other things to bring back to the hotel.
I was in line paying when I look at the time. 4:10 pm. I need to get to the hospital. While in line, I can hear a woman tapping her foot behind me.
"Ugh... This is taking too long!", she complained.
Oh great. It's one of those 'Karens' I've heard about. Just stay calm and don't make eye contact.
"This should NOT be taking this long! I only have like 3 items!", she complained more.
I continue to stand there and not notice her. I am doing my best not to get annoyed, but she kept going.
"I have a doctor's appointment at 5 pm! I am going to be late because of how slow this line is going!", she complained more.
I stayed quiet as I know this is the best defense to countering a karen. However, she was very determined to have her way.
"Hey you! Mind moving? I have to go get my children from daycare! I have less stuff than you do!", she asked me.
Knowing I couldn't stay quiet for this, I unfortunally lower my defenses. I wasn't the one to be rude and not answer a person.
"I apologize ma'am. I cannot do that for you. I was in this line first and was waiting longer than you.", I answer.
Her face goes into a very intimidating scowl. I don't let it get the best of me since I have no real emotions.
"What do you mean 'no'!? I have places to go and be! I need to leave now! Just let me cut in front of you!", she shouted.
"No. I got here first. I also have places to be. I need to go visit some friends in the hospital soon.", I say sternly.
"Who cares about your poor friends!? I have to get my kids!", she yelled.
This heartless bitch. Also, didn't she say she had a doctor's appointment?
"What about that so called 'doctor's appointment'? Can your kids wait for that?", I asked smugly.
her face goes into a shocked expression. I suppose I caught her in the act.
"Y-y-you! ....", she tried to fight back.
The line moves and it's my turn. I place my items on the check out line so they can be scanned.
"Hello sir! How are you today?", the cashier asks.
"I am doing well. Thank you for asking. How are you?", I answer.
"I'm doing great! Did you find everything you were looking for?", he asks.
"Yes I did. I took too long finding the games I chose.", I confessed.
"Don't worry! That happens to the best of us!", he laughs.
He scans my items when something was scanned that wasn't mine.
"Um. That is not mine.", I told him.
"Oh? That's weird. These three were mixed in wih your stuff.", he says.
I see items I did not grab mixed in with my things. I glance back to the karen who had this smug face on her.
"Thank you for agreeing to buying my stuff! Now I can leave sooner!", she says.
"Yea. That is not happening. I'm the cashier here, so I'll just go ahead and-", the cashier says.
With that, he uncharges the item he scanned and puts it back on the line. The woman's face goes into pure anger.
"Hey! You can't do that! He is paying for my shit!", she claims.
"I am not paying for your things. They are your things, so you pay for them yourself.", I spat.
"No! I need to leave now! Either you pay for my shit! Or I will have your job!", she 'threatened'.
"Ma'am. I'm currently unemployed. My current job was cut short due to some... issues.", I explained.
She couldn't say anything else. She had lost this war. I internally smirk at her loss.
I pay for my items and leave the store. That was something alright. I should start heading to the hospital now.
I'll teleport close there then walk the rest of the way. So, I pull out the app and insert the destination on it.
"YOU!", I hear behind me.
I turn around and see the dumb karen. Not wanting to deal with her again, I press the button that teleports me.
Now I'm close to the bakery me and Taco went to before. Maybe I should stop by and get some treats!
I walk in and am greeted by the familiar faces of the older woman and Tea Kettle.
"Oh? Hello Mepad! My goodness. I wasn't expecting to see you!", Tea Kettles calls out.
"Hello TK. How are you?", I greet.
"I've been good! How about you? I was a little worried after I learned about you and Taco!", she says.
Oh? She knows about our little secret? I suppose somebody would've told her.
"Ah. Do not worry so much. Taco isn't who she used to be anymore.", I explained.
"Don't worry! I understand that! I'm just talking about the fact that her and the other boy are in hospital!", she clarified.
"Oh? You heard about that?", I asked.
"Yea. My nephew told me! I also got a small hint from a guy I talked to as well!", she explained.
"I see. Who is your nephew? And who did you go meet up with?", I asked.
"My nephew? His name is OJ! He's such a sweet boy! He runs a hotel in the woods!", she said.
She's OJ's nephew? I did not know that!
"You are OJ's nephew? I did not know that. He is indeed very kind.", I confess.
"You know my boy? How?", she asked.
"The second season of Inanimate Insanity was taken place close by Hotel OJ. I was the assistant for that season and I'm currently living there now.", I explained.
"Oh wow! That's so lovely! I'm glad you're okay by the way.", she says.
"I'm just glad nobody died during that attack. I'm actually on my way to go see Taco.", I say.
"Aw! That's nice! What about the other one? What was his name again?", she asked.
"His name is Balloon. He was same one who ran away a little over a year ago.", I answer.
"Ah! That's right! Is he okay? I heard he got his arm torn off!", she asked.
"Don't worry. He's okay. He was unconcious for 5 days. But he's awake now.", I say.
"Oh that's wonderful! I'm so glad he's okay!", she exclaimed.
"Indeed. Anyways. Here are the treats I'm buying.", I say.
I place the tray down on the counter so TK can scan them. I got a good amount of treats so Balloon and Taco can enjoy.
"That's going to be $20 please!", she says.
That doesn't seem right. Shouldn't the price be a little higher than that?
"Um. Shouldn't it be more?", I asked.
"Usually? Yes. But this is important and you're friends with my nephew. So I'm giving you another discount!", she claims.
She is way too kind, but it's aprecitated. I smile as I thank her. I pay for the treats and headed out.
I begin my walk to the hospital. This shouldn't take to long get there.
I just don't have many thoughts to keep this interesting.
*10 minutes later*
Alright! I'm here! I was just about to bore myself to death.
I enter the hospital and am greeted by a kind front desk person.
"Hello! Are you here to visit?", she asked.
"Yes. I am. I'm here to visit Taco.", I reply.
"Taco.. Ah! Alright! She is on the 4th floor in room 403! But, there is another patient in there. He still might be asleep.", she says.
"Alrighty. Thank you miss.", I thank.
"No problem!", she says.
I wave and make my way up to the 4th floor. While in the elevator, I look over the small gifts I got.
I'm sure they will love these! Now, to see the games I got.
Dog Crimes because I thought it look cute. Clue because who doesn't like a good mystery game.
Guess Who? because guessing games are fun. Pictonary because I wanna see some drawings from them.
Finally, I got Candy Land because well... why not. These are the games I decided to get for them to pass the time.
I hope they like them. It only took me 30 minutes to choose these. I also hope they like their little gifts.
The elevator stops and I get out. Room 403 correct? That is to right then.
Room 410...
Ah! Room 403.
I knock on the door so I'm not interrupting anything.
"Come in!", I hear a muffled Taco shout.
I open the door and see Taco and Balloon. They were both sitting on Balloon's bed hanging out. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hello friends.", I greet.
"Mepad!", they both shout.
My goodness. It feels like I haven't seen them in forever. I never got to see their wounds initially.
I'm somewhat glad I didn't. However, seeing them now? I just feel awful.
I walk up to them and pull them into a hug. They both hug back the best they could.
We break and I hand Taco her small gift. Taco looks very confused, which is what I was going for.
"Um... Mepad? What is this?", she asked.
"Well. Open it up.", I say.
"But all we needed was board games!", she protested.
"I know. I got them. But open that up first.", I say sternly.
"Alright I guess....", she agrees.
She opens up her gift and looks in awe. Looks like I did good.
"Woah. You actually got me these?", she asked.
She held up her gift, which was a pair of earbuds. I smile at the gift as she tried them on.
"I thought you might like them. I saw you looking at them a while back.", I explained.
"Thanks Mepad!", she thanks.
"You're welcome.", I say.
I walk over to Balloon and hand him his gift. He was also met with confusion as he was given the gift.
"You got me one too? Why?", he asked.
"Because I can. Plus I missed you. And you made me worried. Now open it.", I explained.
He nods and pulls out the item in the bag. He gasps at the sight of his gift.
"Woah! You really got me these!?", he asks in shock.
In his gift, were seeds. Flower seeds. Balloon had once told me about his little hobby and felt upset that he hadn't done gardening in a while.
"Yep. I know how much you missed gardening, so I brought you some seeds!", I explained.
"Aw~! Thanks Mepad!", Balloon thanks.
"Anytime. Balloon. Anyways. Here are the games I brought.", I said.
I grabbed the bag of games and handed Taco the bag. She looked kinda shocked.
"You brought new games? For real?", she asked.
"Yes. I would've brought the other ones. But I figured get some new ones.", I explained.
"Thanks man!", Balloon thanked.
We talk for some time before another person came in. It was a doctor, and he was on the phone.
"Alright. Well I'm in the room now. I'll go ahead and ask them now.", he said.
He took the phone out of his ear and looked over to us. He sees me and looks confused.
"Huh? Who are you?", he asked.
"My name is Mepad. I'm a friend.", I answer.
"Oh. Apologies. I didn't know these two had a visitor.", he apologized.
"No worries! It's alright.", I say.
"My name is Dr. Fizz. I'm their doctor as they heal. I'm also Balloon's step-father.", he introduced.
Ah. So this was Balloon's step-father. Balloon mentions his family quite a bit, so I remember the details.
"It's very nice to meet you. However, didn't you need to ask these two something?", I asked him.
"Ah! That's right! Thank you for reminding me.", he thanks.
"You're welcome.", I say.
"What did you want to ask dad? And who's on the phone?", Balloon asked.
"Oh. Uncle Lifering is. Would you like to say 'hi'?", Dr. Fizz asked.
"Yes please!", Balloon exclaimed.
Dr. Fizz procceeds to walk towards Balloon. He hands Balloon the phone so he can talk. Balloon puts it on speaker so we could all hear.
"Hi uncle Lifering!", he says.
"Balloon!? Is that you sport?", Lifering exclaims on the other side.
"Hehehe. Yep! It's me tio!", Balloon confirms.
"Oh my.... I'm so glad you're okay!", Lifering exclaims in relief.
"Aw~! Tio! You're gonna make me cry!", Balloon cries.
"Don't cry sport! Otherwise I'll cry too!", Liferings projects.
"Both of you stop. Or I'm going to cry too...", Dr. Fizz interjects.
I couldn't help but chuckle. It was adorable seeing the small family bond and reunite.
"Anyways. Dad?", Balloon reminded.
"Right. I have a question for you and Taco.", Dr. Fizz says.
"What is it?", Taco asked.
"Are you guys okay with getting visitors? I know the small past you both have with everyone at that hotel.", Dr. Fizz asks.
Taco and Balloon looks over at each other. After a few minutes of silence, Taco speaks up.
"I don't mind having other visitors. Balloon? Are you okay with it?", she asks.
"U-um... I-i don't mind either.", Balloon stutters.
"Are you sure? Even after the hurt they put you through?", I asked.
"Yea. I don't care that they hurt me. I... I just missed them. I miss Trophy and Suitcase.", Balloon chokes.
I can see him forming tears and wiping them away. Taco, Dr. Fizz and I all come together and just hug him. Balloon does his best to try and hug us back.
Sort of difficult when you only have 1 arm however. While hugging us, he cries silently. Either he really missed the others at the hotel. Or he's remembering how badly they hurt him.
"So? They do want visitors then?", Liferings asks.
We break from the hug and Dr. Fizz takes the phone back from Balloon.
"Yea. They do want some visitors. You are at the hotel correct?", Dr. Fizz asked.
"Yep! Would you like me to pass the message?", Lifering asked.
"Sure! Thanks bro.", Fizz says.
"Alright! I'll go ahead and pass it on. See ya!", Lifering says.
The line goes dead as Lifering hung up.
"Well. Expect visitors for now on you two. Hoho.", Dr. Fizz laughs.
"I must get going actually.", I say.
Getting up from my seat, I was ready to leave. That's when I remember the sweet bread.
"Ah! Before I go. I got you guys some treats.", I say.
"What!? More shit!? Mepad!", Taco exclaimed.
"Heh. Don't worry. This is the last thing.", I say.
I hand them the bag full of sweet bread. Balloon gasps loudly as he shouts-
"PAN DULCE!!", Balloon shouts in abosulte glee.
"Holy fuck!", Taco exclaimed.
"Hoho. Looks like you have dessert for a few days.", Dr. Fizz jokes.
"Thanks Mepad!", Balloon thanks with a big toothy grin.
I chuckle at the playfulness Balloon has radiated. For somebody missing an arm, they are full of life. It makes me wonder if he's masking it.
"No problem Balloon.", I respond.
Now looking at him, he's missing a tooth. I wonder how I hadn't noticed before. Nontheless, he looks happy.
I wave goodbye once more and leave. I'm glad I came. It was worth it.
I decide to teleport home since I have enough energy. Once I arrive, I wave hello to the other residents.
It was close to dinner time, so I decided to help out with dinner. I walk to the kitchen to see Paper.
"Hello Paper.", I greet.
"Oh? Mepad! You're back! How was your trip?", he asked.
"It was fine. Got 'attacked' by a Karen. But she lost her battle.", I explained.
"Oh no! I'm glad you're okay!", he says.
"Me too. Anyways. Do you need help with dinner?", I asked.
"Sure! I would love that!", he says.
I walk over and help out with whatever I can. While doing that, OJ comes in.
"Hey honey! What's up?", Paper asks.
OJ looks like he was about to cry out of joy. It took him a minute to calm down before speaking.
"Balloon is awake. And we can go visit them."
*End of Chapter 40*
I'm so sorry this chapter took long to get out!
Like I said in my small update....
A storm hit and my power and wifi went out.
Don't worry!
Everything is okay now!
I kept writing everyday so I could get this out.
I really hope you like it!
I'll see you later!!
(With a message about updates at the end as well!)
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