Chapter 39: He's Awake!
(*Enjoy~! -A/N*)
*3 days later*
*Taco's P.O.V*
Man. I'm so fucking bored!
Being in a hospital fucking sucks. The food is fine, but there's NO entertainment!
I've been texting Mepad the past 2 days. He's very greatful me and Balloon are okay. He's been a very great baby sitter to Ash!
He's been sending pictures of Ash being cute and getting along with the hotel residents. It's so fucking adorable!
Other than the games on my phone and texting Mepad, it's been very boring. This hospital isn't the creepiest, but I'm still uneasy at night.
*sigh* I look over to Balloon for probably the millionth time and see that they are still asleep. They still haven't woken up yet. And I miss their voice so much.
I look away, not wanting to get all upset again. What the fuck do I do? Hmm... I guess I can walk around the hospital again.
Dr. Fizz gave me the okay to move around 2 days agao. I get up from my bed and walk out of the room. Man.
It feels so good to walk around! I would HATE to just lay in the bed for months. That would suck so much.
Anyways, I continue to walk around aimlessly. Hmm... Maybe I should talk to some of the other patients here.
I walk to the common area of this hospital, where most of the patients here hang out. Huh, there aren't many here.
That's fine, I'm not the most social gal. I mean, I was hidden for 6 years. I decided to walk up to a random guy.
"Um. Hello.", I awkwardly greet.
"Huh? Oh. Hey. What are you in for?", he asked.
"A bear attack. Broke my arm and got a big scar from it.", I say.
"A bear attack? Yikes. I'm glad you survived.", he says.
"What about you?", I asked him.
"Oh. I'm in for a car crash. A drunk driver hit my car.", he says.
"Yikes. I'm glad your alive as well. I'm Taco.", I greet.
"Nice to meet ya. I'm Cinnamon Bagel. But you can call me Bagel.", Bagel greets.
"Nice to meet you as well.", I say.
We continue to talk about other things when I noticed his arm.
"Hey. Did you lose an arm? Sorry if that's personal.", I asked.
"Huh? Oh! No no. I didn't lose it. I was born with only one arm.", he says.
"Woah... You were born with only one arm? That's knida cool.", I gasp.
"Heh. Not many people agree with that. In fact, I get bullied because of it.", he states.
"Yikes. Well. The bullies don't know shit. You're better than them, so don't let them get the better of you.", I encourage.
"Thank you... I needed to hear that.", he thanks.
"No problem. I have a friend who went through the same shit. He was bullied a lot.", I explained.
"Man. Bullies fucking suck. I'll be sure to take your advice Taco.", he says.
"Heh. I know bullies suck, but you shouldn't take revenge as a reminder.", I explain.
"Don't worry. I'm not the revenge type.", he said.
"Good. Well I gotta go. I'm getting hungry.", I say.
"Oh okay! I'll talk to you later.", he says.
We wave good-bye and I walk to the kitchen area. While walking, I couldn't help but think about Balloon.
I wonder if they woke up.
*Balloon's P.O.V*
Where am I?
What happened?
I slowly open my eyes only to be met with blinding lights.
"Ngh-", I grunt.
I quickly shut my eyes and slowly open them up again. Once my eyes get adjusted, I fully open my eyes.
"W-what the-?", I whisper.
I was looking up at a celiling. I turn my head to the side to see a window on my right. I turn to the left to see another bed and a door.
The room is very bland and kinda eerie. Where was I?
I slowly start to get up from laying down. I feel a bit of pain, but not that bad that I need to lay back down.
Once I sit all the way up, I get a better look at the room. Huh... I was in a hospital room.
Not just any hospital room. My hospital room. I spent a good chunk of school life in this very room.
If I was here. Then where is Taco? Wasn't she with me when I passed out? I think she was anyways.
Wait, what happened?..... Oh right... the bear. Man, I feel so weak.
I guess me and Taco were found by the police. I think we were. How else would we be here?
Looking around my room, I see that the other bed is in fact empty. However, the sheets look a little messy.
Somebody was sharing my room. Huh, cool. I look to my right to look outside. I always liked the view out here.
I look at the drawer and see a vase filled with flowers. There is a mix of tulips and pansies in there. Along with other flowers.
My favorite flowers together. The flowers are so pretty next to the window. I wonder who brought them?
I continue to look out the window for what felt like hours. I love the view so much here.
"I haven't see you looking out the window like that in years.", I hear a voice call out.
I look to my left and see a man wearing a red shirt and a medical coat. Oh my god...
"Dad?", I choke out.
I can feel tears form in my eyes. So many emotions are flooding me and I think are flooding my dad as well.
"Hey son.", he says.
We walks up to me and gives me the BIGGEST hug he's ever given me. I hug back with the strength I had.
I can feel my tears flow down as I cry. My dad soothes me as he cries a little as well.
"It's okay son. You're okay now. Daddy's got you.", he comforts.
"I-I.... *sniff* I missed you dad.", I choke out.
"I missed you too Balloon. So very much.", he mutters.
We hug for another few minutes before we part. I let go first when I remember something...
I look down do my left arm. HOLY FUCK.....
Dad must've noticed my shocked expression so he tries to calm me down.
"It's okay. You had to get an operation on that. You won't be able to move it for a while.", dad explained.
"O-oh... Okay.", I say.
I stare at my now missing arm. I can feel a whole lot insecurities creeping up on me.
It looks so bad. I reach for my arm and feel nothing. I'm going to live with this for the rest of my life..
Tears form in my eyes again and feel like curling into a ball forever. I don't want to go back to civilization. Not like this!
"Oh.... son... I understand how you feel..", he says.
He comes in for another hug and I happily hug back. Now that I know I have a missing arm, I can feel that it's missing.
"It's okay sport. You'll learn to live with this. I promise okay?", he comforts.
I only nod as we continue to hug. After another few minutes, we let go.
"My god. I missed you.", he says.
"I know. I missed you too... and I'm sorry for running away.", I apologize.
"You don't need to be sorry. I know your life wasn't the best and I understand the reason of you ran away.", he says.
I don't say anything as I'm crying. He rubs my back in a comforting manner. After a few minutes, I calm down.
"T-thanks dad.", I hanks.
"You're welcome bud. I'm gonna go get you some food. You must be hungry.", he says.
As if on cue, my stomach growls. How long was I out for?
"Hoho... I'll be right back.", dad says.
He then leaves to go grab me some food. I wonder what the cafeteria has today. I always did like hospital food.
As I'm here alone, my mind wanders into thoughts and memories. I couldn't help but go back to my younger years.
Hanging out with my dad and uncle. Going to fun places, just having fun in general. I missed those times.
Why did I ever run away? I knew running away was a horrible idea! But I still went with it!
I curl into a ball and tear up once again. I missed everything, my family, my two friends. I even missed everyone else from the hotel.
I don't care if they we're horrible to me. I just missed them and the enviornment of the hotel. I missed Suitcase.
I liked her so much. But I couldn't help but think about Baseball and Nickel. I have no clue why them specifically.
Nickel cause the most harm to me emotionally. He was my biggest bully in season 2. Baseball, he was a nice guy.
However, he didn't really stand up for me during my time on the game. Yet... I couldn't help but think about them.
I shake the thoughts away. I don't wanna think about them right now. I do wonder how they are doing right now.
"I'm back. And I got you some food.", I hear my dad call out.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts and look towards my dad. He has a tray of food in his hands.
He walks towards me and pulls out the desk so I can eat properly. He places the tray of food down on the desk.
Ooo~! It's a sandwich and some chips. Simple, but tasty! I also have a can of Big Red.
"Thanks dad!", I thank.
"Anytime son. I have to leave now. I'm a little busy. But I'll visit when I have the chance.", he explains.
"Aw.. okay. Can I ask you something before you go?", I ask.
"Of course!", he says.
"How long was I out for?", I ask him.
"You were out for about 5 days. I was worried you were going to wake up later than I predicted.", he explains.
5 days!? Oh my god. How much did I make him and uncle worried!?
"Oh god. I've never been out for that long. Did I make you and uncle Lifering worried?", I asked.
"You did make us worried, yes. But not too worred.", he explained.
Thank goodness! I would've felt bad if I made them worry about me any more than they probably were!
"Is that it?", he asked.
"Um... Oh! I have one more question!", I shout.
I completely forgot about Taco!! Man, I'm terrible for that! How could I forget the person who saved me!?
"Alright. Shoot.", he says.
"Do you know where my friend is?", I asked.
"You mean Taco? She's currently walking around the place.", he explains.
Wait. How the hell does he know her name!? What happened while I was out!?
"How do you know her name?", I asked.
"She told me when she first woke up. Lovely girl she is.", he explained.
"Oh... I guess that makes sense. Where is her room?", I asked.
"Well... You'll see soon. Now. I have to go. See you later son.", he says.
"Bye dad! Thanks again for the food.", I say.
He chuckles and waves good-bye. He then walks out of the room leaving me alone.
I eat my food in peace. I feel so lonely right now. Nobody to talk to. I guess I could turn the TV on.
But most hospital channels suck. Oh wait a minute! My dad made it so my room got the better channels!
I turn the TV on and see that most of the channels are still there! Awesome! I turn the channel until I get to my favorite.
I give no fucks that I still watch kid shows. I love them dearly. And it's a getaway from my horrible life.
"Alright! Power Rangers!", I shout to nobody.
I continue to eat and watch my show. I love Power Rangers so much!
While I eat, I couldn't help but wonder about something.
I wonder what Taco is up too?
*Taco's P.O.V*
I just finished eating. The food is pretty good, considering I just had a simple sandwich.
Hmm... What should I do now? I thought just walking around would help...
But nope!
I'm still bored as fuck!
Maybe I should text Mepad to come send the board games so I'm not as bored.
But I would have nobody to play it with! Balloon is still asleep. I should text him to send them anyways.
I pull out my phone and tap Mepad's contact.
*Text Start*
British Bitch: Hey Mepad!
Magenta Guy: Hello Taco.
British Bitch: Hey could u help me?
Magenta Guy: sure. what is it?
British Bitch: Could you bring some board games? I'm so bored!
Magenta Guy: sure. Do you want me to buy some as well?
British Bitch: yea! some we don't have!
Magenta Guy: alright. I'll leave soon. i'll be there around 5 pm.
British Bitch: alright!
Magenta Guy: btw... do you have any news on Balloon?
British Bitch: none yet... i'll check right now. i'm not in my room.
Magenta Guy: oh? taking a walk again?
British Bitch: yep... i'm so bored.
Magenta Guy: i'm so sorry you feel like this.
British Bitch: damn. no need to be sarcastic about it...
Magenta Guy: sorry. it's rubbing off on me.
British Bitched: i'm gonna go. i'll text you the update later.
Magental Guy: okay. bye
British Guy: bye!
*Text End*
I put my phone up in my pocket. I get up from my seat in the cafeteria and walk out.
My god... the trek to the room is gonna be sooo fucking long!!!
I continue to walk to my desitnation as my thoughts take over. I do wonder how Mic is doing?
I couldn't help but think of her. She was so kind to me, even though she somewhat knew of my background.
I feel so shitty for hurting her the way i did. Only using her for manipulation and the money. I don't know why I still tried.
Money was something I never wanted! I hate that I ever wanted to try and get that money.
But that's the past now. I'm not that vengeful bitch I used to be. I'm different now! I think I'm different anyways.
Mic was so much better than I ever will be. I don't deserve a person like her. Even if I did truely redeem myself, I don't think she'll ever like me.
Ugh. I need to stop thinking gayly! Or... like a lesbian anyways. Mic will never like me, not after the way I treated her.
I snap out of my thoughts and see that I'm on the floor of my room. Damn. Was I thinking that hard and deep!?
I didn't even notice me getting into the elevator! Eh, who cares. Let's just go back to the room.
Continuing my long ass walk, I walk pass a small waiting room then walk to the right. Room 410...
Room 408...
Room 406...
Room 404...
Room 403!
Finally!! I'm back in my room!
I open the door with my right arm. I open it and walk in.
The very first thing I see when I do...
Was Balloon.
He was awake!
Oh my god!
He didn't notice me however. He was watching something on the TV in the room. He was super entranced in it.
I decided to make my presence known.
"Balloon.", I call out.
He seemed to hear as he turned towards me. His face goes into a shocked expression and looks happy.
Me on the other hand. I could feel tears form. He was finally awake. I'm so emotional right now.
"Taco.", Balloon calls out.
I walk over to him and hug him. He hugs back as we shed a few tears.
"I'm so fucking glad you're awake..", I mutter.
"I'm just glad we're okay...", he mutters.
We break from the hug and he goes back to eating.
While he does that, I pull out my phone so I can text Mepad. I think I'm gonna call him actually.
I open my phone and tap on the phone icon. I press on Mepad's contact and call him.
The phone rings for a bit before he answers.
"Hello? Taco?", he answers from the other side.
"Mepad.... I got news..", I say.
"Is it about Balloon?", he asked with intent.
"Yea...", I trail.
"What is it? Is he okay?", he asked with a hint of worry.
"He's awake Mepad."
*End Of Chaper 39*
A new chapter is out!!
Have you noticed I'm writing shorter?
Nothing to fear!!
I'm just trying to write shorter.
I want to ask you all a quesion.
Should I make a book where you all ask me questions?
Like a 'Meet the Author' type book.
Let me know on this line and I'll consider it!
That's all!
I'll see you tomorrow!
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