Chapter 38: Unexpected Meet Up
*Lifering's P.O.V*
I just got off the phone with OJ. I hate to skip work, but my nephew is important!
Alright, let me see if I have everything. Keys? Check! Wallet? Check! Flowers? Not yet. Emergency medical kit? Always a check! Breakfast? Um. No. Probably should go do that.
I walk out my house; which I share with my brother; and make sure I lock the door. Hold on! Is everything off!? I'm pretty sure all the lights and stuff are off.
Okay, let's go get some food. Hmm.... Where should I go? Fast food is a no, had that yesterday. Um... tacos? Nah.
Gosh, figuring out what to eat is hard when you're hungry! I continue to walk through the city, since we live rather close to the hostpital my brother lives at.
I walk more when I suddenly walk pass a bakery. Man, those sweets smell so good! Maybe I could get some for breakfast!
The name reads 'El Bolilo Bakery'. Oh! Sweet bread! I haven't had one of these in forever!
I walk in and already... I want to buy everything. I was spying everything when-
"¡Hola!", I hear a woman say.
I look over and see two women. An older one; who greeted me. And, a woman who was putting some of the sweet bread up. My goodness, she looks lovely.
"Oh! ¡Hola!", I greet back.
"¿Estás aquí para comprar pan dulce?", she asked.
"¡Sí!", I replay.
"¿Tú hablas español?", she asked.
"Ah. No... No se mucho español.", I answer back.
"Oh. No hay problema. Tengo otro que te puede ayudar a la hora de pagar.", she said.
"Bueno. Gracias.", I thank.
(*Thank you Google Translate.... -A/N*)
(*I'll post translations in the comments! -A/N*)
I go ahead and start grabbing some sweet bread with the tongs and placing them on the tray. I grab a good 12 and went up to pay.
"Hello! I'll be registering your sweets today!", the other woman said.
"Thank you. How is your morining going?", I asked her.
"Oh. It's going well! Thank you for asking. How about you?", she asked.
"It's going alright. I got news that my nephew was in hospital, so I'm off to visit!", I said, a little upset.
"Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear that hun! I hope he get's better!", she said with worry.
"Don't worry! My brother is a doctor, he's taking care of his son! I'm sure of it!", I said.
"That's great to hear! Anyways. Is this your first time shopping with us?", she asked.
"Um. Yea! It is.", I answer.
"Awesome! Well, as a special perk of coming here for the first time. I'll give you a 50% discount!", she exclaimed.
"Oh ma'am! You don't have to do that! I'm fine paying full price!", I protested.
"Nonsense! I insist! We do it for everyone who comes here for the time.", she said.
"Well.. alright! I'm gonna have to repay you some day.", I say for her generous act.
"Maybe a nice dinner?", she suggested.
"Sure thing! So we can get to know each other better.", I say.
"Sounds lovely! How about tonight at 7?", she asked.
"Alright! Should I pick the place? Or you?", I asked.
"How about just meeting at a place?", she suggested.
"Sounds good to me! I'll give you my number so we can text where to meet up at.", I said pulling out a paper.
"Oh okay! I'll write mines down too. By the way. My name is Tea Kettle!", she said.
"What a lovely name! My name is Lifering!", I said.
"Nice to meet you! Oh. The sweet bread will be $25 please!", she explained.
"Of course! Here you go!", I say handing her the money.
After paying for the money and exchanging numbers. I bid her farewell and promise to text her later.
I walk out and fel all giddy inside. I can't believe I got her number! Ok, I need to calm down. I still have a whole day ahead of me.
I continue my walk and I find a nice flower shop. Nice! I walk in so I can buy my nephew some nice flowers.
"O-O-Oh! H-hi Lifering!", I hear a familar voice call out.
I look over to see Bomb! Oh, what a surprise! Most certainly unexpected as well.
"Hi-ya there sport! What are you doing here?", I asked.
"I-I-I w-work h-h-here! W-What a-are you doing h-here?", he asked.
"To buy some flowers! I won't be at the hotel today. My nephew is in hospital, so I'm going to go visit.", I say.
"O-O-Oh d-d-dear! I-I-I hope h-he g-get's b-b-better!", he says with sorrow.
"Don't sweat! My brother will take care of his son! Heh. Anyways. Any news on Balloon?", I asked.
I already knew that answer, I just thought I would ask.
"O-Oh! H-he w-was f-found!! But h-he h-h-had to go t-to hospital!", he exclaimed.
"What a shame! I hope the boy is okay.", I say.
"U-u-us too!", he said.
I grab some flowers and walk up to the register. I grabbed some tulips mixed with some pansies and other flowers. Balloon's favorite flower is the tulip, it's just a pretty flower.
I pay for the flowers as Bomb rings them up. Such a kind young man!
"Thank you Bomb!", I thanked.
"N-n-no... n-no problem!", he said.
I walk out, waving good bye to him. He waves good bye and helps another customer.
Okay! I got everything! Now time to head to the hospital! It might take a bit, but it will be worth it!
*30 minutes later*
It only took 30 minutes later, but I'm here! I walk in and get check in.
"Hello there. Are you here to visit?", the receptionist asked.
"Yes I am. I'm here to see Balloon.", I said.
"Balloon... Ah! Okay sir! He's up on the 4th floor. Room 403.", she said.
Oh. That's Balloon's regular room. Heh. He used to come here whenever he got hurt at school.
"Thank you ma'am!", I say.
I begin to walk towards the elevator so I can go up to the 4th floor. Man. It sure is busy today.
I hope Fizz got a decent breakfast today. I'll eat some of this bread when I get up to Balloon. I made it and begin to head up to the 4th floor.
Okay... room 403... I walk the hallways until I find the patient rooms. Right. Let's find Balloon's room!
I walk more and read the room numbers. Room 410... 409... 406... 404....
Room 403.
I walk in the room and see two people. Huh. I must've forgotten that Fizz said there were 2 people who were found.
The female looks at me weird. I guess she wasn't expecting visitors.
"Um... Who are you?", she asked.
"Oh sorry! Heh... I thought you might've been asleep. Anyways. I'm Lifering.", I greet.
"I'm Taco. Are you in the right room?", she greets.
"I am. I'm just here to visit Balloon. And make sure Fizz ate properly.", I explain.
"Balloon? You know him?", she asked.
"Yep! I'm his uncle!", I reply.
"You are?? Oh yea! I remember the picture he got. You we're in it.", she said.
"Picture? You mean the one me and my bro got for his birthday?", I asked shocked.
"Yea. I know you heard it got stolen. I stole it so I could give it to him.", she clarified.
"Oh? Thank you for that!", I said.
"You're welcome. Wait. What's that in your hands?", she asked.
"This? I brought Balloon some flowers. Along with som pan dulce for myself.", I explained.
"Pan dulce? You mean sweet bread?", she asked, curious.
"Yep! I haven't had any breakfast today. So I brought some.", I said.
"Nice. I would ask for one... but I already ate.", she said.
"I can give you a piece of one if you want.", I offered.
"Oh? No thanks! They're yours Lifering. I'm not gonna ask for some.", she protested.
"If you insit. I'll put these flowers next to Balloon's desk.", I said.
She nods and I walk over to Balloon's bed. Next to the window, as usual. I smile fondly at the memories we had when he was younger.
As I get closer, I get a better look at Balloon's condition. Oh my god... It's a whole lot worse in person.
I can clearly see he has a missing arm. He must've gotten that amputed so it doesn't get infected. He has a small cast on his right anke.
My god.... He looked so beaten up. His hair was a mess, and his clothes were tattered. I don't think I've seen him so bad since high school.
And in high school it wasn't even this bad! In high school it was mostly brusies. On occasion, he had a broken bone and got bloody.
But this takes the cake for Balloon's worst injuries.
I place the flowers in the empty vase on the desk. I sit on the bed and start stroking Balloon's hair. I always did this when Balloon was sick, injured, or even just sad.
He would come to me with a sadden expression and I would ask what was wrong. He would tell me, and I would motion to come over.
From there, he would sit in front of me and I would take my hands and just stroke his hair. Then, all that tension and sadness vanished from Balloon and he would feel better.
I would continue to stroke his hair for hours until he fell asleep. Those moments were always so peaceful. Not just for Balloon, but to me as well.
I missed doing this with Balloon. I just miss doing stuff with Balloon in general. I haven't had the time I used to have.
Then Balloon went missing and it took a lot out of me. There were days I wouldn't sleep just trying to find him. There were days I wanted to cry because I was so worried.
Fizz was the same, but worse. Sometimes, he would call in so he could continue to search for Balloon. That past year was so hard for us....
But Balloon was found! And he was so injured.... I could only imagine how he looked without all this medical stuff...
Fizz had a good look two days ago. He came home that night and didn't say anything. I was worried, and then he hugged me.
When Fizz comes home without a word and gives you a hug... You know something was wrong. And I knew cause he started to cry.
I just sat there with him and comforted my big brother. After hours of crying and comfort, he calmed down. Fizz procceed to tell me everything and I was left shocked.
I didn't know how to react myself. I was just so worried that I told him I would come visit Balloon. Of course, I said the afternoon, but I came early.
Now I'm here seeing him for myself. I could feel myself tear up a little. I wipe them away and just continue to stroke Balloon's hair.
I'm not sure if he could feel anything while he was unconious.... But I hope he does. I want him to know that he was safe now, and that he wasn't in danger.
The more I stroked his hair, the more memories came to my head. When those memories came, I could feel tears swelling up my eyes again.
All of these fond memories we all had as a family. Replaying in my mind over and over again. How I missed those days.
'Oh Balloon... I'm so sorry this happened to you..', I thought in my mind.
I kept stroking his hair when I heard somebody.
"I wasn't expecting to see you until this afternoon.", I hear a voice from behind me.
I look behind me and see my brother. I give a small smile to him.
"Heh. I just wanted to come see him. Besides, I got the day off.", I said.
"Oh? That's good.", Fizz said.
He walks over to me and sits next to me. I think he could tell I was upset, cause he pulled me into a hug.
"He's gonna be okay... I promise.", he whispered.
"I know. You're here to help. I'm just glad he's been found.", I say through tears.
"Me too... I just feel helpless.... I can't help him if his wounds open up.", he whispers back.
"I understand. But you can't help everyone. That's how life works sometimes.", I say.
".... Do you remember the time Balloon scrapped his knee for the first time?", he asks.
"Heh... Yea. I was so worried about him. I picked him up and rushed over here.", I chuckle.
"Yea. You came looking for me and ignoring ALL the other doctors and nurses trying to get you to calm down.", he reminded me.
"I know. Then you took him and gave him a band-aid and told me it was only a small scrap.", I laugh.
"Yea. It took you about 10 minutes to calm down.", Fizz laughed.
We laughed a bit at that fond memory. That's when another memory came to mind. One I remember all too well....
"Hey Fizz... remember when Balloon got seriously injured back in high school?", I asked.
"Which injury are you refering to?", he asked.
"The one where he met Trophy.", I answer.
"Ah. Yes. I remember. Those bullies of his really did a number on him that day.", he said.
"Yea. That was the most worred I had been that day. I had ended my shift at the pool early and raced over here.", I said, remembering the day.
"Mhm... I was working when you came carrying Balloon in. I thought it was something small, until I saw the blood.", he said.
"Yea. I was so scared we were going to loose him then.... He's not physically strong, so I was afriad.", I mutter.
"I know bro... But he was okay. He was saved from being even more injured that day. Who know's how injured he could've been...", he tries to cheer up.
"You don't wanna know how many thoughts I had regarding that incident.", I somewhat chuckle.
"I'm glad I wasn't the only one then.", he mutters.
We sat in silence before I spoke again.
"This is a lot like that incident huh?", I asked.
"What?", he questioned.
"The incident we just talked about. This feels a lot like that doesn't it?", I explained.
"It does. Just more.... life or death like.", he agrees.
"Yea.... do you think he'll ever be normal again?", I asked.
"I doubt it. It's going to take him years probably to get over this truamatic event.", he explained.
"If that's the case... we'll just have to make sure he's okay. Every chance we get.", I say sadly.
"Indeed. He's proably going to be very insecure about his... 'scar'.", he says.
We both glance over to Balloon's missing arm. I knew Balloon was always the shy type when he was growing up.
He would always wear sweaters to hide his pudgy body and cuts along his arms. Having his whole are cut off? My goodness. I don't wanna even think of how he's going to react.
I put my hand on Balloon's hair again and stroke it. Fizz looks over to me and smiles sadly.
"I miss us being a family.", he said.
"I do too... But Balloon is grown up. Even though he is, we are a family Fizz.", I reminded him.
He smiles sadly and gets up. I suddenly remember breakfast and get up as well.
"Hey bro. You want some pan dulce? I brought some from this small bakery.", I asked.
"Pan dulce? Hmm... Sure. I'll take one. I didn't get to eat a big breakfast today.", he said.
"Then take two! I got your favorites~!", I coo.
"I would, but I'm not super hungry. I'll take that empanada though!", he said.
He takes out the empanada; which was apple filled; and started to eat. I pulled out muffin and begin to eat.
"Mmmm.... Thanks for this bro.", he thanked.
"Anytime bro. Gotta make sure we eat!", I exclaimed.
We eat and chat a bit. After about 10 minutes, Fizz beings to walk out.
"I gotta get back to work. I'll see you later Life.", he said.
"See ya!", I said.
He walks out the room and I look over to Balloon again. He looks peaceful at least, in a weird way. I smile and kiss him on the head, like how I used to when he was young.
I guess I should leave. I have a date to plan for! Wait. Not a date!! We only just met!
A nice hangout! Yea, that's what it was. A nice outing with a lovely woman.
I start to walk out and saw that Taco was asleep. Guess she was either tired, bored, or took some pain meds.
I won't bother her, so I just continue to walk out. Hmm... Where should me and Tea Kettle go?
I think I have an idea! I just need to text this to her.
*Timeskip: 7 hours later*
*Time: 6:40 pm*
*Tea Kettle's P.O.V*
I'm currently finding a nice outfit to wear for tonight.
Nothing too fancy or anything! Just nice enough to hangout in.
I was going to go meet up with that very nice man from ealier today! Lifering was his name.
He looked very nice and pretty handsome I must add. However, I want to take this slow for now. Make friends with him first!
Let's see... Oh! I can wear this!
I pull out a nice shirt and some nice pants. This looks great! I go ahead and change and do my makeup.
Feeling satisfied with my looks, I grab my belongs and put my shoes on. Okay! I'm ready!
I walk out of my house and start making my way to this nice cafe Lifering suggested.
He sent the directions, so I follow them on my phone. It's not that far, but I still take my car. I don't wanna be robbed out here!
After about a good 10 minutes, I make it to the cafe. I park and get out and walk to the enterance.
'The Coffee Lab' huh? Sounds rather nice. I walk inside and I can smell the amazing arouma of coffee and tea.
"Hello! Welcome! Table for one?", the hostess asks.
"Oh no. I'm waiting on somebody actually.", I said.
"Aw~! Are you on a date?", she asked.
"Ah... No.. Just friends! We only met today.", I answer.
"Oh okay! Sorry for assuming!", she apologized.
"No need hun. It's alright.", I said.
I wait a few minutes and Lifering arrives.
"Ah. Tea Kettle! You're here!", he says excited.
"Indeed I am. You look nice by the way!", I compliment.
"Thank you. You look splendid yourself.", he compliments.
"Thank you. Now let's get us a table.", I say.
We go ahead and get seated at a nice booth table. We order drinks and begin to talk about things.
This was going so well! He talked about his job profession as a lifegaurd and other things. I talked about my job as a baker and other things.
We were having such a lovely time talking to each other. We eventually order our food so we could eat.
This place was breakfast 24/7, so we decided to get breakfast for dinner. It was different, but I wanted to go for it!
I got some pancakes with hashbrowns and eggs. And he got some strawberry crepes and eggs.
We talk some more when I hear voices. They sound familar to me.
"This place is so lovely!", A male voice complimented.
"I know. I'm glad we came here to test it out.", annother male voice said.
Wait. I know those voices! I glance around and find two very familiar males. It was OJ and Paper!
"Here are your tables! May I get you two started with any drinks?", a host asks.
"I'll have a nice peach tea.", OJ says.
"I'll take a rasberry tea please.", Paper says.
"Of course! Those will be right out!", the host says.
He leaves and the two boys start to talk. Lifering notices me staring and asks me something.
"Tea Kettle? Are you alright?", he asked.
"Oh. I'm okay. Just looking at them two over there.", I said.
He looks over and goes a little shocked. Does he know my nephew?
"Huh? What's OJ and Paper doing here?", he mutters to himself.
"Hey OJ. Isn't that you're aunt over there?", I hear Paper ask.
"Huh?", I hear OJ question.
He turns around and spots me easily. His face along with Paper's go into a shocked expression.
"Aunt Kettle!?", OJ shouts.
"Hello OJ dear!", I shout back.
"Wait... Lifering!?", I hear Paper shout in confusion.
"What the-!?", OJ shouts in confusion.
"Hello sports!", he greets.
What an unexpected meet up this turned up to be.
*End Of Chapter 38*
Another chapter done!
I didn't want to make another hosiptal chapter right off the bat....
So I did a small side chapter.
I just wanted Lifering to see a very injured Balloon.
Also meet Tea Kettle so they can build that friendship.
I'll do another timeskip next week so we can get Balloon back.
As a thank you...
What should I do?
Decide what you want me to do for 10K reads.
I'll do what ever the most liked comment is!
(Comment what u want me to do on right here on this line here.)
I'll see you next week!
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