Chapter 32: Found Out
*Timeskip: 6 months later*
*Almost a full year since Balloon's ran away*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
Man. It's been almost a whole year since I've ran away.
While things have been so good with just me, Taco and Mepad....
I miss everyone back the hotel. I know they all hurt me, in more ways than one. But just hearing everyone and seeing them, is what I missed.
I miss the loudness. I miss the chaos OJ has to deal with. I miss seeing everyone. I miss Trophy and Suitcase.
I've done my best to keep my mind off of everything there. But it's getting harder to do so everyday.
Some months ago, Taco and Mepad surprised me by celebrating my birthday. I was so shocked, I broke into tears.
While it was a small party, it was one of my favorites by far. They got me gifts and cake which was unexpected. I felt so happy that day.
On top of that. My dad and uncle left me a gift as well at the hotel. Taco heard about it somehow and went to go 'steal' it.
My dad and uncle got me something so heartwarming, I cried the rest of the day. It was a picture frame of us when I was younger. We were in front of Six Flags, which was my first ever big amusement park I've been to.
The gift means so much to me. Taco got me a new diary for me to write things down, along with a new book for me to write poetry! She must've seen how badly I need to just write it all out.
Mepad got me some headphones and a new watch. I was grateful for the headphones, but I gave Taco the watch.
I didn't want the watch because I love the one I have. Sure, it might be super standard, but it means so much to me.
My dad gave it to me when it was my 14th birthday. He said it was passed down from generations, and I was the next one to recieve it. That's why I didn't want to replace my watch.
Mepad understood and was accepting of me giving away my gift. Other than my dad giving me more money, it was a very nice small party.
I wonder if Trophy remembered my birthday. I'm sure he did, and just felt so upset that day. I wish I spent more time with him back when I was at the hotel.
God damnit. I was going so well taking my mind off of everything at the hotel. I just had to think about him again.
I was sitting on the blow-up matriss not doing much. I wasn't feeling all that energized to do much. It's currently lunch time and Taco and Mepad went off to get some lunch.
I'm surprised Mepad decided to stay with us. Me and Taco thought he would've left to go back to the hotel. But no, he stayed with us.
His reason? He didn't feel like going back just yet. If he did, everyone might ram him with questions. He didn't want to deal with that stress after being reactivated.
Also, someobody might've asked if he's seen me; and Taco probably. He wouldn't want to rat us out, but he's an android, somebody would've asked TestTube to check his database.
We all would've been in trouble if that happened. So he thought it would be best if he just stayed here with us. Not that we minded.
So, these past few months have been wonderful. We've had a blast together, just us three. Ash couldn't do much with us, but he's just been his happy self whenever we play with him.
I'm so glad I have them with me. If I stayed out in the woods all alone, I don't think I would've been here. Not saying I would've died!
There is that chance I could've died though. But I'm just saying that I wouldn't have been this happy and sane if I stayed alone.
I'm glad I decided to go with Taco. I'm also glad she decided to take me in and be my friend.
I'm getting bored. I want to go outside, but police are more active around this time. And there are a whole lot more now. Like, 10x more than before.
It's terrifying honestly. Like, one step outside and we could be spotted! It's been getting a lot harder to go out and do fun stuff recently.
*sigh* I really want to go on a walk, but I can't. The only reason Taco and Mepad were out was because Mepad can teleport.
I could've gone with them to get the food, but I wasn't feeling active today. I just need some alone time with my thoughts.
They understood and left to get lunch. I hope they're okay out there. They didn't say what they were getting for lunch, so I'll find out later.
I get up from the bed and walk over to the couch. I sit down when I feel a cheeky little guy jumping on my lap.
I look down and see Ash on my lap. He nuzzles my chest asking for pets. I chuckle and begin to pet Ash.
I lay down and he follows suit. Man. I feel sleepy. Maybe a nap will help me.
Taco and Mepad know about my insomnia, so they know when to help with that. They found out when I suddenly passed out while making dinner about 5 months ago.
I had to explain to them when I woke up at around 11 pm. It took them a minute to process the information, but they understood.
Anyways, I feel myself growing tired. I let out a yawn as I close my eyes.
I hope the others don't get here too soon.
*Taco's P.O.V*
This line is taking FOREVER!
Me and Mepad have been standing here for about an hour now!
We haven't even ordered our food yet!
I can feel my foot tapping on the ground in impatience. Mepad looks over and sees how impatient I look.
"Taco. Please calm down. We're going to order soon. This place is just busy today.", he whispers to me.
I nod as I try to calm down a bit. When I do, the line finally moves a bit! FUCKING FINALLY!
It takes us another 30 minutes, but we eventually made it to the cashier and order our food. We go sit at a table and wait for our order to be called.
"At least we got to order the food.", I mutter.
"Indeed. Now, I predict that we will get our food in the next 30 minutes.", Mepad says.
"Ugh... more waiting! I hate waiting...", I whine.
We sit there and chat for a bit before our order is called. Yes! FOOD!
We head up to the regsiter and grab our food. Mepad and I walk out of the restaurant and start walking a bit.
We wanted to get some dessert as a treat, so we wanted to see what there was. Eventually, we find a nice little place.
I'm not sure what the sign says however... It's in spanish. Man, I wish Balloon was here to translate.
"Hey Mepad. What does this say?", I asked him.
"Hmm... I believe it says 'El Bolillo Bakery'. Which is spanish.", he says.
"Hmm... Bakery means like where sweets are right?", I asked.
"Correct.", he confirms.
"Then let's go in! I can smell goodness in there!", I say.
"Okay.", he says.
We walk in the place and we are instantly filled with awe. There are so many cabinets filled with sweets I've never seen before!
"¡Hola!", we here a woman say.
We look over to the register and see two older looking women. One who looks like a grandma, and one who looks more like an aunt.
"Um. Hello!", I greet.
Mepad just waves and smiles.
"¿Estás aquí para comprar pan dulce?", the much older woman asked
"Um... What? Sorry. We don't speak spanish.", I apologized.
"Oh not to worry! She was just asking if you were here to buy some sweet bread?", the other woman asked.
"Sweet bread? What is that?", Mepad asked.
"Well. Simply put. It's just bread that is sweet! It's a general term for mexican pastries." she explained.
"Oh. That sounds good! We can just pick what we want?", I asked looking at the cabinets.
"Yep! See that tray and tongs behind you? You use that to pick up the pastries and just carry them.", she says.
"Ah. Okay! Thank you for your help mam!", I thanked.
"You're welcome hun! But please! I'm Tea Kettle, you may call me TK however!", TK says.
"Okay. Thank you Ms. Kettle.", Mepad replies.
She chuckles as we grab a tray and some tongs. We have no idea what to pick, so we get I think... one of everything.
What? This was us experiencing new pastries we've never heard or seen before! Also, these are mexican pastries, something Balloon probably has had.
You know, he never really talked about the mexican pastries before. I wonder if he's had them before... That was a dumb thought.
Of course Balloon's had these before! He's hispanic! But it's probably been a long while since he's had them. Won't he be surprised!
We finished gathering the pastries and went to the cashier to pay. Thankfully, it was Tea Kettle who was checking us out.
"My! You got one of almost everything!", she gasped.
"Hehe. Yea. We've never tried these before, so why not get one of each?", I say all flusthered.
"Oh! Well it is a vaild reason then!", she exclaims.
She packs the pastries up and rings up the register. After a few minutes of this, she has our total.
"That will be a total of $80. But since you're new and this is your first time! I'll give a 50% discount! So now it will be $40.", TK explained.
"Oh. You did not have to give us a discount Ms. Kettle.", Mepad interjects.
"Nonsense! I insist hun! You seem like good folk!", she protests.
'Good? I'm.... good?', I thought to myself.
Was I a good person? Have I truely changed my ways? Did I redeem myself for all the horrible shit I did in the past?
Mepad was paying for the pastries while I was deep in thought. I never really thought about me changing my ways since Mic abandoned me.
I was too deep in my thoughts when I feel Mepad tap my shoulder. I look up snapping out of my thoughts. His face looked concerned; despite lacking emotions.
"Taco. Are you okay?", he asked concerned.
"Ah... I'm... I'm okay.", I answer unconfidently.
I took noticed that we weren't inside the bakery anymore. Did he walk me outside?
"Are you sure? You looked like you were in deep thought.", he asked again.
"Well... Am I good?", I asked him.
"Hmm? Of course. Are you thinking of the past again?", he answered.
"Heh. Yea... It's just... Tea Kettle said we were 'good' and... I just thought about if I was good.", I say a little upset.
"Oh Taco. The past does not define who you are. It's your personality that makes you who you truely are.", Mepad says inspiring.
I don't say much, as I was star-struck. I hug him as he hugs back. We stay like this for some time before we break the hug.
"Thank you Mepad...", I thanked.
"You are welcome Taco. Now. We've stalled long enough. Let us go home.", he says.
I nod as we walk to an alley way. We both look around, making sure nobody is around. Once the coast was clear, I hold his arm and we teleport away.
We teleport to the beginning of the forest since it was the closest place we can get without Mepad wasting too much energy. We begin our walk to the cabin once the dizziness dies down.
We are careful not to alert anyone who may be patroling the area. These cops are still here searching for Balloon. Even though it's been a little less than a year!
How long does it need to be for the cops to stop searching for a missing person? I have no clue. Ugh, I hope they leave soon, I want to be able to walk around the forest in peace.
We both continue to sneak around the forest, finding the best path suitable for our trek. I knew the forest best, but even so.... The cops can be unpredictable.
The path eventually led us close to the hotel, which was a bad sign. It was even worse because there were people outside!
"Mepad... We have to get out of here, fast.", I whisper.
"Why?", he whispered.
"There are people outside the hotel... if any one of them hears us, we're screwed!", I whispered shouted.
"I see. Well, let us continue.", he whispers.
I nod as we continue to walk around the hotel through the forest. Suddenly, everything then felt like it was going in slow motion.
I was in front of Mepad, scouting the area in front of us. I wasn't aware of the area below my gaze when I heard a *snap*.
I froze and Mepad froze as well. I looked down and... I had stepped on a branch. My face went into a panicked state.
I fucking hope nobody heard-
"What the?", I hear a familiar voice.
Fuck. No. Nonononononononono!
We both turn around to be met with.....
My face went from panicked to being painted with fear. Pickle was standing right in front of me.
I could feel myself shaking and tears forming in my eyes.
"T-Taco?", he spoke in disbelief.
His face went to shocked to slight anger. Of course he's still upset at me.
"Pickle? Where did you go? Did you find- ....", another voice adds in.
I turn my head slightly to the left and see......
It was Knife!
He spots me and his faces goes into a scowl.
"Taco.", he spat.
I couldn't find the voice to say anything. I was too frozen in fear to do anything.
"What are you doing here bitch?", Knife spat.
I still couldn't say anything. I'm surprised Mepad didn't get noticed.
"Wait dude... Isn't that Mepad?", Pickle asked.
Knife looks over to Mepad who was also frozen in place. I fucking spoke too soon.
"Holy-!? Mepad!?", Knife exclaimed.
"Hello Knife.", Mepad says.
I facepalm at Mepad's kindness.
"What are you doing with that fucking bitch?", Knife asked Mepad.
'Rude much? Actually, nevermind.', I thought to myself.
"As much as I would love to answer that. I cannot.", Mepad answers.
Honsetly? The answer sounded sassy, which I found hilarious.
"What do you mean!? Did she tell you to say that?", Knife shouted angrily.
"No. I chose not to answer that. For Taco's own safety.", Mepad answered back.
"But. Why are you with her?", Pickle asked.
"Again. I do not wish to answer for the protection of Taco.", Mepad says.
I hear bushes rustling again. I look and I see....
Fucking damnit!
Why is everyone that hates me and that I betrayed finding me?! God damnit.... I should've paid more attention to the fucking ground.
"Guys? What's the hold up? Did Pickle loose the ball again?", she asked the gays.
"Geez. I don't know Mic. Why don't you go talk to your ex over there?", Knife sarcasticly states.
Mic gets confused and looks over to me and Mepad. Her face goes into a shocked expression.
The fear in me worsen. Three people who hated me, stood in front of me. What the fuck am I suppose to say!?
'Hey! How are you guys? I'm sorry for backstabing you!?' That just sounds stupid. Besides, I didn't know how to apologize to them yet!
Mepad looks behind him and sees me in my fear stricken state. He understands the situation we're in and makes sure I'm okay.
"Taco. Are you alright?", he asked.
I managed to nod my head a little bit. Pickle, Knife and Mic all look confused as Mepad asked that.
"Why are you concerned for that bitch!?", Knife asked enraged.
"I'm concerned because she is afriad of this situation we are in.", Mepad replies.
They were all in shock. This gave me time to calm down and regain my composure.
"Well.... this meeting was.... Quite unexpected I must say.", I comment.
Knife looks at me in anger and marches forward.
"You... What are you fucking planning? Knowing you for who you are, you're up to something.", Knife spats.
"Me? Planning something? The only thing I'm planning is having fucking lunch and you are taking up valuable time.", I spat back.
We have a small staring contest when a phone rings. Not just any phone. It was Mepad's screen.
My face goes back to a fear state as I know who's calling. I may not be able to see Mepad's screen or face.
However, I can see the other's faces go into pure shock and anger. FUCK!
I can sense that Mepad might be a tad bit nervous/scared. He quickly hung up the phone.
"..... What the fuck?", Mic gasps.
"Was that.... Balloon?", Pickle asked in shock.
"Taco... What the fuck are you doing with Balloon?", Knife scowls.
It was right then and there I knew....
We we're extremely fucked.
"Taco. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH BALLOON?", Knife scowls again.
I quickly regained my composure and looked at Mepad.
"Mepad!", I shout.
He turns around and looks at me. I still have fear written on my face as I shout.
"RUN!", I shouted.
He nods and we both book it. We don't look back at the other three.
"HEY! COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH!", Knife yells out.
"On it!", he says.
He begins to call Balloon back.
We continue to run as one thought repeats itself in my mind....
We're all going to get caught. And it's all my fault.
*Balloon's P.O.V*
I woke up from my nap about an hour ago.
I felt pretty refreshed and ready to do things!
Ash was all nuzzled on my chest asleep still.
I carefully grab Ash and sit up. I managed to do this without waking him up.
I put Ash on the couch as I stand up. I do some stretches and sit back down.
I take a look at the time on my phone. Hmm... 2:30. And Taco and Mepad weren't back yet.
That was weird. They should've been back by now. I can feel a pit form in my stomach.
Something must've happened out there. Oh! I should've went with them!
Maybe I should call them! Yea! I'll do that!
I grab my phone and dial Mepad's number. I would've done Taco's phone, but her's is on silent mode, so she won't notice.
The phone rings. It rings for a while before the line goes to voicemail. Huh? The hell?
Did Mepad hang up on me? Why? The pit in my gut only grew bigger.
Something bad is happening... And I'm stuck in here! OH god!
I start panicking slightly as I start to pace back and forth. A million thoughts and senarios start playing in my mind.
After what felt like eons pacing back and forth. My phone rings. I quickly ran up and picked my phone up.
It was Mepad! I quickly answer the phone.
"Mepad! What's going on!? Are you and Taco okay!?", I asked in panic.
"Balloon. We have a situation on our hands.", Mepad states rather calmly.
"What kind of situation!?", I panic.
"WE WE'RE FOUND! BALLOON! YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THERE NOW!", Taco screams from the other side.
What?! Found out!? HOW!?
"What do you mean 'found out'?!", I asked.
Oh fuck! Knife, Pickle and Mic know about us!? This is bad!! OH god!
"Balloon! Are you there!?", I hear Taco call out.
"I-I-I'm here! Where do I go?", I answer.
"Do not worry! Stay there for now. Pack up the important things in bags. I will come teleport to get you once we find a safe location!", Mepad explains.
"O-okay! I'll start packing! See you soon!", I say.
The phone line goes dead as Mepad hangs up. Oh geez! This is really bad!!
I quickly grab my bag, and the other bags that we had. I then start to pack clothes and small snacks as quickly as possible.
I have a bag for each of us and our clothes. There was a bigger bag I had as well. I quickly put some games in that bag, so we don't get bored.
I pick up Ash from the couch which wakes him up. I nuzzle his head quickly as an apology and he nuzzles back. I grab his cage and carefully place him in there and close the gate.
He looks at me with confused eyes. Oh, poor Ash!
"Sorry bud! We have to leave the cabin for a little while.", I apologize.
I pack up some of his toys and food in the bag with the games. I think that's everything we need for a while!
Just like something out of a book, Mepad teleports into the cabin.
"Balloon!", he exclaims.
"Mepad! Did you find a place?", I asked in panic.
"Indeed we did. We should be okay there for a while. But I'm afraid we cannot come back to the cabin.", he says.
"W-what? Why?", I asked.
"While me and Taco were running, we ran passed the cabin. I'm afaid they noticed the cabin and will notify not only OJ and the other residents. But the police as well.", he said.
Oh god. We can't come back to the cabin ever? But. It still has our stuff! Not to mention food and our blankets and beds!
"What are we going to do about food and our blankets?", I asked in worry.
"I will come back with Taco tomorrow and grab some other stuff you might have forgotten to grab in your state of panic.", he explained.
"Okay.", I say.
I grab some bags as Mepad does the same. Once we have everything, Mepad teleports us to the location.
I take a look around to get a feel of my surroundings. Huh. We're in some sort of cave.
There's a bunch of gems here. It makes the cave glow and shimmer. It's so pretty. Wait. Wasn't this the cave episode 13 was being filmed at?
"Mepad. Why are we here?", I asked.
"Taco believed this place would be best for us to stay for a while. I hope this is okay.", he explained.
"Oh. Okay. Where is she?", I asked again.
"She is deeper within the cave. I will guide you. She made special markings so only me and you can find our new living quarters.", he replies.
"Okay! Lead the way.", I exclaim.
He leads the way and I follow. I take notice of everything here in the cave. Mepad makes notes of the special markings Taco made and I make mental notes of them.
Soon enough, we make it to a dead end. What?
"Mepad? This is a dead end.", I stated.
"Oh? Well, there's a secret passage here.", he remarks.
He then takes me closer to the wall and to the right, there was a hidden passage!
We walk inside the passage and we find Taco!
"Mepad! There you are. You got him?", she asked.
"Affirmative Taco. I got Balloon and Ash.", he confirms.
He steps away to reveal me. I smile and wave to her.
"Hey Taco.", I say.
"Balloon!", she semi-shouts.
She rushes up to me and hugs me. I hug her back as I calm her down the best I can.
"I'm so glad they didn't find you! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for us to get found!", she apologized.
Woah. I've never seen this side of Taco. She was so upset about getting us found. I soothe her more as I rub her back.
"Taco. It's okay! It was an accident. Nobody could've seen it coming. What matters is that we're okay.", I say in a calm voice.
Mepad comes in and hugs Taco as well. We all stay like this for what felt like hours.
While in this hug, my mind goes back to eariler. Knife, Mic and Pickle know about us now.
There's no way they aren't telling OJ and the cops! Oh geez, this was really bad.
Now we're going to have even more cops searching for not only me, but Taco and Mepad! With the new information they have, nowhere in the forest is safe anymore.
We're trapped in more ways than one. Sure, Mepad can teleport, but it has a charge of when he can use it. For large distances, it uses a lot of that charge.
That's why we've only been going small distances when we go out. We walk to the edge of the forest, then use the teleportation.
But now? How are we suppose to go anywhere without the risk of being seen and caught!?
Maybe it's best to save that for later. For now, we should just focus on making this place feel like home.
This cave is going to get some getting used to. We're going to need some more beds and blankets. Food is going to be our main priority to focus on as well.
This isn't much. But we can work with it. We managed to do well while we were living in the cabin. I'm sure we can manage here in this cave as well!
We're going to be okay. I just hope this is the worst of our situation.
However, my mind is telling me different. I can't help the feeilng that....
This is just the beginning of what's to come for us three.....
*End of Chapter 32*
We got some drama up in here!!!
Our trio have been found!
What will happen next?
Find out next week!!
You all should prepare for then.
I'm not saying why~
Just be mentally prepared for the next two chapters!
It's going to be wild...
Until then~
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