Chapter 31: Making New Friends
*Warning! Mentions of fights and blood!*
*Suitcase's P.O.V*
I haven't really been myself over the past I think 3 months now?
Has it really been 3 months?
3 months since Balloon's runaway?
Time really does fly huh?
*sigh* I really miss him.
I never got the chance to tell him how I feel. About how I love him. I have this crush on him and only now do I, when he's gone, do I realize it.
God. I may never be able to tell Balloon how I truely feel about him. And that makes me so upset.
It's currently lunch time. I was still in my room laying on my bed. I should get up and get some food.
I get up, and head downstairs to get some food. You know, I sometimes forget that the remaining 4 are living in the hotel. It felt a little wierd since, ya know, we weren't eliminated.
Nevermind that though. We were invited to stay here while Mephone went where ever he went. I wonder where Mephone went anyways.
He sort of just said 'hey! the show is on hiatus for a while! i'm going to take you to the hotel.' and then. Well. He just left without saying much afterwards. He didn't even tell us where exactly he was going!
I guess I don't blame him. The past few episodes were pretty, um, heavy. From cave mining and finding rather odd gems that had some sort of vision on them. To Cobs coming and kidnapping Fan!
It was insane these past two episodes. I understand now why Mephone needed a break. Not just him, but us as well. We all needed this.
Anyways, now I'm here in the kitchen. I guess we're having sandwiches today, sweet. I grab a plate and get a sandwich. I head to the living room and sit on the couch, next to Cheesy.
Huh. That's weird. Isn't Trophy with him like, most of the time? I wonder where he is? I should ask Cheesy!
"Hey Cheesy.", I greet.
"Hey Suitcase! How are you?", he asks.
"I'm as okay as I can be. Balloon and all...", I say, a little upset.
"I see. Well, we'll find him sooner or later Suitcase! You just to to brie-live!", he jokes.
He does his famous knee-slap to go with the joke.
"Heh. That was a good one Cheesy.", I compliment.
"Oh. Thanks!", he said gleefully.
You know. I noticed how Cheesy doesn't really make a bunch of jokes in recent time... He used to make jokes and puns all the time, now? He doesn't do it as much. I hope he's doing okay...
"Hey Cheesy... I noticed you don't do a lot of jokes or puns recently. Are you okay?", I asked in worry.
"Oh. You noticed too huh? Heh. Well.. honestly? I haven't had the motivation to make jokes.", he said looking down.
"I'm the jokester yet, I haven't been able to make cheesy puns! I suppose everything that's been going on got to me. I tried to keep the spirits up, but now I'm all burned out.", he explained.
Poor Cheesy. He shouldn't be trying to boost everyone elses moods himself! Everyone is hurting one way or another, and we all need help. But we can help each other! Not everyone is alone here.
"Hey. You don't have to be the sole person to cheer everyone up! We all are going through this together. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me!", I say.
I can see him smile and chuckle a little. I think I boosted his mood just a little, which isn't much, but it's something!
"Thanks Suitcase. I needed that.", he thanked.
"Anytime.", I say.
We chat for a bit before I remember. I wanted to ask him about Trophy!
"Hey Cheesy. Where's Trophy? Isn't he usually with you?", I asked him.
"Trophy? Oh! He's outside. He takes strolls before breakfast and lunch. I sometimes go with him, but he does it to calm him down, from everything.", he says.
"Really? Wow. He really has changed since the beginning of the show. I'm surprised.", I say, a little shocked.
"Heh. Yea. It was partly me that helped. And partly... Balloon going missing that helped too I guess.", he said.
Hm. It's weird how Trophy was the most affected by Balloon running away. I thought it would be me being most upset, but Trophy? I didn't think the two were all that close.
Maybe I should talk to Trophy. Afterall! Like Balloon's letter said. Me and Trophy were Balloon's only friends here on the show.
Speaking of Trophy, he suddenly walks through the door. I guess he was done with is walk. He does look upset, but better than before.
He heads over to the kitchen and I can see him grabbing a sandwich. OJ said that Trophy was dealing with an eating disorder. I don't remember what it was called, but he said that we should all help him with it.
He walks out the kitchen and heads somewhere. Hmm, I should follow!
"Hey. I gotta go. I'm done anyways. I'll talk to you later Cheesy!", I say.
"Oh! Okay! I swiss you the best!", he joked.
He does a knee-slap afterwards. I chuckled as I waved goodbye. I really like his puns, they're funny.
I had my plate and walked to the kitchen. I put my plate in the sink and head out. I walked in the direction Trophy was going in.
I hope I can find him. I wanna make friends with him.
*Trophy's P.O.V*
I was in the Lifegaurds hut again. I'v been coming in here a lot. Man, I can't believe it's been nearly 4 months since Balloon's ran away.
I feel like absolute shit right now. I just came back from my afternoon walk and it didn't really help all that much.
I tried to find places to take photos of. But there was nothing! It made me upset that I didn't find anything to take photos of!
Ugh. I hate having no inspiratioin. It sucks so much. I take another bite of my sandwich. It was a pretty basic lunch, but it wasn't all that bad.
I really like the Lifegaurd's hut. It was quiet and peaceful. I could really calm myself in here.
Man. I wanted to take Cheesy on my walk today, but I just needed some me time. I didn't want to deal with his adorableness....
Fuck. I'm doing it again. I can't think about Cheesy without some gay ass thoughts plaguing my mind!
God! Why can't I just think straight!? Why do I have be like this when thinking about Cheesy!? Hell, just being around him makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
What was wrong with me? Why am I so awkward around Cheesy? Why do I think these things about him!?
"Trophy? Are you in here?", I hear a muffled voice called out.
Huh? Who is that? I know it's not Cheesy, he calls me nicknames. Plus, this sounded femine.
"Um. Yea?", I called back.
"Oh! Um. Can I come in?", the voice asked.
"Sure. I guess.", I say with uncertainty.
The door opens and the person who was beind the door was....
Why was she here? Did she need something? How did she find me?
"Um. Hey Trophy! I hope I'm not intruding.", she greets.
"Hey. Um, you're not intruding. You can come in.", I say.
She walks in more and closes the door behind her. She looks nervous, I don't blame her. I used to be intimidating.
"So, what brings you here Suitcase?", I asked forming a smile.
She smiles back and looks a little less tense.
"I just wanted to check in on ya. Since, um, you know... Others can check up on you too!", she says.
She wanted to check up on me? Why tho?
"You wanted to check up on me?", I asked a little shocked.
"Um. Yea! We all are in this together after all!", she explained.
"Huh. I guess you're right.", I said.
I motion her to come over and sit on the couch. She hesitates a bit, but she eventually comes over and sits on the couch with me.
"Wow. This is pretty comfy.", she gasped.
"I know. I never get tired of this couch.", I say getting more comfortable.
We sit in a small silence when she spoke again.
"Hey. Um. Are you doing okay? I.... I know Balloon leaving left a big impact on you....", she asked.
I could feel myself stiffen up a bit. I think I was shaking a little, but it wasn't noticable, which was good.
"I'm sorry if that was too personal! I just... I wanted someone to connect to.", she apologized.
I calm myself down. Now was not the time to have a mental breakdown. I need someone to talk to, and she was that someone.
"No. It's okay. I need to talk about it. I've been holding this hurt for far too long. I need to get it all out.", I say.
"You've been holding this in too?", she asked shocked.
"Yea. You too?", I asked also shocked.
"Mmhmm. I haven't had the heart or mindspace to talk to anyone about it. Doesn't help that I have schizophrenia.", she explained.
"Schizophrenia? What's that?", I asked.
"Oh. Basicially. I can see and hear things that aren't there. It's my mind messing with me and telling me that there's something there but there's nothing actually there.", she explains.
"Oh... That must suck huh?", I asked.
"Yea. But I have to learn to live with it.", she shrugged.
"Mm.", I say.
"You didn't answer my question Trophy.", she reminded.
"What?", I wondered.
"I asked if you were doing okay? It's been a while since Balloon has left.", she asked again.
"Oh. Um.... honestly? I could be better. I've been so down lately. I haven't had the motivation to do anything but go out on walks and be in here.", I confess.
"Oh. I'm the same way. I haven't had the energy to do anything these past few months.", she confessed.
"Hm. I don't blame ya. Balloon was your friend. You two were close, and he then left. I'm the same way.", I explained.
"Balloon was your friend too?", she asked.
Oh. I forgot that nobody knew me and Balloon were close like that. They only knew when OJ read that note the day after he left.
"Yea. We were super close. Well... we used to be anyways.", I explained sadly.
"'Used to be?' Did something happen?", she pryed.
"Well.... my horrible exucse of a father is what happened.", I say with anger in my voice.
"What? How come?", she pryed more.
"Well.... long story short. He wanted me to be an athlete. I hated sports and have a passion for photography. He pushed me too much and too hard.", I started.
"He was the one who enforced this disorder on me. And he never wanted me to be friends with anyone else other than other athletes. Which is why when he found out about Balloon, he made me stop talking to him.", I say angrily.
"He.... He did all that?", she asked shocked.
"Yep. And that's putting it lightly as I can. He was a piece of shit. I'm so glad I never have to see him again.", I say with relief.
"How did you meet Balloon anyways?", she asked.
"How I met him? Man. It felt like forever ago. But I met him in highschool. Sophmore year for the both of us.", I answer.
"Really?", she said shocked.
"Yep. I love remembering our first encounter. Heh. I saved him from some stupid bullies.", I say, reminise.
"Bullies? Balloon used to be bullied in school? I never knew.", she say shocked.
"I thought so. Balloon doesn't like talking about his past. It brings back bad memories for him.", I say.
"Oh. Well. Can you tell the story of how you two met?", she asked with stars in her eyes.
"Sure! I loved telling this to Balloon, who was there also, duh. I just find it funny and it was important to us.", I say.
"Hehehe. So. How does it start?", she asked.
"Well... it all started-" I began my tale.
The tale of how me and Balloon became friends... brothers.
*It was the new year. School had just started back up for everyone.
It was a normal boring day, nothing too exciting. Classes went by fast and students were either going to class, going to lunch, or skipping school.
I was just walking around the campus since I didn't really eat. Please don't ask, why. My dad forced me to eat less for sports.
(Suitcase: He sounds like a horrible dad.)
(Trophy: He was. Now hush. I'm telling a story.)
Anyways. I was just walking around since it was lunch time. That's when somebody bumped into me.
We both fell on the floor. And not on top of each other! You damn shippers and 'anime' 'UwU' assholes!
*Ahem* We both fell on our butts. I was a little ticked off and looked up.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!", I had yelled.
"Ah! I-I-I'm sorry mister! I wasn't-", the person began.
"OH BALLOON~ COME BACK HERE! WE AREN'T DONE PLAYING~!", another voice interrupts.
The boy infront of me looks back terrified. He then looks back at me with fear.
"Um. I gotta go! I'm sorry again for bumping into you!", he apologized.
He was about to run when I stopped him. He looked so petrified, he looks up at me scared out his mind.
(Suitcase: Wait. This is about you and Balloon right?)
(Trophy: Yes. Now pay attention!)
I had held him, but I hid him behind me. He was confused but hid further behind me as he saw people walking up. These people were bad news, obviously.
"Hey. Give him to us, and you don't get hurt.", person 1 says.
"And. Why should I do that?", I asked.
"He ran away from us. He knows better than run away from us.", person 2 says.
I can feel the boy trembling in fear behind me. I assumed these guys were some sort of bullies, so I pulled him closer.
"Yea. No. Sorry. I'm not giving him to you.", I say smugly.
"You're going to regret that you asshole.", person 3 angrily says.
"Looks like we're going to do this the hard way boys.", bully 1 says.
The main bully then takes a swing at me and gets a hit. I hear the other boy gasp. I grunt a bit before wiping my cheek.
"Heh. That all you got? Pssh. Weak.", I grunt.
"Grr... I'll make you eat those words!", bully 1 exclaims.
The bully takes another swing at me. However, I manage to catch his hand. He looks at me in shocked. So do his henchmen and the boy behind me.
"W-wha-!? H-HOW!?", bully one exlaimed.
"Heh. Like I said. Weak.", I scrowled.
I let his arm go rather roughly. I smirk as I get myself ready.
"Now. Let me show you what a REAL punch looks like.", I smirk.
I raise my fist up, wind up and... *WHAM*! I had punched the 1st bully.
He fell hard onto the floor. He looked up and his nose was bleeding. He put a hand up to his nose and felt the blood.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!", he angrily shouted.
"You bet your ass I did. And I'll do it again. I don't want you to EVER lay a hand on him again... GOT IT?", I scowl.
The other two look a little scared, but held their gaurd. I could hear the boy behind me gasp once again, probably in awe. I looked at the other two with a glare that would send shivers down their spines.
"You want what he had?", I asked in a deep tone.
The other two shook their heads 'no' and grabbed their boss and ran off. I scoffed at the scaredy cats.
"Psssh. Bunch of losers.", I mutter.
I glance back at the boy behind me, to see if he was okay. He still had on this face of pure shock, and awe.
"You okay?", I asked.
He snapped out of his trance and looked up at me. His eyes were a deep golden color, but had dark bags under them. Not to mention his face had bruises and scars on it, looking recent.
"O-oh! I'm okay. Heh. S-sorry for d-dragging you in this...", the boy apologized.
"You didn't do anything. I let myself into this situation. They would've hurt you!", I explained.
"Heh... They're just going to do this again tomorrow.... just a lot worse.", he confesses.
"They do this to you already?", I asked.
"Mmhmm... They're my bullies. They do this everyday. They have been for years now.", he says solemly.
'This poor kid. He doesn't look like a person who would get into trouble. He's so weak.', I thought.
(Suitcase: Hold on! You thought he was weak!?)
(Trophy: Hey! I had to keep an image! I didn't think that when we became friends!!)
"Have you told the teachers?", I asked.
"I... I can't. They threatened me that if I did, they would find me.... and.... um... just stalk me forever.", he confessed, fear on his face again.
"Oh! That reminds me! I gotta head to the nurse! Bye!", he says suddenly.
And just like that. He left. It was there that I realized, I didn't get his name.
'It's not like it matters. I probably won't see him again.', I thought.
So, I just continue to walk around the campus until it was time for 5th period.
(Suitcase: Wait a sec. Is this really how you met Balloon?)
(Trophy: Yes! I haven't gotten to the part where I actually get his name! Calm down!)
Fast forward to the following day. Everything was the same honestly. Only difference was that I was hanging out with some teammates from Basketball club.
I was with Snowball and Sharpener. We were heading to the cafeteria for lunch. Not like I was going to eat.
That's when we hear noises coming from a hallway. Curiousity gets the best of me and I follow the noise. The other two follow behind.
We get to the source and we see the boy from yesterday getting brutally beaten up by the bullies.
Blood boils within me as I storm towards the bullies. While walking over, the main bully bashes the helpless boy's head into a locker multiple times. Leaving some blood on the locker.
(Suitcase: WHAT THE HECK!?)
(Trophy: I know. It was super grusome. A WHOLE lot worse in person.)
I get super pissed off as I run over. As I do, I throw another punch to the main guy and knocked him to the ground.
He looked up and touched his nose area again. He saw he was bleeding again. He looked super pissed, which brought some joy in me.
"Didn't I tell you to never touch this guy again?", I asked in a scowl.
"Why does it matter? He deserves it for running away yesterday.", the guy said.
I get even more pissed off as my friends come over. They saw the scene and had my back.
"So. These the guys you saved the poor guy behind us from?", Sharpener asked.
"Yep. These assholes right here.", I confirm.
"You go take the guy to the nurse. We'll deal with these assholes.", Snowball says.
"Alright. Thanks you two.", I say.
I turn around and picked up the now unconscious boy and head to the nurses office.
After a good 20 minutes, I make it and walk in. The nurse sees the unconscious boy and rushes over asking what had happened.
I explained and she gasps. She lays the boy on a bed and starts doing a small standard check up on him.
Some minutes later, she tells me that he will be okay and he might have a nasty concussion. I thanked her and stayed there when he woke up.
I did leave to get us some 'lunch' from a vending machine. I thought he might've been hungry, so I got him something.
Another few minutes later, he woke up in a dizzy state.
"Ugh.... W-where-?", he muttered.
"You're in the nurses office.", I say softly.
He looks over and is a little shocked to see me.
"H-huh? What are-?", he questioned.
"I took you here. I saw those bullies hurting you, so brought you here.", I explain, not letting him finish.
He looks at me, shocked but thankful.
"I... T-t-thank you.... um...", he thanked.
It was then I remembered we never got each others names still. I give a warm smile to him to help make me seem friendlier.
"Names Trophy. You?", I greet.
He smiles slightly getting the note that I'm friendly.
"B-B-Balloon. Nice to meet you.", he greets back.
And from that moment, we had became fast friends. It's a moment I will forever cherish for as long as I live.....*
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
"Wow. That was some first meeting.", Suitcase gasps.
"Heh. Yea. It was something. But if I never had saved him, I never would have met him and be where we are now.", I say.
"That's true. You never would have that bond. Those memories.", she agrees.
"Yea. That's why I'm glad I saved him. I never knew I needed someone like him in my life.", I confessed.
"So, that's why you were so in distraught when Balloon ran away.", she inquired.
"Yep. We had such a strong bond. But, we've been seperate for so long... I forgot to be his friend. I just had to keep up my 'jock' persona.", I solemly say.
"If I just been a better friend. Or just tell everyone about Balloon's changed ways... maybe he would still be here.", I confessed.
I feel my face come into a frown. God. I really should've been there for Balloon when he NEEDED me. I didn't have to keep up my 'jock' persona!
I suddenly am pulled into a warm embrace. Suitcase was hugging me. I hesitate a little, but hug back.
"It's okay Trophy. You don't have to blame yourself. It's not your fault Balloon ran away. You were afraid of what others might think about you. It's a vaild reason for why you 'distanced' yourself from him.", she comforted.
'It's not my fault?', I asked in my mind.
We don't say anything for a good while. We just kept hugging. Eventually, we break the hug.
"Thanks. I... I needed that.", I say with an awkward smile.
"Anytime. I needed it too.", she says.
We continue to chat for a long while. It felt nice, talking to somebody else. Sure. Cheesy was awesome and all.
But everyone needs a break from that one friend. Since Cheesy was the only one who wanted to care for me, it got a little lonely.
But I don't have to be. I have a chance to redeem myself. Make up for everything I did. I can properly apologize to them.
Especially Knife. Ever since I blackmailed him; or attempted to anyways; he's well... He's been eyeing me. Like he was making sure I wasn't going to do anything.
I really should apologize to Knife soon. I can think about that later. For now. I'm going to hang with Suitcase.
It's weird how the both of us so different in almost every way. Yet. We somehow clicked. We fit together like a puzzle.
It almost felt like... Me and Balloon when we first met. We were so different. But somehow, we ended up becoming close. Like brothers.
Me and Suitcase came together. Two people who were hurt by a friend disappearing from our lives. Two people came together to comfort each other from the trying times.
It was poetic. Heh, like how me and Balloon were.
Balloon may be gone right now. But, it's never too late to make new friends. Suitcase and Cheesy were proof of this.
Maybe there was still hope for me. And still hope for finding Balloon. I can't give up on him now!
*End of Chapter 31*
New chapter done!
I'm glad!
Next chapter....
You're going to have to fucking wait!
The next chapter will have a major timeskip.
But the events taking place will be worth it!
Just you wait....
~*Evil chuckle*~
Hope you liked this one!
I'll see you tomorrow!
(Also. How to get away with having to write puns? Make the person really upset! Sorry Cheesy.)
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