Chapter 27: Is It Guilt? Or Something More?
*Timeskip: 2 weeks*
*Location: Hotel OJ*
*Nickel's P.O.V*
God I feel so fucking miserable! Sure, I'm okay at the hotel, but...
I couldn't get Balloon out of my mind. Again! Not in a lovey dovey way! Still in a guilty way.
I still didn't want to believe that Balloon had just, up and left the place. No matter how much I want to deny it.... I know the truth.
I know that he's really gone. He's gone, and it's my fault. My, and everyone who ever competed on this show's fault. We all played a part in him running away, and we can't do anything about it.
I haven't been inside my room in a good while. I fear just stepping in there. I hurt him so much that if I entered the room, I think I might just cry.
OJ was okay with me bunking a room with another contestant for a while. He bunked me with Box for a while, which it was okay with.
Right now, I'm hanging outside to clear my mind. I was at the docks, since it was a peaceful place to hangout at.
Being here reminds me of the Bucket Brigade from episode 11. I had made Suitcase in charge of placing the people up in 'jobs'. She had Balloon get the water from this dock.
.... It's also where the Grand Slams got eliminated, thanks to Balloon. Well, it wasn't really his fault. Looking back at it, I think Microphone might have told him something.
He looked super stressed during the challenge. It was like he was giving it his all to prove to us and himself that he was different. But we didn't see that, we just saw that we had lost.
We had lost, and it was Balloon's fault. We pinned the blame on him and voted him out. We all voted for Balloon that day. Everyone except Suitcase.
Suitcase voted for me that night. Balloon voted for himself! It was like, he knew the outcome and accepted his own fate. I could see the sadness in his eyes knowing that he left the show with no personal gain.
When we came to the hotel, we got paired up and shared a room together. We never spoke to each other, unless it was a fight. He wouldn't fight back as often, but when we were done, he looked so.... broken.
God damnit! Why can't I get Balloon out of my thoughts!? I just want to live life peacefully! I don't want to feel all this guilt that's piled on me anymore!!
Why did he have to leave like that!? He should've just stayed here! He should've never left!
If he had stayed.... would things have gotten better for him? I think I know that answer. Things would've gotten worse for him.
If Balloon hadn't ran away, there's no way in hell we would have changed our ways. We would all still be hurting him. Balloon would've plunged deeper into depression.
Who knows what would've happened if he was still here. There's a possiblitly that Balloon could've..... died here. He could've died here, and it would be all our faults.
I can feel tears forming. I wipe them away. The thought of Balloon commiting... THAT... I don't know. It would have affected all of us in different ways.
God, no matter which way you put it. We would still feel the same amount of guilt that we feel now.
I can hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and I see...
"Baseball?", I called out.
"Nickel! Hey dude.", he greets.
"Hey. What are you doing here?", I asked.
"Oh. Um. Mephone sort of put the current season on a hiatus. Some difficulties came about.", he answered.
"Oh shit? That sucks bro.", i respond.
"Meh. It gives us time to think about things, and we get to stay at the hotel.", he says.
"Shit, for real?", I asked shocked.
"Yea. We got there about 30 minutes ago. Came out to find ya.", he confirms.
"That's awesome!", I shout in glee.
"Heh. Yea. Maybe it'll give us time to hangout more! I missed hanging out with you.", he says.
"Heh. Hell yea! Wanna chill now?", I asked.
"Sure! Why not.", he says.
So, he comes over and sits down next to me. I could've sworn I saw a hint of blush on him, but it could've been me. We continue to talk for waht felt like hours on end.
While talking, my mind wanders. I couldn't stop thinking about Baseball of all people. He was here with me, and we were hanging out.
Sure, it was normal of us, but I always felt like I wanted more than just hanging out with him. I don't know why though!
Part of me wants to go on cute cliche dates with him. Take him to a nice dinner or go to a carnival together. I want to cuddle with him at night when things are tough.
I don't understand why I want to do all those things with him! And not just Baseball either! I want to do it with Balloon too! WHY HIM OF ALL PEOPLE!?
I'm not gay! I don't think I am anyways! But yet, wanting to kiss Baseball and Balloon feels so warm and fuzzy even just thinking about it!
Was I gay? Did I want to date Baseball? Maybe I did want that. Maybe I should ask him out. Maybe it can help me get over-
"Nickel?", I hear Baseball call out.
I'm suddenly brought out of my thoughts and mini sexuality crisis. I look back at Baseball, who had a concerning expression plastered on his face.
"Yea?", I answer.
"You good? You looked deep in thought there.", he asked with worry.
"Oh. Um. Yea. I'm good.", I sputter.
"You sure? You look kinda red.", he pointed out.
I put a hand to my face and I can feel hotness. Oh god. I was blushing!
"Ah. I'm okay! Hahaha..", I try and laugh.
"You know I can tell when you're not right?", he quizzed.
".... Yea. I do.", I sigh in defeat.
"Then tell me what's up. You can tell me anything you know?", he said.
"I know. It's just... complicated.", I say.
"Then start at the beginning.", he said.
"Okay.", I reply.
'Am I really about to ask him out and confess to him?', I asked myself.
I take a deep breath and got mentally prepared to explain myself.
"So. This is partly about Balloon and the shit we've done to him... And about my sexuality.", I start.
"Alright.", Baseball says.
"Anyways. I've just been feeling nothing but guilt for hurting and bullying Balloon thoughout this season. It's just, a lot you know? Like. I never liked him, then all of a sudden, I can't even enter my own room!", I start.
"I understand. I feel that.", Baseball agrees.
"Right. Moving on. I just, *sigh* I keep having these dark thoughts about if Balloon stayed here. If he had, I don't think he would be here anymore. Maybe, since Mephone can revive people, but still.", I confess that dark thought.
"You... You think Balloon would've off himself if he stayed any longer?", he asked, with a shocked expression.
"Yea. I do think so. You weren't there, but Trophy had let out some information about Balloon that really felt like ripping a band-aid off.", I say.
"Which was?", he asked.
"... He said that Balloon was depressed because of us.", I answer.
"He is?", Baseball asked in disbelief.
"Yea. I didn't believe it at first, but remember that knife TestTube found in Balloon's drawer?", I reminded him.
"Yea.... *gasp* Holy crap.... He cuts?", he asked flabbergasted.
"I think so. I never saw him do it. But sometimes when I went to the restroom in our room, there would be hints of bandages about and some had blood on it.", I confess.
"Oh god. Did we really make him hurt himself because of us?", he asked all upset.
"I think so. Which is why I think if he stayed, he would've eventually off himself.", I confess with sadness in my voice.
"We really messed up with him... didn't we?", he asked.
We both knew that answer. We all messed up, that's why Balloon isn't here.
"Yea. We really did.", I say solemnly.
"Let's change the topic. What about your sexuality?", he said.
"Oh yea. Um. I've been questioning it recently.", I say.
"You have? That's good.", he replys.
"Yea... *sigh* But it's soo confusing at the same time!", I groaned.
"How so?", he questioned.
"I have these weird feelings whenever I hangout or think about you. It's so weird! It's not like I'm gay or anything.", I continue.
"W-What kind of.... f-feelings?", he stuttered.
I can see a small hint of blush on him. Weird.
"I just feel so.... warm and giddy around you. I want to do nice romantic things with you. Cuddle with you when you feel down. Those sort of feelings.", I confess.
"Y-you... You really feel like that around me?", he asked all flustered.
"Yea. I think... I think I have a crush on you.", I realize.
"Y-you do?", he asked.
"Y-Yea... I think so....", I say all flustered.
"I... I have a crush on y-you as well.", he confessed.
"R-really?", I asked, shocked.
"Yea. I've had a crush on you for a while now.", he confess.
"Wow.... So... um... do you... do you wanna go out?", I asked.
"S-sure! Like dating?", he asked.
"Yea. Like dating.", I answer.
"I would love to date you Nickel.", he says.
"Heh. That makes the two of us.", I say.
He scoots closer to me and I wrap my arm around him. We stay staring at the pond of what felt like hours. This felt nice, just me and Baseball like this.
It still felt like something was off, but why? I was dating Baseball now. Surely that sense of something being off would go away right?
As we sit like this, my mind wanders back to Balloon. Why couldn't I just live without Balloon plaguing my mind? Life sure wants me to feel guilty huh?
Balloon. Why oh why are you still on my mind?
Why do I have to be haunted by your presence everyday?
Is this revenge on how I treated you back in the season?
Was life trying to tell me something? Or is it just me being so filled with guilt?
So full of guilt to the point where I just have constant thoughts and reminders of what I did to him?
God, I wish I knew.
I wish things could've been different.
I wish a lot of things, but I know they won't come true.
We must pay for our actions. We must pay the consequences. We have to live with this suffocating guilt that drowns us.
It didn't feel like time went by, but somehow, it was now evening. Me and Baseball stood up and went back to the hotel.
Dinner was being served in the hotel, so me and Baseball grabbed a plate and ate. After we ate, we put our plates in the sink and went upstairs. I was still with Box, maybe I can ask OJ to switch me with Baseball tomorrow.
We were on the 4th floor where me and Baseball parted ways. I walk to room 413, which was Box's room. Baseball I guess lived on the 5th floor.
Why did OJ seperate us like this? Wouldn't it make more sense for all the contestants to live on one or two floors while hotel guests that came every so often get the other floors?
I guess some of the guest would want a floor on a lower level thinking about it. Meh, I could care less about how OJ and Paper ran the hotel. As long as we get to stay and the food is good, I'm fine.
I make it to room 413 and enter. Box is sitting on his bed, looking at his phone.
"Hey Box.", I greet.
It looks up and waves at me. It looks down back on it's phone and continue to browse.
I walk to the my wardrobe, grab some random night clothes and head to the restroom. Once I'm dressed, I walk over to my bed and flop down.
I lay there and look at my phone for the time. It's 9 pm. I feel tired, but not enough to make me sleepy.
So, I decide to just lay there until I felt tired. My mind decides to wander once more, like it's been doing for the past few months.
No surprise, goes back to Balloon.
Why couldn't I just let him go? Make him leave my mind?
Was I really that guilty?
Or... Or is it something else?
Why couldn't my mind make it up?
I continue to debate and think about Balloon for another few minutes. Soon, I let out a yawn. I guess I should get some sleep.
I began to close my eyes so I can be pulling into a peaceful slumber. I can feel sleep taking over my body.
Just as I'm pulled into slumber, one final thought entered my mind.
Was I guilty about hurting Balloon? Or was it something more than that?
*End of Chapter 27*
Another chapter done!
Now, like I said last week.
I gave you the audience the choice to choose ships for Balloon and Taco!
And I'm happy to annouce those ships!
For Taco, we have....
TACOPHONE! (Mic x Taco)
For Balloon~
I might need one last help!
You guys voted for Baseball x Balloon x Nickel!
However, some wanted Suitcase to be in that ship as well.
So. One last vote for Balloon!
Would you like to keep it Baseball x Balloon x Nickel?
Or~ Would you like Suitcase be in the ship? Making it Baseball x Balloon x Nickel x Suitcase?
You have until next Saturday to vote for Balloon's final ship!
Until then. I hope you liked this chapter!
If you would like~ I can upload another chapter today if you want!
As a thank you for 6K reads! (when we hit it)
If you do want another chapter however~
Be ready~
Because we're heading back with Taco and Balloon!
See ya!
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