Chapter 25: Trying to Make it Right
*Timeskip: 4 days later*
*Taco's P.O.V*
It's been '2' days since my and Balloon's falling out. I haven't had the motivation to do anything, or really eat much. I've just been snacking on small things.
I have to put in an order for more groceries soon, but how am I going to get them? I can't go too far, and if I put the order, who will get them? Mic is out of the piture, and so is Balloon currently.
I could ask Knife to help. But I'm probably the last face he wants to see. I don't have anyone else. God, I'm so pathetic.
I continue to sit on the floor of my room. I can feel my ass becoming numb, but I don't care. So, this is how it feels to be absolutely helpless huh?
God, I wish Balloon was here, he would try and cheer me up. Then, she would get himself upset because of their past and I would have to cheer xmm up. Heh, such good times.
Times I'm never going to have again. I ALWAYS fuck things up. I fucked up my friendship with Balloon. My friendship with Mic. And... My friendship with Pickle.
I don't know why I ever betrayed Pickle in the first place. Looking back now, I was so much more happier with him. I took my friendship with him for granted. I took everyone for granted back then.
I should've just stayed quiet and not betrayed everyone. Maybe then, I would've had a better life. My life was miserable for the past 6 years, and it was starting to get better!
But I just had to fuck it all up. I just had to be so stubborn and keep my eyes on the prize. I should've just opened my eyes and see the bigger picture. I didn't need the money, I just needed friends.
I couldn't even keep that in check. I betrayed my first friend who actually wanted to be friends with me. I then betray my friend who wanted to try and help me. Then I take the biggest blow and hurt my friend who was actually changing me.
Some friend I was to all 3 of them. My parents were right. I was never going to gain any friends with my persona. And look where it got me. Friendless and heartbroken.
*Growl* Oh. My stomach was growling again. I didn't care, I was going to starve myself until I pass out. I felt weak in this state, not that it mattered.
My eyes were still wet with my current tears. I wanted to wipe them away, but I didn't. I knew I was still gonna cry so I just let them flow down. I feel so... helpless.
Why did I have to hurt everyone I knew? I was such a manipulative person. Balloon was right, he shouldn't have trusted me.
Why did I yell at Balloon like that!? I knew she was sensitve emotionally! Yet, I had the fucking audacity to yell at them! To bring up his season 1 persona no less!
I devserve all the hate in the world right now. I can't make up for this mess I got myself into. I want to make it right, but I knew I couldn't.
It was far too late for any type of apology. To Pickle, to Mic, to Balloon. I couldn't apologize to them. Not anymore.
I hear something. No, it was someone? I couldn't tell. I just know I was crying. Why did I see a pink figure in front of me? My vision was so blurry, I couldn't see anything.
I must've been crying hard, I couldn't even speak out. I couldn't make out what this pink figure was saying. I feel myself breathing faster, a little too fast.
Or, was I already breathing too quickly? I didn't know. My vision then consited of black blots, getting bigger by the second.
Soon enough, I felt myself pass out.
*???'s P.O.V*
I was really upset. Upset at Taco, and myself.
I shouldn't have pushed her to tell me anything. I messed up our friendship. I ruin everything, because I only care for myself.
Everyone was right. I was nothing more, than a self absorbed asshole, who only cared about himself. I didn't deserve friends of any kind. I'm such a worthless person.
I wanted to apologize to Taco, for messing everything up. So, I headed to the cabin. It took a while, since I was lost. But after a good 4 days, I found my way back to the open area, and eventually, the cabin.
I was hesitant to go back. I didn't know if Taco was still upset at me or not, but I had to at least try. I really valued our friendship, and I didn't want it to end because of some fight!
I don't care if Taco didn't forgive me, I just want somebody to talk to. I already forgave Taco, even if her words really cut me deep. I didn't want to loose another friend because of me.
So, I walked inside the cabin to find Taco. It's about 3 pm, so I'm not sure if she's asleep or not. I notice that the living room looks a little trashed. Taco must've been enraged because of me.
I also see Mepad laying on the couch. I guess she felt a little guilty for the guy, makes sense. I don't smell anything, not that it matters. Taco can't cook.
I walk towards the bathroom, I press my ear up against the door. I don't hear her in here. Wait. I here some sobs. Coming from, her room.
I walk towards the bedroom door, and inside, I see a messy room. Gosh, she was really upset. In the corner, I see her. I walk towards her, and I notice her shaking.
Oh gosh! She's crying hard. I kneel down to try and calm her down. I should try and call out to her.
"Taco. Listen to me.", I call out.
She isn't responding! I need to try again!
"Taco. Please. Calm down. It's going to be okay.", I plead.
She still isn't responding! Fuck!
I keep trying, and eventually.... Taco passes out.
I take a look at her figure and.... Gosh. She looks awful.
She looks a little thin, her hair is a mess, and she has bags under her eyes, along with tear stains on her cheek.
She reminded me of... myself at the moment. She looked so heartbroken, just like me.
.... God. I feel so guilty. I need to make things right. I look around the room, maybe I should tidy up a bit.
I get up and look back at Taco. I'll put her to bed in a bit. She does need to rest. She also needs to eat, so I'll make us some dinner.
I haven't ate in a the last 4 days, and I didn't want to fall back into that. I want to be better than when I was back at the hotel.
I better get to work on cleaning and cooking. I want to do it before Taco wakes up. So, I start cleaning up her room.
I'll work on the living room next. Hmm... I wonder if I should wake up Mepad? He is still deavtivated. Maybe later, I want to apologize to Taco alone first.
I just hope she can forgive me for making her upset at me...
*Timeskip: 3 hours*
*Taco's P.O.V*
Ugh... Wha-?
What happened?
The last thing I remember was crying....
Did I have a mental breakdown? Gosh, I feel so.... tired.
I get up from my bed. Wait. My bed?
I don't remember being in bed.... I was on the floor. How the fuck did I get on my bed?
I look around, and see that my room was clean? Huh? How? I made a mess out of my room 2 days ago...
Wait. I think I smell something. The hell? Who the fuck is in my damn house!?
I get up and walk towards the living room. I open the door and see.... that the living room was also cleaned.
"What the fuck?", I mutter.
'Who cleaned the cabin?', I asked myself.
The smell is stronger. It's coming from the kitchen. It smells like.... potatoes?
Is somebody cooking? Who is cooking? Mepad is still on the couch deactivated. It clearly wasn't him. So... who is in the cabin?
I carefully walk towards the kitchen. I grabbed the broom as a potential weapon. Creeping ever so carefully, walk inside the kitchen.
And there I saw....
He was the one cooking. But why? Why was she here? I thought they wanted nothing to do with me?
But here xe are. Cooking a meal. A delicious smelling meal. I have no clue what he's cooking.
I hesitate to walk in any further. It was like something was preventing me from walking more. I was still holding the broom, so I place it down.
*Clang* Shit. The broom fell. Balloon stops what he's doing and turns her gazes towards me. Oh fuck.
I can feel myself shake a little. We just stare at each other for a while. It felt so... awkward.
After another 5 minutes, I start backing away. I hit the doorway, but I still leave. I see them continue making the meal. I pick up the broom and place it down better.
I make my way to the couch and wait for Balloon to be done with the meal. I wait a good 10 minutes when Balloon steps out of the kitchen.
Xe sits close to the couch, since Mepad was laying down on it still. I was sitting on the arm of the chair. We sit in silence for what felt like ages when he finally spoke.
"Dinner will be ready in about an hour.", she says emotionlessly.
"Alright.", I say emotionlessly as well.
We just sit in silence afterwards. None of us wanted to talk. None of us knew what to say.
We stayed like this for a good 20 minutes when I got antsy. I eventually broke the silence.
"I'm sorry.", I muttered.
"Huh?", Balloon questioned.
I could tell they was confused. I glanced at xem. He had a confused yet sadden look on his face.
"I said... I'm sorry.", I answered.
"Sorry? For what?", she asked.
... Are they serious? Or does xe want a proper apology? ... More than likely a proper apology.
"I'm sorry for the fight. I'm sorry for getting so angry. I'm sorry for lashing out at you.", I apologized.
"I was so stressed with loosing Mic, having Mepad, and everything. I just took it all out on you. And you didn't deserve that at all. You were just looking out for me.", I continued.
I could feel tears forming, but I let them. I was so upset at myself for starting that fight. I at least had chance to make it right with Balloon.
I don't think Microphone or Pickle would give me that chance. So, I'm gonna make it right with Balloon. So I'm not lonely anymore.
".... Do you mean it?", he asked.
"Yes. I mean it from the bottom of my cold heart. All my life, I've been told I would never have a friend who stayed by me for more than a week. I always wanted to prove them wrong. Prove that I can have a friend, and learn to be one.", I rant.
"I came here to prove it. And I did, but I also failed. Pickle was that proof that I was capable of having a friend. However, I ended up betraying him. So, while I managed to make a friend, I still ended up friendless.", I continue.
"Microphone, I'm not sure if I considered her a friend or an ally, but we were close. I was finally going to prove again I was capable of being a friend! Then, I fuck it up. I didn't listen to her. I stuck to my own needs.", I went on.
"Then. I reunite with you. I didn't know what to do. So, I helped you. I took you in by your request. These last 2 months, have been the best times of my life! I was finally not alone! You had changed me! ... But I just had to fuck this friendship up to.", I sadly explain.
"I just had to get all worked up! I was stress, upset and angry by the events that happened. And you were just being a good friend and checking if I was okay! ... And I'm sorry for getting so upset at you. I don't expect you to forgive me.", I finished.
I looked away and wiped my tears away. I didn't want him to see me so weak and helpless. I could hear Balloon sniffle.
"I-I'm... I'm sorry too Taco.", Balloon apologized.
"Why are you sorry?", I asked.
"I-I'm the one who provoked you. I should've just let it go. But, I just was so paranoid that something bad could've happened out there! I had to get in your business.", Balloon explains.
"I'm just like this. I'm always paranoid. About what how others see me, how they think of me, everything! When it comes to having friends, I just worry too much about them. I feel like I'm too clingy, and I am! But when someone like me has been bullied all their life, yea. I'm going to be clingy!", she cries.
"I just want to be understood. You know? I've been misunderstood a lot in my life. I just want somebody who gets what it's like to be alone... That's why I was friends with Trophy and Suitcase. They understood that feeling.", they continues.
I understand that feeling. I know what it's like to be alone. Maybe that's why me and Balloon clicked.
"I'm sorry. I was just worried. I didn't mean to pry on the situation. I should've listen to you. You know how to handle yourself.", xe apologized once more.
"I forgive you Balloon. Do... Do you forgive me?", I asked.
"... Yea. I forgive you Taco.", he says.
We get closer and hug. God, I missed his hugs. They are so warm and comforting. We stay like this for about 30 minutes, until we let go.
"Heh. I missed your hugs.", I told her.
"I missed you in general. I don't like being alone.", Balloon says.
"Same. It was so boring without you.", I laughed.
We continued to talk for a little while. This was so nice, just two friends, talking. Gosh, this was blissful.
"Hey. Taco.", Balloon started.
"Yea?", I answer.
"Do you think we should reboot Mepad?", he asked.
I look at the deactivated Mepad. Honestly. I want to. But at the same time? If we did, we might get barmbarded with questions. I know we should sooner or later, but it might take a while.
"Maybe later. I'm not exactly sure how to reactivate him. Plus, he might be internally damaged. So we would have to check for that.", I confess.
"Oh. Right. Hehe. We'll wake him up later then. We should look up how to fix a Mepad Mini... so we know what to do.", she suggests.
"Good idea.", I say.
"Oh. Let me check on the food.", Balloon says.
He get's up and heads towards the kitchen. I should've asked what he was making. I few seconds later, they come back.
"Okay. It should be done in about another 20 minutes.", xe explains.
"Thank goodness. I'm so hungry!", I groan.
"Hehe. Yea. So am I. Not eating for 4 days isn't fun.", he confessed.
Wait. 4 days? I thought it was only 2? I look at my phone, and sure enough, it had been 4 days.
"Oh.... So it has..", I gasp.
"Did... did you not know?", she asked.
"...No. I thought it was only 2 days since our fight...", I confess.
"Oh.", they gasp.
We sit in a small awkward silence for a little bit. Eventually, xe spoke out again.
"So... what's your favorite color?", he asked.
'Such a basic question...', I mentally facepalmed.
"Really?", I asked.
"What? I just want to know.", she said.
"Well. If you must know, my favorite color is yellow. It's just a nice color.", I answer.
"Huh. I see that.", they respond.
"What about you? What's your favorite color?", I ask him.
"Mine? It's salmon. A salmon red actually.", xe answers.
"Salmon? Like the fish?", I questioned.
"No. Not like a fish. Here, let me show you.", he says, a little agitated.
She pulls out his phone and pulls up 'Google'. They search 'salmon red color'. Xe goes to the images and clicks on one of the pictures.
"Here. This is the color salmon red. Look familiar?", he quizzes.
I look at the image then look back at Balloon. Hold on a damn minute!
"Hold up... you mean to tell me... your not pink!?", I exclaimed.
"You thought so too!? Oh c'mon! I'm not pink!", she angrily pouts.
"Well sorry the colors look super close to each other! I'm not that good with telling colors apart!", I joked.
We laugh and joked until it was time to get the food. Damnit! I forgot to ask what it was again. I'll wait and see what it is I guess.
After a few minutes, Balloon comes back with plates of steamy hot food. MMMM~! It smells so fucking good! They put the food down next to us and grabs some forks and drinks for us.
Once xe has all of that set up, I ask what we were having.
"So. What exactly is this?", I asked.
"Oh. They're scallop potatos! Or, potato gratin. Which ever. I didn't use a cream, I just used cheese for these. It's super good!", he explains gleefully.
"Ooo~ Sounds good! Let's dig in!", I exclaim.
So, we bagan eating and holy shit! These are so fucking good!!!
"Balloon! These are amazing!", I complimented.
I see her face go red from embarrasment. Haha! They're still not used to compliments.
"T-thanks Taco.", Balloon says all flustered.
"No problem!", I say.
We continued to eat and talk. This was nice. I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. I had apologized, and me and Balloon made up!
Gosh, I feel so much more better. Now, if only I could do the same with Microphone and Pickle. I'm not sure if I can, but maybe one day. One day I'll muster up the courage to apologize to them both.
For now, I'm good with the one friend. I'll take it slow for now. I'll work on being a proper friend and haivng fun with Balloon. Maybe, when the time is right for the both of us, we can go back.
For now, however, we will stay out in the forest. We'll make it work with just us. We'll make our own fun and outings.
Me and Balloon are stronger together than apart. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
*End of Chapter 25*
They have made up!
Their friendship is stronger than ever!
The real adventure/torture begins~
*Evil laugh*
(Yang: That was a good evil laugh!!)
Yin-Yang! Your not suppose to be here!
(Yin: I'm sorry Mangy! I tried to stop him!)
It's okay. Wanna help with the 'outro'
(Yin: Sure!)
What kinds of things will Taco and Balloon get into?
(Yin: Will the hotel residents ever find Balloon?)
(Yang: What kind of destruction will I cause!?)
Find out next time on-
(Yin: 'Why Stay-')
(Yang: 'When Noone Cares?' !)
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