Chapter 2: Worried Feelings
*Mentions of depression and eating disorder!*
*Paper's P.O.V*
*After talking to Balloon in the elevator*
I was heading towards OJ's office to check up on him after having a small chat with Balloon. Balloon, didn't seem... okay. When I heard the elevator, he was just standing there with this really upset look on his face. I tried to see if he was okay, but he still seemed... off.
Sure, I may be a little scared of him, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't avoid him or be mean towards him like most of the residents here. My job is to make sure that everyone here is okay, like a thearpist of sorts. I could tell Balloon was lying when I checked on him.
I'll be honest, I feel bad for Balloon. I mean, yeah, he was really mean back in season 1 and tried to manipulate his team. Though, these last few years, I've noticed he's more, sad and lonley and nothing like his old self. He's very fidgety, he always looks nervous, he stutters a bit, and he apologizes a whole lot.
The more I think on this, the more I feel sorry for him. I can't imagine how lonely one must feel being hated for years because of how you acted. Maybe I should talk to OJ about it.
Speaking of OJ. I made it to his office. I knock on the door and a muffled "come in" is heard from the otherside. I open the door and make my presence known.
"Hey OJ." I spoke out, letting him know I'm in the room.
"Huh? Oh. Paper! Hey." OJ response back, turning his chair around. "Need anything?", he questioned
"No, just came here to check up on you." I answer back.
"Awe. That's thoughtful of you Paper!" OJ says, with a tint of blush on his face? Must be my imagination.
"No problem OJ. After all, it's my job to make sure everyone is doing okay, you included!" I exclaim. I walk closer and pull up a chair next to him.
"Haha. I suppose that's fair." OJ laughs. Man, his laugh is super cute... Wait what?
I shake the thought out of my mind. "So, I did actually want to talk about something OJ.", I then told him in a somewhat worried tone.
"Oh? What is it?", OJ then asks. I take a breath, feeling nervous for some reason.
"Um. It's about... Balloon.", I answered. OJ's face goes from curious to a bit of a frown. Oh dear.
"Oh. What about him?", OJ asks with a hint of anger in his voice. "Did he do anything Paper?", he asks with the anger becoming more prominate.
"It's nothing bad OJ. And no, he hasn't done anything bad.", I answer back. OJ must really not trust Balloon. "I'm just. A little worried about him.", I then say.
"Worried? For Balloon? Really?", OJ says in a very questionable tone. "You sure you're talking about the same Balloon, Paper?", he asked.
"Yes, I'm talking about the same Balloon, OJ.", I reply. "Haven't you noticed that he barely comes down? Or even seen how.... sad he looks nowadays?", I asked OJ.
"Um... No. Not really. I don't really pay attention to that.", OJ answered. "Though, I do notice he is very on edge a lot, when I do see him.", he confessed.
"I was on my way to check on you when I heard the elevator ding. I went to check it out and saw Balloon there, not moving and very deep in thought.", I then told him.
"I got a little concerned, so I went to see if he was okay. And, he said he was, but his body movement said otherwise.", I continued.
"Hmmm. Well, I don't see much wrong with that.", OJ says. Nothing wrong? Balloon could be hurting for all we know!
"I guess. But, shouldn't we be at least a little worried for him? I know he isn't liked by pretty much EVERYONE here, but he's still a resident in the hotel. We should make sure he's okay just like everyone else.", I protested.
"Paper, I know you're kind-hearted. But, Balloon is untrustworthy. He cause a lot of harm to everyone, and tried to manipulate us. I know you want to see the best of people, but I don't think Balloon should be one of them.", OJ confessed.
"I...", I began. I didn't know what to say. Balloon not trustworthy!? I get that OJ doesn't like Balloon, but still! Balloon is a human being, he has feelings to you know! "I, understand you don't like Balloon, but everyone desveres a second chance OJ.", I stated.
I get up and begin to leave the office. OJ doesn't really answer back, probably thinking about what I said. I leave the office, and began to worry about Balloon again. I don't know why, but I get this feeling that Balloon isn't okay...
*Trophy's P.O.V.*
I was hanging about outside. The weather was super peaceful, and it was the perfect time to take pictures! I had my camera in hand as I was walking around trying to find places to take pitures. So far... no luck.
This was really frustrating. I couldn't find a single good spot for a picture!
"Ugh. There's nothing around here worth taking pitures of...", I said to nobody in particular.
Then, I hear people whispering. I think it was the Cherries, talking to Yin-Yang. I start walking towards a bush where the noises were coming from, when all of a sudden.... A bunch of butterflies come flying out from the bush!
"HUH!?", I exclaim. This HAD to been a prank from the Cherries. I was going to tell them off, when, a butterfly landed on the bush. It looked, so... perfect. I NEED to take a photo of this!
I began taking pitures of the butterflies before they flew away. Man, I had so many beautiful pitures of these butterflies! I also heard the Cherries and Yin-Yang talking behind the bush. So it WAS a prank, well, a nice prank anyways. I guess I'll have to thank them later.
Once I was done with the pictures, I went back inside so I could print them out and put them in a scrapbook. Okay. I know what your thinking. Trophy, the JOCK, has a hobby taking pitures AND scrapbooking?!
Look, I may be a jock. But, I'm not a full jock myself. I absolutely HATE sports! Sure, I can play it and be good at it, but it doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy myself!
I've always loved photography at a young age. I liked pictures of me being taken if I looked good, but I've loved taking the pitures. I like to think I masted the art of photography.
However. My father hated me liking photogrphy. He believed it to be "to femine" for a man to do. So, he forced me into playing sports, all of them. It fucking sucked, to put it lightly.
That however, is in the past. He's not a part of my life anymore and I've moved on from it. Now that my mind is in the past, I begin to think about Balloon.
I've known Balloon since highscool, sophmore year to be more specific. I saved him from a gang of bullies that he was running away from. Since then, we became good friends. We hung out a lot, and I protected him from bullies.
Until graduation. We were talking, when my dad saw me with him. My dad forced me to never talk to him again, on the count that he was "BeLoW sTaNdErs" for a person like me. I REALLY hated my dad, and I still do to this day.
*Sigh* There isn't a point thinking about the past. I continued walking back to the hotel, when I stopped at the doors to said hotel. I opened them and walked inside, wondering what was for lunch.
As I walked, I noticed people whispering about someone. I ignored them and continued towards the kitchen. I reached the kitchen and found that we had sandwiches and personal bags of chips for lunch. Cool, I guess.
I grabbed a plate and took a sandwich and some Doritos. I went to get a drink when I heard the two gossipers talking about someone.
"Did you SEE his face? Like how pathetic can you be?", Salt asked Pepper.
"I know right? Like, stop playing victim Balloon. You tried to manipulate US. Your only getting what was coming to you!", Pepper exclaimed.
"HAHA! You said it girlfriend. I still don't know why he was invited back on Inanimate Insanity. Let alone being able to stay in this hotel when he got eliminated!", Salt explained.
I left the kitchen. I somewhat pushed them aside getting a "watch it!" from Salt. I could care less what they were saying, but the fact that it was about Balloon of all pepole, it made me upset.
Why couldn't they get in through their thick skulls?! Balloon isn't like he was back in season 1! HELL! EVEN I KNOW THAT! I guess everyone was whispering behind Balloon's back, and that pissed me off even more.
The fact that they have audacity to talk shit about him when he's not around! UGH! I want to give them a piece of my mind so badly. But. I need to keep up my 'jock' persona.
I'm... I'm not sure why though. I'm not sure why I keep this persona up. I don't have to anymore! I'm free to be my TRUE self now! I guess, I'm just... scared to do so. Scared I'm going to be judged and mocked.
I slightly frown as I walked towards my room. I lived on the 3rd floor, so I took the stairs up to the 3rd floor. I would've taken the elevator, but I wanted a workout. About 3 minutes later, I'm the 3rd floor.
I walk towards my room whem I'm stopped by... Cheesy. This little twerp, what does he want now?
"Hey Troph!", Cheesy greeted, using a really bad nickname on me.
"Ugh. Don't call me that twerp. What do you want?", I spat back.
"Awe, no need to be so upset my golden friend! I just wanted to say 'hello'!", He exclaims.
"Well, you said 'hello', now move, I want to eat my sandwich in peace.", I say, trying to go around him.
He blocks my path, somehow... "But I want to hangout with you bud! Come on, please?", He asks with some puppy eyes. Cute ass, wait. WHAT AM I THINKING!? I AM NOT GAY!
I drop the thought. "Look, we can hang later. Okay?", I ask. Please say no, please say-
"Sure! We can hang later friend!", He cheers.
"We are not friends, Cheesy.", I stated. He grins... oh no.
"Don't you mean, 'I'm NACHO friend'?", he states as he does a knee slap. Ugh, that was so stupid.
"That was fucking stupid Cheesy.", I spat. "Now, I'm going to my room. Bye.", I say as I begin heading towards my room again.
"BRIE you later Troph!", Cheesy calls out. A knee slap can be heard. Ugh, his puns are super lame.
Yet, I can't help but smile to myself. Ugh, enough with these thoughts! I'm not gay! Especially for Cheesy! I made it towards my room, open the door and walk in.
Tissues isn't in here, sweet. I walk towards my bed and sit down taking a bit out of my sandwich. My mind wonders back to Balloon.
I haven't talked to him since his elemination. During the season, we hung out behind the scenes when we weren't recording, but after I got elelimated, it's been hard trying to get along with others. Now that he was eleminated, I hadn't made that effort.
I feel shitty, not hanging out with my only friend here. In my defense though, there isn't ANY privacy here! I mean, yeah, I could hang with him in public, but everyone would judge him and talk shit about him! That pisses me off.
This isn't fair! Balloon is doing his best to be a different person and all he gets is backlash and hate for it! SO. NOT. FAIR! The Balloon *I* know isn't like this at all! He's super sweet, and kind, with a hint of sarcasm and sadness.
I know Balloon has depression and everyone here isn't making it better! In fact, whenever I see him, it looks like it's gotten worse! Man, I hope Balloon is doing okay, I should talk to him soon. I don't care what others will say about us, I just Balloon to be okay.
Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow. I ate half my sandwich and took the rest downstairs. I wasn't feeling hungry. I kept the chips though. I go back outside since the weather is super nice.
I stay outside for at least another 5 hours when it's just around 6:30. Almost time for dinner. I should head back inside. I begin walking back when my stomach growls. Hmm. I haven't been eating right, then again, I've been like this since high school.
My dad didn't want me getting fat and made me eat less. Even when at school, I wouldn't eat much so my dad wouldn't get mad. I'm pretty sure I gained an eating disorder, which isn't a good thing, but I think otherwise.
Dinner is served an hour later and I eat a little bit of the chicken that was served. I head back to my room and just sit on my bed. My mind goes to some... dark places.
I shake them out my head. No negative thoughts. I go on my laptop and watch some YouTube, since I have NO clue what to watch.
2 hours passed and I start to grow tired. I decide to close my laptop, change into some more comfortable clothes and head to bed. It's a natural sleep schedule, so I can wake up early for a morning work out.
I finish changing, and start walking towards my bed when Tissues comes in. He looks tired as shit.
"Oh. Hoi, Trophy. Didn't see you there.", Tissues greets with a sniffle.
"Hey.", I greet back, I don't have much to say.
He goes to his bed and lays down. Not even a second later, he's fallen asleep. Damn. I decide to head to bed to.
I lay down and feel my eyes grow heavy. A few minutes later, I fall asleep.
My final thoughts are about Balloon and worrying about him doing something stupid soon...
*End of Chapter 2*
This was a little longer... Opps.
Hope you like this chapter anyways!
(Also, thanks for the reads! Wasn't expecting people to read this.)
(Side note. How the hell do you write puns??? Even come up with puns!
What is your secret Cheesy!)
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