Chapter 19: A Day Out
*Balloon's P.O.V*
"What!?", I exclaimed
"I said-", Taco began.
"No. I heard. The police!?", I exclaim in worry again.
"Yep. Mic called and told me just now....", she explained in a worrisome tone.
"Oh god.... This isn't good! OH god! What if I caught! What going to happen!? What if YOU get caught!? What will the police think!? -", I was in a panicked state.
I was too panicked to even hear Taco trying to calm me down.
The police is looking for me now. DAMNIT! WHY ARE THEY LOOKING FOR ME!? Who even called them!? Was it Suitcase!? TROPHY!?
..... It had to have been OJ. He owns the hotel. He's the manager. He called the police to find me. But... WHY?
Why did he do it? Wasn't he happy that I was gone? Wasn't EVERYONE happy I was gone? Why were they still searching for me? Why are they searching in me in the first place?
Why do they care? They all HATED me.... They wanted this right? They shouldn't be out here searching for me. Why is they that they only cared about me when I'm gone!?
"BALLOON!", I hear Taco yell loudly.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by her shout.
"...", I don't respond.
I'm not sure why I can't talk or respond back. Was I that shocked? I'm not sure right now. There's way too much on my mind right now.
"Balloon? Are you okay?", Taco asked me.
"......", I couldn't say much still.
I nod my head 'yes' to tell her I was okay. I wasn't and I think she knew that. She scooted closer to me. And she put a hand on my back.
"Hey... it's gonna be ok... I won't let them find you...", Taco soothed.
I gave a small smile. I could feel tears flowing down my face. I wipe them away, but they still came. Taco rubbed my back, that felt really nice...
"Don't cry. It's gonna be ok. They won't find you. And they won't find me. We're going to be ok.", she comforted.
She kept at it for another 10 minutes. Afterwards... I felt calmer. Her rubbing my back helped a bit.
"Feel any better?", she asked.
"... Yea. Thanks.", I answer with my voice cracking.
"Here. Have some water.", she said, handing me a water.
"T-thanks..", I thanked, opeing the water.
I dranked the water Taco gave me. I was careful not to drink too fast. I didn't want to choke too! After I drank a little less than half, I closed the water bottle and put it down.
"Better?", she questioned
"Yea... better.", I respond.
"That's good.... You wanna keep eating? Or are you done so I can throw it out?", she asked.
"Um... I'm done.... Thanks again Taco.", I thanked.
"No problem. These tacos were fucking amazing!", she complimented again.
I can feel my face go red. I'm still not used to being complimented on... well... ANYTHING really! It's... It feels good.
"T-thanks...", I say all flustered.
"Anytime bud.", she said as she head into the kitchen to throw away the trash.
A few seconds later, she comes back.
"So.... what should we do?", she asked sitting down.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"Not about the whole police looking for you thing. That is going to be inevitable.", she stated.
"Yea.....", I say with worry in my tone.
"I'm talking about what we should do today. Or. The rest of this afternoon anyways.", she finished.
"Oh? What do you mean?", I pryed.
"Well... we've been here for 2 weeks now. We haven't done much. Aren't you a little bored?", she questioned.
"Oooh... um....", I started.
Truth was. I was super bored. Not that Taco isn't fun! It's just... We're in the middle of the forest with nothing much to do but watch tv/movies, play board games, and go on walks....
I know that Taco spent 6 years alone. I can't imagine how lonely and bored she felt. Having another person living with you? Oh gosh... I must be a waste of space!
I'm just taking up space and being just a nuisance! I'm not wanted here! She was doing just fine before I got here! And now the cops are searching for me! I'm putting her in danger!
I'm over here making her bored when she spent 6 whole years without human interaction! GOD DAMNIT! WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING RIGHT!?
"BALLOON!", Taco yells.
"AH!", I jumped.
I got inturrupted by Taco again. Damnit. I really am a waste of space.
"Balloon. You okay? This is the second time you did this today.", she wondered, concerned in her voice.
"Uh.... y-yea.... I'm-I'm okay.", I lie.
"I'm not supid Balloon. You're not okay. Now. What's wrong", she asked, seeing through my lie.
".... Am... Am I a nuisance to you?", I asked with sadness in my voice.
"A nuisance? Of course not! You are execptional company! Why are you questioning this?", she commented.
"It's just. You've been living here for 6 years with nothing, doing just fine. But here I come.... taking up space and making things harder for you! ... It's best if I just leave.... before-", I started, getting inturrupted by...
Taco. She was. She was hugging me. I felt another wave of tears coming. So. I let them come out as I silently cried.
"Balloon.... You're not a nuisance. And you're not making my life harder! In fact. You're making it better.", Taco started.
I didn't say anything, as I was still in tears. So, she continued.
"I never held a friendship because I was afraid of them betraying me. I never understood friendship nor did I have anyone to show me how special it was.", she continued.
I was still quiet, not wanting to be rude. She was lonely because she didn't have anyone to go to. She wanted to go to somebody, but couldn't. Taco continued her little speech.
"But... You being here? You've helped me more than anyone ever tried! You've stucked by my side, even though I betrayed everyone in season 1! You're giving me a second chance....", she confessed.
"So.... Now. I want to help you. Yea, I'm still learning how things work. But, I'm going to do my best to try and help you. No matter what.", she finished.
... She really cares huh? She truely cares about me. Wow. I... I'm speechless.
"... You really care huh?", I managed to muster out.
"Of course. You made me realize.... there's more to life than a million dollars. Friendship is more valuable than most things I've done in my life.", Taco confessed.
I couldn't hold it back anymore. I hugged her a little tight and began to sob. She rubbed my back as she comforted me again.
I haven't felt like this since.... Since I met Trophy. I was just a lonely guy trying to get by. I was bullied daily and nobody helped me. Then Trophy came into my life.
Trophy took me in, he saved me from my bullies. He was part of the basketball team, and I wasn't part of anything. Yet, we connected. Somehow, we clicked.
Those were the best years of my life. His whole team took me in and made me an offical member of the team; I never played for the team. They all cared for me and protected me from my bullies.
Then, we drifted apart thanks to his dad. Trophy loved me like a brother. I'm sure he feels awful right now. I'm a terrible friend. I abandoned him. I left him alone again.
Somehow, I managed to make another friend here on the show. Suitcase was a little hesitant at first. But she eventually became a really good friend of mine!
We hung out a bit while on the show. She was amazing company while I was on the team. Sure. I hurt the alliance she was in, but she didn't care.
She was there for me when I was down. And I was there when she would be upset or have her 'episodes'. She was so sweet. But I was an awful friend. I left her too.
Taco. I never would've thought I would make friends with her. But here we are, hugging. Wow, this was weird... But in a nice way. I don't want this to end.
I was still sobbing while Taco was soothing me. This friendship was going smoothly. I don't want this to be ruined. And I don't think Taco wants it to end either.
"Hey... it's going to be okay Balloon. I won't let you get found. I promise. We'll do our best to stay hidden for as long as we need.", Taco encouraged.
"... Thank you Taco...", I thanked.
"You're welcome bud.", she says.
We depart from the hug. Taco has this warm smile on her face. It makes me smile back.
"So. You never answered my question. We've been here for 2 weeks. Are you bored?", she asked me again.
"...Honsetly? .... Yea. I'm pretty bored.. not that you're boring! It's just... I want to go out. But I'll be at risk at getting caught!", I confess.
"Hmm. I get what you mean. I'm getting bored too. I've been like this for 6 years. But I never wanted to risk getting caught either.", she confessed as well.
"Hmm. What do we do? We can't always go on walks. Especially now since the police are on my tail!", I say.
"I think I have a solution~.", she says in a sly voice.
"No breaking in to things Taco.... Or stealing things.", I say, knowing her antics by now.
"Damnit. That was one option I had.", she said in defeat.
"I thought so. But what's the other option?", I asked.
"Well. Once a month, I steal some money from my 'family' which is enough for food for us, and that's about it. But I usually save whatever I can so I can get something nice.", she says.
"Really? How much do you have saved?", I asked.
"Not much. Around $200. And that's from saving this past year.", she confessed looking flustered.
"Hmm. Not bad. But not a lot to hang out. Let me see if I money on my card...", I say getting up to grab my wallet.
"Wait... card? Like a credit card?", she quizzed.
"Yea. I have a card. My dad gave it to me. He gives me a little 'check' every two months.", I say grabbing my wallet from my bag.
"Really!? How much does he give you?", she pryed.
"Um... like $50. But I save it since I don't know what to use it on. I've used it in the past...but not recently.", I answered.
"$50 only? Damn...", she scoffs.
"Hey. Don't be so harsh. I was the one who told him to only give me $50. Besides. I haven't used my savings in a bit. I should have a decent amount in here.", I protested.
"You told him to only give you $50? Why?", she asked confused.
"Because I didn't want money. Sure. He's a doctor and he get's paid well. But it's his money, not mine. He shouldn't feel the need to give me money just cause.... just cause he wants to.", I say, lying near the end.
In truth. My parents didn't leave me anything. No inheritance, or anything under my name. We didn't have much money for them to leave me. Not that it mattered, I still wouldn't have used it.
When I was in the process of getting adopted, one of the first things my soon to be dad asked was 'how much money would you want to make you happy'. My response? 'I don't need money to be happy. I just need time with a loved one to be happy.'
He adopted me right then and there. And I couldn't have asked for a better dad! Fizz is an amazing dad. He always made time for me even when he was super busy or stressed.
We did a lot together. We went to places I've never been to! It was just nice, and uncle Lifering would join us too at times!
When I got of age, my dad wanted me to choose my allowance. I didn't want one at the time, so I didn't ask for one. Until I got on the show.
When I was going to leave, he asked me again if I wanted an allowance. I said yes this time, just in case. He asked how much I wanted. I told him only $50, and gave me a card.
So, that's where we are now! I'm not sure if he's still been putting money on the card or not... I'm about to find out!
I pull out my phone and call the number on the back. After some time getting the info I needed, I find out I have $500 on my card. Woah. Sweet.
"$500!?", Taco exclaims.
"Oh. I forgot you were there.. heheh..", I say a little flustered.
"Ouch. Anayways. You have that much in the card?", she asked.
"Yea. Guess I haven't used the card in a while. The limit I'm allowed to have is $500... so I haven't gotten anymore from my dad.", I mutter.
"Huh. So my $200 and your $500 makes... $700. That's enough to do something!", she exclaims in glee.
"Heh. It does! But what? I don't wanna spend all of it now... Plus... My dad might find it weird and track it down.", I say, worry in my voice.
"Hmm. That is a good question. Let's figure this out later. It's just about dinner time.", Taco states.
"What!?", I shout.
I look at the time on my standard watch. Holy shit! I need to make dinner!!! It's 6:30!
"Crap! I need to make dinner!", I exclaim as I head to the kitchen.
"You don't have to! You're still injured!!", I hear Taco call out.
"I'm fine! I'll make something small!", I call back.
I get cooking on some nachos. I didn't feel like cooking much today. I was injured, so I don't injure myself any further.
I finish cooking and gave each of us a foam bowl full of nachos. I head back to the kitchen and hand Taco her bowl.
"Here you go! Some nachos. Went simple today.", I say.
"Thanks! Mmmm... These are good!", shey compliments eating another chip.
"Taco....", I say flustered.
"Man. You have never taken compliments have you?", she asked.
"Haha... no....", I confess.
"Well. Expect a whole lot more whenever you cook!", she said.
"Ok. Thanks for the compliment again...", I thanked.
We continued to eat and watch some tv on my laptop. After a while, we finished eating and it close to 8 pm. I yawn and Taco took notice.
"Tired?", she asked.
I nod tiredly, signaling my sleepiness. She gets up so I could lay down. I lay down and put the blanket over me.
"Night Balloon. See ya in the morning.", Taco says.
"Night...", I mumble.
I was soon pulled into a peaceful slumber for the night.
*The next day*
*Taco's P.O.V*
It's morning now. I was up a little early today. I was only up so I could plan a nice day with Balloon.
Seeing how we were both bored and longing to go out without being caught. I was going to make the perfect plan so we can enjoy a nice outing away from the forest without being caught!
So. The first thing we should do is shop for clothes so we don't get caught. Sure, we have our own wardrobe. But it's obvious to others. So, maybe getting clothes we wouldn't get spotted so easily.
Then maybe... we could go to the zoo.... I've never been to one before. After that, maybe a bite to eat then we can come back. That sounds fun!
I'll ask Balloon if he wants to do this. Then we can go ahead with the plan! Speaking of Balloon... I think I hear him making something!
Alright! I get up and walk towards the door. I leave my room and walk towards the kitchen. When I walk in, I see her making... something.
"Hey. What are you making today?", I greet.
"Oh. Morning! I'm making some potato and egg and some toast on the side!", they say.
"Oh? That sounds amazing!", I exclaim.
(a/n: best way to eat potato and egg. other than on a bagel with strawberry cream cheese! mmm~)
"I know. I've been wanting some potato and egg for a while now. So, why not make some!", xe explain.
"Well, it smells good already. Need me to do anything?", I compliment.
"Yea. Could you make some toast? However many you want.", he answered.
"Ok! I'll make 6.", I say as I walk towards the bread box.
I grab the bread and put 4 in the toaster. Those 4 pop up and I get them out. I then put the final 2 in.
Balloon is pouring the egg in with the potato. Man, I love that sizzle sound. It means the food is going to taste so fucking good! I get the other 2 toasts from the toaster.
"Balloon! The toast is ready!", I tell her.
"Sweet. The food is almost done!", they say.
I go ahead and butter the bread and grab 2 plates. I put 3 breads on my plate and 3 on Balloons. Soon, Balloon was done with the food.
"Finished.", xe say.
"Nice.", I exclaim.
We take some of the food and head to the living room. I put a show so we can watch while we eat. I take a bite of the potato and egg. Woah!
"Balloon. This is super good! Like wow! The egg is super fluffy and the potatos are great!", I exclaimed.
"Awe... Thanks Taco..", he says all flustered again.
'Heh. He's never going to get used to compliments.', I think in my mind.
We continue to eat as we watch our show. Man. This was sooo good!
"Balloon. How did you make this so good?", I asked.
"Well. You cut the potatoes up so they're small enough. You put oil in a pan and the potatoes and let them cook. Put a little salt, but not too much. Don't want everything to be salty when it's done.", she explains.
"Let it cook for a bit; about 8 minutes on low heat; then put some butter in so it gets softer quicker. Finally, after another minute, pour the eggs in and just cook it how you would with normal scramble eggs... And your done!", they finishes.
"Wow! That's a lot of steps... but it pays off! This is soo good!", I exclaim in awe.
"Hehe. Yea. It takes a bit to prep, but it's super good in the end of it.", xe say.
(a/n: guess which step OJ fucked up? hehe)
We continue to eat. After another 30 minutes, we finish our food. I take our plates and take them to the kitchen and throw them out. I head back to the living room.
"So. You know how we're both a bit bored up in this forest?", I asked, sitting back down.
"Yea... It's getting a little boring.. why?", he agreed.
"Well... I planned out a nice little day out for us!", I say happily.
"A day out? Really?", she asks.
"Yep. Only if you want to go out that is.", I say, wanting him to choose.
"Well. I don't mind going out!", they exclaims.
"Sweet! So. I didn't plan much. So, listen and tell me if it's good.", I say, wanting her opinion.
"Okay.", he says.
"Cool. So. First thing, we go shopping for some clothes. I know we have some. But if we want to go out, we need something not obvious. In case anyone from the hotel is out in the city.", I start.
"That's fair.", she mutters.
"Next, we go to the zoo. It sounds childish. But I've never been to a zoo and it was the first thing on my mind.", I continued a little flustered.
"Huh. Okay.", they says.
"Finally, we end by picking up dinner from any restruant other than a Indian one. Never again are we eating Indian food.", I say.
"Hehe. Okay. No Indian food.", xe took note.
"So. What do you think?", I asked him.
"I think it's a a great idea!", he exclaims.
"Really? Even if the zoo sounds childish?", I asked, baffled.
"Taco. The zoo is for everyone! It's not childish at all!", she explains.
"Huh. Okay then. Well.. let's get ready and start our day out!", I say.
"Heh. Okay! I'll change in the restroom!", they say as xe get up.
He grabs some clothes from her bag. I get up from my seat and head to my room to get ready for today.
Man. This is going to be so fun!
*30 minutes later*
*No P.O.V*
Taco comes out of her room, dressed in some casual clothing. A nice yellow sweater with some black pants. She still wears her old pancho but as a hoodie and has some tennis shoes to finish the look.
Taco walks out of her room as she didn't really want to mess with her hair, so she kept it the same. She sits on the couch waiting on Balloon to finish getting dressed.
She waits for another 10 minutes, and she grows a little impatient. Balloon wasn't done getting dressed yet.
'Where the hell is he?', she thought to herself.
"Balloon! Are you done yet?", Taco calls out.
"Almost! Give me another 5 minutes!", Balloon yells back.
"Okay!", Taco replies.
So, there she sat for another 5 minutes. And just like he said, Balloon came out of the restroom. She was dressed in a casual outfit as well.
A black shirt with a salmon red sweater over the shirt with a picture of a balloon on the front. They was wearing jeans pants with black shoes to finish his look. Xe hair was styled half down and up with a silver colored ponytail.
"Finally.", Taco sighs.
"Hehe. Sorry for making you wait. My hair is really poofy.", Balloon apologized.
"It's okay. You look good! I didn't know your hair was long.", Taco complimented.
"Heh. Thanks! My hair goes to my shoulders, so I like wearing it up in a ponytail.", Balloon commented.
Balloon's face goes red as he rubs her hand behind their head. Just like being complimented with xe food, Balloon wasn't used to compliments with his looks. She was just embarrassed by their looks than xe's cooking.
"Heh. You need more self confidance Balloon. But we can worry about that later.", Taco stated.
"I know... But let's go out!", Balloon exclaims.
"Hell yea!", Taco shouts.
They grab the important personal things like purse and wallets. Once they grab their belongings, they head out of the door.
"Ah. What a lovely day!", Balloon sighs.
"Indeed!", Taco agrees.
Balloon's expression goes from peaceful to a worried look. He just remembered about transportation. How were they going to get to location to location?!
"Um.. Taco?", Balloon questioned.
"Yea?", she answered.
"Um.. How are we going to get from place to place? We don't have a car... and we're not stealing one either!", Balloon asked her.
"Oh shit. I forgot about transportation.", Taco said.
"Great. What are we going to do!?", Balloon worrily asked.
"Don't panic! Look. We can go on the bus. We just need a bus pass right?", Taco said, a little lost.
"Um. No. We just need to show our IDs. That's about it.", Balloon stated.
"Oh, okay.", Taco replied.
"Let's go.", Balloon said.
They head to the outskirts of the forest closest to the city. After a good 30 minutes, they make it to the outskirts of the forest.
"Wow. I've haven't been outside the forest in years...", Taco says, in awe.
"Heh. Let's go find a bus stop.", Balloon says.
They walk for another 5 minutes and they find a bus stop. They wait for a bus for another 5 minutes. Finally, the bus arrives and the two of them get on.
"So. What store we should go to?", Taco asked.
"Hmm. How about Walmart? They have some nice clothing there.", Balloon said.
"Okay. Let's see where one is.", Balloon said.
He grabs her phone and types in 'Walmart' into the Google search box and hits search. They press the closet one to them. It was only 10 minutes away, and the bus was heading in that direction!
"What luck! The closeset Walmart is on route with the bus we're on. Once we get to the next stop, we'll walk to Walmart. Okay?", Balloon said.
"Sounds good to me.", Taco replied.
So, they sat and talked until they got to the next stop. They both got off and walked another 5 minutes to get to Walmart.
"Wow... I forgot how big this place was..", Taco said in shock.
"Heh. Let's go in and get some new digs.", Balloon said.
They walk in and begin to browse the whole store. After a nice shopping montage they brought a good amount of clothes and some other nicknacks, they were heading back to the bus stop.
"Man. That was fun.", Taco said.
"Yea. But we're going to have to hold these bags all day.", Balloon groaned.
"Good thing we brought a backpack. We can put the things in here while we enjoy our day.", Taco said.
She grabs the backpack out a bag and opened it. Balloon carefully placed some bags into the backpack. Once all the bags were in, Taco closes the bag and puts the bag on her back.
"There. Now we're ready!", Taco exclaims.
"Nice! Oh. The bus! This one should take us close to the zoo. We'll walk the rest of the way then we'll be there.", Balloon explained.
"Sweet.", Taco said.
The bus stops so the two can hop on. The bus moves as it heads to its next destination. An hour later, they arrive at their destination, the zoo.
"Balloon. Wake up. We're here.", Taco says, nudging him awake.
"Ngh... I'm up... *yawn*..", Balloon awakens.
Balloon wakes up and they both get up. They get off the bus and walk towards the zoo. Another 2 minutes, they arrive at the enterance.
"WOAH! This looks sooo cool!", Taco exclaimed in shock.
"Heheh. I know! Wait until you see the inside!", Balloon exxcitedly said.
"I can't wait!", she said.
The two friends enter the zoo and wait in line to buy tickets. Once the tickets are brought, they enter the zoo for real. Taco stands in awe at the place.
"Woah.... This looks magical!", Taco said looking around in awe.
"What do you want look at first?", Balloon asked.
"Let's look at the fishes first!", she exclaimed.
"Ok! Let's go!", xe said.
And so, they went to look at the fishes. After the fishes, they went all around the zoo looking at the different animals the zoo had to offer. They were there for another 2 hours when it was getting a little dark.
"Hmm. It's just about time to head back.", Taco examined.
"Yea. We should get going. But we need to pick up some dinner.", Balloon said.
So, off they went out of the zoo back to the bus stop. They waited for about 10 minutes until the bus came. When they get in, Balloon pulls out their phone to look up places to get food.
"What are you in the mood for Taco?", Balloon asked.
"Hmmm... I want to try this 'Chinese' food. I wanted to steal some when the hotel had some, but I couldn't steal any...", she said.
"You wanted to steal some?", he asked.
"Yea. But I was too late.", she confessed.
"Ok. So, Chinese food then? Let me see if there's any close by..", xe said.
Balloon spent a good 5 minutes searching until he found a good small place for the food. She placed an order for pick up. Taco wasn't picky so Balloon ordered whatever, getting some spicy chicken to mess with Taco.
Timeskip to another hour and our two friends arrive back home. Well. To the outskirts to forest anyways. There, they began their treck back to the cabin.
It was a fun day out for the two of them. With more outings to come.
*End of Chapter 19*
A nice fun chapter!
This one is the longest...
Non related news...
The Mario Movie came out!!
(for the U.S anyways)
Who went to go see it?
(no spoilers please.... i'm going to see it soon!)
See you all tomorrow!
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