Chapter 15: Love Talk
*Timeskip: 2 days later*
*Paper's P.O.V*
*sigh* We still haven't found Balloon. It's making me stressed!
So stressed that I feel I could rip apart! M-metaphorically of course.
On top of Balloon being gone, Trophy came back from the hospital about 2 hours ago! I'm glad he's okay....
.... Actually. I just rememebered.... Trophy isn't okay, at all.... He's been starving himself this past week. OJ said that Trophy passed out and he took him to the hospital because of it.
When the two came back, OJ called a meeting to update us on Trophy's current state. According to the doctor and OJ.... Trophy has anorexia or something like that. It's a common eating disorder from what I know.
Gosh, I knew Trophy wasn't okay, but I didn't think he would grow an eating disorder!
.... This is too much for me right now.... I'm gonna focus on the good that happened while Trophy was in hostpital.....
After Paintbrush and Lightbulb found out that Balloon painted that piture they found, they both decided to hang it up in the art studio. Paintbrush painted something afterwards, while Lightbulb watched in awe.
Pickle and Knife are hanging out a lot. I think that's kinda cute, even if they just play videogames a good half of the day. I do noticed Knife blushing a little here and there when hanging out with Pickle.... Hmmmm.... I should talk to him about that.
I'll talk to him about it now! It's been a long while since I've hung out with him anyways. Me and Knife used to be close back before season 1 of I.I. We met at a video store, heh.
I was looking for a movie to rent because I wanted to rent one. While browsing, I found a dvd for Desperate Housewives and I was shocked! I was fanboying when this tough looking boy came over.
We started fanboying over that dvd and became friends afterwards! That tough looking boy happened to be Knife! I'm glad I became friends with him.
Sure, we had a small fued during our time in ..... Idiotic Island.... but. That's the past! We made up and we're closer than ever! ..... I wonder.....
What would've happened if we did that with Balloon? What if we had just... made up with him? What if.... what if we just saw the fact that Balloon had changed? What would happen?
Would Balloon still be here? Would accept our apology? Would we all be friends? Would..... would he be happy?
........ Would he accept our apology if he was still here?
*sigh* I'm thinking too much about these 'what if' senarios... I need to focus on the now, on the present. They're called senarios for a reason. A nice little dream to take away from the consequences of our actions.
Now.... what was I doing just now? Um.... Shoot. I forgot. Let me think....
"Paper? Earth to Paper!", I hear a gruff voice shout.
"Huh!?", I shout getting pulled from my thoughts.
I look up at who was calling me, and I see..
Knife. Oh. Was....
"You were indeed doing the face.", Knife said.
..... How did he know I was gonna think that? Did he read my mind or something!?
"You were gonna say it out loud you dingus....", Knife replies.
..... Oh. hehe..... That's embarrasing.
"Oh. ehehehe..... I knew that.....", I say.
"Uh huh... sure you did bud.", Knife responds while rolling his eyes.
Heh. He knows me too well. Now. What was I going to do? I wanted to talk to somebody.
Oh wait! I remember now!
I was gonna talk to Knife about Pickle! Hmm.... How do I do this?
Oh! I have the perfect idea!
*Knife's P.O.V*
Paper looked like he just got an idea in his head. Huh. I wonder what he's up to?
"Knife!", Paper exclaimed.
"Um. Yea dude?", I asked.
"Do you wanna hang out? Like the old times?", he asked me.
Huh. You know... We haven't hung out in a fair while. Last time we did, it was just a week before I.I. 2 got started. Man.... it's been a LONG while... a little too long.
"Hell yea dude! We haven't hung out in a while!", I said, getting excited.
"Sweet! What you wanna do?", he asked again.
"Hmm.... You wanna bindge watch Desperate Housewives? We haven't done that in a good minute.", I suggested
"Heck yea! Let's go!", Paper exclaimed, his face lighting up.
Heh. Paper is so cute. NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY YOU FUCKING SHIPPERS! Besides, I only see him as a good friend! I have a crush on-
Wait. I'm not gonna reaveal that! It's too embarrasing! Even more embarrasing that me having a Dora doll! (I know, my doll got destroyed in episode 6 of I.I 2... but somebody gave me a new one. I'm doing my best to keep it safe.)
Anyways, we head up to the hangout room. It's basically just a room, nothing much in there. There's a tv, a bucket of toys, a bookshelf full of books, a thing for magazines and a game system to play games.
We make it to the 4th floor and begin walking to the hangout room. After a good 2 minutes, we make it. I open the door so Paper can go in first. He walks in, then I walk in after him.
Paper walks over the tv. He turns it on, then goes Amazon Prime. He searches for Desperate Housewives and once he does, he puts it on the first season.
"Alright! It's on!", Paper exclaimed.
"Sweet! I got snacks from the mini fridge and pantry!", I shout.
"Alright! Let's do this!", Paper shouted.
And..... that's how we're here now.
It's been like.. I don't know... about 4 hours since we've been here. I wasn't keeping track of time.... Eh. Who cares.
"Man... I love Desperate Housewives.... it's such a good show!", Paper exclaimed.
"It sure is.... it sure is.", I agreed with him.
We bagan to chat a little bit. It was nice. Just me and him watching our favorite show. This was peaceful.
"Hey.... Knife.", Paper spoke, breaking the silence.
Not total silence anyways, the show was playing in the background. I wonder what's on Paper's mind?
"Yea dude?", I reply.
"I.... I wanted to ask.. you don't need to answer if you don't want too..", Paper began, looking a little nervous.
He knows he can ask/tell me anything right? We're bros!
"Um... I've noticed you hanging out with Pickle a lot lately. Nothing bad! Just... something I noticed.", Paper commented.
......................................... Shit.
I have a feeling I know what he's gonna ask.... I think I know what he's about to ask.... please be wrong! please-
"And I've seen how you are around him..... so.... I just wanted to ask... do.. do you have some sort of crush on him?", Paper inspected.
.............................................................FUCK! WHAT DO I SAY TO THAT!?
"Um.... I-I don't know what y-you're t-talking about.", I sputter, all flustered.
I'm probably fucking blushing right now... GOD! WHY DID HE HAVE TO ASK ABOUT THAT!?
"You sure? You look a bit red there.", Paper cooed.
Shit. I can physically feel my face all hot. I feel like a hot piece of metal right now! One touch on my face and I'll burn you!
"........ damnit.....", I whisper.
"So~ Do you? I won't tell anyone! You know me.", Paper pryed.
........ Damnit. Fine. I'll confess to him... at least I can trust him to keep this crush a secret....
"............... Yea. I have a crush on P-Pickle.....", I confessed, still super flustered.
"Really? Awe! That's cute!", Paper cooed again.
Yea. I have a crush on Pickle. A massive crush on him... and... I want to make a move. I have no clue how.. But I'll figure it out.... soon.
"Since I told you my crush.... Do you have a crush on anyone~?", I questioned, with a sly look on my face.
What? He asked me if I had a crush on Pickle! And now that he knows.... it's only fair I get to know who Paper has a crush on! ..... I think I know who he has a crush on tho~
"W-Wha- Me? Have a crush?? Haha! I-I don't have a c-crush on anyone!", Paper stammered.
Now. Paper? He's a terrible liar! I should know. He's very truthful, it's almost illegal! Like.... dude. You need help to lie if you ever need it!
"Paper......", I started.
".... *sigh* You know me too well...", Paper sighed in defeat.
"I.... I do have a crush on somebody.....", he confessed.
His cheeks start turn red. Man.... This feels like gossiping. Like how Salt and Pepper are. Or like highschool/middle school girls are....
"You gonna tell me? I'm waiting for the details man!", I asked, getting egar.
Like I said.... I'm pretty sure I know who Paper has a crush on.... But I'm gonna let him tell me anyways! He's super shy and nervous when he's flustered like this. It's adorable.
"I..... I have a.... a crush on... on OJ.", he confessed finally.
"Hah! I knew it!", I cheer.
"YOU KNEW!?", Paper shouted, all flustered.
"Yes. In a sense. I had a hunch you had a crush on him. Hehe....", I admitted.
"Oh geez..... was it that obvious!?", he pondered.
"Hm.... yea. Kinda.", I admitted.
His face is all red.... Pft- he looks like a tomato! I think I broke him a little bit. Oops.
"You good bro? You're SUPER red right now...", I asked.
"Y-y-yea..... I'm good... let's go back to watchin' Desperate Housewives...", he said after a few minutes.
"Alright", I said.
So.... we went back to watchin' our show. .... I wish I could focus on it. But..... Paper talking about Pickle got my mind focused on him! ugh.... great.
.... I want to confess to him. I really love Pickle.... I just have no clue on how to confess! I know I should wait a little bit.... but.... I leave in a few days to go back to the show.
What.... what should I do!? Should I wait? Or should I ask him out? I know Balloon is our top priority! But.... GAH! I don't know what to do!
...... Fuck it. I'm gonna confess. And I know just what to do!
*Test Tube's P.O.V*
Golly. Doing science and worrying about the whereabouts of Balloon is stressful.
I know what you're thinking..... But look. Doing what I love calms me down!
So. I'm currently in my lab doing some experiements! I would say 'secret lab' but a couple of people knows about my lab! Which... is super frustrating by the way!
Right now. I'm working a SUPER secret project! Only me and Fan know about this. So don't expect me to reveal our project!
Speaking of Fan.... where is he? He should be here by now! I need that one thing he still has.
Oh. I hear the vending machine! That must be him! I head to the main area of my lab to see who came through the tube. And sure enough....
It was FAN!
"Fan! You made it!", I exclaimed, rushing over to him.
"Heh. Yep. I'm here! Woah! Your lab is super cool!", Fan cheerfully said.
"F-Fan... You've been in here before...", I say, getting a bit flustered.
"Yea. I know. It's just super cool everytime I come in!", he confessed.
"T-t-thank you.... Fan.", I thanked him.
"It's no problem TestTube!", he joyfully said.
I helped him up from the floor. I need to get some sort of pillow or something comfy under that.... The floor is super uncomfortable.... I'll work on that some other time.
"Now that you're here... Let's get to work on our special project!", I said.
"Yea! Let's go!", he said excited.
We start to head to a different room in my lab. Once we make it. We both head inside and continue working on our project!
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{Reason: TestTube hacking this account and deleting the details of the 'special' project}
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*Time skip: 2 hours*
*Fan's P.O.V*
Me and TestTube just finished our 'special' project and-
Wait. WHA-
*Fan's P.O.V*
Me and TestTube just got done with working on our 'special' project. Well. Okay. It's not completely done yet. We just got done with a good amount and called it a day.
Man. Working on the project is fun and all... but it's super tiring. How does TestTube work on multiple experiments without getting tired!?
I'll probably never know. Oh well! Gosh. I'm hungry. We should head up to the hotel and get some food.
"Hey Testy! Wanna head back to the hotel and grab some food?", I suggested.
"Hmmm. I. Um.... I actually had something else in mind...", she states.
She looked away seemingly a little flustered. Wait. Is... is she blushing? Weird.
"Oh? Did you want to work on more experiements?", I asked.
"Oh. No. I'm a little drained of that for today. Heh. Which is weird.... normally I can go all night doing experiements......", she confessed.
All night!? Holy crap! That's a long time to do experiements for.... Then again.. I'm blogging like 24/7 so.... there's that.
Hold on.... she said 'normally'... Is she okay? Thinking about it.... she's been looking a little more stressed than usual... I should make sure my best friend is okay!
"Hey. Are.... are you okay? I've noticed you've looked.... a little more.... stressed than usual.", I asked her, growing concerned.
"Ah.... so you do notice.... Heh. I'm okay. It's.. just. *sigh* I'm just a little worried about Balloon and now Trophy. A lot has happened in such a short time span!", she ranted out.
Oh yea. Balloon ran away a little over a week ago huh? Gosh. Why did I forget that!? .... I feel bad for the guy.
I've always wanted to talk to him, during the show. You know. Just to get to know him. He always seemed.... lonely whenever I saw him. I know the others said he used to be mean and what not.
But everyone deserved a second chance! It sucked how Balloon tried his hardest to show that he changed, yet.... NOBODY saw that. They all decided to just hurt him!
In my eyes.... Balloon was this misunderstood guy who wanted nothing more than to be recognized by his peers. I... I can understand that.
I'm not the most social guy ever. I can talk about anything you want, fandoms, random facts things like that. When I wanna talk about me..... I.... I can't. I just. I don't know how to.... words.
(A/N: I'm the fucking same tho! I'm antisocial..... *cry*)
That didn't make any sense.... *sigh* I can't talk about myself. I'm not special. I don't believe I am. I'm not good at many things..... I stick to myself most of the time....
Balloon.... no matter how hard he tried.... he kept to himself as well. His only friend on the show was Suitcase. If he wasn't spending time with her, he was alone.
If I just mustered up the courage to talk to him.... maybe, just maybe. Things might've been different. ... Probably not actually. Balloon was HATED by just about EVERYONE here.
I suppose.... the only difference it would make if I was friends with him. I wouldn't be upset at somebody I didn't know well.... I would be upset somebody I knew better.
"Fan? Are you okay?", TestTube asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh. I'm good.... just.... thinking about Balloon....", I confessed.
"Oh. You miss him too?", she questioned.
"Well... in a way. Yea. I didn't know him well... but. We... we all were in this competition together. So. While we didn't know him personally.... it sucks to know that we could've, but now it's too late....", I ranted this time.
"Ah. I see what you mean... ya. I feel like that too. He may not have been our friend.... but we knew him enough to be impacted by this.", she stated.
We sat in a small silence. Not an awkward silence... more of... more of a silence of respect. Not that anyone died! Just..... respect for Balloon..... respect him and how a good person he must've been.
After a few minutes... I hear my stomach growling.... *growl* Oh. It did it again. Man. I was starving!
"Oh. Are you hungry Fan?", TestTube asked.
"Ah. Heh... yea. I'm pretty hungy. Wanna head to the hotel?", I suggested again.
"Oh! Right. I wanted to do something else. If... if that's okay with you..", she said.
Oh yea! Testy did say she wanted to do something else. I wonder what she has in store!
"Sure! I'm okay with that. What do you have in mind?", I pondered.
"Well.... I-I was wondering..... if... you wanted to go out? Just the two of us. I found this nice restaurant close by! I wanted to check it out, do you wanna come with?", she asked.
"Um... Yea! Sure! We can check it out! Haha-", I sputter.
I can feel my cheeks all hot. Crud. I was probably a blushing mess right now!
"You okay? You seem a bit red...", Testy asked.
"Haha! I'm okay! Just... just a little hot in here!", I spat out.
"Oh. Well... it is a little toasty in here. You wanna head to the restaurant now?", she suggested.
"Sure!", I say.
We don't say much after that. We just head back up to the surface so we can go to this restaurant TestTube found. We're back up and we make our way to the hotel.
Once we're there, we head to TestTube's car. We get in and begin to drive to the restaurant. We have a nice small talk in the car as we drive to the place.
After about an hour, we make it to our destination. Wow... It does look nice! And not a over the top fancy nice... I mean nice in the sense anyone can go here.
We head inside the place. Wait.... I'm just remembering something...
'Okay. Calm down Fan.... It's probably just a nice friendly hangout! Yea! That's it!', I try to convince myself and calm down.
I feel myself calm down a good bit. Okay. Now that I'm calm, I can enjoy this hangout!
*1 hour later*
Man! That food was super good! TestTube did a good job picking out a place to eat at!
"Golly! That food was delicious! Wouldn't you agree Fan?", Testy asked me.
"Oh. You bet Testy! That was super good! Thanks for letting me try it with ya!", I thanked gleefully.
"Ahaha. I-it's no problem Fan.", she said, getting flustered.
We head back to the car so we can go back to the hotel. As we drive back to the hotel... I can't help but admire Testy....
She's super smart and talented! She knows a lot about science which is awesome! She's also an engineer and knows a thing or two about medicene!
Gosh. She knows all these things.... and here I am.... just a guy who isn't good at much. I know a lot about fandoms like Super Mario, Fnaf, other game franchises, books and other things! I'm a geek... and she's a super cool scientist....
'How did I end up falling for her?' I ask myself this a lot.... I started having a crush on her after our talk about the moon phases. The crush never died down......
.... I don't want to ruin this.... I don't want to ruin my friendship with her. But..... something just wants me to make a move! But I can't! I'm too shy like that!
We make it back to the hotel and Testy was still on my mind. We head up to our room. Actually. We didn't share a room... I was roommates with Paintbrush. It sucked, but oh well.
I head to my room, wished TestTube goodnight and closed my door. I changed into some pjs and jumped into bed. Now. Normally. I would be scrolling through my blog for a while before heading to bed...
But I wasn't in the mood to do that. My crush on TestTube and the fact of Balloon being gone was eating my mind. I decided to just go to bed......
I lay down and just space out for a bit. After a few minutes, I feel my eyes getting heavy. I don't fight it.
Next thing I knew. I was in a peaceful sleep.
*End of Chapter 15*
A new chapter!
I almost had this posted earlier!
But.... Then I got caught up building a house in Minecraft.
I updated anyways!
Hope you liked this!
We'll be going back with Balloon and Taco next chapter!
See ya tomorrow!
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