Chapter 14: Hospital
(A very special chapter for 2k reads!)
(*Warning! Hospitals, creepy-ish description of hospitals, depression, and eating disorder!*)
*About 10 minutes before OJ came in with Trophy*
*Dr.Fizz's P.O.V*
It was just a normal work day here in the hospital. I was working in the emergency section of the hospital. Yes, it was slightly more chaotic than the regular section, but not many people come for an emergency.
So, oddly enough.... The emergency section was quiet peaceful at times. Grant it, there are those days where the emergency room is jam packed and people are running all over the place.
But today? Today was pretty slow in regards to the emergency room. It was a little boring, but-
"Dr. Fizz! Emergency!", I hear a nurse yell out.
Oh. Well.. there goes that peacefulness.. No matter! This is the life of a doctor! Patients come first!
"What seems to be the problem Nurse Frame?", I asked in a calm voice.
Nurse Frame has a tendancy of panicking over small things. We doctors have to help her calm down when this happens. So, we talk calmly so she knows that things will be okay.
Looks like me talking calmly worked. This is the 10th time this week... She needs some sort of vacation. The poor woman.
"A person came in with an unconsious man. He had requested an emergency room for the patient.", Nurse Frame responds.
"Oh? And where is the patient now?", I asked.
"He's currently in a room right now. Another nurse is helping him out.", she replied.
"Ok. Can you lead me to him? Or can you tell me what room he is in?", I questioned.
"I can lead you there Dr. Fizz! Follow me sir!", she said.
We began walking towards the elevators so we can head up to whatever floor this patient is in. We make it and step in the elevator. Nurse Frame presses the 'F3' button and the elevator heads up.
Soon, we make it to the 3rd floor and walk some more. The long hallways are enough to make anyone get lost and confused here. We walk for about 10 minutes until we get to room 313. She opens the door letting me enter first.
I walk in and I see..........
He was my patient. But... what happened?
"Nurse. Why exactly is he in the emergency room?", I asked.
I have a very good suspicion on why he is here.... I just hope that's not the case. I hope Trophy has been doing better in that department....
"Well... the cargiver .....he said that he; the patient; punched the wall a little too hard to the point where his knuckles bled...", she began.
Okay.... it's not bad. Maybe it's nothing too serious-
"Not only that. But he also claimed that.... the patient hasn't been okay this past week....", she went on.
Not okay? This.... This isn't good. This is leading into both that category and Balloon category.
"Not okay how?", I pryed.
"..... He might have fallen into some sort of depression. The caregiver claims that the patient is constantly worried and has a few mental breakdowns...", she answers.
..... Oh dear. Trophy...... Balloon running away must have really made him upset. Gosh. I should've checked up on him! Or have my brother check up on him at least!
"Anything else?", I ask, slight worry in my voice.
I do hope it's not anything else..... Please. Don't-
"The caregiver also claims that..... the patient hasn't been eating this past week.", she finished.
..... Damn it. He still has this contidion. Well. Undiagnosed condition. I don't believe he ever got this checked out. *sigh* Even after all these years..... He's still stubborn.
"Oh dear. Well..... if that's the claim. We must give him a proper check up. We must check his blood to determine what vitamins he is missing. If the claim is true.", I remark, knowing that the claim is true.
"Of course doctor.", Nurse Frame says.
Time to be a doctor! For Trophy's sake...
* 30 minutes later*
I was right. Trophy had developed an eating disorder. A very common one as well. Anorexia is what Trophy has...... he also has very low important vitimans that needs to be replenished.
I blame that horrible 'father' of Trophy's for this disorder. He always made Trophy workout and barely eat. He would body shame him as well if he ate anything that was unhealthy, or if he got above the body weight of 120 lbs.
I don't understand why Trophy never did anything about it. Unless he did? I wouldn't know. I haven't seen or heard from the boy in years. Before he called me to notify me about....... Balloon running away.....
My poor son..... He didn't deserve this..... I hope he's okay where ever he might be.
Balloon may be my adopted son, but I love him like he was my own. And right now.... this father wants to find his son and give him a big hug.
I must push this worry away for now. I am still working! I'm currently heading down to the first floor. I'm going to meet the caregiver for the first time. He brought Trophy here, so I need to update him on Trophy's conditon.
I'm down here now. Now to find Trophy's caregiver. Apparently, his name is 'OJ'. Hmm. Like the hotel Trophy and .... Balloon.... lives/lived at. Okay. Time to call him out.
"OJ?", I called out.
I then see a male figure stand up and walk towards me.
"Yes. That's me.", he claims.
I extend my arm ready to shake his arm. He extends his arm and interlocks his hand with mine. We then shake hands as I spoke again.
"The name is Dr. Fizz. And I have the results for Trophy's condition.", I say.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm OJ. Manager of Hotel OJ and Trophy's caregiver.", OJ states.
Oh. So he's the hotel manager.... No. I see it. He has the look of one.
"The plesure is all mine. Now. Please. Follow me. I will update you on Trophy and his current state.", I say as I walk.
*sigh* Let's get this over with.......
*Trophy's P.O.V*
W-w-what happened?
W-wait..... w-where-
Where am I? I'm not at the hotel..... Nor the lifeguard hut....
Where the fuck am I?
I look around the place that I'm in. It looks like.... a hospital?
The fuck am I in a hospital?
The last thing I remember was..... punching the wall in the lifegaurd hut, OJ being OJ and got concerned, then..... darkness.
Holy shit.... Did I pass out? Fuck. I probably did. OJ must've took my to the hospital......
Great.... Just great.... this is just what I needed. Now OJ is gonna be on my case for the rest of the week...
Damnit. I let my condition get really bad. This is probably the worse it's ever been. How fucking fantastic....
*sigh* I'm fucking bored. I don't have my phone on me..... not that I can use it. I shake a litter when I hold things..
I just lay here. A few minutes go by when I hear something.... It sounds like footsteps. Multiple footsteps. They're coming to this door!
The footsteps stop.... Maybe they'll go awa- *Knock* *Knock* Oh shit! What do I say!? Nothing apperantly, the door is opening!
"Hello?", I hear a stern voice call.
The person steps into the room. I get a better look at him.......
It's Dr. Fizz..... Was he my doctor? Wait.... of course he is.... duh.
"Ah. Trophy! You're awake! How are you feeling?", Dr. Fizz greets as he walks closer to my bed.
"Dr. Fizz! It's good to see you again. And... Um... I could be better.. I guess.", I say, muttering near the end.
"It's good to see you too Trophy. By the way.... Have you been keeping up with your.... conidition?", he asked.
..... He knows.... I can see it in his face. He knows I let it get worse. I can't lie to him now.
"........... Why are you asking if you know I haven't? Didn't mean to sound rude..... sorry.", I asked, apologizing afterwards.
"Heh. I know. Just doctor protocal. Anyways. I believe you have a friend who's worried about you.", he claims.
I see him motion towards the door, signaling whoever is outside that it's okay to enter. The other person walks in and..... It's fucking OJ.
'Welp. Time to get an earful from both OJ and Dr. Fizz... yay.', I boo in my mind.
"Trophy! Oh thank goodness you're okay!", OJ shouts in glee.
He rushes over and gives me a small hug. I tense up a little. I.... I haven't been hugged by anyone but Balloon. I.... I didn't know what to do....
I akwardly hug him back..... This... this feels nice. Balloon gives better hugs, but this I could manage.
"Are you okay?", OJ asked as he pulled away from the hug.
Yep. I knew it. I knew he was gonna ask. *sigh* No point in lying....
"...... Not.... not really....", I confessed.
"Oh. I was expecting you to lie about this... Thank you for confessing.", OJ said.
"..... No problem.... I guess...", I mutter.
"Now. Trophy. Since you're up. I'm going to explain what you probably already know. Okay?", Dr. Fizz explained.
.... Fuck. I know where this is going.
".... *sigh* Give it to me doc..... How bad did I let it get?", I asked.
"Wait. You knew about this Trophy?", OJ intervened.
"... Yea. I've had this condition for years. Since highschool actually.", I confessed, getting flustered.
"And... you never bothered telling anybody!?", he asked, growing visibly concerned.
"Balloon knew.... And Dr. Fizz here..... it's was only them who knew for the longest time...", I said.
"Wait. You know Dr. Fizz?", OJ asked.
"Um... yea. He.... he used to be my doctor back in highschool.", I semi lied.
I know Fizz because he's; first and foremost; Balloon's adoptived father. I met him back in highshool in sophmore year. He's a pretty cool guy. He also was my doctor for highschool, along with being Balloon's doctor for obvious reasons.
"Oh. I didn't know that. That's kinda cool", OJ claimed.
"*ahem* If I may..", Fizz interupts.
Oh yea. I forgot he was here for a second.
"Ah. Sorry Fizz. You can continue.", I apologized.
"Thank you. Now. As I was saying...", he started.
"Trophy. You most defintnely developed an eating disorder..... It's a very common one.", he continued.
"The eating disorder you developed is called Anorexia. It's most common when one feels low self-esteem, negative self image and so on.", Fizz finished.
"Huh. That sounds like someone I know...", OJ said as he glances at me.
I guess I don't have the energy to do much these days.... On top of that.... I suppose I'm afraid of what others will say about me and my image. Huh. It does sound like me. Damn....
"Now. We took a blood sample Trophy. To see what vitimans you were missing and what not. And... the results are not pretty...", Fizz said in a serious tone.
'Shit. He's using his serious tone.....', I coward in my mind. He's terrifying when he's serious...
"And?", I squeaked out.
"........... You had some a couple of major vitimans that were very low.... So. I prescribed you pills for you to take once a day to help build them back up to the normal standard.", Fizz said as he gave me a chart.
"What's this?", I questioned.
"It's a chart. For your pills. You will take 4 a day after breakfast. Now. You will need to eat still. SO. I know how you are. And I'm just gonna give you some basic instructions.", Fizz continued.
"Since you have that mindset of not wanting to eat. It will be hard for you to eat normally for a good while. And that's okay. However, we can help you get there.", he claimed.
"You can? How so?", I asked.
"You will have a set schedule to eat. You will start out small. Eating like a snack whenever it's time to eat. Like the way you mostly are. Then, when you feel like you can.... You can start eating a little bit more. You will continure this for as long as it takes until you can eat full meals again. Okay?", he finished is explination.
"That's a lot... but I understand. I'll give this a shot.", I said.
"Don't worry. You have your friends at the hotel that will help you! Right OJ?", Fizz said.
"Of course! We are more than happy to help Trophy!", OJ exclaims.
"Exellent! Now. Trophy will have to stay here for about 2 days. Just want to monitor him and help him get started with this plan. Is that okay?", Fizz explained to us.
"It's no problem!", OJ said.
"I.... I guess it's okay..", I said, a litter nervous.
I've never stayed at a hospital overnight before. I've been to a hospital before... but I was always visiting. Visiting Balloon when he got sick or injured. I never had to stay overnight at one before!
Sure, I've been to a hospital. But I always got out hours later. But.... things were different now. Now. I had to stay overnight because of this disorder I have.....
I'm not sure if I like this.... Hospitals sort of... creep me out. Long hallways that look alike. The narrowness of the hallways that makes you feel like the walls are getting smaller by the second. The nurses and doctors having this smile that freaks me out for unknown reasons.
I've never seen a hospital in the dark. Only in videogames.... And holy shit. Are hospitals creepy as fuck in the dark and abandoned! I'm getting more freaked out by the second!
'I need to suck it up! I'm not well. The people here will help me get better!', I try to convince myself.
OJ and Dr. Fizz are talking, with me budging in every once in a while. We all talk for a good while before it was time for OJ to go. Damnit!
"Visiting time is over. I must ask you to leave OJ. Don't worry. You can come back and visit tomorrow!", Fizz explained to OJ.
"Oh. Okay! I'll see you tomorrow Trophy!", OJ said as he left the room.
After OJ exits the room, Fizz does the same thing.
"I'll check on you later Trophy. Okay? I have other patients that need my attention.", Fizz commented as he closed the door.
Fuck. I'm alone now..... What do I do?
I still feel tired.... Maybe I'll take a nap. Yea! I'll take a nap!
And, just like scripted in some sort of game or book.... my body starts to lay down on my bed. My head hits the pillow behind me.
I turn to my side. I begin to feel my eyes grow heavy.... I let my eyes fall.
Not long after.... I fall into slumber.
*End of Chapter 14*
*pops a popper*
2K reads!
Thank you all again!
As promised, here's another update!
(For me.... it's Saturday now... oops. I guess double upload
today instead of Friday. Oh well.)
This one is a little shorter.... mainly cause I have no clue how to write hospital scenes.....
(I've haven't been to a hostpital as a patient in a while....and I've never stayed overnight at one! Hopefully it's still good!)
I'll make it up to you all! I'll have a longer one later today/tomorrow for those in a different time zone!
Again, thanks so much for 2K reads!
I'll see you all in chapter 15!
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