Chapter 11: Pain and Secrets
*Trigger Warning! Mention of depression and attempted su*c*de!!!!!*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
I still can't believe what I'm seeing....
She's still here?! I thought she left!?
What is she doing here???? And..... Was I about to get in trouble?
I always knew Taco was something else when she was in season 1. And I turned out to be right! She came out to be this British speaking, cunning piece of aboslute crap what wanted nothing more than the million dollars. She hurt Pickle really bad, betraying him and what not.
But why was she here still? Was she planning something!? Was she STILL upset about loosing the million to OJ?
There were way too many questions I had. But everything was too much for me. On top of the million questions, I was still in my shock/panic state. I didn't know what was around me.
My only thought was, 'I was found! This could end in two ways. Both are really bad no matter what happens!'. I didn't know whether or not Taco knew I was missing or not. But it didn't matter right now.
I think I hear someone talking, or shouting to me??? It sounds british. I can't tell! I can't focus on anything! My breathing was quick. A little too quick. I started to see dark spots in my vision.......
And not long after..... my world was nothing more than total darkness.
*Taco's P.O.V*
I was coming to the open area. It was peaceful. I stepped out of a bush to be met with a nice senerey.
Quite lovely, I must say. Too bad I don't have anyone; other than Mic; to share this with. Mic and I aren't friends... just..... partners who want nothing more than to nab what we want.
She wants recognition. I wanted the million. We just work. I tell her what to do, and she more or less listens to said plan. Soon, we'll both have what we want.
However, she's becoming self-cautious.... She is starting to second guess this whole partnership we have. I'll just need to be more........ persuasive.
But I can focus on that later. For now. I just need get ready for my meeting with Mic herself. It wasn't too late, but I like being prepared. I still had hours to wait. I guess I should go back to Balloon...
Speaking of Balloon...... It's amazing how nobody has found him in a week! Maybe he has some survivor potential afterall..... If he's survived that is...
... I'm still concerned about him. He's hurting and everyone is worried about him. From what Mic told me, Cheesy and Trophy are hanging out more often. Along that, Trophy might be depressed and he hasn't been eating.
OJ is close to multiple breakdowns a day. Good thing he has that little boyfriend of his, Paper.I don't know how OJ would survive a single day at the hotel without Paper. The 'armless' alliance are a mess as well.
Something was wrong with Suitcase, having 'episodes' and not sleeping. Nickel, surprising was concerned and was doing his best to make up with Suitcase. Baseball acts like a big brother to the 2, caring for them when their hurt or sad. It's kinda adorable.
But that's the hotel's problem. Not mine. My ONLY goal was to find Balloon and that was it. What I do with him..... I don't know. Do I give him back to the hotel? Or do I keep him around? Have him help me with things?
'Hmmm..... Maybe I'll let him decide his fate.', I thought to myself.
It wasn't fair if I chose what Balloon wanted to do. SO. I find Balloon, see what he wants to do and then-
Hold on. I hear something.......
I look around and soon enough.....
Holy shit.....
Balloon! I found him!
But..... Why was he here in the open area? Did he find this place?
'He probably did find this area. Duh', I told myself. It makes sense of course.
I decided to walk towards him and..... Hmm. You know. I have no clue what to say to him.
I haven't seen ANYONE from season 1 in years! What the hell was I supposed to say!? 'Oh hi! Remember me? Taco? Yea how you been!?', or some random ass shit?
Anyways. I just walk to him when I noticed something..... Off about Balloon..... He hasn't noticed me yet. Weird.
The closeer I got to him, the more shaking I see..... I'm finally close enough to see that..... Oh fuck!
Is he crying!? Or is he having a mental breakdown!?
Not caring about my image, I rush towards him in hopes I can try and calm him down.
"Balloon? Balloon! Hey. Hey! Listen to me!", I'm trying to get his attention...
He's not listening! I try again.
"Balloon. Focus on my voice. Focus.", I try again.
He's too far in his mental breakdown or panic attack to try and focus on me. I'm not sure what to do!
Not too long after...... Balloon passes out right in front of me. Well shit.
What do I do now? Balloon is passed out. Hmm.... I.... I COULD leave him here..... But. Someone could find him.
And I doubt he wants somebody to find him. Then again. The only one who knows about this place is Mic, me and now Balloon.
'Should I leave him? I'll come back of course.', I asked myself....
..... I have an idea. It's gonna be stupid and risky. But...... It should work .... Theoretically of course.
Hmmm....... How do I do this though?
Ah-ha! I got the perfect plan!
*4 hours later*
*Balloon's P.O.V*
....... Ugh..... W-what happened?
Wait. Where even am I? I open my eyes to be met by darkness I'm the sky.
Huh? Wasn't it a little after 4 pm? Weird. I don't remember falling asleep....
I sit up from being in the ground. Wait..... Where the heck did this blanket and pillow come from!?
Before I go into panic mode... I look around to gather my surroundings. Oh. Hold on. I know where I'm at.
I'm still here at the open area! Oh thank goodness no one found me! I hope nobody did.
If no one found me.... Then how did I get this blanket and pillow? Wait..... I remember now..... But. Did she really -
"Oh. I see that you're awake now.", I hear a British voice call out.
..... Is that ..... I take a look ahead of me and I see ..... HER.
Taco.... Sitting on the sideways log. Drinking ... something..... not sure what it is.
Smells like tea. Mmmm... A nice cup of tea sounds nice. Oh. Wait. Taco!
"You not gonna say anything? Makes sense I do suppose..... You haven't seen me in how long?", Taco questioned.
".... Um..... 6 years I think???", I answered, not really know if she was talking to me.
"I know that idiot.", She spat.
'Good to know she doesn't like me still.....', I thought to myself.....
*Sigh* not even the most hated person of Inanimate Insanity likes me....... What am I even doing still living on the face of the Earth for!?
Why does everyone hate me!? What did I do to deserve this fucking hate!? I just want to be heard! I just want to be liked! I just-
"You okay?", I hear her asking.
"Huh?", I questioned, snapping out of my mini rant.
"... You're crying.", She pointed out.
..... Of course I am. God. I'm such a fucking baby. .... Does Taco care about me? Was she concerned?
"..... I'm fine.", I say, not expressing myself.
"Bullshit. You and I both know that you are definitely NOT okay.", Taco stated.
Damn. Can she read people? Or am I just easy to read right now?
"..... Why do you care?", I asked....
"... I don't. But right now. You're under my care. So I'm going to be a little concerned.", She confessed.
'Of course she doesn't care. Nobody cares about poor depressed Balloon.....', I said to myself......
Why doesn't anyone care about me? Am I that hated? Am I that unwanted? .... Why didn't I just kill myself when I had the chance?
".....", I couldn't say anything.
It was an awkward silence between us for quite some time. A little too quiet..... My mind started to go to dark places..... Great.
I didn't stop them however. I just let them happen. I didn't care...... And it's not like Taco even cares. She made that clear years ago.
Great. I'm crying again. Hopefully Taco doesn't see that I am. I learned how to cry silently, which helps in a lot of my cases.
Unfortunately..... I think Taco saw that I was crying....... Damn.
"Why are you crying again? God. Are you that much of a baby!?", she spat.
...... I'm not in the mindset for this bitch. I'm depressed as it is. I don't need someone to remind me!
".... I'm going", I said, getting up.
"What!? No 'thank you' for giving you a blanket and pillow? You too good for that? Or have you not changed your ways since season 1!?", Taco yelled at me.
.................. I can feel myself shaking. My breathing gets faster.... Negative thoughts come left and right.....
..... Have I truly changed? Is that why nobody saw my change? Did I not change my ways? Was I never capable of change? ......
Were they right? Could I never change? .....
I'm having a panic attack..... All these voices in my head are becoming way too loud..... I can't comprehend anything that's going on......
All I can do..... is let a cry of sadness and pain. Let out all that pain I've held in my system for GOD knows how long........
I'm shaking uncontrollably. I'm sobbing so much. I haven't been like this since highschool......
I'm....... I'm a complete fucking failure.....
Maybe I really am better off dead........
*Taco's P.O.V*
.......... He's crying. No. He's Balling.
Did....... Did I say something wrong? Was it the fact I brought up his persona in season 1?
Whatever I said.... I made him visibly upset. I didn't mean to make him so upset.
I should go over and apologize. I start walking when he gets up and runs.
"Shit", I muttered to myself.
I give chase to him. He was pretty fucking fast, for being a little chunky. Actually. He didn't look as chunky as he used to..... Strange.....
Forget that! I need to make sure Balloon isn't going to try anything stupid!
I'm still chasing him when he stops at a cliff. I pant heavy. Man, I'm tired!
I look at him and he's...... he's just standing there........ Almost like he's thinking about-!?
'He fucking better not be thinking what I think he's there!', I yell to myself.
I take one small step forward. And I try to call him.
"Balloon?", I called out.
".............", total silence from him.
"Balloon..... Look. I'm..... I'm..... sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to take it so far.....", I apologize to him.
Nothing still...... Damn. I think I fucked him up.
He takes a step forward...... More towards the fucking end of the cliff. Son of a bitch!
"Balloon! Step away from the edge of the cliff!", I exclaimed.
...... Nothing. Silence. Damn it! How fucking depressed is he!?
"..... Why?", he asked.
OH MY GOD! HE'S TALKING AGAIN! Weird ass question.... But hey, I'll take it!
"What?", I will.... confused a little.
"..... Why...... do you care????? All of sudden?????", he finished his question.
He turned around and..... his face was so...... BROKEN. His face has tear streaming down his cheeks. His eyes looked super dull of any color. Overall..... He just looked.... broken.
"...... Look. I don't really know myself. But..... I want to help.", I say, with a little uncertainty.
Truth is.... I have absolutely ZERO clue how to help a depressed person. But.... I still want to try. For his sake.
"Liar.....", he said after a bit of silence.
He..... He thinks I'm lying....... Not too far from the truth. I did lie my way to 2nd place in Inanimate Insanity season 1.....
"Balloon. I'm not lying right now. I truly want to help...... So. Please. Step away from the edge of the cliff....", I whispered to him.
He doesn't budge. I can hear him sniffle. He takes another step..... CLOSER TO THE EDGE!
"...... Everyone........ Everyone hates me....... even you. What's the point of trying to be fixed......", he said, in a very monotone voice.
'Oh shit. I don't think he's depressed anymore.....', I realized in my mind.
.......... Is he......... Does Balloon really think so negatively about his life?? Does he believe that life isn't worth living for anymore?
I need to help him...... NOW...........
"Balloon. Please. Don't. Don't do this..... You have soo much to live for!", I yell, tears forming in my eyes.
..... Wait...... tears? I reach up to my eyes..... Sure enough..... I feel wetness.... I was crying.
Crying over somebody I barely knew, somebody I competed against in season 1..... Crying over how he was so close to ending it all...........
I....... I couldn't let that happen!
*No P.O.V*
Everything was in slow motion. Balloon was just about to take his final step into eternal sleep......
Taco began running towards him. Just as Balloon's foot hanged over the edge of the cliff ..... He was soon tackled to the ground by a distress Taco.
"...... Why?", was all Balloon could muster out.....
Taco couldn't say anything. She was silently crying. Balloon looked at her and began to feel guilt piling up.
"..... *sniff* Don't you ever do that again!!!!! You still have a whole life in front of you! Why would try taking that away!?", she exclaimed to Balloon.
Balloon couldn't muster any sort of excuse for wanting to end it all.... He just wanted the pain to go away....... permanently.
He was tired of the pain. Tired of the endless suffering. Tired of the everlasting guilt in his stomach. Tired of the worry he always felt. He was tired of it all.
He just wanted it to end.
Balloon reflected on his actions just now....... He tried to take his own life. Why? Because he didn't believe that he had changed? Because somebody claimed that Balloon wasn't capable of change.
Gosh. That sounds super lame and dumb. Yea. Balloon was bullied. But he shouldn't have to listen to them! Man. He was really stupid for almost ending everything....
He began to cry...........
"I-I...... I'm sorry! I-I..... I don't know what I was t-thinking! ....... I'm s-sorry!", Balloon muttered, sobbing as he did so.
"Hey. Hey. It's okay. You're okay..... Things will get better. I promise...", Taco soothed.
The two of them stayed there for hours. Taco was doing her best to comfort Balloon. Balloon was still crying over his actions and selfishness.
After 4 hours, they pulled away from the hug they were encased in. They haven't noticed that the sky was pure darkness. Balloon was feeling better, and Taco felt good about herself, knowing that she helped Balloon.
"Balloon. You okay now?", Taco asked, to break the silence.
"Y-yea..... I'm ok....", he answered back.
"That's good. And I'm sorry again for triggering you..... That wasn't cool of me.....", Taco apologized again.
"D-dont worry..... It's okay.. and.... I'm sorry for nearly..... ya know...... ending it all", Balloon apologies as well.
"Heh. It's fine. At least you're still here.", she said.
They both take a look around and finally notice.......
"Holy shit! It's late! Quickly. Let's head back to the open area!", Taco suggests.
They both stand up and quickly make their way to the open area. After a few minutes, they make it back. And everything was just how it was after Balloon ran for the cliff.
"Ah. We're here. Good timing too!", Taco exclaimed.
"Why is that a good thing?", Balloon question.
"Ah. Well. You see. I'm sure you know by now. But the hotel is searching for you.", She explained.
"Oh. I know......", Balloon said, trailing.
"Well..... Mic for ME wrapped in this whole thing..... soo.....", Taco continued.
"!? You're not..... Gonna send me back? Are you!?", Balloon asked, shaking.
"..... Well. That was the plan..... but..... seeing as how.... you really don't want to be found.....", She went on.
"..... I don't wanna go back. They all hurt me.... they don't care.......", Balloon solemnly said.
".... Going to ignore that for now and comfort you later. But as I was saying..... I was thinking on just asking what you want to do.", Taco finished.
"What do you mean?", Balloon questioned.
"I'm letting you choose. Do you want to leave? Or stay out here?", She asked him.
Balloon looked shocked. Taco was willing to let him go? She wanted him to decide what he was going to do? That was unlike her!
".... I'm gonna stay out here.....", he finally answered.
"Ok. Well... I guess-", Taco began before getting cut off by her headset.
"Huh? What was that?", Balloon questioned.
"My headset. I think Microphone is trying to call me.", she explained.
"Mic!? Oh God. Please don't tell her anything about me! Please!", Balloon begged.
'He really doesn't want to be found.....', Taco thought to herself.
"Don't worry. I'll keep this a secret between you and me.", she said.
"Ok.... Um.... Before you answer the headset.....", Balloon began.
"Yes?", Taco answered.
"Uh... Um ... Do you think I could stay with you? Like. Hangout with you? I don't have a place and I don't feel like moving around to find shelter.....", Balloon asked, getting a little flustered.
'He wants to stay with me?', Taco asked, baffled.
"Um.... I guess.... I have been lonely these past 6 years .....", Taco confessed.
Balloon smiles, glad to have a potential friend to be with instead of being alone. Balloon didn't say anything more after that.
Taco went to talk to Mic on her headset. Most likely about Balloon and if anyone had any luck.
Taco, deciding to keep to her promise, lied to Mic about not finding Balloon.
'It was for the better..... Balloon doesn't want to be found.', Taco convinced herself.
While Taco continued her talk with Mic, Balloon was sitting next to the free he was sleeping at the night before.
His eyes grew heavy. He began to nod off in and out of sleep.
Eventually..... Balloon feel into a peaceful slumber.........
*End of Chapter 11*
Hoped you enjoyed the chapter!
This was hard to write. (Nearly cried a few times....)
Also. Majority of this chapter.... I wrote on my phone ..... My fingers hurt.
(I only had to cause the wifi on my laptop cut out randomly. AND ONLY MY LAPTOP! My phone is perfectly fine! Ugh...... I'm trying to fix it......)
The next chapter might be written on my phone as well if I don't fix my laptop.
Anyways. See you in the next chapter !!!!!
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