Before we begin...
Hello? Is this on? Wait... this is a book. How would... You know what. Nevermind.
Um. Hello! I am the author of this book. You don't know me, but you can call me Hammie, if you want, don't have to. (Gosh, I'm too shy and akward...)
I just have some things to say before this book can start. (You don't have to read this, you may skip this part)
So, number 1. I don't write often, so there will most defintely be spelling errors and really random plot points along the way, so DON'T expect things to be perfect!
Number 2, as mentioned in the description, nothing here; the characters mainly; belong to me! These characters belong to AnimationEpic! I only own the plot and the book cover which I drew myself. (Super proud of that btw.)
Number 3, don't expect me to update daily. I don't have a set schedule, but proably every Friday and Saturday. I am a human, and I have a life outside of writing.
Numbero 4, constructive crisim is allowed. I will take feedback and maybe, MAYBE a chapter recomendation if I can't think of anything of where the plot should go.
5, there may be ships in this book. It won't be the main purpose, but there will be some ships off to the sidelines. The main ships for now will be:
Payjay (OJ x Paper)
Lightbrush (Lightbulb x Paintbrush)
Knickle (Knife x Pickle)
Fantube (Fan x Test Tube)
and ComedyGold (Trpohy x Cheesy)
There might be one for Balloon; duh, he's the main character, however, I haven't thought on who to ship him with in this book. If you want, leave a comment on who I should ship Balloon with and I will consider it. It doesn't need to be a main ship like Suitloon (Suitcase x Balloon) or Nickloon (Nickel x Balloon) it can be a crack ship or a rare pare!
6, there will be no negativity on this book! If you are being mean, leave. No being mean to me, no being mean with others comments. If you don't like the book, then why the hell are you reading it in the first place?
7, There will be some heavy topics as mentioned in the description! If you feel uncorftable at all, there will be a warning for chapters with trigger topics for those who don't like them. I want everyone to feel as safe as possible! You all come first as a valued reader. (There will be swearing in this book because some characters are just built for swearing.)
8, this book takes place within season 2 still! More specificly, a month after Balloon and Nickel got eliminated; close to episode 12 in this book. The only Invitation characters that will be in this book is Lifering, Dr. Fizz (yeah, more side character, but roll with it), and Tea Kettle; for small plots including OJ and Balloon.
And finally, 9. Just have a good time reading this. Like mentioned, I haven't written things in a good while, so bare with me as I try to come up with plots for chapters. Chapters will range from being in 1st person and 3rd person; will leave a note when the pov will shift.
That's about everything I wanted/needed to say! Thanks for reading this intro page; if you did read it; and I hope you enjoy what I have in store for this story. If this does good, then maybe I'll write more books. MAYBE.
With that said...
This is, Inainmate Insa- oh wait, I'm not Mephone4... Um, let's just get to the actual book!
*End of introduction*
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