Where is he..?
Star Platinum was with Jotaro and the group, looking around a bit. Granted he is de-materialized, but still looking around. He was walking with Silver Chariot, Hierophant Green, and Magician's Red. Silver Chariot looked at Star Platinum and placed a hand on his shoulder, with a face reading,
"What's the matter?"
Star Platinum looked at Silver and nods his head. Silver Chariot gave him another face that reads,
"You sure? You never seem this anxious before.."
Star Platinum nods his head and responds,
"Ora ora oraa! Ora...Ora ora ora ora ora.." (translation: Yeah im fine! Just... a nightmare that's all..)
All three nod their head and Silver Chariot had a face that reads,
"Well.. If you want to talk about it, since it scared a big guy like you, we're here."
Star Platinum nods his head and chuckles. He continued to look around until he saw something yellow in the distance. Star Platinum turned his head to it. He would stop walking and looks at the direction. Magician's Red looked at Star Platinum having a face that reads,
"What's wrong?"
Star Platinum shakes his head and says,
"Ora ora oraa ora ora oraaa!" (Translation: Ah it's nothing just go ahead!)
Magician's Red nods his head slowly and walks ahead with the group. Star Platinum looks at the direction the yellow blur came from. Then again.. He could be wrong, everything in Egypt looks pretty yellow. It is pretty hot here, so he could be imaging stuff. He isn't quite sure. Before he tried to take one step forward. The World would be right in front of him with a cup of coffee, saying
"Muda. Mudaaa muda muda muda muda muda mudaaa. Muda muda muda!" (Translation: Sorry. It was hard to find you so it took me a while to get here. So here I am!)
Star Platinum grabs the cup of coffee and takes a sip of it. Warm. He smiles at The World and nods his head.
"Ora ora oraaa ora ora ora ora ora... ora ora oraaa ora oraaa ora ora?" (Translation: Well I need to stick with the group and you can't be spotted but... do you want to walk back here with me?)
The World looks up and thinks for a slight moment. He hums a bit and looks at Star Platinum and nods his head.
"Muda mudaa muda muda muda." (Translation: Until Dio summons me that is.)
Star Platinum chuckles and nods his head. He started to walk slowly with The World. Trying not to stay that far behind with the group. The World chuckles softly and Star Platinum looks up at The World with a confusing look.
"Muda... Muda mudaa muda muda mudaaa muda muda, mudaa muda muda!" (Translation: Well... It's funny how you guys are here in Egypt but, my user isn't even here!)
"Ora oraaa ora ora ora ora." (Translation: Well let them figure that out.)
The World chuckles softly and Star Platinum smiles at The World. The World looks over at a Cactus. The World said,
"Muda! Muda mudaaa muda muda! Muda mudaa muda!" (Translation: Look! It's my user right there! Pricky the prick!)
Star Platinum would chuckle and looks over at a rock and says,
"Ora! ora ora oraaa oraa! Ora oraa ora oraaa!" (Translation: Look! It's my user as well! The Stone cold bastard!)
The World chuckles as well as Star Platinum chuckles along with him. Star Platinum would smile at him with his bright blue eyes. The World grabs his face lightly and looks at it. He would say,
"Muda muda... Muda mudaaa muda muda muda.." (translation: You know.. you have some nice eyes for a stand.)
"....O-ora.." (Translation: T-thanks..)
The World pats him softly and twirls a lock between his fingers and looks at his hair. Star Platinum tried not to blush hard. But in failure he only blushed lightly.
"Muda..Muda mudaa muda muda? Muda mudaa muda mudaaa muda?" (Translation: Wait... is that star in your hair? And you have stars as freckles as well?)
Star Platinum nodded his head. He was unsure of how to react. Jotaro never noticed these features about him even. Maybe his friends sure but The World was keen with little details on Star Platinum. More then Jotaro and Star's friend could ever see on him.
"Muda! Mudaa muda muda muda mudaa. Muda muda mudaa muda." (Translation: Cool! All I have is some little hearts here and there on me. Basically I look like my user.)
Star Platinum laughed for a bit. Star Platinum looks at The World and smiles at him. The World smiles back as well.
"Muda.. Muda muda mudaa muda muda muda. Muda mudaaa muda?" (Translation: Well.. I have to go my user is calling me. But I'll see you later?)
Star Platinum nods his head and fists bumps him goodbye and then starts to run up to the others with a big smile plastered on his face. Hierophant Green looks back at Star Platinum and has a face that reads,
"Well somebody's mood is finally changed. What happened?"
Star Platinum simply shook his head and responds with,
"Ora... ora ora." (Translation: Ah... It's nothing.)
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