Are you out of your damn mind?!
Star Platinum was walking with his friends of course, but all of them materialized. It's more fun to be materialized, to them at the least besides the fact that they are half way crossed Egypt. Hierophant Green Carefully grabbed Jotaro's hat and attempted to put it on Kakyoin's head. But even before he could grab it, Jotaro looks back at Hierophant Green and tells him,
"You aren't that sly now..."
Hierophant Green gulps a bit, and Kakyoin looks over at Jotaro, saying
"Please.. Don't hurt my stand.."
"Well you must know, neither of you are sly. I dealt with your bullshit, ever since we were out here. So try again."
Star Platinum laughs and pats Hierophant Green's back. Telling him,
"Ora oraaa ora ora." (Translation: Better luck next time.)
He continued to laugh and sees something that caught his eye. He looked in that direction. He was unsure of what it was. He shook his head and looks at Silver Chariot, who was already looking at him with a curious look. His face reading,
"What's wrong? You seem a bit worried..."
Star Platinum shook his head and responds with,
"Ora oraaa ora. Oraaa ora oraaa ora ora.." (Translation: Ah it's nothing. It's really hot here though..)
Magician's Red looks over at Star Platinum and had a face that reads,
"That's because your not mainly fire."
"Ora oraa ora. Oraaa ora oraa ora ora." (Translation: Yeah yeah Red. Brag about your fire powers.)
Magician's Red Smile with pride. Star Platinum rolls his eyes and yet, he still sees something flying at the corner of his eye. He knew it wasn't the heat that wasn't getting to him. In fact he wasn't hot at all. He just has the cloth anyway. He looked at his friends and told them
"Ora oraaa ora ora ora. Ora oraa ora?" (Translation: I'll go find some water for us. Is that alright?)
All three nod in unison, and Star Platinum runs off. Hierophant Green looks over at the other two having a face that reads,
"Alright.. Who wants to go after the purple guy?"
Both Magician's Red and Silver Chariot nodded their head in agreement and runs off to find their purple best friend. It took them a couple of minutes until they found him, standing in the middle of nowhere. Magician's Red looked around quickly and found a bounder and pulled both Silver Chariot and Hierophant Green behind a rock and looked at both of them with a look that reads,
"Let's see what he's doing.."
Both of them nod their head in unison and all three peeked over the rock watching Star Platinum.
Star Platinum was waiting and waiting. He sighs and looks down, thinking to himself
"Damn.. Is he really not coming..?"
Until he jumped a little by somebody hugging him from behind.
"Muda!" (Translation: Boo!)
Star Platinum had his fist pulled back at the ready and looked back until he saw it was The World. The World had a cheeky smile saying,
"Muda..?" (Translation: No..?)
"Oraa ora! Oraa ora ora! Oraaa ora ora oraa ora!" (Translation: You fucker! Don't do that! I thought you were an enemy stand!)
"Mudaaa muda muda.. Muda mudaa muda. Mudaa muda mudaa muda!" (translation: Well I am.. to your team I am. But I did bring you something!)
Star Platinum tilted his head a bit asking The World,
"Ora oraa? Oraa ora oraaa ora?" (Translation: Oh yeah? What did you bring?_
"Mudaaa muda mudaaa muda mudaa. Mudaaa muda muda. Mudaa muda mudaaa muda. Mudaaa muda muda mudaaa." (Translation: I brought a few things for your group. From Dio's secret stash. I put the blame on a minion. You don't have to thank me.)
Star Platinum chuckles and looks at what The World Brought him. It was a couple of bottles of water, fruits, etc. Star Platinum looks at The World and smiles at him.
Magician's Red's beak dropped wide open and Silver Chariot closed it and looked at him with a face reading,
"We need to keep watching..This is our friend on the line. Understand that."
Magician's Red nods his head and keeps on watching both of his purple friend and the enemy.
"Ora...Oraaa ora oraa.. Oraaa ora oraaa ora oraa ora." (Translation: World.. This is too much.. You don't have to do this for me.)
"Mudaaa muda mudaa muda!" (Translation: But I want to!)
"..Oraa ora oraaa ora oraa.. oraa ora ora." (Translation: ..You have a kind heart World.. You really do.)
"Muda.. Mudaa mudaa muda muda." (Translation: Heh.. you're just saying that.)
"Oraa ora oraa ora!" (Translation: No I mean it!)
"Muda.. Mudaa muda muda mudaa muda.. Muda mudaa muda.. muda muda.." (Translation: Star.. I wanted to talk about yesterday really..I'm sorry about.. what happened..)
"...Ora.. Oraa ora.. Ora oraa ora! Oraa ora oraa ora!" (Translation: ...World..Look it's fine..Really it is! I don't mind it!)
"Muda.. Muda mudaa muda mudaa.." (Translation: Well.. if you don't mind it then..)
The World would take out a pure purple lilac and yellow rose.
"Muda mudaa muda.. Muda mudaaa muda mudaa...? Mudaa muda mudaaa muda muda.. Muda mudaa muda mudaa muda mudaaaa muda mudaa muda mudaa... Muda mudaa muda mudaa.." (Translation: Mind if we.. become more then friends..? I know it is a bit fast but.. You're the only stand who actually wanted to be my friend since everybody knows I'm Dio's stand...And I prefer not to lose you..)
Star Platinum stood there, unsure of how to answer. He looked at The flowers and smells it a bit, looking at The World's golden eyes. The World looked straight back into Star Platinum's blue eyes. Asking him,
"Muda.. mudaa muda muda?" (Translation: So.. Is it a yes?)
Star Platinum looks at him still and nods his head with a big smile, blushing purple.
"Oraa ora oraa ora.. Oraa ora ora?" (Translation: It couldn't hurt.. So why not?)
The World smiles and grabs Star's hand and pulled him closer and kisses him. Star Platinum wraps his arms around his new boyfriend and kisses him as well. On the other hand for Silver Chariot, Magician's Red, and Hierophant Green's eyes widen. They were at the least unsure of what to do. But they were ready to have a long talk with their best friend and beat up The World later.
"Muda..." (Translation: Star...)
"Oraa oraa?" (Translation: Yes World?)
"Muda mudaa.. Mudaa mudaaa muda mudaaa muda mudaaa." (Translation: Thank you.. for now making at least this life a bit sweeter.)
"Ora.. oraa ora oraaa ora oraa ora. Oraa ora ora oraa." (Translation: Heh.. I'm sorry you're still working with Dio. He must be a pain in the ass.)
The World chuckles and didn't want to let go of Star Platinum. Star Platinum refuses to let go of The World and Star Platinum looks up at him. The World looks down at him. The World grabs his face gently and leans in for a tender kiss. Star Platinum chuckles and kisses him. The World returns the kiss. The World licks his mouth for entrance, and Star Platinum opens his mouth, letting The World's tongue explore the insides of Star Platinum's mouth. Both held each other tightly refusing to let go.
As for the others.. Hierophant Green covers his face. Not knowing what to do with this information. Magician's Red's beak dropped open once more and fell over, passed out. Silver Chariot who was the smart one took two pictures, without the flash. Silver Chariot sat down and sighs, putting his lance down and covers his face shaking his head.
The new couple lingered the kiss for about 5 minutes and Star Platinum breaks the kiss and looks at him, asking him in a (Attempted, since he's loud by nature) soft voice
"Oraa oraa ora ora oraa..?" (Translation: Can we go back to my group..?)
"Mudaa muda mudaa muda..?" (Translation: Are you sure I won't get killed..?)
"Ora oraaa ora oraaa ora ora ora, Oraa ora oraa, oraaa ora ora oraa ora." (Translation: If you and I linger in the back, us being de-materialized, I'm 80% sure you won't get killed.)
"Muda mudaa muda mudaa muda?" (Translation: And what about the other 20%?)
"Oraaa ora oraa ora... Ora... oraa ora ora ora.. Ora oraa ora oraa ora? Oraa?" (Translation: That is my friends who.. might.. kill you but just.. stay quiet and we might live? Maybe?)
The World sighs and looks at him, thinking for a moment. He sighs and nods his head,
"Muda mudaa muda muda.. Mudaa muda muda mudaaa muda." (Translation: But in one condition.. you and I go to Dio's place next time we meet.)
"Oraa ora ora? oraa ora oraa!" (Translation: Are you crazy? He'll murder me!)
"Mudaa muda mudaa muda.. Muda mudaa muda muda." (Translation: Not if I keep him busy.. Trust me I know him.)
Star Platinum sighs and says,
"Ora.. ora oraa ora." (Translation: Fine.. I trust you.)
The World smiles and Holds his hand. Star Platinum held his hand tightly and runs off quickly with The World back to the group.
Silver Chariot picks up his lance and pokes at both Magician's Red and Hierophant Green with a face that reads,
"They're going back to the group. We need to follow them stat."
Both of them nodded their head and gotten up, running back to the group with Silver Chariot, tailing the new couple. They're watching from a distance behind The World and Star Platinum, seeing Star Platinum holding The World's arm and smiles at him.
"Mudaaa muda mudaa muda muda?" (Translation: You aren't a smiling type are you?)
"Oraa ora ora oraa?" (Translation: Why you say that?)
"Mudaa muda mudaa muda muda." (Translation: Looks like you're ready to commit murder.)
"Oraaa ora oraa ora ora." (Translation: Says the one who looks gay.)
"Mudaaa muda, Muda MUDA mudaa." (translation: Excuse you, I AM gay.)
Both Star Platinum and The World chuckles.
"Muda, mudaa muda mudaa muda mudaa muda muda muda." (Translation: Hey, go give the items to your group before one of them drops dead.)
Star Platinum nods his head and grabs the bag filled with resources and walks up to Jotaro and pokes at his arm.
"What is it now Star?"
"Ora!" (Translation: Look!)
Jotaro looks at Star Platinum and sees him carrying the bag and looks inside of it, seeing all of the supplies.
"Where do you even find this stuff at Star?!"
Star Platinum smiles and shrugs. Advol perks up his head and says,
"Well at this point we're good for a whole month! Right guys?"
Joseph, Polnareff and Kakyoin nodded their head in agreement. Joseph blurts out
"Well, what are we waiting for?! We should have a snack in Star's great findings!"
Jotaro nods his head and says,
"You know what old man? You have a point there.. Let's eat while walking. Once more Star, Thanks."
Star Platinum nods his head and returns to his boyfriend and holds onto his arm and smiles. The World looks at him and smiles. Magician's Red, Hierophant Green and Silver Chariot were walking from a distance behind them looking at each other, unsure of what to do. Hierophant Green's face read
"Let's just keep an eye on them for now.."
Magician's Red nods his head but Silver Chariot shakes his head and had a face that read,
"No! That is our friend and users! He could be using him to get to them! People could get hurt!"
Magician's Red looks over at his friends and his face read,
"He does have a valid point.. What should we do?"
Hierophant Green sighs and looks at them and had a face that reads,
"We'll warn Star Platinum at the least.."
All three nod their head and kept an eye on their purple best friend.
Star Platinum smiles and looks at his boyfriend and asks,
"Ora oraa ora ora oraa?" (Translation: Don't you have to go soon?)
The World shrugs and asks him,
"Muda mudaa muda muda?" (Translation: Do you want me to leave?)
Star Platinum shook his head no and continues to walk with him, holding his hand. The World looks over at Star Platinum and asks him,
"Muda.. Muda mudaa muda muda..?" (Translation: Hey.. think we can sneak in a kiss..?)
"Ora oraa ora oraa ora ora oraaa." (Translation: They'll notice at some point if they don't hear me World.)
"Muda mudaa muda muda mudaa. Muda mudaa muda muda muda." (Translation: I'll carry you while kissing you. How does that sound you scaredy cat.)
"...Ora ora." (Translation: ...Fuck you.)
"Muda muda." (Translation: Yeah yeah.)
The World chuckles and kisses his boyfriend and Star Platinum returns the kiss, until both of them broke the kiss. They both kept on walking. Star Platinum looks at The World and The World looks back at him with a curious look.
"Muda mudaa muda muda?" (Translation: What's on your mind Star?)
"Ora... ora.. ora.. Oraa ora ora.." (Translation: Nothing... Just.. Well.. a few things..)
"Muda muda?" (Translation: What's that?)
"Ora oraa ora oraa ora ora.. Ora oraa ora ora ora.. Ora ora ora. Ora ora?" (Translation: How my friends will feel about us.. what will happen in the future..Stuff like that. I suppose?)
The World sighs and looks at Star.
"Muda.. Muda muda mudaa. Muda mudaa muda muda, muda.. Muda mudaa muda muda.. Muda mudaa muda muda. Muda mudaa?" (Translation: Look.. I know I'm the enemy. You don't have to remind me, but.. don't worry about the future.. Just think about now. Understand me?)
Star Platinum looks into his golden eyes and nods his head with a smile.
"Muda.. Muda?" (Translation: Now.. Star?)
"Oraa ora?" (Translation: Yes World?)
"Muda muda mudaa.. Mudaa muda muda mudaa.. Muda muda mudaa muda.. Muda mudaa muda.. Muda mudaa muda muda. Mudaa muda?" (Translation: I have to go.. Dio wants me for something.. But if you need me.. yell out my name.. I'm only one call away. Understand me?)
Star Platinum nods his head and kisses The World on the cheek, and waves his boyfriend bye as he vanishes off to Dio. As for his best friends.. Hierophant Green tapped Star's shoulder and Star turns around, seeing his best friends there. Star Platinum smiles and says,
"Oraaa ora! Oraa ora ora?" (Translation: Hey guys! How are you?)
All three had a "Really now?" Look. Star looks at them and asks,
"Ora.. Oraa ora oraa.. Ora oraa?" (Translation: You.. guys saw that.. didn't you?)
All three nodded their head in unison.
"Ora! Ora! Oraa ora ora!" (Translation: Look! Guys! I can explain!)
Magician's Red's face read,
"Then start explaining why you're dating the enemy!?"
Hierophant Green's Face read,
"And what the hell do you see in him?!"
And finally Silver Chariot's face read,
"Are you out of your fucking mind!?"
"Ora oraa ora ora oraa ora ora, Ora oraa ora ora oraaa ora oraa ora ora oraaa ora oraaa ora ora, ora oraa ora oraa ora ora oraa ora, oraa ora oraa ora ora ora oraaaaa ora ora. Ora, ora. oraa ora oraa ora. Ora ora ora oraa." (Translation: Because he's actually a nice guy, he says we're forced on sides and we never chose them in the first place so by those terms he really isn't evil, and in my opinion I see good in him, kindness and consideration for other users and stands. Finally, yes. Yes I'm crazy. But i'm crazy for him.)
All three of them face palmed, not knowing what to do with their purple friend. Hierophant Green places a tentacle on his shoulder, with a face that reads,
"You know we have to end him at some point since Dio will not stop reviving himself until they both are dead. We have to kill him somehow..."
Star Platinum shakes his head and sighs, responding with,
"Ora oraa ora oraa ora ora oraaa ora! Ora oraa ora oraa ora ora.." (Translation: But there has to be a way to not harm World as well! There has to be something..)
Silver Chariot pats his back, having a face that reads
"Look.. We just.. have to wait and see. But have your fun now, alright? Just appreciate it before it's gone."
Magician's Red nodded his head in agreement, patting Star's back as well. Star Platinum looks down and sighs. Not knowing what to respond with, all except with
"Ora oraa ora oraa ora oraa ora...Ora ora oraaa ora ora oraa." (Translation: I know there has to be a way to save him... I know there has to be.)
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