Why Do You Hate Me?
I see that Mrs Smith has given us a new seating plan. But as I suspected, she has not bothered to change where Zayn and I sit, which I'm very pissed of at.
"Whyyyy?" I groan as I see the devil himself smirking at me. I look away going back to writing my new song. I absolutely love music. Its a passion that I have that only my two Best Friends know. If Zayn knew about this. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind exposing me in the most cruel way possible. But anyway, ugh I was daydreaming and now Mrs Smith asked me a question and I don't even know what it was.
"Pardon Mrs Smith, can you please repeat the question" I ask in my kindest voice.
"What parts of an animal cell can you remember from last lesson?" She asked again clearly annoyed that I wasn't paying attention.
"Uummmm.... the nucleus, the mitochondria, cell membrane and..... oh yeah the cytoplasm!" I manage to say with everyone's eyes on me making me very uncomfortable.
"Well done Rachel! You named all of them correctly, 4 house points!"
Half way through the lesson I feel something poke my arm. At first I ignore it like any other normal person would. I feel it gain and this time decide to turn around to see who is poking me. Of course, I'm so stupid obviously its going to be the person who loves to make my life a living hell. "What do you want Zayn?" I say with a slight snarl. He puts his hands up like he's surrendering.
"Hey, I ain't do nothing to ya, what the hell?" He says with a very small amount of guilt, but I decided to ignore it because it's probably my mind playing tricks on me.
"Ugh whatever." I roll my eyes at him and get back to my work.
"Hey, c'mon I just wanted to talk. We really need to catch up on things." He says with a smirk on his face.
"Catching up? Are you crazy?? You know what you've done to me and then you decide to play the 'Nice Guy'. Well I ain't falling for non' of your shit!" I say a bit too loud with anger clearly laced in my voice. "Why did you even decide to hate me in the first place anyway?" I ask curious to see what he has to say. Leaning back in my chair giving him a questioning look. He sighs deeply."Well..... I've never actually hated you, but I can see why you might say that..." I was hoping he would say but instead came out saying......
"What do you mean decide? Isn't it obvious why I don't like you? I don't like you because your a stupid dumb fat ass bitch who wears clothes like a nerd to make it seem like your clever!" The whole class laughs at his comment. I put my head down and sigh as I feel hot angry tears ready to fall down my face.
The bell goes off
Relief runs through my veins when I hear the bell go off. I pack my bag quickly and get out of the class. Luckily my next class is without Zayn. I smile when I remember this. I thought he was in all my classes. I forgot that was last year. Yeah I've just started Year 11. Last week was when we started Year 11. GCSE's! These exams are so important though, so I can't let Zayn distract me this year from learning. I see my class. No one is sitting at the back.
As I enter my class I smile to the teacher and wish her good morning. She smiles back and nods. "Good morning class! Hope you had a great weekend." My teacher beams at the class. Ms Wilson is one of the nicest teachers you could have. She rarely got angry and she understood all her students. She isn't strict either. All the students love her. English goes by quickly. Break time. Finally.
(Time skip to lunch)
Aimee, Danielle and I are walking down the halls to have our lunch. We are laughing at a joke that Danielle made. We hear moaning and soft banging coming from the cupboard. "Ugh Zayn"...... "yeah just like that baby ......" We look at each other with disgusted faces. Is he really that desperate to do it in the cupboard? We walk as fast as we can past the cupboard but I guess it was just a quickie because next thing we see is Zayn and his 'toy' walk out of it. He sees us and he freezes. His facial expression was scared for a moment but then hardened after a second to his usual 'bad boy' expression. I decide to ignore the fact that he looked scared for a moment and look away. My friends notice how uncomfortable I am and we walk away from the scene.
When we are far enough I release a breathe I didn't realise that I was holding. "Wow! I can't believe that we just caught Zayn Malik doing it in the school cupboard!" Aimee laughs along with Danielle.
"At least now we can say something back when he decides to be rude or annoying to you!" Danielle said giving a reasonable point.
"Yeah your right Danielle." I say sighing. The rest of the day happens and I completely forget about the incident at lunch time.
Since I'm in Year 11 my parents have decided to let me go home on my own. Took them long enough to realise that I'm not a kid anymore. As I'm getting ready for a 45 minute walk I see Zayn walking very slowly ahead of me. I put my earphones in and play my favourite song called Look Back At It by A-Boogie Wit Da Hoodie. I walk at my fastest pace. I see him looking at me. I look away as soon as I remember what I saw at lunch. My body shivers at the memory. That is one thing I do wish to possibly erase from my mind. Although, I do secretly wish that was me in that cupboard with him and not that other girl..... NO no no, ugh Rachel what are you thinking why would you want to do it with him?
I had completely forgotten about Zayn walking on the other side of the pavement. Because I was so drowned by the sound of my music, but also me falling deep in thought. So for the consequence of not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone.We both ended up on the ground with me on top of the stranger. I blushed so badly, I don't think that I have ever gotten up so quickly from falling. As I got up, I dusted myself.
But before I could get any noise out of my mouth I already heard him say softly,"Uuuhhh... are you ok ?" I looked at the guy. Oh my god, he was beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen someone look so hot, but so innocent at the same time!
Then I remembered that he asked me if I was ok, I answered quickly "Uh.... yeah I'm fine. Oh my gosh your shirt, I'm so sorry about that" I realised that when I bumped into him, he spilt all of his coffee on himself.
"Oh, well I'm fine, thanks for asking and don't worry about my shirt, its fine."
I decided to ask him if he wanted to walk with me. He agreed and I remembered that my mum told me that we had new neighbours. I was really excited. We talked the whole way to my house. Turns out we have so much in common. I found out that his name was Frankie. He is one of the funniest people ever! I mean seriously my stomach hurts so much from laughing. When we got to my house I asked him where he lived and his number. He told me that he lived on the other side of my house. "Oh your my new neighbour then! My mum has invited your family over for some dinner. Can't wait!" I squealed with excitement.
We said our goodbyes and I entered my house. "Hi Mum."
"Hi Rachel, how was school today?"
"School was ok as usual."
"If school was ok, then why do you look so smiley and happy? Did you meet someone?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I giggled gently.
"Well, you see how we have new neighbours?"
"Well I bumped into a boy my age who lives in that house. He is so funny though. Like we have so many things in common. I can't wait until they come over so I get to meet the rest of his family!"
"Oh wow honey, that's amazing! Your making so many new friends this year. I'm sure that all his family will love you!" I smiled at her comment.
" Well, if you want to impress him, then you better start getting ready now. They will be here in an hour." As soon as she told me I bolted up the stairs to start getting ready.
I took a shower and started to prepare what I was going to wear. I decided on a pair of white leggings and a grey crop top that says 'Beautiful'. I put my black adidas jumper on and left the zip open. I put on some light make up with a bit of eye shadow. I checked how I looked. My hair. I decided to put it in a high bun. As soon as I was done getting ready, I went downstairs. I saw that they were only going to be here in 20 minutes.
~Time skip to when Frankie and his family arrive~
I heard them ring the door bell and I ran to get the door. I smiled when I saw Frankie and hugged him. "Hi Frankie."
"Hi Rachel"
"So are you going to introduce who you are hugging to us by any chance Frankie?" I heard a woman's voice from behind me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, my name is Rachel Williams. And you are?"
"I'm Lucy Bush, Frankie's Mum." She smiled warmly and held her hand out to shake, but instead I hugged her, "Thank you for coming Lucy!" She also introduced her husband, Sam, and her daughter Crystal. She is the cutest thing ever! Crystal is only 5. I hugged her and held he on my hip.
"Awww, Frankie, you didn't tell me you had such a cute little sister!" He just smiled at me.
"Well I didn't want to focus all your attention on her and not me. I know its kind of selfish, but I do think your really pretty and I just wanted to get to know you more now that we are friends" He looked down I guess feeling guilty.
"Aww, Frankie, you don't have to worry about that!" I grabbed his cheeck lightly and got him to look at me. "Come on, lets go upstairs to my room." I put Crystal down on the couch because she fell asleep in my arms.
As soon as we got up to my room, Frankie grabbed my but. " What was that for?"
"Huh? What do you mean? I did nothing." He smirked at me. I just rolled my eyes at him. Wow I thought. He really thinks that I'm just gonna let him into my life that easily. He really needs to slow down, I mean we just met hours ago! He's crazy!
"Frankie," He looked up at me
"Yes Rachel?"
I sighed "Look, I think you are rushing our relationship way to fast, I mean we only met hours ago and you already want to fuck me and be my boyfriend!"
"Look, I'm sorry Rachel. It's just, I don't know, I already feel as though we've known each other for ages. I also thought that you shared a mutual feeling with me. But obviously not" He said with a sad face. I felt really guilty, but though I guess he is still rushing things.
"Ok, look Frankie. It's not that I don't have feelings for you. But though we have only just met one another. Don't you think that is a bit early to say that you and I might have feelings. Usually I would wait about a week, sometimes even a month to figure out if I really liked someone. Not on the day that I met the person. I mean Frankie, I'm not trying to be mean here, but please at least wait a little to figure out everything. And think about it, you've also just moved into the neighbourhood, who knows maybe you'll see another girl at school and completely forget your feelings for me and go for another girl instead." I look at him in a way to make him see that I'm being serious but also that I'm telling the truth to him.
"Yeah, I guess your right. How about after a week or a month we talk about how we feel towards each other and see if they change." He offered. I gladly accepted his offer and we went downstairs to have dinner.
My mum was cooking chicken, I could already smell all the spices from the top of the stairs. Dinner was cheerful, everyone had something to say or a story to tell. I like it that way, everyone's talking to everyone else. It always brightens my mood. It turns 9:00 and they have to go home because they have to finish packing and Crystal is not to be up so late. We said our goodbyes and we all went to our rooms.
Jesus I have had a very eventful day today. Well lets just see what tomorrow has in store for me. You never know, I have a feeling that Frankie is going to have a MAJOR crush on Danielle though. I smile at the thought, they would be such a cute and perfect couple. Their personalities fit like a puzzle!
Then Zayn enters my mind once again. Ugh why does he have to be so hot?! I think to myself quietly. I text Danielle and Aimee about what happend today on my way home and who the new neighbour is.
Me: Hey girls
Danielle: Hey
Aimee: Hi
Me: Guess who my new neighbour is?
Danielle: Let me guess, he is a really cute and hot guy who have a massive crush on and want to go out with.
Me: Well, Danielle your not completely right..... ok so he is hot, but I thought he would look better with you. I mean your personalities fit so perfectly its scary. He is so funny, he loves to scare people for a joke and many other things.
Aimee: Danielle!!! He is basically the male version of you!!
Danielle: Jeez guys, calm down. He's probably not even going to think that I'm attractive. Which I don't think I am
Aimee: Girl you crazy you are attractive. The amount of boys that probably drewl over you secretly.
Me: Yh Danielle, Aimee's right. And if you think he won't like you then lets see tomorrow morning.
Danielle: Ok, fine. Goodnight
Aimee: Yh. Goodnight
Me: Goodnight guys.
Ok, so what did you guys think? I tried to make this chapter longer then the last one.
2565 Words!
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