Hurt, Confused What?
Zayn's P.O.V
Great. I have to work in a group with Rachel and this new kid. What's his name? I think its Frank or Fin or something. Ugh Rachel is so beautiful when she laughs.
"Zayn? Hello, Zayn come on we need to make the track"I hear someone calling my name. I realise that I was daydreaming again. I really need to stop or she's going to find it weird probably.
I sighed. "Yeah, uhh ok. So what genre of music are you guys thinking about doing?" I ask hoping that they choose R&B.
"Uhh well... my type of music would probably R&B. What about you Frankie?"
"Well mines hip-hop I guess..."
"Zayn? What about you?" Rachel says and I can hear the hope clear in her voice. Hip-hop is obviously not her genre.
"Sorry Frankie. You're out numbered!" She says a bit too happy. I smirk in Frankie's direction. He looks quite mad knowing that Rachel and I have something that might possibly leave him out.
"Ugh ok. I guess I'm fine with that...."
"What theme should we do? Love, Heartbreak, Loneliness, Happiness any ideas guys?" I ask hoping that Rachel also chooses Love. The amount of ideas I have for that topic because of her. I sigh again.
"Umm well.... I really want to do Love. I do have a few ideas for that topic. So we want to do Love as the topic I guess?" She asks mainly looking in Frankie's direction knowing that he probably wanted to object against it again.
"Yeah. yeah sure.. I'm fine with that I guess. So what type of instruments, what type of beat, is it going to be slow, fast?" Frankie asks looking quite bothered.
"Frankie, can I speak to you for a moment? Oh, Zayn if you want, uhh you can start with some ideas for the song? I just need to have a quick talk with Frankie if that's ok with you. We wont be long." She smiles at me. I nod my head and they go over to the corner of the room obviously having a mini argument about something. I shake my head laughing slightly and jot down some ideas.
By the time they get back, I've already sorted out the introduction and verse. "Oh hey, I've started writing the start of the song if that is ok with you?" I say looking in between the two of them. Neither of them looking at one another. Ok, maybe it wasn't really a mini argument.
"Umm, well Zayn, Frankie is not going to be working with us anymore. He wants to work on his own track." She says while glaring at Frankie. If I'm to be honest, it is very entertaining seeing these two secretly arguing with their eyes. The tension though is undeniably thick. I decide that it was enough and said something to stop this tension some how, "Uhh, ok. So Frank if you-"
"It's Frankie." He says cutting me off mid sentence glaring dangerously at me. He really thinks that I'm scared of him. Pfft all he has to do is try and he'll regret even moving an inch towards me. I roll my eyes at him and continue. "Ugh. whatever your name is, you can just go to Ms and say that you want to work on your own now. Rachel I guess we could start on this song?" Rachel nods in my direction, this boy still looking at me and asking for a fight so I decide to bring up him glaring at me.
"You know I would rather appreciate it if you would stop staring at me like you're looking for a fight. If you want to avoid getting beaten up by me, then I would suggest that you stop looking at me like that 'cause you are looking for a fight with that glare you're giving me." I snarl looking him up and down seeing that he does like he could do some sort of harm but though he still wouldn't be able to beat me. I do boxing so I am technically trained to fight. He keeps glaring at me. Obviously he doesn't want me to win that easily. I sigh and roll my eyes at him thinking about how stupid he is for thinking that he could beat a boxer.
He try's to swing a punch at me. Since I have a quick reaction time, I doge it easily. He looks at me angry. He is so angry and keeps on swinging punches at me. I dodge every one of them. I finally get bored and decide to catch his hand in the air. I grab it and make him punch himself. He stumbles back breathless. I just smirk at him while he's just huffing and puffing like he's the big bad wolf or something. I snicker at what I see. I punch him in the nose and walk out of class since class is now over. He looks at me like I'm some sort of disgusting animal. I roll my eyes and say ,"You really should've thought twice before trying to start a fight with a boxer." I laugh as he looks at me like he never thought that someone like me would ever think about boxing in their entire life. People are so judgemental these days I think while walking off to my next lesson that hopefully he is not in.
I see Rachel and walk up to her. "Hey, umm sorry about your friend. And I want to apologise for earlier." I say while scratching the back of my neck feeling rather nervous.
"Oh, I'm sure Frankie's fine, I mean like....he kind of asked for it. Like you did warn him to stop looking at you." She says laughing gently. I smile. "But umm, I guess I accept your apology for earlier. But though it's mainly because we have to work on a music track together. You know like music is one of the most important things in my life! It defines who I am! I was thinking about becoming some sort of artist when I'm older. I also like art. I just love being creative, I love to express what I feel like through creativity. It's just, some people don't get it and it annoys me sometimes." She says groaning at the end.
"I completely agree with you! I love to draw like it's my passion, it's my escape from the real world outside. Music it just involves so much emotion. Most people think that you just randomly write a song, no. It normally involves how you feel about something or someone special to you. Like people just don't get it that art is more then just drawing something and colouring it in. NO! It's to do with how you feel, what message you're trying to put across. About making sure you catch each and every detail. Music is also a way to release your secrets without anyone even knowing!" I say swing my arms showing that I meant every single word that I just said.
I see Rachel laughing next to me."I can't believe we've had this in common for so long but though we pretended to hate each other! I mean you actually seem like a nice guy! So about that offer you said at lunch. So let me just adjust it a bit. So how about we LITERALLY start from square one. Like we never even met each other. A fresh new start yeah? I mean I guess I could really use a new friend." She says smiling shyly at me. I sigh, my heart melting at the sight.
"Yeah of course I don't mind that!" I say pausing for a bit. I look away for a bit. Then look back.
"Hey, I'm Zayn Malik." I say holding out my hand.
She looks at my hand in slight shock. She shakes her head and smiles. "Hey, I'm Rachel Williams. I am looking forward to seeing you a bit more Zayn. What class do you have next, maybe we could walk together and get to know each other since I've never met you before" She says laughing at the last part of her sentence. I look at her grinning like an idiot.
"I have P.E next, what about you?"
"Same! Come on, we're going to be late Zayn Malik!" She says laughing running off.
Well, all I can say is that I must be one of the luckiest guys in school to be friends with her. The lays she bounces on her feet when she's happy and running. The way her skin just glows even when the suns not out. She takes my breath away every time I see her. It;s like she's an angel who has fallen down from heaven here to restore the earths ways and fix all our cruel ways just by us looking at her. She really is amazing, but right now I need to take things slowly because, like she said we are starting from square one.
I run after her, today is going to be eventful. Especially with Frankie angry with me. I sigh, as long as Rachel is happy.
Rachel's P.O.V
Wow, did I really just befriend Zayn Malik? I am shocked with myself, but for some reason I don't regret it. I really am liking this side of him. I just hope that I don't see the dark side of him again. My body shivers at the thought of it. Anyway, I need to forget that. The past is the past, I need to move on from it or I wont get anywhere.
"Hey Rachel!" I heard Danielle say my name. Zayn was still by my side. They're glaring at him. Damn it! I forgot I need to tell them about Zayn and I or they are going to kill him!
"Rachel! What is Zayn Malik doing standing next to you????!" Aimee says trying to calm down but fails miserably. I look at Zayn and he gulps knowing that my friends don't know about us yet.
"Aimee, calm the f*ck down, ok?" I say annoyed. "I'll tell you everything after school ok? So please right now can you please stop looking at Zayn like you want to murder him with your bare hands!" I say while rolling my eyes and laughing in an almost sarcastic way.
"I swear if you don't keep your promise and not tell me anything about what happened, I swear to God that-" I decided to cut Danielle off before she said something else.
"Shut up! Yes I will tell you after school. I mean like hello!! I tell you like basically everything remember?!" I ask quite annoyed and pissed off. I already got into an argument with Frankie, I don't need both Danielle and Aimee screaming orders at me and other things. I grab my head because I have a really bad headache from overthinking everything. No one would understand though, I'm really going through a horrible time. My parents divorced a year ago. It's still tough having to go from house to house. My Father has now decided to move to a different country. This means that I'm now staying with my Mum permanently until I am able to afford a house and get myself a job and everything else. I sighed deeply. This stress is going to get the better of me one day.
"Anyway, I need to get to class before I'm late. C'mon Zayn!" I dragged him by the arm. We ran to class and made just in time. I'm so glad that we made it on time. If I was late, then I would have gotten a detention! Thank God I didn't.
I look at Zayn as we took our seats. I've always found him very attractive. From his hair, his cheekbones, his eyelashes, his voice, his tanned skin, his lips, his hazel colour eyes that always seemed to change with his mood. His body, his muscles, he just had it all. I sighed looking away. He would never want you Rachel I sigh looking at my body. I've always thought that I've been one of the most unattractive girls in my year. As I decide to gaze into space I hear someone calling my name and I snap out of my gaze. "Rachel, are you listening? I called your name in the register, next time please pay attention in case I mark you as not here" My teacher said.
"Sorry Ms, it wont happen again." I say and then take out all of my things.
"Ok, has anyone seen Frankie Bush? On the system here it says that he has been in all day. Does anyone have a-"
"Sorry I'm late Ms. I was in the medical room." Frankie burst through the door interrupting Ms Wilson.
"Why where you in the medical room Mr.Bush?" She asks wanting to know why he was late so then she could probably check with the medical staff later.
"Oh, I had gotten into a fight and yeah got a blood nose." He says while touching his nose as if he could fix by touching it.
"Well, you shouldn't of gotten into the fight in the first place then you wouldn't of been late. You may be a new student, but that doesn't mean anything to me. I treat all of my students the same. I never let anyone off just because they misbehave more. Don't believe me, you may ask my students. But there is no need to worry, I'm not that strict. I'm only strict if you're difficult with me. Anyway, so class today we will be looking at William Shakespeare's very famous Macbeth. How many people have heard of this play?" She asks looking over to see if she needs to explain the basic plot of the play.
Everyone's hand is raised except for Frankie's and some other girl whose name I can't quite remember. "Ok, so only two students have not heard of Macbeth. Because the number is so small your two's task will be to search up Macbeth when you get home. So let's get onto some classwork!" She beams with a smile on her face. She asks students to hand out the worksheets and talks about the task we have to do.
The rest of the lesson goes by quickly and the bell goes off signalling the end of the lesson. I can breathe. The tension in the air between Frankie and Zayn was so thick even Ms asked if there was something wrong. It was mainly Frankie causing the tension. I could tell that Zayn was generally trying to focus on the work, but it was obvious that the tension was causing him discomfort. What made it worse was that I sitting in the middle of the whole thing! What made it even worse was that I had no idea of what to do to get rid of that tension. It was so thick a knife couldn't even cut through it! How was I supposed to tell Frankie that I'm fine with Zayn now? Or does he already know? Ugh I don't know, this is making me anxious about all of this! Why? Well, I still have to tell Danielle and Aimee everything and then Danielle will probably tell Frankie everything because even though those two keep on denying it, I'm pretty sure that they are falling in love with each other.
What else could go wrong, God please tell me why are you doing this to me? What did I do to deserve more stress then I already have? I mean O Lord, I am supposed to be focusing on my GCSE Mock exams am I not? Why are you letting all of this take me off my course? I sigh and leave the classroom to go to my locker. I feel as though someone's watching me, I get crept out and look around and see that the hallway is empty. I take that as a bad sign and do what a normal person should normally do and run to class. I don't look back because I can hear someone running behind me. I realise that my shoe lace decided to be a b*tch and become undone.
"Sh*t!" I curse my shoe laces. Luckily enough though I don't trip and get to P.E out of breathe. I look back and see no one there, dear Lord why are you doing this to me? I ask hoping to get an answer but don't get anything. I sigh deeply wondering what I could've done wrong to somehow get this karma. I end up not being able to think of anything. I take a deep breathe and shake my head in annoyance. I get changed into my P.E kit and go out to see the rest of the students standing around in groups waiting for Sir. I see Zayn talking to some students and smile and wave. He waves back. All of a sudden I feel someone drag me by my arm.
I see Gigi Hadid. What could she possibly want with or from me? I ask myself. This day keeps on getting stranger and weirder. I look at her waiting for her to say why she had to drag me by my arm over here. "I don't want you going anywhere near Zayn. He is mine. He will become my boyfriend and we will be the most popular couple in school. I don't need you near him destroying my plans so stay away from him. All of my friends will be watching you while I let my plan take action. So, don't you even think about breathing the same air as him!" She says fuming. I can't help but laugh at her. I want to tell her that it was his idea to get close, not mine but of course she wouldn't believe me.
"Well, I don't see why you're so jealous. First of all, you're apparently supposed to be the 'prettiest girls in our year', so if you are so afraid that I'm going to take your future boyfriend away from you, then you might as well get that plan into action as soon as you can. Second of all, I could help you. I could tell Zayn that you think he's cute and save you the embarrassment in case he says no. Lastly, it's his choice if he chooses you over me and vice versa. So do you want me to help you with your plan, you know speed things up, oorr do you want everything to just keep going the way that it is?" I finish with her and her friends half fuming, half thinking. She looks at me and decides to storm off. I feel someone behind me and turn around. I see Zayn behind me.
"Jesus Christ Zayn, don't do that!" I jump and put my hand over my heart as if it was going to fall out into my hand.
"Ok, ok I'm sorry. I just took the opportunity-" He was cut off by no other than Gigi Hadid.
"Rachel, what did I tell you not to do? I mean you're doing it right now. Can you please move away from him before he catches a disease from you or something. I'm pretty sure you're probably forcing him to hang out with you so then you can become popular like me." She says snarling at me while all her minions snigger and giggle at me. I roll my eyes. I was about to speak but then Zayn opened his mouth before I did.
"Gigi, shut the fuck up. If there is anyone he that has a disease it's probably you with the Bitch disease. And no, it was technically me who forced her to hang out with me. So shut the fuck up and mind your own business before I glue your mouth shut forever." He says with the most dangerous glare I have ever seen. It couldn't even been reacted out it was so real.
She shuts her mouth. She looks around nervously with tears brimming at her eyes. Everyone was silent and looking at her surprised. She was known to have really good comebacks if something like this was said to her. I saw her lip was quivering and she ran into the changing rooms. Everyone was gasping and talking about the incident that they had just witnessed with their eyes. Next thing you know we hear loud sobbing. Everyone stopped at once. No one has ever seen or heard Gigi Hadid cry. So to be able to hear her sobbing was a shock to everyone's system. I looked at Zayn. He didn't even look sorry. He must have really meant it then. I look at the time. Well, I guess our P.E teacher isn't in because we are supposed to be halfway through the lesson.
The teacher ends up not coming in the end. Zayn and I didn't speak for the rest of the lesson. I just listened to some music on my phone. What was I supposed to say to him? I'm so confused, why would he confess something like that in front of everyone? I really thought that his reputation mattered to him. Well I guess not. I wonder if Frankie knows about Zayn and I being so close. How is he going to react, all these questions are running through my brain. I just need to relax and listen to some music when I get home. All this stress is doing me no good at all.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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