Katsuki's POV:
Well, today's the day. Me and Shoto are getting married. We graduated high school 5 years ago, so that means it's been 7 years since we started dating. A lot has happened since then. It turns out, Kirishima was in fact crushing on Mina and she felt the same way about him. It was honestly surprising since she had never made her feelings apparent. He had decided to just go for it, and she had told him that she felt the same. No one would have guessed that there was something more between them than friendship, but it honestly seems like that makes their relationship stronger. They're still together, and are going strong. They have a baby on the way, it's going to be a girl.
Kirishima almost fainted when he found out. He was so excited to be a father, and in just 2 short months, his baby girl will be born. I congratulated them the day Kirishima told me about it. He was on a call with me as he was finding out. It was actually funny.
In less than thirty minutes, I'll be married to Shoto Todoroki. He kept his promise. He's changing my last name to Todoroki and I couldn't be happier. He proposed to me last year on our anniversary. I honestly didn't even see it coming. He had taken us to the McDonald's where we had gone out together around the time we started dating. It was amazing. He went to pick up the order, and he pretended to drop a packet of ketchup. He kneeled down and then took out the ring. Of course I had said yes, he's the love of my life. His sister dragged him about it because he proposed at a McDonald's. He bought me a MC flurry after, so it was all good.
I'm better now. I still have my really bad days, but they've taken me off the medication, and I still go to therapy. It's honestly a big help for me. Shoto has really been by my side through all of this. It's thanks to him that I'm as happy as I am now. He makes me smile every day and can cheer me up almost instantly. He had gone to a few therapy sessions with me and my shrink told him how he can help me. He did everything she told him about, and never once gave up. I had relapsed once. It was a year after the League of Villains had taken me the second time. I felt so down and horrible. I couldn't take it and I ended up cutting. I broke down and Shoto found me sobbing on the floor of the restroom in my room.
He had comforted me and told me that it was going to be okay while treating my cuts. They were bad and bleeding like crazy. It was bad, but after that, I never cut again. Not even the year after, and it's been a while since then.
"You got this dude. Are you excited?" I look over to Kirishima who's one of my best men. Kaminari is the other. "Yeah," I say. "I'm also really nervous, there's so many people out there," I say. He laughs and Kaminari walks over to us, patting my shoulder. "This is going to be great dude. You're getting married!" I smile, I'm getting married. "So have you guys talked about kids?" I laugh nervously and nod. "Yeah, we have. We want to adopt after we get a better house. I mean, since we're both making a lot of money, we've saved up enough to get a nice house a bit far away from the city," I tell Kaminari.
He smiles and punches my arm excitedly. "Hell yeah man! That's so manly," Kirishima yells. "So, you got your vows ready, right?" I nod. "I had them done the night after he proposed," I admit. They both laugh and Kaminari goes to pour me a glass of water. When he comes back, he hands it to me and I gulp it down. I'm sweating like crazy. Aizawa comes in with a burger and drink. "Ah there you are," I say. He shrugs and takes a bite of the burger. "I don't know how long it'll take, so I decided to grab a bite." Right behind him, is Mic. He also has a drink, but no food. "Hey kiddo! How are you doing?" I let out a ton of air from my lungs and nod. "I'm so nervous. What if I screw up my vows?" Aizawa just pats my shoulder and smiles. "You got this son, just breathe," he says.
I nod. I take a deep breath and let it out. My anxiety starts to fade away. "Okay, I'm better," I tell them. They all smile at me and nod. "Okay, well me and Kiri should get going. We'll see you up there, you look great," Kaminari yells as he drags Shitty Hair out the door. Kirishima just waves and I nod at him.
"Okay, it's going to start in a few minutes, just stay calm." "I know, it'll be fine. This is going to be a great wedding," I say. They both nod and try to make me stay calm. Then, Uraraka walks in, wearing her nice, but simple dress. The girls made sure everyone dressed nice, but not nice enough to steal the attention away from the two grooms. They were very hell bent on that. We really appreciated it.
"Get ready, it starts in 5 minutes," she says, before running out, probably to get back to her seat. I nod and we start walking out. We head to where we need to be, waiting for the music to start. I'm wearing a white tux, black on the inside. We still have the bracelets I bought that one Christmas. The Twenty One Pilots concert was great. They played unreleased music and it was just so amazing. After, I took Shoto to dinner. I remember it so clearly.
I guess I didn't hear the music start, because Aizawa and Mic shoved me and I snapped out of thinking. "It's time," Mic says. I nod and they both start walking me down the isle. I look straight ahead at Shoto and he looks like he's about to cry. He smiles at me and now it feels like we're the only two in the room. I can't help but smile back as tears start filling my eyes. He looks handsome. His tux is also white, but the inside is red and he has a pink flower in the pocket, coming out. His hair is the same as always, but I love it. It's him and I will never hate it.
Shoto's POV:
Katsuki looks amazing. Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic are walking him down the isle. He knew right away that that's what he wanted. His tux fits him perfectly and the color really makes his eye color pop. It's amazing and I'm so glad he liked it.
He insisted on not having flowers because I wouldn't hold flowers too, so in the end, we decided on no flowers. He was so stubborn about it too. When I proposed to him, he was so shocked and happy. My dumb ass decided it was a good idea to ask him in the McDonald's of one of our first dates. It brings tears to my eyes and I just can't stop looking at him.
Right at the steps, Mic and Aizawa let him go, and he walks up the steps, right in front of me. Everyone sits down, and I really don't pay attention to anything except Katsuki. He's just so beautiful and I love him with all my heart. The priest starts talking and I decide that it's probably better to pay attention.
"Now, do you, Shoto Todoroki, of your own free will, take Katsuki Bakugo to be your lawful, wedded husband, to love, protect, and defend- as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"Now, Katsuki Bakugo, do you, of your own free will, take Shoto Todoroki as your lawful, wedded husband, to love, protect, and defend- as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"Do you, Shoto Todoroki, vow to place Katsuki Bakugo above all others, before all others, and stand true and unmovable in your support for him through good times and bad?"
"I will."
"Do you, Katsuki Bakugo, vow to place Shoto Todoroki above all others, before all others, and stand true and unmovable in your support for him through good times and bad?"
"I will."
"Please present one another your rings. These rings symbolize the strength of your commitment to this marriage and the love you share. As you place the ring on your significant other's finger, you are to say your vows."
Midoriya, who is one of my best men, hands me Katsuki's ring. Kirishima hands Katsuki my ring. As I place the ring on Katsuki's finger, I recite my vows.
"Katsuki, I fell in love with you when you were having a rough time. I never knew I could hold such feelings for another until I got to know you. You always fought, even when you couldn't see it at the time, you always did. You were strong and beautiful. You were even strong enough to let me in, that takes some real guts. You showed me that strength is not only physical, but mental as well. You've come so far, and I'm glad I got to be the one who was by your side every single day. I love you Katsuki Bakugo, and these last seven years will always be on my mind as we spend the rest of our lives together. I can't wait for that," I finish. Kat has tears in his eyes and some spill, but he has a huge smile on his face.
He places his ring on my finger, and he starts with his vows. "Shoto, when we started hanging out in high school, I didn't want any part of it. I thought that maybe you were just messing with me. You were freakin Shoto Todoroki. Look at you," he says, gesturing to my body.
There are laughs scattered here and there, before he continues. "Then, I got to know you too. You were true and pure. You were an honest person who helped me because that's the kind of person you are. I fell in love with that person. The one who helps others, even when it has no benefit for you. I fell so hard, I didn't even know when it happened. You've seen me at my worst, and helped me get to my best. I know the future will be amazing, especially since I'm spending it with you. When you asked me to marry you in that McDonalds, I was so happy. You kept your promise. You told me you'd change the last name I hate so much, and here we are. I told you to slow down since we were just high schoolers, but deep down, I knew you were serious. I knew that you'd keep your promise, just like you kept all the others. I'm so glad that we're here, starting a new chapter in our lives. I can't wait to see what's next as I stand next to you," he finishes.
Tears are rolling down our faces as we look at each other's, holding hands. "With these public promises and vows, and the symbolic exchange of wedding bands, I now pronounce you, by the power vested in me, you may now kiss the groom." Me and Katsuki meet halfway and kiss. We pull away, not wanting to make out in front of our families. "The audience, please stand to congratulate Mr. and Mr. Todoroki." Everyone stands up and claps, before we start walking down the isle, heading to our honeymoon destination.
Father insisted he pay for the honeymoon and he wouldn't take no for an answer. Then, Aizawa and Mic insisted on paying for the ceremony since my family was chipping in. We both felt bad, but our families were more than happy to contribute.
People cheer and clap as we get into the car. We wave goodbye as the car drives away and me and Katsuki finally hug, taking this in. "We're married!" I nod and kiss him. "We're married," I whisper. He can't stop smiling, and to be honest, neither can I. We got married. I married Katsuki.
Jeez, if you told me that I'd marry Katsuki at the beginning of my first year, I'd laugh in your face and walk away. Now look at me. Look at us. We're perfect together. I couldn't imagine my life without him and I have no idea how I managed to live before him. Everything with him is better.
"I'm Katsuki Todoroki! Babe!" I look at him and smile. I kiss him again and hug him tightly. "You look amazing, love. I can't believe I'm married to you. You're like a god," I tell him. He shrugs and smiles. "I know, you are lucky," he says. I laugh and he does too. He rolls down the window and screams, "I'M KATSUKI TODOROKI!" I look at him as he sticks his head back in the car, rolling up the window. "What?" He asks, looking at me. "You're Katsuki Todoroki."
When we get to our little hut, we put our bags down. It's the middle of July and we decided to go to an American state called Hawaii. Katsuki can't stop looking at his ring. I smile and shove him. He looks at me and smiles. "What do you want to do first?" He shrugs and lies down on the bed. I smirk at him and he gets this confused look on his face before realizing why I'm smirking.
He gets on his elbows and I get on top of him, legs on both sides of him. I kiss him and he kisses back instantly, letting my tongue slip into his mouth. I lie him down slowly as we continue kissing and once his back hits the bed, I start unzipping his jeans. I pull away to pull off his pants and I start unbuttoning mine. I also take off my shirt which leaves me in my boxers. Katsuki is just as naked as I am and I get on top of him once again.
Instead of kissing his lips, I start sucking and biting at his neck, leaving purple marks as I go along. I kiss his abs before mouthing on the outside of his clothed erection. He opens his legs wider as he throws his head back, biting his hand to muffle a moan. I pull away before trailing a finger along his v-line. "Sho stop being a tease," he says. I laugh and pull down the last layer of clothing he had on. I grab his member immediately and start stroking it fast. He groans instantly and bucks his hips up involuntarily. "Needy, are we?"
"Tch shut up, just do something," he grumbles out. It is our honeymoon, so I guess I'll give the man what he wants. I pull out the lube from my bag and coat my fingers, circling the rim before sticking two fingers in. Katsuki gasps and starts rocking his hips onto my fingers. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot. He looked so desperate and shaky. Whining when I removed my fingers, only for them to return immediately. "Stay still," I tell him. He stops moving and I start pumping my fingers in and out, feeling how warm and tight he is. I start scissoring him and he moans after a while.
I add a third finger and he inhales sharply at first before relaxing and moaning, trying to keep his hips still, hands gripping the sheets. I curl my fingers and he moans loudly, practically screaming as his body shakes.
I pull out my fingers and he groans in frustration as take off my boxers, coating my member with lube. I lean over him and he nods. I slowly push in and his face scrunches up, mouth falling open. I hold his hands above his head as I slowly push all the way in, willing myself to not slam into him instantly. He clenches around me and I almost cum right then. I stop, and breathe out shakily. "Relax," I strain out.
He relaxes and then I start pushing in again. Once my hips are flushed against his, I wait for him to get used to it. "I'm okay. You can go now," he says. I nod and pull back before slowly pushing back in. Katsuki gasps as his eyes close tightly. He let's out a shaky moan and I pull back again before slamming my hips forward instantly. No sound escapes his lips, but his mouth is open. I do that a few more times before he groans loudly, pulling me closer to him with his legs. "Again, do that again, please," he begs.
I slowly pull back and push back in, just as slowly. This is torture for me, he's so tight and warm around me. I can feel him clench every time I go all the way in. It's a lot.
"Sho, please, again," he moans. I nod and go slow before completely entering him. "Faster." I start picking up my pace, hitting that same spot. He arches off the bed which makes me go deeper inside of him. His mouth falls open again as a whine leaves his mouth. His head is thrown back, giving me easy access to his neck. I bite down and he moans loudly. "Sho. Please just make me cum." I start moving quicker as I feel my climax approaching quickly. I feel the pleasure building up and I grab Katsuki's member, stroking it at the pace I'm at. I moan as he claws at my back.
"Kat, I'm not gonna last anymore," I say, panting heavily into his neck. The only noise leaving his lips are high pitched moans and whines as I hit his prostate directly. I stop thrusting into him and keep my hips still, completely pressed into him. I rub myself along his prostate and he starts shaking. "Right there, yes," he practically yells. He starts moving his hips quickly so that I keep rubbing that bundle of nerves. I continue stroking him quickly. He's using me to get off. That turns me on even more. I start sucking on his neck and he gasps suddenly, cumming in between both of us. He clenches and unclenches around me and I groan, meeting my climax right after him. We both pant heavily and I pull out of him.
I lie down right next to him, still breathing harshly. We're both looking up at the ceiling, holding each other's hand.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"I love you."
I smile. "I love you too."
"Yeah?" I ask again.
"I'm Katsuki Todoroki."
Word Count: 3,178
Wassup losers? Lol, hiii. A lot of you wanted a wedding and other's asked for smut, so here is both. Um, I legit don't know if the smut is good, I feel like I'm trash at writing smut. Anywhooo, around the first few chapters, Bakugo was playing solitaire and I put that his record time was 43 seconds. I used my own time lol. I had deleted all games from my phone, so I couldn't exactly show you that I did, in fact, get that time. SOOO, I tried to get that time again so that I could show you that I can get that time. Hehe AND I DID IT. At first, I was like how tf did I get 43 seconds!? But, I even got it down to 42 😂😂😂. The proof will be shown after this author's note. It's pride Month my dudes, so HAPPY PRIDE MONTH. I support all of you in the LGBTQ+ community. The Black Lives Matter movement is also important in this time!! So sign all the petitions you see, they really help. I love you all and thank you so much for reading this fanfic. It means everything to me. Especially your comments. Peace out my dudes <3
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