Chapter Twenty-Three
Katsuki's POV:
I wake up in Shoto's arms. We're in his room and everything that happened before I went to sleep rushes back to me. I had a breakdown, again. He helped me and he's also going to help me tell Kirishima. I turn around and see Shoto asleep. He's breathing softly and it's so adorable. I reach to the side of the bed to get my phone. I grab it and snap some quick photos. His head is a little backwards and some of his forehead is exposed. Aaahhh it's so cute! Okay okay, that's enough fangirling.
I put my phone down and scoot closer to Shoto. He moves a bit, but he doesn't wake up. I grab my phone again to check the time and see that it's already 4. I have to tell Kirishima when he gets back. I'll take him to my room and then me and Shoto will tell him everything there. I'll just let Shoto sleep a little longer while I wait for Kirishima to get out. I should text him. I open up his contact and text him.
Me- Hey Kirishima. After school, meet me and Shoto in his room. We have to talk about something serious, okay?
It takes him a few minutes to respond since he was in class. I'm sure the school bell rang already, so he finally replied to my message.
Kirishima- Okay, I'm out of school but I won't head there for a few minutes. I'll text you when I do.
I reply with a quick 'okay' and then put my phone down. I should probably wake Shoto up now. He looks so cute though! Ugh. No, I'll wake him up when Kirishima tells me when he's headed over here. Yeah, that's a good idea.
About 15 minutes go by before Kirishima texts me that he's headed to the dorms. I turn around and see Shoto still asleep. I feel bad because I probably made him so tired. He's probably been worried for me even though he shouldn't be. How can someone like him care about someone like me so much? He's just that amazing. Okay, I can't think about how worthless I am right now. If I do, I'll probably have another break down. And that would be soooo much fun.
I shake Shoto a little bit. I whisper, "Hey Shoto, wake up. We have to tell Kirishima when he gets here and he's almost here." He moves a little bit before opening his eyes slowly. When his eyes meet mine he smiles tiredly. I smile back. "Come on get up, I still have to redo my make-up and he's almost here." Crap. My make-up is still in my bag and Mr. Aizawa said he'd bring it. Where is it? Maybe he left it outside the room? I get up and go to the door to check it.
When I open it, I see both our bags on the floor with a note. 'I just hope you're okay.' I smile at what it says. Mr. Aizawa really cares for his students. He's a great teacher and the whole class loves him. I take the bags inside. Shoto is on the bed, looking at me. I grab the make-up and start applying it. Once I'm done, I look over at Shoto for approval and he just gives a thumbs up and smiles. I smile back and put the make-up away. "Are you really tired?" I ask, sounding concerned.
"No, well yes, but only because I just woke up. I won't fall asleep later on in the day because of it though," he replies. I nod at his answer and say, "Oh okay. That's good." I don't want to ask him if I'm the reason he's so tired, so I grab my phone. I see that Kirishima texted me.
Kirishima- Hey I'm at the dorms now. I'm headed up to his room.
Me- Okay. Just knock when you get here.
Kirishima- Okay
I look over at Shoto and say, "Okay he's at the dorms already. I told him to meet us in here." He nods and I grab my phone anxiously. Shoto is sitting on his bed and it's pretty big, so all three of us can fit on it. After I put my bag by his closet, there's a knock on the door. I sigh nervously and look at Shoto. He gives a nod and I go to open the door. When I open it, I see Kirishima standing there. He's looking at me with a worried look on his face. "Hi," I say quietly. I bet that freaked him out even more. Crap. I should've just tried to act like my old self. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I'll tell you right now. Come in," I say.
He walks in and sits on the opposite side of Shoto, so they're looking at each other. Then I sit next to Shoto. "Hi Kirishima," Shoto says. "Hi," Kirishima replies. "Okay um I have a lot to tell you. But we're going to start with my home life," I say. Kirishima nods and says, "I won't judge you for anything that you tell me, okay? If you were scared that I was going to, then I'm sorry that I made it seem like I was. It's not very manly." I shake my head. "No, I was just scared of everything. It's not your fault. You're really manly," I say.
He nods. I continue. "Okay so there's no easy way to put this. My mom is abusive and my dad left us because I came out as gay," I say. He hugs me suddenly and I hug back. "There's more and it's a lot worse than this," I say softly as me and Kirishima hug. He pulls away and I grab Shoto's hand. "Okay. So um in the summer. When I got taken by the League of Villains, they tortured me. They did... a lot of things to me." I look away as I say this. This is too embarrassing for me. I hate this! I take a deep breath and say, "They um- Shigaraki, did things to me. He raped me." I try my hardest not to cry and I feel Shoto squeeze my hand.
I hear a sob from Kirishima. I look up quickly and he has his head in his hands. "While we were doing nothing. You were with him and he was doing those things to you!? How could we have not tried harder!? I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm so weak and I couldn't save you from him. I'm sorry Bakugo-" I interrupted him with a hug. I had started crying too. "It's not your fault. I wasn't strong enough to fight them off. I didn't have enough strength," I say as I pulled away. "Okay. So they drugged me, tortured me with knives, and none of the pros know about the things Shigaraki did to me. Me and Shoto are going to tell them before the end of this year."
"Okay, um please tell me there's nothing else," he says sadly. I shake my head. "Um there is one more thing. It's kind of um a lot too," I say. I grab Shoto's hand again and then I motion for him to tell Kirishima. I've had enough already. Shoto nods at me and looks at Kirishima. "Katsuki has been self-harming. For years," Shoto says sadly. I can't bring myself to look at Kirishima. He probably thinks I'm a freak. The other two things weren't really something I did to myself. But this. I take a harmful object and hurt myself with it. "Bakugo," I hear Kirishima sob. "I- is that true?" His voice sounds so broken. I nod. I don't know if he saw it, but he sobs harder so I'm guessing he did. It hurts me to hear him cry.
I wipe away my tears and then remember about my under eye make-up. Just great. Another thing he finds out. I look at Shoto and he looks at me sadly. "Bakugo. I will help you! No matter what. I will never let anything like that happen again and I will help you stop self-harming. That's a promise. You got that?" He says as he cries. I look up at him, shocked. "What?" He looks at me confused because of my question. "What do you mean 'what'. I'm going to be here for you. Wait are you wearing make-up? Why? Wait, you have bags under your eyes. Are you not sleeping?" I look down at my hand quickly. "Thank you Kirishima. You're really a great friend. I'm sorry for throwing all of this on you. I just thought you deserved to know because, you've always been there. You're a great person and you've seemed so down because I won't talk to you. I've just been building up the courage to," I say avoiding the last questions.
"Thank you for telling me Bakugo, I know it must've been one of the hardest things you've ever done. You're strong and anyone can see that, but you didn't answer my other questions," Kirishima says. I still don't look at him. "No. I don't really get sleep. Well, I've been getting sleep recently since we've moved into the dorms, but at my house, I never really got to really sleep comfortably. Also, yeah, I do wear make-up to cover up the bags," I say. I squeeze Shoto's hand again. "I also ran out of class today because I was going to have a breakdown and I did. I wasn't sick," I say. "Hey can you look at me. I'm not judging you. You're so manly dude. Just telling me and Shoto was a strong thing to do. I'm proud of you man," Kirishima says.
I look up at me and I see that he's crying. I don't think he's stopped and neither have I. "Thank you," I say and then hug him again. He hugs me back. "If you even need to talk. I'll be here. I know you have Todoroki, but if he's with his family or something, I'll be here, okay?" I nod and smile sadly. Ugh today has been so emotional. I just want to go on my date with Shoto already. I'm still too ashamed to really make eye contact, so I just keep my eyes down. "Oh, you two have a date today right?" Kirishima says sounding more enthusiastic. It's not very convincing, but he's trying. I look up at him and smile my best smile.
"Oh yeah! It's going to be great! Right Shoto?" I ask as I look at Shoto. He looks at me half surprised and nods. "Of course. I'll make sure you have the best time and I'll be by your side the whole time okay?" I smile at him again and he smiles back. We look at Kirishima and see that he's smiling brightly now too. "Wow. I never thought I would ever see this. It's crazy because I thought you two hated each other and now you rely on each other. It's amazing," Kirishima exclaims excitedly. "Yeah. I really like Katsuki and I hope he likes me just as much back," Shoto says. He looks at me as he says that and I smile at him. He really makes me feel okay. Like being myself is okay.
"Thank you Shoto," I say looking at him. Then I look over to Kirishima and say, "Thank you too Kirishima. You've always been a great friend. Just please don't tell anyone about what we told you just yet okay? I still need some time and I don't have to tell anyone until before New Year's." He nods quickly. "Of course I wouldn't tell anyone. That wouldn't be very manly of me. Also, thank you for trusting me with this. It means a lot Bakugo," Kirishima says. He then gets up and looks at us before saying, "Okay well, I'll let you two get ready. Have fun! I'll need details when you return," he says and then walks out.
I let out a sigh of relief. Shoto looks at me and I look back at him. "You were so brave. You're one of the strongest people I know. Do you know that?" I look away and say, "All I did was talk and cry. Not very strong if you ask me." He shakes his head. "The fact that you've told him, me, and that you're trying to get better means you've noticed how bad your behaviors are to yourself. Admitting this, makes you stronger than anyone I've ever known. You got that?" I have no idea what to say. I'm super lucky to have these two people in my life.
They make me feel loved. They make me feel like I should be the me that I want to be. Not the me that everyone knows. I want to be nice. I want to be able to let people know that sometimes I'm not okay. I just want to do what I want, but for now I can't. So I say, "You help make me strong. So does Kirishima. Thank you." He smiles at me and I smile back. "Soooo what time is our date?" He looks at me and smiles. Then he grabs his phone and checks it. "Okay we're leaving at 6:30 but it's already 5:40 so we should start getting ready," he replies and I get up quickly. "Okay I'm going to go to my room, I'll see you later," I say excitedly.
I head to my room with my bag after checking if the coast was clear. I walk in and put my bag down. Today has been crazy and way too much for one day. I sigh and then get my clothes. I grab some black skinny jeans, a plain white T-shirt, a maroon hoodie that says 'Wee Woo!', and my white converse. Before I put any of that on, I grab some wipes from my drawers and clean off the smeared make-up from under my eyes. Then I put on the T-shirt and hoodie. I grab the make-up and apply it to my eyes and then make sure that it looks okay. I check the scar make-up and it still looks great so I leave it as it is.
I start changing my pants and put on my shoes before checking my phone. It's ten minutes until we leave. I sigh and decide to text Shoto.
Me- We can't walk out together, people might see us
Snowflake- Yeah that's true. If you're ready, then start heading out and meet me in front of the store from Halloween
Me- Okay I'm headed out now. Text me when you're near
Snowflake- Okay, see you there
I grab my ear buds, plug them in, and start heading out. I pat my pockets, making sure I brought the money I've saved up just in case. As I'm walking to the elevator, I choose a playlist. I put my 'heck yea' playlist. When Mother wasn't home, I would play this music out loud or when I was in the shower. The first some that plays is Kiss Me Like Nobody's Watching by Simple Plan. When I get in the elevator, I start singing to it since I know that no one is in here. When I know that I'm about to get to the first floor, which isn't long, I stop. I walk out casually and pass a a few people. "Hey! Kacchan!" Not now Izuku I'm about to go on a date with a nice and hot guy!
I turn around looking angry. "What Deku!?" He frowns at me. "You don't look sick. Are you feeling better now? That's great!" He doesn't even give me a chance to answer. "Tch whatever, I don't get sick!" He laughs a bit. His smile is always so bright and happy. It really makes me want to smile too. I don't though. "I have to go now, so bye," I say calmly. I know he's shocked because he doesn't move as I walk away. As I'm walking out, I turn and see Shoto getting out of the elevator. Crap Izuku kept me talking to him for too long.
Shoto sees me and I give him an 'I don't know' look. I continue walking but before the door closes I hear, "Hey Todoroki!" I laugh a bit. I guess Izuku will keep him there for a bit too. I make sure the money is still in my pocket and head to the store. I take a good look at every single person who walks by me just in case it's someone from the League of Villains. My music keeps playing, but I have it on low volume. Then I hear footsteps running behind me. "Katsuki, wait!" I jump and then I turn around happily when I realize that it's Shoto's voice.
He's waving like a maniac while running and I start laughing at how ridiculous he looks. He stops where I am as I'm laughing like crazy. "You looked ridiculous," I say in between breaths. He laughs and smiles at me fondly. "HEY! That's mean!" He says while half laughing, trying to sound hurt. "You suck at acting," I say. We've stopped laughing and now we're hand-in-hand, headed to the carnival. "I'm so excited! I haven't been to a carnival in a long time," I say happily. I see Shoto looking at me from the corner of my eye. He's giving me a sad smile. I look at him before asking, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
He shakes his head. "It's just that I realized that you might've missed out on a regular childhood. But don't worry! I'll make sure that you do everything you've wanted to do as a child even though you're a teen! Okay!?" He sounds super enthusiast but his facial features look pretty monotone. I laugh. I cover my mouth at the sudden outburst. "Why do you sound so uplifting? It's kinda weird and funny," I say. He looks at me. "Oh um, I don't know. I just wanted to sound enthusiastic. Was it too much?" I laugh a bit and nod. "It sounded sooooo fake," I say laughing harder. He laughs too and we continue walking.
After a while, we get to the carnival. It's already seven and when we get there I ask him, "Hey what did Izuku keep you back for?" He just shakes his head and says, "He wanted to know where I was going and I told him with my family. He just nodded and then started talking about the notes he's taken on my quirk. It took forever. That's why I ran so much to get to you." I shake my head. "Yeah, Izuku can get a little bit carried away with that stuff. It's pretty crazy," I say. He nods and we head to the ticket booth. There was a deal that if you got the bracelet for $20, you would get to go on any ride. I took out my money and Shoto put his hand on mine and shook his head.
After he paid, I crossed my arms and frowned at him. "I wanted to pay for once," I said. He shook his head and took my hand, basically dragging me. "You can repay me with more cuddles," he says smiling. "Tch, you know I'll give you cuddles, anyways, how about I buy the snacks or food here," I say. He turns his head to me as he continues walking. Then he nods hesitantly. "Yeah!" He laughs at that and we stop at a ride. It's like a rollercoaster, but it's a ring. It says 'The Ring of Fire' and Shoto turns to me, asking for my approval. I've never been on a rollercoaster, but I nod. It looks fun, so why not. As we're waiting in line, I turn to look at Shoto and say, "Um, I've never been on a rollercoaster or anything like this before. I was super young the last time I came to a place with rides like these, so I never got to ride on them. And well, I haven't been to anything like this since, well, you know."
He squeezes my hand and says, "It's okay. It'll be fun, trust me." I nod at him and then we walk forward to get on. I sit down and as the guy is strapping us in, I start getting a little nervous. "Ooo this is scary," I say as I look at Shoto. He laughs and nods. Then the guy closes the gate and goes back to the control panel thingy. I let go of Shoto's hand to grab the thing that's supposed to keep me from falling. The ride starts off by going one way slowly. Then it goes to the other side and does this until it has enough momentum to go in a complete circle. It's crazy when we're upside down. I turn to look at Shoto and he's smiling super brightly as his hair hangs down. He looks at me and smiles bigger if that's even possible and I do the same.
All the things that scared me about the ride have all gone away and now I'm having so much fun. After a while we get off. "Ahh that was way less scary than I thought," I said excitedly. He nods, "I know, now let's go get on some more." I nod eagerly and take his hand to take him to the next ride.
We ended up riding 5 more before deciding to eat. "Ooo let's get cotton candy," I say and drag him to the snack bar. The whole night, we've been hand in hand. Shoto doesn't want to let me go and that makes me feel really tingly inside. It's like 'wow, he wants to hold my hand'. We get in line and I ask him what he wants. "Um maybe the strawberry ice-cream," he says. I nod and then I go up. Ordering has never really been my thing cause I get really nervous, but right now, I feel like nothing can bring me down. "I would like a blue cotton candy and a large strawberry ice-cream cone," I say. The lady nods and says, "Your total is $5.25 and just wait here, I'll have it for you right now."
After a while she comes back and I give her the money. I hand the cone to Shoto and he smiles at me as I get the change. "Thank you, Katsuki," he says. I nod and eat some of the cotton candy. Shoto has his ice cream in his left and I have my cotton candy on the right. Shoto's holding my left hand. I feel so happy inside. "Let's play games now," I say. He nods and we head over to the balloon popping game. The loud noises do scare me, but it won't be that bad. There's this huge polar bear that has my name on it. "Wait, we have to buy the tickets for the games. The bracelets only work for the rides," I say. Shoto nods and we head to the ticket booth again.
After buying around 50 tickets, and finishing our snacks, we head back to the balloon game and I point at the giant polar bear and say, "You see that one Shoto? That one is going to be mine." He laughs but I'm being dead serious. It's SUPER cute and I want. I'm going to win it. "Okay 4 tickets for 10 darts. To win the giant prizes, you have to get 10 balloons in a row!" That guy seems so tired of being this enthusiastic. I hand him 4 tickets and start throwing. I get the ten like nothing. "What? That was it? Awesome!" Shoto sounds so happy for me and honestly, I'm freaking happy too. "Which one do you want Shoto?" He looks at them and then days, "Oo the giant duck one!"
I give the guy four more tickets and then end up hitting the ten in a row again. This was way easier than I thought. Maybe it's because of the training. Yeah, that's probably why. The guy hands me the giant duck. Shoto was holding the polar bear for me since it was so big, so he handed me the polar bear and I handed him the giant duck. Shoto put the duck between his left arm and torso, and stuck out his hand for me to hold. I put my polar bear between my right arm and torso and grabbed his hand. I'd never felt so cared for. He really meant what he said when he told me that he was never going to leave my side.
I sigh happily and what happened earlier today is not even bothering me. "Okay so we should eat real food now," Shoto says. I nod and then ask, "Where do you want to go?" He thinks about it and says, "I really want a Hot'n Spicy from McDonald's. And a Mcflurry. Not cookies and cream, bleh. I like the M&Ms one." I turn to look at him shocked and happy. "No frickin way! I hate cookies and cream too! I love the M&Ms one! Wow that's crazy," I say. He laughs and we continue walking. I check the time. "Wow, it's almost ten," I say. He nods and as we're walking out we see a few kids playing some games.
We only used 8 of our tickets so we still had 42 of them. I looked at Shoto and said, "Hey we should give the rest of our tickets to them." He smiles and nods. We go up to them and say, "Hey, we didn't use all of ours, do you want the rest?" The look at each other and smile. "Yeah! No way dude, you're so cool," one of them says. "It's no problem," I say as I hand them the tickets. As we're walking away, Shoto says, "Have fun!" He looks at me as we walk to the McDonald's and smiles. "That was really nice Katsuki," he says. I shake my head. "I mean we weren't going to use them anyways, so I was like why not?" After a while of walking, we finally arrive at McDonalds.
"I'm paying again," I say. He shakes his head. "Nope. I asked you on this date. The only reason I let you pay for the snacks was because you wouldn't have stopped trying to pay unless I let you," Shoto says. I frown. "WhAt!? This is cheap, let me pay for it. PLEEEAAASSEEE. It's not that big of a deal if you let me pay for it," I say. "If it's not a big deal, then you wouldn't mind if I pay," he retorts. I squint my eyes at him and sigh. "Ugh, fine. But you're not getting cuddles later!" He gasps. "What!? No, that's not fair. Come on, I'm trying to be a gentleman here! It's not like I think you can't pay. I just don't think you should because I'm taking you out. No the other way around."
I start laughing. "I'm kidding! You took that way more seriously than I thought. Aww do you really like my cuddles that much?" He blushes and turns away. He starts walking towards the cashier to avoid my question. "Come on Shoto, aww are you blushing? Did I make the great Shoto Todoroki blush?" He glares at me and I laugh harder. He tries not to, but ends up letting out a small laugh. Then he starts laughing as hard as I do. We calm down after a bit and straighten ourselves up. Hehe, well as much as two gay guys can. We walk to the cashier and Shoto orders. "Hey what do you want Katsuki?" Without a second of time to spare, I say, "12 piece chicken nugget with BBQ sauce and fries."
Shoto nods and tells the guy what I want. He orders a Hot'n Spicy and a regular double cheeseburger with fries for himself. We decide to get our Mcflurries after we eat. Our huge stuffed animals caught a lot of people's attention. We sit in a booth across from each other with our stuffed animals next to us. "Thank you for winning this giant duck for me Katsuki," Shoto says. "It was pretty easy though. I think training helped with that," I say. He nods and then our number gets called. We go grab the trays and come back. "Okay Katsuki, before we start eating, I have to ask you something. This isn't the best place to ask, but I just wanted to ask you already," he says.
I get a bit nervous and nod. "Um okay? What is it?" He grabs my hand that's rested on the table and looks me in the eyes. "Katsuki, will you be my boyfriend?" Did he just ask me to be his boyfriend!? Oh my gosh! I'm freaking out! Yes!!!!! I look at him wide-eyed. A huge smile spreads across my face and I nod. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend!" He smiles and sighs in relief. "I don't know, I just got so nervous asking. Katsuki Bakugo is my boyfriend! Ahh this is so great," Shoto says. I smile brightly at what he's saying. "I really like you Shoto," I say to him. "I really like you too, Katsuki."
Word Count: 4963
Here is the new chapter! Okay so I know I didn't update you guys, but I decided to update on Tuesdays and Fridays. There was only a day for me to write a new chapter, and I didn't feel like that was enough, so I had been planning it for a while. I'm SUPER sorry for not telling you earlier, but I really hoped you liked this chapter. It was a real rollercoaster. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading and for the votes and comments. I really love reading what you guys think about my fanfic. Love you guys<3
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