Chapter Twenty-Six
Katsuki's POV:
The rest of the weekend passed by as slowly as it possibly could and now I'm in my dorm room before schoo. My chest hurts when I breathe and I have many bruises everywhere. My forehead is wrapped in gauze and it did get people's attention, but luckily no one from class has seen it yet. I texted Shoto to see when we should tell Mr. Aizawa and he told me before class, so I'm currently waiting for him in my room. Kirishima is also coming with us because I asked him to be there.
He was happy that I wanted him there. Well, as happy as you could be when your friend is telling another person how fucked up his life was. He felt happy that I trusted him to be there with me when I told Mr. Aizawa. As if he was proud to be one of the people that I genuinely trusted.
After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door, so I grabbed my backpack and phone before walking to the door to open it. They were both there and when they saw me, they both gave me a sad smile. "Oh my, Katsuki is your head okay?" I nod at Shoto. "Um yeah, it doesn't hurt as much anymore, but it still hurts quite a bit," I reply. Kirishima looks as if though he's trying not to cry. "I'm so sorry Bakugo, I didn't know it was this bad," Kirishima says sadly. I shake my head, "No it's alright. It'll all be over soon, hopefully."
I walk, well limp, towards the elevator and I try not to, but the pain in my shin is still unbearable. The more I try not to limp, the more pain I'm in. They're in front of me since I was walking so slowly. We get in the elevator and I stand behind them. I try not to groan as I turn around to face the door of the elevator. I'm really nervous. What would Mr. Aizawa do? Would he call the police? Child services? Who would take me in? I'm 16 so not a lot of people would want me. I'm also known to be loud and obnoxious. I let out a shaky breath and both Kirishima and Shoto turn around quickly. "Hey, bro are you okay? I promise it'll be fine," Kirishima says.
I nod but I'm still really nervous. "Katsuki, he's right. We'll make sure that the right steps are taken and that you don't have to go back to your mother. Mr. Aizawa will also make sure you're in good hands. You know how he feels towards his students," Shoto says. I nod. And we walk out of the elevator,towards the school. "Yeah, he's right. Mr. Aizawa would probably adopt you if he had the option. Maybe he does. Maybe he will adopt you. But no matter what happens, he'll make sure that you go somewhere safe," Kirishima says, backing up Shoto. I feel better now.
I let out a sort of relieved sigh. We all walk to the school slowly because if I walk any faster, I think my leg will fall off. "Do you want us to carry you or something," Kirishima asks. Hell yeah. Please do that. I'm dying here. I shake my head. "Um, no I'll be fine," I strain out. It hurts so much, but can do it. "Come on, I'll carry you. It's no problem, I've carried you before at the sports festival, please. I want to help somehow. All I've done is listen to your problems, let me help," Kirishima says sadly. I stop and nod. Kirishima smiles at me and crouches down so that I can get on his back. I get on and watch as Shoto smiles at me and Kirishima.
They start walking and I rest my chin on Kirishima's shoulders. "Thank you," I say. "I just wanted to help. I know you could've walked on your own. It would've hurt like hell, but you would've done it because you don't like asking for help. That's how I know you're strong Bakubro. You're one of the manliest men I know," he says, with a smile on his face. "Still. Thank you," I tell him.
After a while, we're finally at the doors of the teacher's lounge. We'll get Mr. Aizawa out here and tell him. "Okay I'm putting you down now. Todoroki will call Mr. Aizawa out and then you'll start off by telling him how you told me," Kirishima says. I nod and then he sets me down as Shoto knocks on the door. We hear a quiet, "Come in," and then Shoto opens it. He scans the room before spotting our teacher and calls him over. He gets a worried look on his face and gets up. He closes the door behind him and the three of us are facing him.
"What did you guys need?" He asks in a monotone voice. "Well um, I'm ready to tell you about some stuff," I say nervously. He nods. "Okay do you want to do it here? Or inside? I could tell the teachers to leave. It's only Mic, Midnight, and Cementos," he says softly. I think about it but before I can respond, Shoto speaks up. "Yeah, it's better to be somewhere private," he says. I nod and so does Kirishima. He goes into the room and we hear him tell them that he has to tell us something important, so that they have to leave. We hear shuffling and then they all come out one by one.
Then it's just him in the room so he tells us to go in. We do so and then he sits down on the couch that's directly across from another couch. We sit on the opposite one. "Does this have anything to do with why you ran out of class the other day? Also, why do you have gauze around your head and why are you limping?" I move nervously on the couch and take a kind of deep breath. "Okay so um, I'll start off with the home stuff," I say.
He nods and then I continue. "Well my mother abuses me. She has been ever since my father left us because I came out as gay," I say. I point to the gauze around my forehead and say, "That's why I have gauze around my head. That's also the reason I'm limping, and why I had broken ribs a while ago. Shoto didn't break them, I just used him as a cover to get them healed by recovery girl without having to go through an interrogation." He sighs sadly and sits back. He looks conflicted. Like if he wants to do something but doesn't know if he should.
"I have bruises around my body and on Saturday, she burned me with a lighter, so I have burn marks on my right forearm," I say. He sits up straight and looks at me. "Okay, so I'm going to call the cops and child services. I think that's why you decided to tell me. I'm glad you did and I will get you out of this situation instantly," he says softly. "There's also some more stuff," I say ashamed. "What is it?" He asks nervously.
I turn to look at Shoto and he nods. "When Katsuki was taken by the League of Villains in the summer, they tortured him. I'm sure you know about that. But they also violated him. Shigaraki, specifically, raped him after he drugged him. He was unable to move or fight back," Shoto explains. Mr. Aizawa has his head in his hands and he's shaking his head. "You mean that piece of shit hurt you? I'm going to kill him myself, I swear. I'm also very sorry that I didn't pick up on it. I'm so sorry Katsuki," Mr. Aizawa says as he's picking his head up from his hands.
He takes a deep breath and then speaks again, "I will make sure that he never gets his hands on you again. Same goes with your mother. She will never be able to see you unless it's in court or behind bars." He sounds so mad, but he's trying not to raise his voice. I grab onto Shoto's hand and refuse to look up at my teacher. This is very humiliating. "Katsuki, is there anything else?" Mr. Aizawa asks. I nod sadly and a tear escapes my eye. "Yes and I'm so sorry," I say softly, almost whispering.
"Um- I've also-," I start crying before I can even finish my sentence. I feel Shoto pull me into a hug and Kirishima is rubbing my back. My face is in Shoto's chest and I speak out, "Kirishima will te-ell y-you." I say it in between sobs and I feel Kirishima pull his hand away. "Oh, um well Bakugo has been hurting himself. He hasn't for a while since me and Todoroki have been helping him out. We're very proud of him for even telling us in the first place and we know that you won't hate him, right?" I hear Mr. Aizawa sniffle a bit.
I look at him and see that he's crying a bit. He's not crying, but there are tears threatening to spill. "I will never hate you Katsuki Bakugo. Do you hear that? Nothing will make me hate you. I'm very proud of you too. You're a strong person and telling us about what's happened to you is very strong. I commend you for that," Mr. Aizawa tells me. I nod as I cry. I didn't put any make-up under my eyes today, so he probably noticed the bags. I didn't put any on because I knew I was going to cry. I brought the make-up in my bag though.
I also didn't completely ruin Shoto's blazer. It's just wet from tears. I look at Mr. Aizawa and nod. "I was just so scared that if I told people, they would be disgusted with me. It's also very humiliating to tell people," I say. Mr. Aizawa just nods his head. Then the bell rings. I go to try and get up but Mr. Aizawa just puts his hand out. I grab it and he helps me up. "You don't have to go to class today. Neither do Kirishima and Todoroki, but all three of you can if you want to," Mr. Aizawa says. I shake me head and say, "Um I was kind of hoping you would tell the class for me. We'll be there, but I figured now was the time to tell people."
He smiles at me and nods before saying, "Of course, just let me make a few calls. After, while we're telling everyone, the authorities will be headed here and then we'll tell the police and the CPS worker. Does that sound good?" I look at Shoto and Kirishima and nod. They nod too and then Mr. Aizawa takes out his phone. He dials a number and the puts it to his ear and walks away. All three of us are standing there and when I see Kirishima, I see that he's crying. "You're so manly bro, I'm so proud of you," He says and hugs me. I hug back and try not to groan in pain. It hurts, but it's very comforting.
We pull away and I thank him. "You're very manly too. Thank you for being by my side. I trust you quite a lot and I hope that you trust me too," I say. He nods and says, "I do. I do trust you and don't you ever forget it. I will also always be here. You got that?" I nod. Then he turns to Shoto. "I've said this before, but if you hurt Bakugo, I'll deal with you myself," he says intimidatingly. Shoto stays frozen and nods. "I'd never hurt him," he says without skipping a beat. I turn to him and smile. "Thank you too Shoto. You've helped me more than anything. You're a great person," I say hugging him. He hugs me back and then after a while, we pull away as we hear Mr. Aizawa coming back.
"Okay the authorities will be here in around 20 minutes along with a social worker. Do you have any family that we can contact?" I shake my head. "My mother is an only child and her parents died before I even left elementary school. My father left us and I have no idea where he went," I say. He nods and then says, "Well I don't know if you'd like this, but I can adopt you. I've taken adoption classes and I've been able to adopt children for quite a while now. I'm looking to adopt that Hitoshi Shinso kid for quite some time, but I haven't done that just yet. He's been in foster care for a while and I've been getting all the paper work done. I would like it if you came to live with me and Mic. Yes, we're in a relationship. Yes, I'm gay as well."
That's a lot of information to take in. Kirishima laughs from behind me and when I look at him he smiles at me. "See, I told you that he'd just adopt you if he could. And he can," he says. I nod then look back to Mr. Aizawa. "Wow that's a lot to take in. And, well, I don't know what to say," I tell him. He nods and walks towards the door to head to class. "I know it's a little weird right? Just think about it because the social worker will ask you many questions. Maybe they'll even ask you if you have any thoughts of who could adopt you. This is just if you want to though. Nothing will change here at school if you don't stay with us or if you do," He says.
We're outside the room and the four of us walk in. I walk nervously behind Mr. Aizawa and Kirishima. Shoto is behind me and we all stand in the front of the class. "Okay so there's something important I have to announce so settle down," Mr. Aizawa says. In an instant, the room is silent and everyone is looking at me. Probably because of the bandage on my head. "So there's some information that I've just recently been told about and it's very personal. It's about your classmate Bakugo. It's not good information, but steps are being taken to make sure it's fixed. The thing is, that Bakugo has been abused by his mother for quite some time now. I don't know how long, but I think it was happening even before he entered high school," Mr. Aizawa.
I nod and then he continues after there are some gasps across the room. "We've called social services and the authorities will be here soon. There's more and it's worse than the thing before. When he was captured by the League of Villains, he was tortured. None of the students knew about that, but the pros did. The thing that no one had any idea about, was the fact that Bakugo was sexually violated by Shigaraki," he says. There are some angered people and they're all yelling. "Is this true?" "How come no one knew about this!?" "I'm going to kill them myself!"
I'm still standing a little bit behind Aizawa and Shoto's hand is on my back. He rubs it soothingly and whispers to me, "You see. They're not disgusted by you, they're pissed off at Shigaraki for doing those things to you. Don't be ashamed of anything okay?" I nod a bit. He's right. They're not disgusted. They are mad at Shigaraki. I look up slowly and everyone quiets down. "U-um yeah, it's true," I say shakily. Everyone is shocked at how quiet and embarrassed my voice sounds.
Kaminari stands up sadly as tears stream down his face. He says, "Is this why you ran at the mall? I noticed something was off, but I had no idea what it was about. I'm so sorry Bakugo." I try my best not to cry. My lip quivers and I take a breath. "Yeah. But don't be sorry. I was the one who did everything I could to hide it. There's also another thing," I say. "It all got too much for me, so I started self harming. I stopped after I told Shoto and Kirishima because they've been helping me. It's something I'm not proud of, but I'm working on it."
There's only silence. Then Mr. Aizawa speaks up, "This has taken a toll on Bakugo and you can see it. He hasn't gotten much sleep in a while and he's been covering it up. I'm disappointed in myself for not noticing what changes he's made, but right now is time to help him." I'm still not making eye-contact with anyone, but I am looking around the class. I look at Shoto, asking for his approval to tell the class. He nods and gives me a small smile. "There's also another thing. I'm gay and Shoto's my boyfriend," I say.
He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. There are some people still crying, but that last announcement, made a lot of them smile. This is so completely shocking to me. If I had known that I would get this much support, then I would've told everyone much sooner. I would've been out of this hell a long time ago. I'm just glad people know now.
"We've been together for a while now, but we made it official three weeks ago," I say. "I appreciate you all for not judging me and not being disgusted. I know this is a lot to take in. It was very hard for me to tell people, but these two right here, helped me through a lot. I couldn't ask for anyone else to help me out." Then after some more silence, there's clapping. "Woo! Go Bakugo!" "We're so proud of you!" "Get your mans!" "We'll help too!"
I try my hardest not to cry. This is so much better than I ever thought. After another minute or two, Mr. Aizawa tells me that the authorities are here. We start to leave and Mr. Aizawa says, "Class is dismissed for today. I'll let you know more about class later on." People start gathering their belongings and the four of us head out. Shoto is still holding my hand and Kirishima has his arm around me. "You did great bro," Kirishima says. I nod. "Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to build up the courage if it wasn't for you two." They smile at me and then we head into the teacher's lounge. The principal is in there on with some other pros like Mic and All Might.
Everyone looks at me and I feel small. Mr. Aizawa looks at the two cops and the social worker and then points at me before saying, "This is Katsuki Bakugo." They nod and motion for me to go to them nicely. I slowly limp my way to them and they wait for me patiently. When I get to where they are, they kindly ask me some questions. "So you've made a statement saying that your mother abuses you. I'm not saying that you're lying, but we just need to confirm if that what you're saying is true. Do you understand?" I look at the police officer and say, "Yes sir. What I'm saying is true. I'm not making this up." I say it formally because I'm talking to an authority.
He nods and writes it down then he says, "Okay we're going to put you in a room with the social worker. We need your permission to record you as you answer some questions. If you agree, sign this paper." He takes out a paper and gives it to me with a pen. The paper has a lot of words on it and I take my time to read them. "Okay if you're okay with everything on it, then go ahead and sign it. If you have questions or you don't agree, tell that lady and she'll help you out, okay?" I look at him and nod. "Okay thank you," I tell him. I continue reading and it basically says that they could use it later on and if I agree. I signed it and gave it to the lady he pointed at.
She grabs it and says, "Thank you." I nod and then she says, "Okay now we'll be heading to a quiet room that your principal has allowed us to use. Is that alright with you?" I nod reluctantly. I want Kirishima or Shoto to come with me, but I don't ask if they can come. We walk out and on the way, we pass them and I wave. I quickly tell them that they're going to record my confession and that they're going to ask me for proof. They nod and I follow the lady. I'm still limping, so she doesn't walk fast.
"I know this is hard. Just know that it'll be over soon and if you have enough proof, they'll be able to lock your mom up for doing such horrible things to you," she says softly. I nod and walk into the room she goes into. She sits down on the table that's in there and it has this black recorder thing next to a computer. I sit down across from her and start my silent. "Okay I'm going to turn this on and then ask you some questions. There is a camera behind me and behind you already recording. When I ask you the questions, you have to answer me truthfully okay?" I nod and say, "Okay I understand."
She turns it on and then asks, "What is your name?" I answer with, "My name is Katsuki Bakugo." She nods and asks, "Okay what school do you go to and do you enjoy going there?" "I go to UA High School and I really enjoy coming here." She nods and types in her computer.
"What is your Mother's name?" "My mother's name is Mitsuki Bakugo." She nods and types again. Then she asks, "Does your mother abuse you?" I get a bit nervous and answer, "Yes she does."
Then she asks, "Can you show me what things she's done to you. For instance, any scars or bruises?" I say, "Yes. I have burn marks on my arm from this weekend and this gauze around my head is from cuts that I got when she threw a beer bottle at my face." I take off my blazer and lift up my shirt sleeve, revealing the gauze. I unravel the gauze and stick out my arm for her to see. She takes out a camera and asks, "Is it okay if I take pictures? This is important." I nod and give a small yes.
She snaps some photos and I rewrap my arm. Then I start unraveling the gauze on my head. There is some dried blood and it hurts to take it off, so I wince a bit. When I finally take it off, she winces a bit too before snapping some photos of that. "Okay anything else?" I nod and say, "Yes on my torso and legs. I slightly groan as I bend down and pick up my pant leg a bit. She gets up and and comes to my side of the table. She sees the giant bruise on my shin and some smaller ones around it.
"This was also from this weekend," I say. She takes pictures of the bruise and then I stand up. I unbutton my shirt and take it off, revealing scattered bruises around my chest and stomach. "The lighter ones are from past beatings, but the ones with the yellowish color are from this weekend," I say. She nods and takes more pictures. Then I turn around so she sees the ones on my back. "Same for these," I say. I see the flash go off a few times and then I hear her say, "Okay are there more?"
I look at her and nod. "Yeah there are some on my legs, but I'd have to take my pants off for that." She nods. "Here take this," she says as she hands me a hospital gown. Change in the restrooms out there and come back so that I can take a picture of at least a few more bruises on your legs. I nod and say, "Okay."
I go to the restroom across the hall and change slowy. I come back limping and she turns around looking at the purple marks on my legs. "The faded ones are older," I say and she nods before taking some photos. It's awkward just standing there and after a while she says, "Okay you can change back now. Come back when you're done." I nod and exit the room. I change back and then head to the room. When I enter I see that she's typing on her computer. "Okay sit down. I need to ask you more questions." I nod and do what she says.
"This seems like more than enough proof. This means that you'll be without parents or guardians. We haven't been able to locate your father or any other relative. Do you know anyone who can take care of you? If not, then you have to go into the system," she says. I nod. "My teacher, Mr. Aizawa is a registered foster parent and he said that he'd love to adopt me. I have no family, so this works out well," I say. She nods and types into the computer. "We'll double check with him and then find out. I'm sure he would be able to adopt you if he has all the paperwork. All we have to do is get the judge to approve this, which I really think he will, and then start the paperwork for you. Since you live in the dorms here, then you wouldn't have to go to a foster home," She tells me.
"Okay, thank you for telling me," I reply. She nods and then turns off the recorder then she says, "We'll let your teacher know about court dates and stuff. I'm sure we'll have your mother arrested by tonight." I nod. "You can leave now, and be safe," she says. I walk out and then go back to the teacher's lounge. I see Shoto, Kirishima, and Mr. Aizawa sitting there being questioned on the couch. The police officer nods and writes stuff down every once in a while.
When they see me, they smile. I smile back and then the police officer says, "Thank you that's all for now." Shoto gets up and runs to me. "So what happened? What did she say?" I look at him and say, "Well she said that the bruises, cuts, and burns should be more than enough proof to get her into jail. They asked me if I knew about anyone who could take care of me and I told them about Mr. Aizawa." Mr. Aizawa then looks at me and smiles. He nods and says, "I will be sure to confirm everything with them." I nod and Kirishima hugs me. "Things are going to get better for you." I nod and start crying.
He pulls away and looks at me shocked. "I'm just so happy. This went so much better than I thought it would. I thought people would be disgusted in me. I thought that no one would believe me and call me an attention seeker," I cry out. The three of them hug me and I feel so cared for in this moment. I want to stay here forever. Then we all pull away and Mr. Aizawa says, "Okay go to the dorms now. I'll let you know about everything. Just get some rest for now." The three of us nod and start walking out.
When we get to the dorms, the whole class is in the common room. The room smells good and then when everyone sees me, they all cheer. For me? Why cheer? Kaminari comes up to me and hugs me. I hug him back and soon, everyone is around me and we're all in one big group hug. "You're an amazing person and we're all sorry that you've had such a terrible life. But, we're going to make it amazing. From here on out, we'll make sure that you're happy and that you can act like yourself around us. No more faking being happy, or mad, or annoyed. No more covering up your bags. No more hiding your scars. Just be yourself around us," Kaminari says.
Wow, when did he gets so caring and not dumb? I smile at him and hug him harder as I cry. "Thank you so much for accepting me." After a while, everyone pulls away and Mina yells, "OH NO THE CAKE!" She runs to the kitchen and opens the oven in a hurry. She sighs in relief as she takes out 4 cake pans. "Oh yeah, we decided to make you a cake," Izuku says. I smile at him. "Thank you Izuku. And all of you, that's going to be one hell of a cake," I say happier.
Shoto and Kirishima come up behind me and give me a look. I nod and then they put their arms around me. "Let's eat some cake," Shoto says. I nod and we walk to the kitchen. I grab Shoto's hand and Uraraka smiles and fangirls. "Eeeek you two are so cute!" Yaoyorozu and Mina squeal. I don't let my blush show, but Shoto just smiles at me. "Aww you wanna blush," He says. I glare at him as the pink rises up my face. "Ugh you jerk!" He laughs and pecks my cheek. I gasp and look at the people around us, hoping no one saw. A lot of people did and they all burst out laughing. "Aww soft Bakugo is my new religion," Sero says.
I shake my head and laugh as Mina gives me the first slice. I go to give it to whoever is next to me but Sato shakes his head no. "The first piece is yours, you take it," he says. I smile at him. "Thank you and I'm sorry for being so mean to you and everyone else," I say. Izuku speaks up from the others talking and says, "Kacchan, if you've been hiding stuff from us, it probably means that you've been putting up an act so we know you didn't really mean everything you said." I nod. "I still didn't have to be rude," I say. He shakes his head. "We just know you didn't mean it. So don't worry about it, really."
I nod and turn to Shoto. He's looking at me and it looks like he has been for a while. "Hey you weirdo how long have you been staring at me?" He shrugs. "I don't know. I just know that I want to keep looking at you," he says. "Ugh I hate it when you get all cheesy cause it makes me flustered," I tell him and he smiles cheekily. I squint my eyes at him as I grab a fork to eat my cake. I'm still squinting as I take a bite from my cake and then I open my eyes wide. "Wow this is good. Who made it?" Yaoyorozu turns around, smiling and says, "It was me. I'm glad you liked it. I've been working on how good my baked goods taste." I nod in approval and when I look back at Shoto, I see him smiling at me.
"You weirdo! You say I'm weird, and then you squint at me for I don't know how long?" He asks, half laughing. I shrug, "So what? You like me so now you have to deal with my weirdness." Be smiles and hugs me tightly. "Yes I'll deal with your weirdness." I rest my head on his shoulder and yawn. "Are you tired?" he asks. I nod. "Okay well then you should sleep. You really need it." I agree and start getting up. "Okay well I'm going to sleep now guys. Thank you again for everything," I tell everyone. They a nod and Shoto waves goodbye too as he follows me.
"I'm glad you decided to tell everyone now. It was so much better than we thought. I knew that they wouldn't hate you. But I didn't think they'd throw a party for you," Shoto says. I nod. "Yeah I know. But I'm still kind of scared because what if Mr. Aizawa isn't able to adopt me?" Shoto shakes his head. "He's able to adopt children. And you're a child without a family, so everything is in your favor right now okay? Don't think so negatively." I nod. "Yeah let's just change and go to sleep. My week has been hectic and I just want to be with you," I say. He smiles and I go to my room first so that I can change and leave my stuff before heading to his room to finally sleep.
Word Count: 5578
Ahh so this chapter was a better length this time. I wrote it pretty quickly so I could get ahead and not be stressing over getting in done the same day or the night before. I had time this weekend so frick yeah. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and AHHH this fanfic is getting more and more reads. I didn't write it to get votes or for it to become popular, I wrote it because I wanted to write something that I would read and enjoy. Seeing that so many people do enjoy it, makes my heart fricking happy and makes me want to continue writing. Thank you all and the next chapter will go up on Friday. Oof this author's note was long sorry <3
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