Chapter Twenty-Seven
Katsuki's POV:
It's a week before Christmas and a lot has happened. My mom was found guilty of child abuse and was sentenced 8 years in prison for so many different legal terms that I have no idea about. They've also been working on my paperwork so that Mr. Aizawa can adopt me and the class knows about it, so they're all very excited for me.
Me and Shoto have gotten closer and so have me and Kirishima. The class has also gotten used to how quiet I am now. They always ask me how I'm doing. It's really sweet, but sometimes it can get a bit annoying. Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that they actually care about me, but always being questioned about how I'm feeling by people that I don't really talk to, is weird. I usually only tell Kirishima and Shoto how I'm really feeling. They've been really helpful and supportive.
So right now, I'm hugging Shoto. I woke up from the nap we took and I've been looking at Shoto sleep. I play with his hair. We've kissed a few times here and there, nothing bad, just lips. I kind of want to take it a little bit farther, though heh. I don't mean like sex or anything. I just, you know, wanna make out. Cause like my boyfriend is hot, and I'm comfortable around him. Maybe I should ask him if he wants to make out? Why does that sound so cringe?
Ahhh I don't know. I just want to be a bit more intimate with him. I'm not ready for anything big or steamy like sex, but maybe one day I will be. I really like Shoto and I think I'm falling in love with him. Maybe it's too soon? I've really gotten to know him and we've been spending time together for around 3 months, but we've only been official for around 1. It's too soon to tell, but I have really strong feelings towards him. It's not like I'm dependent on him though. He's taught me that I can do things on my own. Sometimes I'll need help, but in the end, it's me who's controlling my life. I don't need him, but I really do want him around.
I really want him around. I don't know how he feels about me. Like of course I know he likes me, but could he fall in love with me? Ahh this is too much and all I want to do is make out with him. I sigh. It doesn't hurt to take deep breaths anymore or sigh heavily, so that's good. I take a deep breath and as I do so, I take in Shoto's scent. How does he smell so much like apples? Does he like fill a bath with apple scented soap with pieces of apples and soak himself in it so that he obsorbs the apple water? And then after does he put on apple-scented cream followed by apple-scented cologne? I don't know. All I know is that he smells really good.
I hug him tighter and get closer to his chest. I feel his arms tighten around my waist and I tense up. Oh no is he awake? Did he feel me breathe him in and hug him tighter? "I'd love to always wake up like this," I hear him speak. Oops I guess he did. "Oh, did I wake you? Sorry," I say. He shakes his head. "No, well yes, but that's not the point. The point is, you were smelling me you weirdo," He laughs. I hit his back playfully and bury my face in his chest before saying, "It's not my fault you smell so good. Do you shower in apples or something?" He laughs a bit loudly and I laugh at that.
"No I don't. Well, I do have an apple-scented shampoo, but my body wash and everything else is usually ocean-scented or something. Not even my conditioner is apple-scented. It's something like oakwood, I don't even know," he says. I laugh a bit before stopping as I think about how I tell him that I want to make out. Should I even tell him? That would be weird right? Ugh I don't know. All I know is that he's a gentleman and is probably waiting for me to initiate the make out.
"What's wrong Katsuki? Why'd you stop laughing all of a sudden?" I take a deep breath and shake my head in his chest. "It's embarrassing," I say. "Oh come on, just spill it. I'm sure it'll be fine. What did you start your period or something?" He asks, laughing. I laugh hard into his chest and smack his back again. "Oh shut up, no!" He laughs a bit again as he rubs my back soothingly. "It's just that ummmm. I kinda, maybe, sorta, wanna make out... With you," I say, extending the 'with you' part. He suddenly stops rubbing my back and his heart beats faster.
"You what? Did I hear that right?" I sink into his chest even more and nod my head. "I know it's weird, but you know, I want to. I know you wouldn't do anything unless I was comfortable, so I'm letting you know now. I'm comfortable with making out with you," I say. "Oohhh my gooooodddnneesss this is so embarrassing. Just answer!" I half yell at him, out of embarrassment. "Um well. You know, I've wanted to do that too, but, like you said, I didn't know if you were comfortable with that yet since we've only dated for like a month. But now, we can do that? Right?" He sounds so confused and I laugh at that and nod.
"Yeah I'm ready for that now. And you don't even have to ask. Just surprise me," I say as I look up at him. I'm blushing like crazy and I see that he is too. He nods and says, "I'll keep that in mind when we're in class." I gasp. "Nope! Not this again, we're not gonna make out in front of the whole class and Mr. Aizawa. You're crAzy if you think that's gonna happen," I say, exaggerating the 'a' in crazy. He laughs.
He makes me feel happy and all warm inside. "You make me happy," I say to him. He smiles at me and says, "Well you make me happy." He kisses me and I kiss back. He licks my lips, asking for permission and I gladly open them. Our tongues brush against each other and the kiss is like if you're riding a unicorn on a rainbow towards a pot of gold. He quickly wins dominance and takes control over the kiss. He rubs my back soothingly and I put my hand under his shirt, feeling up his back. He does the same to me after a while as we continue making out. I put my hands in his hair and they get tangled in it.
We make out for a solid 5 minutes before there's a knock on Shoto's door. We both pull away, breathing hard and I see Shoto's lips are red and puffy. I laugh and touch them. "I'm going!" He yells at the person outside the door. He gives me a quick peck and I sigh sadly as he walks towards the door. "Hey Todoroki! Bakugo wasn't in his room, and judging by your hair and lips, I'm guessing he's in here," Kirishima says, coming to a realization. I see Shoto stiffen up a bit and I laugh. I'm guessing that he's blushing like crazy. "Um yeah, he's over there," he tells Kirishima, as he points at me. He moves out of the way to let Kirishima in.
I'm laying on my back now with my arms under my pillow. Kirishima walks in and stands awkwardly before saying, "Um, you two want to hang out with me, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Shinso?" I look at Shoto and see if he wants to go. "Yeah I'll go, what about you Shoto?" I ask. He nods and I smile. "Okay we're leaving in 10 minutes so yeah get ready," Kirishima says. I quickly get up and Kirishima leaves. I run to Shoto who's still by the door and give him a quick peck before heading out to leave. Before I can pull away, Shoto grabs my waist and keeps me there to kiss me harder and then let's me go. I blush lightly and head to my room.
I put on the scar make-up because my scars still embarrass me. I haven't put on the eye make-up since before we told everyone and thankfully my eye bags have gotten smaller. I've slept through the night more often than before so that's helped. I go to my closet and think about what to wear. I choose the long sleeve that Mina chose for a while back along with a different shirt to go over it. It's white and it says 'sleepy'. Then I grab my black jeans and put the outfit on, after that I throw on my Converse. My hair is a bit messy, but I fix it easily in the mirror before heading out to the common area with my phone.
"Ooo Bakugo, you're looking good," Mina says. I hear footsteps behind me and turn and see Shoto. He's wearing a plain, light tan turtle neck, some khakis, a tan coat, and his white Converse. Ooo we have matching shoes. "Yeah but he's allllll mine," he says. I blush a bit and turn away from my friends. "Uh, you're so cheesy," I say. He smiles and pecks my lips and I blush furiously as I look at the floor. I push his shoulder slightly as my friends all coo at how cute we look.
I groan and a smile spreads across my face. "Oh whatever, where are we going?" Kirishima speaks up and says, "Okay so we're going to McDonalds and then the bowling alley. We know there's pizza there at the bowling alley, but McDonald's sounds way more appealing and I'm sure you agree." Me and Shoto nod instantly and then everyone starts heading out. I brought my money and it's about 150 dollars. I'm going to use it for Shoto's Christmas present. I won't be able to just leave Shoto while we're hanging out, but maybe I can have Kirishima sneak away and scope out some places and send me pictures of what to buy him. I don't know what to get him. Hmm maybe I'll take him on a date!! Yes! It's my turn to take him out so I'll ask him if he wants to go out on Christmas.
I smile at my plan and start thinking of places to take him. It is cold right now so I should take him ice-skating. I'm sure he'd like that. Okay first we'd go out to eat. Maybe at an Olive Garden. Then the ice-skating rink nearby charges $5 per pair of ice-skates. It's affordable and fun. Olive Garden is pretty expensive but I know I'll have enough. We'd be able to order an appetizer, the food of course, and a dessert. Even after that, I'd still have enough money to pay for the rented skates.
I sigh happily at my plan as we walk to the nearby McDonalds. Going out still gives me anxiety because I feel like I'll run into Shigaraki, but I feel safe because I have my friends around me. Like actually around me and well Shoto too. Mina is on the right side of us, Sero is on our left, Kirishima is in the front, and Kaminari and Shinso are behind us. They really have my back and I really do feel protected. Shoto is holding my hand so I squeeze it affectionately and he squeezes back. The action makes my heart feel light and happy.
"Thank you guys," I tell my friends. They just tell me things like, "nah it's no problem" "we should've been this protective all along" "We got you". I smile at the ground and soon enough, we're all at the McDonalds. I can get food here and still be able to pay for everything on our date so I'll be fine.
We go to order one by one and before it's my turn, Shoto says, " Hey I'm paying for you." I shake my head. "No it's okay, I can do it," I tell him. He smiles and says, "I know you can, but I want to." I shake my head and say, "No I'll pay for us this time, come on." I go up to the cashier with Shoto in tow. I order two hot'n'spicies and an m&m Mcflurry snack sized. Then I look over at him and he says, "I'll get the same as him." I smile happily and he just shakes his head. I pay around $8 and get my number.
They chose a booth and Mina drags a chair to the end of the booth so that there are three people on each side and she's at the corner. Soon enough, we all have our food and we dig in. On my side of the booth it's me, Shoto, and then Kirishima. It goes in that order towards Mina. Then on the opposite side, it's Shinso, Kaminari, and then Sero. Shinso had also gotten an m&m Mcflurry and I said, "Hey triplets!" I sounded like a little kid and we all laughed. Then after the laughing died down, Sero said, "You guys are weird. Everyone knows that the cookies and cream one is way better."
I gasp exaggeratedly and put my hand over my chest like I did with Shoto a while back. "Excuse me? That is not correct, because according to the encyclopedia of plplathplthatgpl," I say, quoting a vine. Everyone at the table laughs again and so do I. Sometimes I can be fun, right?
We all finish our food and then get up to throw our stuff away. I eat the last spoonful of the Mcflurry that was left and throw the empty cup away. Shoto waits for me and then I walk up to him and the others. "The bowling alley is six blocks away so it's not that far. Let's go!" Sero says excitedly. I'm happy because I have enough money to do stuff now. I went home one day after school to collect the hidden bags of cans I had in the storage and they got me like $40. I've already wasted $8. At the bowling alley, for two hours, it'll cost $25. I could buy two hours for me and Shoto and still have enough for our date.
After a few blocks and many laughs later, we got to the bowling alley. We head up to the front to pay and we all split up. Shinso and Kaminari pay together. Mina, Kirishima, and Sero pay together, and me and Shoto decide to pay together. We all make sure to get the lanes that are right next to each other. I look at Shoto and decide to be funny, "Okay I'll either pay for both of us or we'll split it half and half." I laugh at my own joke and he just smiles a bit, trying not to laugh at how ridiculously stupid my joke was. I continue laughing and push Shoto's shoulder a bit and he breaks too, laughing.
The others are looking at us as if we're weird... we're not. Hehe. Soon it's our turn to pay and Shoto decided to split it half and half. Pfft. Anyways, we pay, get our shoes, and as we're headed to the others, Kirishima comes up next to me and asks me what was so funny earlier. He came out of nowhere and I got scared. "Jeez! You scared me," I say and then laugh it off. I tell him what I told Shoto and me and Shoto start laughing again. Kirishima just smacks his face in disappointment. "Awww come on, it was a great joke. It was funny," I say still laughing.
He smiles and laughs too. "Ugh I'm not laughing because of your joke. It's just that your laugh is contagious!" I look at him suspiciously and say, "Suuuurrree." He just shakes his head and we finally arrive to the bowling lanes. "Okay I haven't been bowling in forever, but I'm still going to beat you," I tell Shoto. He gives me a surprised look and then he smirks a bit. "Oh really? Okay if you're so confident, then let's make a bet," he says. Oh frick. What did I get myself into? I look at him curiously and nod. "Okay so if I win, then I get to kiss you whenever I want to, even if it's in front of these people," he says smiling confidently. I gasp as soon as he finshes his sentence. I was never really that good at bowling. Then again, I was like 6 the last time I came here.
"And what about if I win?" He thinks about it and says, "Well then, I guess if you win, then you get to boss me around for a week." I think about it for a while before nodding. "Okay, but I might not even win because I don't even remember how to throw the frickin ball correctly," I say. He laughs and covers his mouth instantly. I glare at him and he laughs harder. "Okay okay, I'll teach you. But it's not that hard to figure out how to throw the ball. I'm not very good at bowling myself, so I don't know how much help I'll be," he says.
I nod and then we put on our bowling shoes before heading out to look for some bowling balls to use. I choose the 11 pound one after lifting some to see which one would be best for me. Kirishima went with me because he wanted to talk. "So I'm guessing you and Shoto are doing good. I mean when he opened the door, it looked like you guys were making out for quite some time," he says. I blush furiously and turn away from him. "Um we're good. He makes me feel happy," I say, avoiding the topic about me and Shoto making out for like 5 minutes. I kind of wanted it to be longer but you know how it be.
Kirishima laughed the whole way back and I was just embarrassed because he definitely knew we made out. When we got to the rest of them, Shoto was looking at me with a playful smile on his face. I look at him suspiciously and I think he knew why I was so embarrassed. "Why do you look so red Bakugo? Why's Kirishima laughing?" I shake my head at Kaminari and then Kirishima bursts out laughing again. "It's cause I confronted Bakugo about his and Shoto's make out session earlier," he says in between laughs.
I freeze from all the attention I got after he said that. I glare at Kirishima and he laughs even harder if that's possible. Kaminari just smiles at me and says, "Well Bakugo, I never thought you'd be one to get so flustered." I groan. "Whatever I bet you and Shinso make out every chance you two get alone," I tell Kaminari, trying to move the attention somewhere other than me. He turns red. And when I said red, I mean redder than Kirishima's hair. We all start laughing and I'm happy that now people aren't talking about me and Shoto.
We all go to our bowling lanes and type in our nicknames to take turns. Shoto had already put ours and I see that he put mine as 'strawberry' and his as 'apple'. I gasp and look over to him as he's smiling at me and I turn red. "Ugh you're so mean! Why is everyone picking on me today?" I pout. "Aww guys look at Bakugo. Aww are you mad?" I glare at Mina playfully and she laughs.
Soon we're all bowling and Shoto is showing me how to grab the ball to throw it. He grabs his bowling ball and tells me to grab mine to practice how to throw it correctly. He tells me to loosen my grip towards the end when I throw it so that it easily comes off and rolls to the pins. He put my name first, so I was going first. I go up and throw the ball and it goes straight to the gutter. I laugh and when I turn around I see Shoto laughing too. "It's okay just try it one more time," he tells me when I go get my ball again. I nod and say, "Okay just know that when you win, you're not going to get me into a kiss so easily."
He laughs and nods before saying, "We'll see about that." I go back and throw the ball. It actually stays out if the gutter the whole time and I hit a few pins. I turn around excitedly and jog back to Shoto and the others. Sero and Shinso saw and clapped for me. Shoto pecks my cheek and then goes to bowl. He throws it and it goes towards the gutter before spinning back to the middle, making a strike. My jaw drops in shock and the turns around jumping excitedly.
He walks towards me with a smile on his face. He looks like a little kid. "What the hell you said you wErEn'T ThAt GoOd," I say, mocking him. He laughs and says, "I'm really not that good, look at Kirishima and Mina. This was only my first attempt, I'm sure the others will go terribly. Mina and Kirishima already have 5 strikes and we just started." I shake my head and groan. "You're definitely going to win. I never should've agreed to this bet. I'm trash at bowling and now all my friends are going to see us make out whenever you feel like it. I mean I like making out with you a lot, but ahhh. You know?" I ramble.
He smiles at me warmly and I can't help but smile back before getting up and walking up to bowl. I throw the ball and it hits a few and I get happy about that. I get my ball again and throw it at the pins. The ball actually hit the rest, meaning that I got a spare! I'm shocked so when I turn around happily, my eyes are open wide. Shinso laughs at me because of how ridiculous I look and I frown dramatically at him as I walk towards Shoto.
After two hours of bowling, our time is up and we all start switching our shoes before heading out. Mina beat all of us overall with a total of 323 points. Second being Kirishima with 316 points. Then it was Shoto, Shinso, Sero, and me and Kaminari surprisingly got tied. I definitely did not want to lose. I might've been fine losing if there was no bet, but there was a bet and it was going to be embarrassing whenever Shoto felt like kissing me.
Shoto holds my hand as we walk to turn in our shoes. We're behind everyone so right before we walk out the door, Shoto pulls me back before kissing me. I melt into the kiss. It lasted like 3 seconds, but when we go to the doors, we see our friends all staring at us. "What are you looking at?" They all try not to laugh as they turn back to walk out. I sigh and then we follow them. I push Shoto's shoulder playfully and he looks at me. I turn back to look at him and he has this look on his face that I can't read. "Why are you looking at me?" He shrugs and says, "What? I can't admire my amazing boyfriend?"
"You're amazing too," I tell him. He smiles and shrugs before playfully saying, "I know." I smile at him and continue walking as we're behind all our friends. I'm actually kind of disappointed that today is over already. It's dark already and when I realize that, I start getting nervous. I cautiously look around us and I subconsciously squeezed Shoto's hand. I only know that I did because he squeezes back and looks at me worriedly. "Hey what's wrong Katsuki?" I shake my head before whispering, "Oh it's nothing. Just me being anxious, like usual." We're still right behind our friends so I don't want them to hear me talk about being anxious. He let's go of my hand before putting it around my arm to hold me closer to him.
"Okay so what do you want to do when we get back?" I know what he's trying to do. "Well um maybe we can watch a movie," I say. He nods. "Yeah that sounds good. Anything in particular?" I shake my head no. "Come on you have to be thinking about a genre. So which one?" I hear leaves crunching behind us and I jump a bit before turning my head around quickly. It was just some cat. The wind is pretty loud though. I shake my head at Shoto's question. "Um I um, I guess comedy," I whisper back shakily. He nods.
"Katsuki, it's going to be okay. Just breathe okay? You have all these strong people here to protect you, you're okay," he whispers. I nod and take feel breaths. They're still a bit shaky, but they steady out a bit after a while. As Shoto is breathing with me, Sero turns around, looking at me. He gasps slightly before asking, "Hey are you alright?" Mina then turns around along with Kirishima. Then Shinso and Kaminari turn around. Just great. This was exactly what I needed. I nod at his question. "Um yeah I'm fine. Just cold is all," I tell him.
He nods and everyone except Kirishima turns back around to continue walking. He gives me a look and I shake my head, signaling that I'll be okay. He just nods and starts walking behind me and Shoto. That helps a bit, but I still feel anxious. I just want to get back already. I need to stop having so many anxiety attacks. I'm probably annoying everyone. That's probably why my mom hated me so much. Because I was annoying to her. Maybe that's why father left too. Not because he was disgusted with me coming out as gay, but disgusted by me in general.
I shake my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. I put my arm around Shoto's waist and rest my head on his shoulders. He holds me tighter and I know he knows that I'm really anxious. "Hey Bakubro, do you think that there was no IPhone 9 because 789?" I get confused and then turn around to look at Kirishima who's thinking hard. I laugh at how dumb that was and he smiles at me. I smile back and thank him. After a few more blocks of walking, we make it to the school.
I sigh in relief as we walk onto the campus grounds and head to the dorms. "I'm sorry," I whisper to Kirishima and Shoto. Kirishima gives me a sad look and says, "Don't be sorry. I'm sorry that that dumb asshole, Shigaraki, isn't locked up or dead. We will get him and you won't have to live your life scared that he'll come back for you." I nod at him. Shoto just looks at me and says, "Don't ever be sorry. It's not your fault. Don't be sorry for things you can't control." I look down as we walk into the dorms and nod.
I feel safe as soon as we enter and I take a deep breath before sighing heavily. We all head to the elevator and go our separate ways. Me, Shoto, and Kirishima all head to our wing. "I'm gonna go change okay? I'll go to your room right now and you choose a movie," I tell Shoto. He nods and enters his room as I head to mine. As I close the door, I start crying. Wow, no surprise there. Why did I have to be so anxious? Everything was fine. Kirishima and Shoto were having a good time, and then they end their night having to babysit me.
I grab my pillow and scream into it before sobbing for a minute. Then I lift up my head and force myself to stop crying. I dry my tears before taking a few deep breaths and shaking my head and hands. I go over to choose some clothes. I get undressed and put on my pj's. I look in the mirror to see if my eyes are still red and puffy. They are. Crap. I sigh heavily and walk around my room for a bit as I wait for my face to stop looking like I just cried. After 3 minutes, I go up to the mirror again and I nod. Okay I'm all good. Wait, I need to blow my nose. I go get a tissue from my backpack and blow my nose quickly before going to Shoto's room.
When he opens it and sees me smiling, he frowns. I stop smiling and give him a questioning look. "What?" He shakes his head and hugs me there in the hall. "Why were you crying?" I pull away. "What?" He shakes his head and walks into the room, waiting for me to follow. I do and then close the door behind me. "You're nose is red. I know we just came from the outside, but it looks puffy as if you rubbed it. You're eyes are also a but red too," he says. What? He noticed so easily. "I'm getting a bit sick," I say.
He shakes his head. "I don't believe that. Don't lie Katsuki, please. You can be honest with me." I sigh in defeat before saying, "Okay yeah I was crying, but I'm all better now. Let's watch the movie." He looks at me and asks, "Why were you crying?" I shrug and say, "Because you and Kirishima were having lots of fun before you had to babysit me for being scared."
"Katsuki, if we were annoyed by you or didn't like helping you, we wouldn't even stick around. Trust me. Me and Kirishima just want to keep you happy and safe. Knowing that we make you feel protected is very rewarding to us. Don't feel bad about that," he tells me. I take in what he says and nod. "Okay. Thank you for telling me," I say. He goes to lay on the bed in front of his laptop and pats the bed next to him. I go over and lay down. He chose the movie Good Burger. "Oo I like this movie," I say. He turns to me and smiles before getting up quickly to get a comfortable blanket from his closet.
He comes back and lays down right next to me. He passes me a pillow to put under my chin and then puts one under his. He places the blanket over the both of us and scoots closer to me. I kiss his cheek and then he puts play on the movie. As the movie starts, I think I'm definitely falling for him.
Word Count: 5236
Ooo so that was Chapter 27. I hope you guys liked it and winter break has officially started WOO! I really enjoy writing, so thank you for reading. The next chapter will come out on Tuesday. OKAY SO WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKK!? I'M #1 IN TODOBAKU!? THAT'S SO COOL! I YELLED "OH MY GOD NO WAY!" AND MY MOM CAME INTO MY ROOM TO ASK ME WHAT HAPPENED, BUT I JUST TOLD HER THAT I BEAT MY SOLITAIRE SCORE. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AHHHHHH!!!!!! This is more than I ever thought I would get out of something like this. I really appreciate you guys <3 <3 <3 <3
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