Chapter Three
Kastuki's POV:
Before I walk back into class, I straighten up and put on my angry face. As soon as I open the door, I see that everyone is looking at me. Kirishima is the first to ask a question. "Hey Bakugo, what took you so long? Mr. Aizawa finished his lesson and is taking a nap."
I angrily say, "It's none of your goddamned business, Shitty Hair!" He looks at me annoyed. Then he quickly says, "But your hair isn't even all that different than mine!" I ignore the statement and sit down.
I take out my phone and I see Izuku looking at me with a questioning face. I have to get him to stop looking at me, it's making me self conscious. Is he trying to figure me out? It's making me feel nervous, so I quickly look up and yell, "What are you looking at Deku?" He gets startled and says, "Oh, uhh, nothing Kacchan, I was just wondering if you're okay is all."
"I'm just fine, Deku, I don't need you on my back all the time!" I scream back. I hate doing this. But I know he doesn't really care about me. No one does, but it's alright because I've lived like this for about 6 years now, ever since my dad left.
I get sad thinking about it, and lose my angry face for a split second and then quickly compose myself again. Izuku had already turned around and stood up to go talk to Iida. When I turned to the back of the class, I saw Todoroki looking at me. He looked, worried?
I quickly looked away and then the lunch bell rang. Phew, I could go back to the restroom and punish myself for being caught while at my weakest. Everyone stood up and I walked behind them.
Kirishima and Kaminari came up to me. "Hey are you coming to lunch with us?" "Not today Pikachu," I said, angrily, but not full on yelling. They both sighed and then walked away. I had to be alone.
I slowly walk so that everyone can walk towards the cafeteria without noticing me go to the bathrooms. When they're out of sight, I dash into the restroom and quickly close the door, sighing. My back is on the door and my eyes are closed. I slide down slowly and pick my knees up. I rest my head on my knees and feel tears building up.
I hear someone clear their throat. My eyes shoot open and I look up quickly. Todoroki. Again. Fuuucckkkk! I stand up and look at him. He's looking at me too and says, "I figured you'd come in here. I've noticed that you haven't been eating lunch with your friends for a month or two." I look at him and put up my act again, "And what's it to you Sho-IcyHot?"
"I told you it's okay to call me Shoto, and stop yelling, I know you don't want to, I can see the strain in your face. You look tired." Well, I'm so done for. Do I keep acting? I am tired and he knows it, no point in trying anymore.
I sigh, loudly and look down at the floor. "Well you got me, now what? This is the second time today you've seen me like this, are you going to tell everyone now?" He looks at me and his face shows pure bewilderment. Like he didn't expect for me to listen to him and stop yelling.
He keeps looking at me and his eyes scan all around my face. He's making fun of me. I turn my face, ashamed. I think he notices because he says, "Hey, hey, it's alright, I don't plan on telling anyone and no, I'm not judging you." He pauses for quite some time. "I was just making sure you were okay." I look at him and ask, "What were you going to say?"
He looks at me. "What?"
"You were going to say something else, what were you going to say?"
A look of embarrassment washes over his face. He turns red.
I look at him, I'm prepared to be insulted. He looks away and says, "I was going to say that I was admiring your face." What!?
"You were trying so hard to hide your feelings, even though you had no energy to do so. That's strong, but getting help is also strong." Oh. That makes sense.
"I don't need help, I'm just fine." I need him to leave. I came in here for one reason, and I plan on doing that.
I still needed to punish myself for letting him seeing me so weak the first time, now for this time too. Also for allowing him to discover that I haven't been eating. Does he know more? Does he know I have panic attacks? Does he mean it when he says he won't tell anyone? Will he bring a teacher into this?
I feel my wrists, they're starting to itch. Lost in thought, I go to scratch them, but halfway there, I stop myself. He would find out, don't scratch them now. I snap out if it and I see that he's looking at me expectingly.
"Why are you still looking at me?" I ask.
"I asked you a question, but you're clearly not okay, you zoned out. It wasn't for a long time, but for about a minute. What were you thinking about?"
I don't reply and start walking towards the door where I left my bag. As I head for the knob, I reply to his question "It was nothing, thanks for worrying."
I start pulling the door open, I'll just do it later. He speaks up again. "Hey, you're coming with me after school. Meet me at the front, 30 minutes after the bell so that no one sees us. I'm sure you don't want people wondering why we're hanging out."
I turn back to look at him and nod. I know he wouldn't stop asking me what was up, so I decided to just give in. Why not? I don't have to tell him everything. He adds, "You should probably fix the make-up under your eyes again if you don't want anyone asking questions."
I gasped and walked quickly towards the mirror to see the damage my tears had caused. "Also, Midorya said that you would be joining us in his sleepover tomorrow, is that true?"
As I take out the make-up thingy, I answer, "Yeah, I am, just thought it'd be interesting." I look at him through the mirror as I apply the cream under my eyes, and see that he's watching me intently. He looks away quickly as a slight shade of red makes its way up his face.
I look away quickly too, but because I'm ashamed of myself. I just focus on making it seem like I don't have anything on my face. I don't know why he keeps looking at me. I can see him staring out of the corner of my eye, and I get frustrated, so I turn around and ask, "Why do you keep looking at me? Just stop judging me okay? I get that I'm terrible." And look away.
He was surprised and opened his mouth before shutting it. I just look down at the sink and focus on trying to keep my tears at bay. I take a deep breath and sigh. I hear him walking towards me, so I open my eyes and turn to face him. He's really close. His eyes are so pretty and his hair looks so soft. I look at his whole face and then quickly look away.
He just says, "I am not judging you, and I never will." He started walking towards the door and said, "Remember, today after school. I will be waiting." And as soon as he was out of sight, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I quickly put my stuff away and make sure there isn't anything noticeable about me crying before.
Satisfied, I walk out and make my way to class before anyone noticed I was in the restroom. I thought about what Shoto would want from me after school.
Word Count: 1,379
Ahhh okay so that's 3 chapters. Woo, that was crazy. Okay so I have over 40 reads ALREADY and that's CRAZY. I just made this account not even a week ago. Let me know what you guys think of it please. I would love to see some comments. I will post Chapter 4 before Wednesday. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS :()
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