Chapter Thirty-Six
Shoto's POV:
I wake up to Katsuki next to me. I'm at the edge of the bed, but I'm fine as long as I'm not half falling off. It's my birthday and it's been a few days since we made love. It was amazing. He trusted me enough to let himself be vulnerable like that. It was beautiful and he just... Well he was just himself and I love when he allows himself to be open about his feelings. He doesn't have his shirt on which makes my heart flutter because he is comfortable with letting me see his scars and I know that he's very self conscious about them. After we made love, I made sure to kiss every single one. He was so taken aback, but he deserved to know that they were a part of him and that I didn't see him any different now that he had them.
He shifts a bit so now his chest is up and I see all the marks I left him. We covered them up for class and no one knows about them. Kirishima only knows about the one on my neck but I covered all of mine too and told him not to tell anyone about the one he saw. He was very chill about it. He's so laid back.
I start playing with Katsuki's hair. It's so soft and pretty. I look down at his face and look at how soft his features are. He's so calm and he looks safe. He used to be paranoid most of the time and his features, even when he was asleep, screamed fear and sadness. It always made my heart clench achingly. I stroke the side of his face softly. I take in all of him. A piece of his hair is hanging over his face and I carefully move it out of the way. I pull him closer to me and put my head on the top of his. He stirs a bit and I hear his breathing change. He groans a bit and hugs me tighter. "I'll never ever get tired of waking up like this. Happy Birthday," he says happily.
He's been better than before but he's still nervous about the therapy session but I told him that I'd be outside waiting the whole time. That calmed him down a bit at that moment. "Thank you Katsuki," I tell him. He pulls away and looks at me with a smile on his face. "You want to go out on a date with me today?" I look at him and pretend to think about his question. "Hmm," I say running my chin thoughtfully. He gasps and pushes my shoulder. I feel myself start falling from the bed, and my eyes widen. My arm is under him, wrapped around him. I'm falling and I accidentally take him down with me.
He squeals as we fall and falls on top of me with a thud. I groan out and then start laughing. As I laugh, he moves with my chest since he's on top of me. He starts laughing too and lays his head on my chest, right over my heart. Our laughing dies down and I love this feeling right here. The feeling of both of us being together, alone. Just both of us enjoying each other's company. "I love you," I breathe out. I feel him smile into my chest. "Really?" I laugh. "Of course I do. I love you more than I ever thought I'd ever be able to love anyone," I tell him. He hugs me. I feel my abdomen get wet. He sniffles and I lift my upper body up.
"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He sits up and shakes his head. He wipes his eyes, getting rid of the tears. "No, I'm sorry. It just hit me that you really do love me. You aren't lying. This isn't a dream and the guy that I'm in love with, loves me back," he says with a smile. I wipe away a tear that's threatening to spill and look at him. I pull him in for a quick peck on the lips. "No this isn't a dream. I really, really do love you," I say. He nods and stands up. He sticks out his hand for me to grab. "Okay let's go brush our teeth and get ready for today," he says. I nod and take him hand.
Shoto's POV;
We're all showered up and sitting on my bed. We finished the Umbrella Academy and we're watching Atypical now. We're still at the beginning of the first season but we're really invested already. We've been cuddled up all day after eating breakfast. We're going out later on today. We're leaving at 6 so we still have about an hour. Katsuki was telling me how he was happy when he was with me earlier after we showered. He makes me just as happy. I never thought I'd end up with him, but I always kind of wanted to. I liked Katsuki, but he was hard to get to know before, but now I know more than anyone else. I am the one he trusts with everything and I have no idea how I was able to be that lucky.
He laughs at the show when the sister picks on her brother. I look at him and smile fondly. I am very in love and it's kind of scary. I've never felt like this about anyone before and it's great, but it's still nerve wracking. I look back at the show. I pull him closer to me. "I like when you hold me tighter. It makes me feel wanted," he says. He's been saying stuff that he likes me doing. It's very sweet. I kiss the top of his head and squeeze him. "You're a very amazing person Katsuki," I tell him. He smiles and kisses me gently. I smile into the kiss and we pull away. "We should start getting ready," he says. I nod and put pause on the show. We get up and he heads towards the door.
"I need to change, I'll pick you up at 6. Okay?" I smile at him and nod. "Okay I'll see you then," I tell him. He leaves and I sigh happily as I fall into the bed. I cover my face as a huge smile spreads across my face. "Katsuki Bakugo is my boyfriend," I whisper to myself. I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. I'm not, but ouch. I go to my closet and grab a maroon button up with black pants. I grab an undershirt and throw it on. Then I put on the button up and pants. I go grab my shoes and out them on after putting on my socks.
I sigh, I forgot to put on deodorant. I unbutton the shirt and out the deodorant on before rebuttoning it. I go to the mirror in my closet and look at my hair. It's a little messed up but with a few pats, it's better. I smile and see if I have anything in my teeth. I make sure I still have my bracelet on. I wear it all the time. I love it.
I look at it and look at Katsuki's name. It's such a beautiful name. It suits him. I go over to my drawer and take out a bottle of cologne. I go to my bed and sit back, waiting for Katsuki to pick me up. He wants to make it a big thing even though he just has to walk a few feet to my room. I'm going with it though because it makes him happy and I love when he's happy. It makes me sad when he doesn't feel truly happy. It makes me mad too because he was led to believe that he didn't deserve to be happy. That is just not true. He deserves the entire universe. I will stop at nothing to get him everything.
I check my phone and play a few games before Katsuki texts me.
Kat<3: Are you ready?
Me- Yup and I can't wait for you to pick me up
Kat<3- I don't know if you're being mean because you're a room away, but I don't care! I'm headed to pick you up now
Me- Okay
ot even a minute later, there's a knock at my door. I go to open it and I see Katsuki standing there with a light smile on his face. I can't help but smile back. "Hey babe," I say. He blushes and takes my hand. "Hi, let's go," he says back. I see that he didn't cover up the marks I left him and I remember that I didn't either. I didn't plan on doing so, but it just reminded me. We get in the elevator and I'm standing a little bit behind him. Not a lot, but enough for me to kiss him on the back of his neck softly, so that's exactly what I do.
He shudders and turns around to glare at me before the doors open. I bite back a smile. "You're cute," I say. "Oh whatever. You're hot," he says as if it's a well known fact. I laugh as we head outside. He's still holding my hand as we walk. I'm still laughing so I'm a bit slow and he's practically dragging me along. He's walking pretty fast, so he's making me walk fast. He gets frustrated so he groans and stops suddenly to turn around. I'm not paying attention, so I keep walking and I bump into him.
We both grunt and we fall to the floor. I stop myself from completely falling on him by sticking out my arms. They end up right next to his head and the bottom half of my body is on his. "This seems familiar no? Except the rolls were switched," I say. He smiles fondly remembering. It was the day that I asked him to come after school with me. "Yeah I remember. It was embarrassing back then and I liked you then too," he says remembering. "That day, I thought about telling you everything even when I barely knew you. You had that effect on me and I'm glad you did that," he says happily.
We realize the position we're in and get up. "We're in public Katsuki, you can't be making me get on top of you in public," I half yell. His eyes widen and he pushes me. "Shut up you idiot," he whisper-yells. I laugh and he grabs my hand again and starts dragging me again. "Come on, I've been waiting to finally take you out," he says. I smile and run up to his side so that were walking together. He turns to look at me and smiles.
We finally make it to where we were supposed to go. We get to the Olive Garden and he looks at me. I look back at him and take him inside. "Jeez just standing out here is making me hungry, let's go," I say. He laughs and the lady at the front sees us and smiles fondly. "Welcome, did you make a reservation?" Katsuki nods and says, "Yes, it's made under Katsuki." The lady nods and gets two menus. "Found it, follow me," she says. We get to the booth and sit on opposite sides of each other. She hands us our menus and before she leaves she says, "By the way, I'm a big fan of both of you. I saw the sport's festival and just yeah. Oh, you're waiter will be with you guys shortly."
"Wow, that's cool... Kendall," Katsuki says reading her name tag. She smiles widely and Katsuki sticks out his hand for a fist bump. Her eyes widen and she happily bumps her fist with his. She had been looking at Katsuki so when she looked at me, I finally smiled at her. She turned so red and her smile looked so nervous. "You guys are so cool," she says excitedly. I look at her and nod before saying, "Yeah you're pretty plus ultra." Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Yeah!" Katsuki smiled and said, "Yeah it's his birthday so we're celebrating." She nods excitedly. "I know, I was just so starstruck and my mind completely went blank. Anyways, I'll let you be. Bye."
She leaves in a hurry and I look over at Katsuki. "You almost made her faint with your damn smile," he says. I flash him a smile and he shakes his head. "Stop being so cocky," he says with a blush. "Aw but I made you blush," I say. He groans and hides behind his menu. I tangled my legs with his under the table and picked up my menu. He put his down and then pushed mine down with one finger. "Your smile still gets me," he says. I look at him and say, "Yours does too."
Katsuki's POV:
We are on our way back to the dorms from ice skating and me and Shoto are hand in hand, talking about what happened when Shinso wanted to talk to me. I was telling him how he was being supportive and that he was going to be there for me.
I yawned mid sentence. He pulled me closer to him and put and arm around my waist, securely. It honestly did make me feel safe. Just knowing that he'd protect me. It makes me feel amazing. "I'm tired," I say. He nods and puts his head on mine, sideways. "Yeah me too. Let's go to bed when we get back," he says. I nod. "I had a lot of fun today. Thank you for taking me out," he tells me. I sigh. "I'm sure it could've been better but I really like spending time with you," I tell him. "Nothing is better than spending time with you," Shoto tells me. There's absolutely nothing that can describe how much he's made me feel.
We finally get to the dorms and change tiredly before getting comfortable next to each other in bed. I sigh as I wrap my arms around him. He puts his head on the top of mine since mine is in his chest. "Goodnight Kat, I love you," he says. "Goodnight Shoto, I love you too," I reply with a stupid smile on my face.
Katsuki's POV:
It's Monday now and I have therapy after school. I'm extra nervous since today the therapist us going to decide whether or not she's going to prescribe me with meds. Only a few minutes until the bell rings. Aizawa is driving me. Shoto is coming with us because he knew I'd be nervous.
The bell rings and I nervously get my stuff together. Aizawa said he had to do something after school so that I should wait by the car. Shoto follows me. "It's alright. There's nothing wrong with getting meds. You're still Katsuki to me," he says. I nod hesitantly, thinking a out his words. I'll be fine. I sigh and we get to the car. We only wait about the minutes before we start heading to the therapist. I sit nervously in the back seat.
When we get to the office, Aizawa walks to the lady at the front and tells her my name and the time of the appointment. The lady clicks her keyboard and nods. "Okay she can see you now," she says. I nod and Shoto gives me an encouraging smile and a small kiss on the cheek before I head in.
I go into the room and the therapist smiles at me and motions for me to sit down. She tells me to talk about stuff that's bothering me. She writes some stuff down as I go and she asks me about past traumas. I tell her and she nods as she writes everything down. It makes me anxious. Just hearing the pen on the paper. "I, um it's hard for me to talk about," I finish.
We'd been in for about 2 hours. "Okay so you are depressed, but you do not medication for that. Just meditate and have positive people around you," she starts. I sigh in relief when she says that I don't need medication for my depression. I have depression. It hits me once again. I take in what she says. Meditate. I nod and then she continues. "You have pretty severe anxiety. You said that it had been about a week since an anxiety attack? Well having them frequently is unhealthy and the amount of anxiety you have about things is high. The pills I'm prescribing have to be taken three times a day. They are small, but there's enough to last about a month. You have to take them every day. When you feel like you don't need them as much after a month, come and talk to me and we'll talk about lowering the amount you need to take," he continues.
I feel like the air left my lungs all at once. I nod at what she's saying. "You need to take one before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are to be taken with a meal. Do not skip out on them," she finishes as she writes the prescription. "I'm going to give this to your guardian and talk to him about the situation. Okay?" I nod and I follow her quietly to the waiting room. Shoto gets up quickly when he sees me and so does Aizawa.
"So I'm prescribing him with something to help with the high amounts of anxiety he suffers from. They should be taken three times a day with a meal. They should last a month and I'll be seeing him still. When the month is over and he feels better, we'll see about lowering the dosage until he doesn't need it anymore," she says. Shoto had hugged me sideways as she spoke. He was listening and he nodded to what she was saying. She said goodbye and left. Mr. Aizawa looked at me. "I know this is the last thing you wanted, but it's going to help you. We'll be by your side too. We care about you so much Bakugo and nothing can change that. You're still going to be you," Aizawa says.
I nod and smile a bit at his words. It wasn't a forced smile. We walk out and head to the pharmacy to take out the pills. I barely say anything the entire time. We get the pills and head back to the dorms. Aizawa leaves us with the pills and goes back home. He gave them to me but told Shoto to make sure I take then. We walk in and Shoto holds my hand tightly. When we get into the elevator, I fall to the floor and start crying. I have to take medication. I really am messed up. Shoto is taken aback but quickly hugs me.
The doors open and some of our classmates are in there. Of course. Out of all the times they're there, I'm having a breakdown. Shoto looks around frantically. He stands in front of me, blocking their view of me. They all get the memo and turn around. My broken sobs can still be heard though. I can't stop myself from crying. I try so hard so that it wouldn't be so loud. It went silent after they realized what was happening. Shoto picks me up and runs to his room. He closes the door behind us quickly and goes over to his bed. He just holds me bridal style and rocks me back and forth, soothing me.
I just can't shake the feeling that I'm going to have to take medication. Medication to make me normal. I gasp for some air because of how hard I'm crying. I hear Shoto sniffle and bury his head into my shoulder as I cry into his chest. "You're okay Katsuki. There's nothing wrong with you, I swear. You're still my Katsuki. Some stupid pills won't change that. I will always love you. No matter what," he tells me. That makes me cry harder. How can he love someone who needs medication to be normal? "Please don't feel like you're a freak. You're not, you're the best person I know. You're you, and that's who I love," he says as he rocks me.
I take in what he says and nod. I try and stop crying but I can't seem to. Everyone saw and heard me cry. I curse myself for doing that and I end up falling asleep as Shoto keeps rocking me back and forth.
Word Count: 3,469
Hehe 69 😂. Okay so the ending was kinda rushed, I just needed to finish it before 3rd block. My friend bluez_x, made a KiriBaku fanfic. The first chapter is up and it's really good. It's called Sleepless Nights. Go check it out😄😄. Also, I'm going to end this fanfic at chapter 40. The story already died down and I don't have any more ideas for it. I will be writing another one and I'll let you all know when before this fanfic ends. It's going to be another TodoBaku. Anyways, I love you all and go check out Sleepless Nights. <3
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