Chapter Thirty-Four
Katsuki's POV:
The bell for lunch rings and I wait for everyone to leave. Mr. Aizawa looks at me and I go up to him with the now melted ice pack on my hand. "What happened to your hand?" I look at the floor and say, "Well, um, I punched the sink in the morning." He sighs sadly. "Why would you do that?" I still don't make eye contact and say, "I forgot to lock the restroom door and Shinso saw my scars. I got mad at myself because I didn't lock the door so I just threw a random punch."
He grabs my shoulder and says, "I'm sorry he saw them, but you shouldn't be hiding them. It happened to you and you can't change that. Go get more ice and enjoy your lunch." I nod and leave to go to mine and Shoto's meeting place. When I walk in, Shoto already has the food out. Usually we make food together now, but since I stayed at Mr. Aizawa's, we didn't have time to. "Oo looks good," I say. He smiles. I go over to him and he grabs my right hand. I wince a bit but then sigh in relief when he uses his ice quirk as an ice pack. "Mm that feels good. My hand really hurts," I say. He smiles and gives me a quick peck on the lips. He takes the Ziploc and refreezes it for me.
We start eating as he still holds my hand to cool it. I'm supposed to be happy right now, but I can't feel it. I'm supposed to be smiling and being all lovey dovey with my boyfriend, but I can't force myself to. "I'm sorry, I just feel down right now," I say sadly. Then I take a bite of the taco he made. "Katsuki, it's okay. Well, no, it's not okay because I want you to feel normal, but you shouldn't feel bad for me. I know you're going through a hard time right now and I'm here for you. I care about you and no one can change that. I'm here for you and I just want you to get better. You shouldn't focus on anything except getting better, okay?" I nod and I feel like crying again.
I put the taco down. I'm not that hungry and I just want to cry. I think Shoto notices because he puts his taco down and then takes his hand away from mine to hug me. "I just want to sleep, I'm tired," I tell him softly. He sniffles into my shoulder and nods. "I know, we'll nap after school," he tells me. I pull away. "Why are you crying?" He shakes his head. "I just can't see how so many bad things could happen to such an amazing person. I'm just sorry Katsuki, I'm sorry that I can't help," he says sadly. He sniffles and I start crying. "No, you have helped me. You've helped me more than you could ever know. You make me feel loved, safe, protected, smart, worthy, important, normal, like I can be me. You've helped me get through breakdowns, panic attacks, you saved me from Shigaraki, you've done so much. You even bought me Twenty One Pilots tickets! That's just like icing on the cake. I love you and knowing that you love me helps me more than you could ever know," I tell him.
We hug as we both cry. "I love you too Katsuki," he tells me. I sigh and hug him tighter. "I know and I'm so glad that you do. Also we can't hang out right after school. Shinso wanted to go to the park with me, so maybe later?" He nods and we stay there. Soon, the bell rings and we quickly pull away. "Crap let's go," I say. We both quickly finish what's left of our taco and out the rest away. We hurry to the class and Shoto quickly refreezes the water. I thank him and qive him a quick kiss and then walk in and go to my seat. He smiled a bit and went to his.
Everyone comes in and then after a while, the bell rings and Mr. Aizawa continues his lesson. I'm not really paying attention even though I should. You need to pay attention. You can't give yourself time to think about anything bad. You need to try and get better. I snap out of my thoughts when Mr. Aizawa yells my name. I jump up on surprise and he looks at me with a look. 'You better be paying attention.'
I sigh and then he starts talking about something else. "Okay so we're going to be going on a field trip next weekend. We're not telling anyone the location, but your parents still need to know that you're leaving, so I'm going to pass out some papers for them to sign. There's going to be an extra amount of pros just in case," he says. I stiffen a bit. Great. Out of all the days he could've announced this, he announced it today. Because I'm definitely not having a mental breakdown already. I see some people look at me, trying to be discreet, but I can definitely tell. I don't like that they're looking at me and it's making me even more nervous.
Without thinking, I raise my hand. Mr. Aizawa stops what he's saying and looks at me. "May I go to the bathroom?" He nods and I get up normally. I walk out and then run into the restroom. I close the door behind me and let out a shaky breath. Why am I feeling like this? They're in prison. Nothing will happen because they can't get me. Even if they were out of prison, there will be more pros this time. I'll be fine. "I'll be fine. I'll be fine," I tell myself over and over. I rub my face super hard as I continue to try and calm myself down.
I take a lot of deep breaths and then walk to the sink. I splash water in my face and then look up. Great my face is super red now. I splash more cold water and then look at my hand which still hurts like a bitch. I stick it under the cold water. I leave it there for a bit and then start putting water on my face again. I stop once I get tired of trying to make my face go back to its normal color. I turn on the water and fan my face. It's less red now and it doesn't look like I rubbed it or anything so I try to smile in the mirror. It looks weird. I try again and again, it looks weird.
I shake my head and look away from the mirror. I head back to class because then they'll start to worry. As I walk in, I notice people looking at me. I just ignore them and sit in my desk quietly. There's only about an hour or two left of class. Mr. Aizawa is talking about being responsible with our quirks. He looked straight and Kaminari because he decided it would be funny if he shocked the electrical outlet back when he stuck his tongue in it. He laughed nervously and Jirou was dying in the back. I smile at his stupidity and look back at Mr. Aizawa.
"Okay so we're done with today, I guess you guys can leave or whatever. Just don't make me regret letting you leave early," he says, sounding annoyed. We all know deep down he cares about us deeply and would do anything for us. He doesn't have to prove himself or anything because we all know he's one of the greatest heroes. Everyone starts getting up and Kaminari and Kirishima come up to me quickly. "Hey are you alright? We'll be with you the whole time. You don't have to worry about anything. We're strong," Kaminari says. I nod. "I'm doing just fine, I'm good. I swear," I tell them. They nod and Kirishima bumps my shoulder with his fist playfully. I do it back to him and they walk away.
Shoto walks up to me and grabs my right hand to ice it again. "Are you okay? I know it must me scary but you really don't have to worry. Shigaraki is in prison. He's locked up so he can't hurt you. I'll be by your side the whole time," he tells me softly. I nod and put my head in his chest. "Awww that's so adorable," a voice says. We both look at whoever said it and see that it was Mina. "Oh, I ruined the moment didn't I?" I frown at her. "Don't you think?" She laughs nervously and then says, "Oh well I'll get going now." I smile a bit and then Shoto starts walking with my hand. I had my bag with me and so did he.
He didn't walk towards the dorms though, he went to the restroom. When we get in, he quickly looks under the stalls and then pushes me to the door. He gives me a passionate and loving kiss. I sigh happily into it and kiss him back. It's rough and I like it. "I *kiss* love *kiss* you," He says. I smile and continue kissing him. I push his chest lightly and I look at him. "What was this for?" I smile and then he smiles before saying, "I don't know. I just felt like doing this." I pull him back and we continue making out for quite some time. It's very nice and dare I say, hot.
He starts kissing down my neck. Our breathing is heavy and I'm really enjoying this. Maybe a little too much because before I know it, Shoto is sucking right at the bottom of my ear and I moan. My eyes shoot open and Shoto pulls away. He looks at me and smirks. "That was hot," he whispers. I punch his shoulder and say, "Ugh shut up. It's not my fault you're good at that." He laughs and so do I. "Oh you think so? Maybe I can do it a bit more," he says softly, right next to my ear. "Yeah," I breathe out. I hear his breathing hitch and he starts kissing up and down my neck again. He sucks under my ear again and pleasure shoots through me. My hand goes to his hair and gets tangled in it.
I breathe shakily and he notices. He pulls away and smiles at me again. "Well I guess I've found your weak spot," he tells me. I roll my eyes at him and pull him in for another kiss. I don't think he left any marks on me. It didn't feel like he did, but that didn't mean I couldn't leave any on him. I kiss his jaw and then suck on the edge of it. His breathing is erratic and heavy. His hands are tangled in my hair, rubbing my scalp. "You're hot," I tell him. He breathes out a laugh and then I pull away. He frowns. When I see the mark, I smile in victory. I had no idea that I could make those but it's good I know now. He gasps and grabs his neck. "Katsuki, did you leave a hickey on me!?" He whisper yells and I laugh a bit. He goes to the mirror to look at it and he looks at me slowly before his mouth breaks into a smile.
"You should mark me more often, it's quite a turn on," he says. My face turns red from embarrassment even though I just moaned earlier. "Oh whatever let's go to the dorms already, I need to change so that me and Shinso can hang out at the park. We're going at around six so we'll be back before 10, I don't want to stay out that late. What time are you going to sleep?" He shrugs. "I don't know, but you can stay in my dorm when you get back. I'll leave it unlocked. Okay?" I nod and give him a quick peck on the lips. We fix ourselves up a bit. Mostly our hair but we need to fix it with products now. Then I take his hand and grab our stuff.
We walk out with our bags, hand in hand. We go to the dorms and when we walk in, Kirishima comes up to us. "Hey guy- woah. What happened with you two? Did you do the nasty?" I groan and slap my face. "No you idiot, just shut up," I tell him. He laughs at me and says, "Awww are you embarrassed? Aww it's okay Bakugo." He looks at Shoto and then laughs hard. "Dude, you have a hickey. Wow Bakugo, I didn't think you'd be the marking type. Well, yeah, it figures," he says. I'm sure my face is red. "Okay okay whatever, we made out. I gotta go get ready now cause Shinso wanted to hang out," I say. Kirishima nods and looks shocked at my confession. Well at least it shut him up.
When we get in the elevator, Shoto laughs. "Wow you really told him that we were making out. I didn't think you would," he tells me. I sigh and smile at him. "Well yeah. It shut him up no?" He nods. "Well you got a point there." The doors open and we go to our rooms. I kiss him and then he enters his room before I go to mine. I put my bag down and start changing. It's cold out so I'll just wear a hoodie and joggers. I throw it on and go to the shared restroom to fix my hair. I grab my stuff and start fixing it. It's better so I go back to my room and grab my phone and earbuds. I check the time and see that it's almost six so I start walking towards the park.
As I walk, I listen to my music. It's really pretty outside and kinda cold but I really like the cold. It's better than the heat. I finally reach the park and sit on a bench. I take off an earbud and wait for Shinso. I'm worried about what he'd want to talk about. After about ten minutes, I look up after I heard leaves crunch. "Hey Bakugo," Shinso says. I smile at him and wave. "Hey Shinso, what's up?" He shakes his head and sits down. "Oh um, I noticed that you were having quite a hard time this weekend. I get that you don't know me enough to trust me, but I wanted to change that. We're practically brothers now and we should create a stronger bond between us. It would be crazy not to right?"
I look at him and nod. "Yeah, that would be a great idea," I tell him. He nods and sighs in relief. "Okay so let's start off with basics and stuff. Like favorite color, food, chip, and so on. You know?" I nod and we start. We have quite a lot in common. He's also a big cat person and that pretty much said everything. He's gay too, obviously, if not then he wouldn't be dating my guy friend. "So um now to the more serious stuff," he says. I nod and sigh. I expected this. We were having such a great time and now it's all gonna go to hell. "So I know what it's like to have abusive parents. I- I've been though that," he tells me quietly.
I take in what he says. He knows what it's like to be abused. "My parents would abuse me. I um, I went through it for years. I was around 5 or 6 when they started. Mr. Aizawa found out and quickly filed a lawsuit against them. They were found guilty, but I was immediately put into foster care. Mr. Aizawa didn't have any rights to adopt me. He hadn't taken any classes or anything like that, so as soon as he could, he started taking the classes. This all happened last year. I was going through a lot emotionally, but then I met Denki. He- we are very happy together. He makes me happy," he tells me. "I never did anything to hurt myself, but I wanted to all the time. I just never could," he continued.
I nod as I take everything in. "I know it's weird that I just tell you all of this, but I'm getting over it. Of course, I'll always remember, but I won't let it get to me anymore. I'm done with the past, and if I can do it, you can too. I know you've been through a lot worse than me, but I can tell that you're strong. Well, stronger than me at least. I know you'll get through it. The therapy sessions. They work, not at first, but once you get comfortable with your therapist, it'll be a lot better and you'll feel yourself getting better. It helps having people around too. I had Mic, Aizawa, and Kaminari. You have more, so hopefully that helps," he finishes.
"Wow Shinso, I didn't know you'd been through that, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're okay now and I'll tell Kaminari that he's not that big of an idiot," I tell him. He laughs and says, "Now don't go lying to him." I laugh with him. "Yeah, well he's great and I love him. We had been secretly dating for a while, but it was kind of obvious that something was going on between us. It's been almost 6 months," Shinso says. "Wow, I knew you guys has something going on, but I didn't think you guys were dating yet," I say. He nods, "Yup, he wanted to keep it a secret until he was ready to completely come out. Now everyone knows, but I would've waited forever if I had to."
"Well I'm glad you waited for him," I say. He smiles and leans back into the bench. "Well, it's the least I could do after all he's done for me. I feel like I owe him my life and I'd be glad to give it up for him if I have to," he says happily. "You guys are very good together and I really like you Shinso. I've never had anything against you and it's easy to see why Kaminari likes you so much. You really care for him and I can tell he really cares for you," I tell him. He smiles widely and looks at me. "Really? You can really tell he likes me a lot?" I smile at him and nod. "Yeah, of course, it's so easy to tell that he's in love," I say.
He still has a big smile plastered on his face. "Don't doubt that he loves you, because he really does," I tell him. He looks at me and then says, "Yeah? Well don't doubt that Todoroki loves you because it's so damn obvious that you two were meant for each other," Shinso says. It's my turn to smile widely. "Yeah, he's great. I really do love him. He's just... Shoto. He's him, he's the guy that I love and anything he does mesmerizes me," I say, almost breathlessly. "That's the way I feel about Denki. He's just always there to make me smile, he's helped me through my ups and downs. I just couldn't do it without him," he tells me.
"They're both amazing and selfless people," I tell him. He nods. I wonder if they've done it. Like they've been dating for almost 6 months, so have they done it? Or is it too soon? Should I ask? I take a deep breath and decide to go for it cause yolo right? "So have you and Kaminari done it?" It's so fast and it takes him a while to get it. "Hu- wh- eh?" His face turns red and it's hard for me to keep in my laugh. "Ah you should see your face," I say, so out of breath from laughing. He smiles a bit and then breaks too. "Your laugh is very contagious," he says. "I'm serious though, I know it's weird to ask you, but like I wanna know," I say nervously.
"Um, well, we kinda did it within the first two months. Is that fast?" My eyes widen. What the fuck? "What? Really? Me and Shoto have been together for almost four months, well almost 3 officially," I say. He just shrugs. "Everyone moves at their own pace. Me and Denki were just ready for it. It really depends on that," he says. I nod. "Oh, well that makes sense," I say. It's awkward and then I check the time. It's almost 9."Oh wow, it's almost nine," I say. His eyes widen. "Crap, I'm supposed to meet Denki in his room for homework. I was too busy thinking about him that I forgot about him. How the fuck does that work?" I laugh.
"Go go, you don't want him mad," I say half laughing. "Oh no I do not," he says. Then he quickly turns around and starts running. "This was cool we should hang out more often," he says as he continues running. I laugh and then shout, " Yeah, sounds good." I don't know if he heard me but when he gives a thumbs up as he's running, I realize that he did. I sigh heavily and sit back down. I plug my headphones back in and play 'Collide' by Howie Day. It's a really beautiful song and Shoto showed it to me one of the days I was feeling down. He whisper-sings songs to me when I have bad days. It's really heartwarming.
I get up after a few songs and then start heading to his dorm. I just take in the cold air and look at the moon shining brightly. There's a lot of stars. I don't realize that I'm at the dorms until I'm opening the door. Wow, when did I get here? I open the door and head for the elevator. By this time 'Boy Division' by My Chemical Romance is playing and my earbuds are at full blast, so when the doors open, Momo stands there looking at me smiling. I see her mouth loving and she's pointing at her ears and then I realize that she's saying that she can hear my music. I blush heavily and quickly take out my phone. I struggle to get it out of my pocket and when I finally do, I put pause on the song. "Sorry," I say.
"It's alright. I wasn't complaining, just letting you know that people can hear it," she says. I nod and we change places in the elevator. She's walking out and I'm walking in. The doors close and I click the 2nd floor button. I put my earbuds back on and lower the volume by two thingies or whatever and change the song. I get off at the floor and get to Shoto's room. He's probably asleep so I just walk in. When I get in, I see that the lights are on so I take off my earbuds and see that Shoto is by his bed, taking off his shirt. There's music playing pretty loudly, but I couldn't hear it from outside because I had my earbuds on.
He's singing to it and I laugh because it's Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Shoto jumps and turns to look at whoever laughed and when he sees me standing here, he jumps again. "Holy fuck, you scared me," he says. I smile at him, but it's hard to laugh when he has his abs out like that. "Did you work out or something?" He's all sweaty and red. "Yeah. Just thought I needed some training. Hey, we should train together," he says excitedly. I nod, "Yeah, um you look really good." He starts walking towards me and smiles knowingly. "Oh yeah? Really?" I nod.
He slowly walks closer to me. I stay still. He gets to me and I can feel the heat coming off his body. He leans in and puts his mouth right next to my ear. "Do you like seeing me like this?" I shudder. "Um, yeah," I speak out. I feel him smile on my ear. "Just how much do you like seeing me like this, Katsuki? Tell me," he whispers as if though it's a secret. I let out a shaky breath. "It's, um, I like this a lot," I say. He kisses me teasingly down my neck and at my collar bone. I grab his hips tightly and pick my head up to give him better access. He runs his hands up and down my hips. "S-shoto," I breathe out.
I feel him tense up and shudder. "You're so hot, Katsuki." I feel the warmness of his words spread throughout my body. Everything feels good. I feel myself start getting really into it. I feel his body up and down. I don't know if I should move my hands anywhere else besides up and down his hips until he grabs my arms and puts them on his chest. He kisses my lips with a lot passion and I miss him back with just as much. I feel every one of his abs and they are so hot it makes me feel all tinglely. "Shoto, I want to, you know, have sex with you," I say breathlessly. He stops and looks at me. "Wait are you sure?"
Word Count: 4,280
Hiii so I know it got kinda smutty but you know, I just wanted to add something. Aye if you want smut, just say the word and I'll write it. I don't even know if I'll be good at it. Was what I wrote good enough? Like the make out part? I don't know and it's making me nervous cause idk if I did it right 😂😅. Hopefully I did. This week was so trash at school and I got two flipping AP classes and a college class. I was supposed to get two college classes but idk what the fuck they did so ugghhh. AP chem is so wack and I'm already fucking done with it😤😤. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you all for your votes, comments, reads, and support. I really love you all and you're all great. I'm so glad people like this AHHHH!!! Okay, the next chapter will go up on Tuesday and I'll try to fix typos ASAP<3
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