Chapter Thirty-Eight
Shoto's POV:
Me and Shoto went to the main campus earlier than usual to ask Mr. Aizawa if Katsuki could sit in the back with me. We told him the situation and he agreed to move him back there for the rest of the year. After we left the teacher's lounge, we walked to class and that's where we are right now. There's like 30 minutes until class starts and Katsuki turns to me.
"Hey um you can sleep for a while, I'll wake you up before the bell rings so it doesn't startle you," he says. I smile at him and nod. He hands me his backpack to use as a pillow and I gladly take it. "Thank you," I say. He just smiles. I put my head down on my arms and face Katsuki before closing my eyes to sleep.
I wake up to Katsuki shaking me a while later. "Shoto, hey wake up. It's a few minutes till the bell," he says. I look at him and yawn as I stretch out my arms. I sigh as I put my head back down. "How are you doing Katsuki? Has the pill worked yet?" He shrugs. "Um, I'm not as anxious as I thought I'd be, but I'm still pretty anxious. I dreaded the thought of seeing everyone after yesterday because of my breakdown in the elevator, but I'm not that anxious. So, I guess yeah they are," he says, kind of happily. "Oh that's good. It's alright to be nervous since you didn't want anyone seeing you in that state. It's alright, okay?" He nods and then someone walks into the room.
Katsuki looks up at the person quickly and I look at who came in too. It was Kaminari. Crap. Kaminari was the one who made eye-contact with me during the whole elevator incident. He looked so sad when he saw us yesterday, but when he walked in, he came up to us with all smiles. "Aww you guys are napping together," he says. Katsuki looks at him confused. I do too before I realize that Kaminari just wants Katsuki to feel normal. He doesn't want to bring up something that made Katsuki feel weak and vulnerable. Katsuki takes the chance to pretend that it never happened. "I wasn't napping, he was," Katsuki says.
Kaminari just sighs, "Oh well, whatever. That's not the point, the point is you two are cute together." Katsuki smiles and then looks at me. I'm already smiling at Kaminari's comment. Katsuki smiles a bit more and then turns back to Kaminari. They start talking about the classwork. I'm just so glad Kaminari didn't make a big deal about yesterday, it made Katsuki feel so much better. You could tell by the way he carelessly talked to Kaminari.
Some more people kept walking in and every time someone did, Katsuki would look up to see who it was cautiously. He was so nervous about anyone else asking him about yesterday. It's a really big deal for him. He had never wanted anyone to see him the way that he was yesterday. I felt so heartbroken when he broke down and I couldn't do anything to help him. He just cried and cried until he fell asleep and as soon as he woke up, he started crying again. I couldn't take all of it, so I started crying. I absolutely hate seeing him so sad.
Soon the bell rings and Kaminari goes to sit down at his desk. Everyone notices that Katsuki is not at his usual seat and they keep looking back. I just hold his hand under the desk and give it a squeeze. He squeezes it back and Mr. Aizawa speaks up about it. "Okay so I made a small seat change so now everyone is going to be in partners. If you don't like it, too bad," he says. He starts calling out the new groups and people set up their desks. Katsuki sighs in relief and I look over to him. "It's all good Katsuki, just don't worry about it. Okay?" He nods and smiles at me. Aizawa starts talking about math and stuff so we start taking notes.
After a long time, the bell rings for lunch. "Hey Katsuki, you want to eat lunch at the cafeteria today?" We sometimes eat in the cafeteria when we don't make food for lunch. He nods and says, "Yeah that sounds good to me." I nod and take his hand. We walk to the restrooms and when no one is around anymore, I take him to the water fountain. I hand him a pill from the pill bottle and he takes it and then drinks some water from the fountain. He grabs my hand before walking towards the cafeteria. "I think the pills are working. Throughout the class, they made me feel anxious but only because of the fact that I had taken them. So, the fact that I didn't feel anxious the entire block, means that they work right?" I think about his question and the information he gave me.
"You need to stop being worried about the medication. You shouldn't stress yourself out over it, it's just making you more anxious," I say. "Also, yeah, I guess that does mean they're working which is good. I told you nothing would change in your personality after you took them. You're still the you I love," I tell him. He smiles and nods. "Yeah, okay. I'll try to stop being worried but it's easier said than done," he tells me. I nod in agreement. "Yeah I guess that's true, but it takes time. Don't stress out about that either though."
We walk into the cafeteria and get our food. We got the same thing and when we turn around to see where to sit, Kirishima and Kaminari wave us over. We head to them and I sit next to Shinso, who us sitting across from Kaminari. Katsuki sits next to Kaminari, so we're facing each other. Kirishima and Kaminari don't mention the breakdown from yesterday which I am so thankful for. Not even Kirishima mentions it and he always wants to make sure Katsuki is okay. I turn to Kirishima and he gives me a look. Ah there it is. He wants me to tell him about yesterday. I give him a small nod and we leave it at that until later.
We eat and talk about our lives. Kirishima tells us that he might have a small crush but he won't tell us who it is. Kat's feet are intertwined with mine and I look over at him every so often to make sure he's okay. He seems great. He doesn't look anxious or nervous about anything. He looks relieved almost. It makes me feel good. After a while, the bell rings and we get up to throw our stuff before heading to class. Me and Kat stay behind. I grab his hand and look at him as we walk. "You seen good today Kat. I'm so proud of you, I knew you'd be okay," I tell him warmly.
I don't know why, but every time I talk to Katsuki, it comes out so gentle and loving. He just does that to me. If I talk to anyone else, I sound like a robot or dead inside. Even when I talk about Katsuki, my voice changes and it's not like I don't notice it. It's quite obvious to everyone I think.
He looks at me. "Yeah. I feel great. I don't feel nervous or scared. I really think the pills are working," he says quietly. He still doesn't want anyone to know he's taking pills and that's understandable. He shouldn't have to tell anyone his business anyway. I smile at him. "I'm so happy that you feel good. Hey, maybe tomorrow I can take you to meet my family. You know, formally?" His eyes widen and a big smile spreads across his face. "Wait, for real? You want me to meet your family?" I nod at him as we walk to our seats. He jumps up in excitement and says, "Yeah! That's sounds great, Sho."
He blushes at the new nickname and I smile. He sits down and I walk to his side of the desks. He looks up at me confused and I give him a quick peck before heading to my side and sitting down. He hides his face in his hands as his ears turn red. "I hate when you do that, it's so unexpected," he says. I hear the cheeriness in his voice and I laugh softly. "Yeah well I love doing it cause you get all flustered. You look cute," I tell him. "Pfft whatever," he says, brushing off the complement. His hands are still covering his face and I shove them a bit. He moves them and turns to me. He has a small smile and his face is red.
"Aww you see, you're all red," I comment. "Ugh whatever. Maybe you should come over for dinner with Mr. Aizawa, Shinso, and Mic on the weekend," Katsuki says. My eyes widen. "What?" He laughs. "Yeah, I mean you already know them, so it wouldn't be that bad, right?" I scoff. "I've met them, but not as your official boyfriend. Especially not formally. That's scary, what if they interrogate me," I ask nervously.
He laughs. "Your family would probably do the same to me! It's only fair. Plus I really want you to. Pleeeaasseee," he says, holding his hands together in front of me. I sigh in defeat. "Fine, only because you're cute and hot at the same time," I say smugly. He gasps and smacks my shoulder lightly. "Shut up. Oh my god you're so annoying," he says as his face turns red again. We hear a laugh and we look up. About half the class was looking at us. Oh shit, how long had they been listening for?
I smile nervously. My face probably turned as red as Kat's eyes. "So he's hot and cute, Todoroki," Sero asks me. I look down at my hands nervously and let out a nervous laugh. "Ha-um that's none of your business," I say. Everyone who was looking at us starts laughing. The ones that weren't are confused and looking around to see why there was a sudden eruption of laughter. Mina wipes a tear form her eye before saying, "Jeez, I wish someone would've recorded it."
I look at Katsuki and see that he burried his head in his arms on the desk. I give him a small shove and he looks up at me slowly. "You're so embarrassing! Everyone heard you," he says, half laughing. I shrug. "Well, they should know I guess. I mean, look at you," I whisper. Just then the bell rings and Mr. Aizawa comes in. Everyone turns to the front of the class and he starts his lesson up again. Me and Katsuki sit up and start paying attention.
We head to the dorms as we talk about dinner with each other's families. Katsuki seems good still and I can tell he's not hiding anything. The only thing he's worried about, is having side effects of the medication happen to him. He doesn't want them to happen. "Don't worry about the side effects. There's a very low probability of them happening to you," I say. He nods in agreement. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I should just stay calm," he says and then takes a deep breath.
We get to my room and I hand Katsuki some clothes. He didn't feel like walking to his room so I told him I'd lend him some. We had decided to take a nap after school earlier before heading to class. "Okay I'm setting up and alarm so that we wake up to eat and give you another pill, okay?" He nods as he grabs the clothes from my hands. I lay down on the bed, looking up at my phone to give him some privacy as I set the alarm, but as I do so he yells,"Wait! Um you don't have to look away. I mean, if you don't want to." Jesus that going to kill me. I get up and swallow hard.
"I was thinking," he starts. "Maybe we can, um, do it again. If you want," he says as he takes off his tie and blazer. He's looking me straight in the eye. How the fuck am I supposed to say no to that? "I really liked doing it last time, and I wanted to do it again," he says. How the hell can he sound so innocent while he's saying that? I nod at what he's saying in acknowledgement. He's unbuttoning his shirt as he walks towards me. "Do you want to? I mean, do it again?" I am completely taken aback by this. "Kat, really? Are you sure?" I'm sitting up at the corner of the bed and he stands in between my legs. He has a hand on each leg and I feel myself get hard.
"I'm completely sure. I've been wanting to for a while," he whispers into my ear. His breath is warm and it's makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I shiver and let out a shaky breath. "Okay, yeah. I want to do it too," I say. He kisses my ear softly and then pulls away. When he stands back, I see that his shirt is completely unbuttoned. His abs are showing, but barely as if to tease me. He drops to his knees and my eyes almost pop out if my sockets. He unbuttons my pants and slowly pulls down the zipper. I swear he's going to be the death of me. "I wanted to take it a little different this time," Katsuki says. I nod in approval. "God you're so hot like this Kat," I breathe out.
He smiles and pulls down my pants a bit. I help by lifting myself off the bed. He takes my underwear down with my pants and he looks at my member which is already hard. "My my, you're already hard," he says. I hold back a groan at his words. He grabs it and starts stroking it slowly. I throw my head back because his hand is so small and it feels great around my dick. I look back at him and I see his face is concentrating on doing well. "I've never done this before, so tell me if I'm doing a good job," he says. I nod. "Yeah yeah, you're doing really good so far," I strain out. He tightens his grip and that's when a moan escapes my lips. "Kat, that's good," I breathe out.
He nods and then puts his face closer to my member. I feel his hot breath on it and seeing him like this is driving me crazy. He licks the tip slowly and then takes some of it into his mouth. The warmth of his mouth messes with my senses. I put my hand in his hair as he takes more in and I feel myself hit the back of his throat. His throat closes around my member and I moan loudly. He does this a few more times before he starts bobbing his head up and down. His tongue swirls around, sometimes so it slides across the slit, making me shiver every time. His teeth graze my member and I almost cum right then. "Stop," I say quickly. I pant as he pulls away with swollen, red lips. He looks at me with a confused look on his face.
"Did that hurt? Sorry, I just got really into it," he says, voice hoarse. I shake my head. "No, it was really good. I was really close," I say, breathless. His hair is a mess. He looks so flustered and beat just from giving me a blow job. I pull his collar upwards to me and kiss him roughly. I slide my tongue into his mouth and he moans into my mouth. I feel him up and trace his abs. I start kissing and nipping at his neck, leaving marks tracing down his collar bone. I skip over his sweet spot, teasing him. He groans and pulls his body closer to mine as if he's trying to feel my warmth. He undoes my tie and takes it off. He takes off my blazer and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I decide to activate the quirk on my left side a little, letting the heat reach him.
He groans and starts kissing at my neck. I let out a soft sigh and as he's trailing down my neck he says my name hotly. "Shoto," he says. I hum. "Touch me," he says. I don't need to be told twice. My hands reach for the button on his pants, immediately unbuttoning them. I press against his erection and he let's out a shaky moan. I rub my hand up and down and he lets his head fall on my shoulder as he moans softly. The soft noises he's letting out are so hot. I pull his pants and underwear off and sit him on top on my lap so now his legs are around my waist. His member is already hard and leaking. I rub my thumb over the tip and he lets out a rather loud moan, which he muffles after he bites down on my shoulder. He took advantage of it being exposed after my shirt fell off my shoulder a bit.
"Oh Katsuki. Yeah, mark me," I whisper. He bites me harder and my breathing starts becoming erratic. I start stroking him and he throws his head back. This gives me a chance to suck on his neck and I take it. I attack his neck as I continue stroking his member and he starts shaking. "Sho," he breathes out. His hands fly up to my hair as I continue. He moans loudly again and I put my hand over his mouth to muffle the sweet sounds that escape. I don't want anyone to be able to hear them but me. He opens his mouth and starts sucking on my fingers. I pick him up and lay him on the bed.
He looks up at me and I see the blush in his face. His shirt is unbuttoned, his hair is a mess, his lips are swollen, and his eyes are full of lust. It's like my wildest wet dreams came true. "Kiss me Sho," he says. I lean in and kiss him slowly and passionately. I start kissing down his body. I leave purple marks as I head for his member. As I lick down his v-line, he shivers. I quickly take his member into my mouth and he grabs a pillow to moan into it loudly. He pulls it away and pants as I continue. I make eye contact and we keep it that way. His dick hits the back of my throat and a choked moan leaves his swollen, red lips.
After a while, he starts shaking and moaning uncontrollably. As he's about to cum, I pull away. He groans and he let's go of the sheets that were balled into his fists. He lays there, panting. I grab the lube from the closet and come back to see him in the same spot. He's looking at me and gives me a nod. I lube my fingers and start stretching him. As I put my finger in, he squirms and lets out a moan.
After a while of stretching him, he quickly says, "Okay okay I'm ready. Just please fuck me already. Sho, I need you." I groan and pull my pants completely off before lubing my member and putting it up to his rim. I look at his face and circle his rim teasingly. He shakily says, "Jeez Shoto. Just please. Put it in me already." I take this chance to tease him even more. "What do you want me to do?" He picks his upper body up, resting on his arms to look at me.
"Shoto, I want you to put your dick in me. Make me cum. Use your quirk on me to make me cum hard. Please," he begs. I have no idea what to say to that. I almost cum at his words alone. I never thought he'd actually say that. He did say please, so I can't deny him of what he asked for, it's only fair, right? "Okay, but only because you said please," I tell him, trying to control myself. I take off my shirt as quickly as possible, then I put my hand on his chest and slowly enter him. He moans and throws his head back onto the bed. His back arches off the bed and he tries to get closer to me so that I could go into him deeper by pushing himself off the bed. He stops dead in his tracks when I start using my ice quirk on him. Ice starts forming on his chest in the shape of my hand.
His mouth flies open, but no sound comes out. He breathes in and gasps. Then he lets a moan escape his lips. "Oh, Sho, hurt me. Make it hurt. Leave your handprints on my body. Make me yours," he says. His voice sounds so needy and helpless and I can't help it when I slam into him hard. He moans loudly and feeling him around my dick makes me feel nothing but pleasure. I trail my finger as my quirk is still activated, down chest and I trace his abs slowly. His back arches off the mattress even more and the sight makes me let out a low moan. He makes eye contact with me right after and then he asks something that makes my dick twitch inside of him. "Can I ride you?"
I stop what I'm doing and pull out. As I do so, he whines at the loss of the feeling my member provided him. I lay down and he straddles my waist as soon as I make contact with the bed. He lifts his hips up to line up my member to his hole. He grabs my dick and it twitches at the contact. He slowly lowers himself down on it and I let out a throaty moan. "Kat, oh my god Kat, you're so tight babe. You feel so good," I say. He moans at my words as he lowers himself even further. Soon my whole dick is inside him and he squirms a bit. "Wait, if I move, I'm going to cum on the spot," he says. I nod, struggling to keep my hips from bucking up. I move a bit and he let's out the sexiest moan ever as he shakes.
I grazed his prostate lightly. He continues shaking and after a while, he lifts himself up and allows himself to fall back down, looking for that spot that makes him feel good. The thought of him pleasuring himself with me is so hot. I lift my hips up to make myself go deeper into him and seeing him like this on top of me is driving me over the edge. He put his hands on my chest as he lifts himself and lowers himself on me. I felt the sizzling of his quirk and it makes me harder if that's even possible. It takes everything to another level and the pain feels so good. "Kat, that feels so good. You're doing so good. You're so tight and warm. It's so hot how you can't get complete control over your quirk because you're so focused on cumming," I say. I want to make him talk as he rides me. I want to hear how close he is by the sound of his voice.
"Do you like riding me? How much did you like riding me? How does it feel to be in control of me?" He moans lowly at my words and his legs start shaking once again. "Shoto it feels so good. You feel so good. I love having your dick so deep inside me. You're so big and you're hands are so skillful. Hurt me with your quirk. Use it on me," he says, holding back a few moans. His words make me slam myself up into him. He stops dead in his tracks as he shivers with pleasure. I found his prostate. I slam back up and he moans so loudly, I think everyone who was on the 2nd floor could hear him.
"Right there Shoto, right there. Oh, it feels so good right there. Make me cum Sho," he says desperately. I feel so close to cumming and if he clenches around me, I well definitely cum right now. I use my right hand to trail his back, using my quirk. He's so close and I can tell by the way his movements are getting messy. His hands dig into my skin and that along with everything else feels like heaven. I'm sure he'll leave bruises. I pull Katsuki down and kiss him harshly. "Shoto, I'm gonna cum," he says as he pants. "Tell me how I feel. Tell me how I'm the only one that could make you feel like this. Tell me," I say. He bites his lip and I hold him down so he can't move anymore.
I won't let him move until he talks. "Tell me Katsuki," I say. A shaky breath leaves his mouth. "O-okay. You're so good," he starts. That's when I pick him up a bit and slam him back down. He gasps and tries to keep talking. "Fuck Shoto, you're the best. You're the only one who could ever make me moan like this. You're the only one who can make me cum so hard. Please let me cum. Ple- ohh. Shoto yes. Yes, that feels so hmm," Kat moans out. He started cumming towards the end of the sentence and seeing him convulse on top of me is way too much for me. On top of that, he's clenching around my member as white ribbons decorate both our chests.
"Kat," I moan out as I cum inside him. I finish and he falls on top of my chest as we both pant. I hug him tightly as we lay there. "Jesus Kat, you're so hot. You almost made me cum just by breathing on my dick," I say breathlessly. He laughs a bit and starts falling asleep. "Wait, we have to clean up at least. Also you can't sleep when I'm still inside you," I say. He gets up. "Oh yeah, we should clean up," he says. He pulls off of me and I groan a bit. "I swear Kat you're gonna be the death of me," I say. He just rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever. You made me come so hard I saw white. Your quirk burning me even though it was ice was so hot. You could probably make me cum just by using that."
My eyes widen at his words and he smiles smugly. "What? It's true and maybe we can try that sometime," he says. If I hadn't just cum, I would've as soon as he finished that sentence. I stand up and walk over to him. "Yeah, we should," I whisper to him and then grab the clothes I grabbed for us earlier. I give him his, and then grab some towels. I see the handprint and trail I left Katsuki. I stare at it. It looks so hot. He sees me staring and looks at his chest. "Oh, heh, yeah it felt really good. I like them," he says. I laugh and shake my head. "Yeah well I like the way they look on you too. Now everyone will know you're mine. Those marks on your neck will help too," I say smugly.
He glares at me. I laugh and then say, "Well you marked me too. These bite marks and burn marks are really something." I look at them in my mirror and then turn over to him. I see that he's already looking at me. He just looks at me up and down. "What?" I ask. He just shrugs. "You're so hot, I swear," he says. I shrug. "You're one to talk. Look at you. You look like sex itself. It's a turn on," I say. He smiles a bit and grabs a towel to clean himself up a bit so we can put on our school clothes just to go to the showers real quick without getting caught. We clean up and change the sheets. Then, we grab our stuff and head to the showers casually. Acting as if we didn't just have the hottest sex in our lives.
Katsuki has a limp but he's trying to hide it for the time being. I laughed at him while we were cleaning up and he glared at me. On the way to the restroom, we ran into Kaminari. Just great. We tried to avoid him, but he just walked right in front of us. "Hey guys what's u-oh," he stops mid-sentence. We both turn red. "Oh hey Kaminari," Katsuki says. His voice is hoarse from the blow job though and it almost makes me laugh because of how he tried to play it off. His lips are so puffy and red too. It's kind of sad how obvious it is. Kaminari laughs and starts holding his stomach. He starts laughing so hard and tears start falling down his face. Kat tries to shut him up. "Kaminari hey, bro. Shut up," he whisper-yells.
Kaminari nods and tries to stop. He covers his mouth and tries to muffle his laugh. After a while, a long while, he stops and looks at us. "So you guys um, did you, do it?" Katsuki groans in embarrassment. "Ugh, yes we did. Now shut up, I need to shower so let me be," he says as he moves around Kaminari. Kaminari just moves out of his way nervously and winks at me. I turn red from being caught after having sex with his best friend. I walk around him and say, "Gotta go, bye I guess." We get to the showers and I see that Katsuki is at the sinks. His hands are on the counter and he's looking down. He's laughing and he says, "I never thought that would be so embarrassing."
I laugh and nod. "Yeah, and we just had sex right now," I say, smacking my face. I get into a stall and Katsuki gets into the one next to mine. I use the shampoo before handing it over the stall as he passes the body wash. Then I use the conditioner and pass it over to him. We finish after a while. I wrap the towel around my waist and walk out. I look at the mirror and see the slight burn marks from Kat's quirk. I also the see bite marks on my shoulder and collar bone along with the hickeys trailing down my neck. When Kat walks out, I see the hand marks I left on him. The hickeys I left trail down from the bottom his ear, all the way down to his v-line.
He looks at me and smiles at me widely. "I like them, don't you?" I'm taken aback by his question. Then I nod. "Yeah, they look really good on you. I like the ones you left me. You're so hot you know?" He turns a bit red. "I'm serious, when you told me what you wanted, I was so turned on," I whisper into his ear. He lets out a shaky breath before I pull away quickly to go back into the stall to put on some clothes. I hear him groan in frustration before walking into the stall next to mine to change too. I put on my underwear and black joggers before slipping on my black hoodie with an orange 'X' on it. I got it because it reminded me of Katsuki. When I walk out, I see Kat walk out with the grey sweatpants I lent him along with a beige-looking hoodie.
It was a bit big even for me, so it looked so cute on him. I have longer arms than him so he has sweater paws. He tried picking up the sleeves so they weren't in his way, but they just fell back down. The marks on his neck are not completely covered but I want people to see them and know he's mine. We go back to my room to put the dirty clothes and shower stuff away. I also need to get Katsuki's pills for him to take before he eats dinner. I check the time and see that it's almost 8 so we should start making food. We head to the elevator hand in hand. Katsuki is so great. "So what are we going to eat? I'm tired as shit from earlier and sorry about not letting you sleep. I hope you had a good time though. Anyways, what about the food?"
I laugh and say, "I really enjoyed what happened earlier, so don't worry about not getting sleep. About the food though, I don't know what we should eat. Maybe just some pork chops?" "Yeah! That sounds so good," he says. I smile and give his hand a squeeze. The doors open and he gives me a quick peck on the lips and as we walk out, he squeezes my hand. Momo, Tsu, and some of the others are in the living room talking about I don't even know what. We head straight to the kitchen. Katsuki is still holding my hand as he looks through the fridge and I don't plan on taking it away. I just help him look. "Oh, in there," I say as I point with my other hand. He takes out the packet and puts it on the counter. He takes out a cutting board to out the pork chops on to season them.
We get the seasonings and turn on the stove. Soon, we have 4 delicious looking pork chops. They even smell great. I let go of Kat's hand for the first time since we got on the elevator to get a pill. I make sure no one is paying attention and hand him the bright blue pill. He takes it and quickly pops it in his mouth before taking a big gulp of water. He look around nervously to see if anyone saw him take it and when he notices that no one did, he sighs in relief and grabs ahold of my hand again. I gladly intertwine our fingers and we sit down. "We should probably let go to use our knives to cut the pork chops," Katsuki says. I sigh sadly and nod. "Yeah I guess," I say.
After a while, we finish. We wash all the dishes we used and then some classmates come up to us. I'm nervous they'll say something about Kat's breakdown yesterday, but they don't. "Hey guys, what're you up to?" I look over at Katsuki and then Sero gasps. I look at him questioningly. "What," I ask. He looks at me knowingly. "You have hickeys on your neck, and so does Bakugo. You guys getting steamy?" Katsuki groans again. "What if we are," Katsuki asks. Sero is surprised and just stands there. Midoriya's eyes pop out of his head. "Kac-kacchan you shouldn't say such things," Midoriya says. Kat shrugs. "We are, so why shouldn't I?" I hold back a laugh.
Kat just grabs my hand and heads to the elevator, ignoring everyone else. "They don't get to ask about our intimate life. We have sex whenever we want to and if that's a problem, well too bad for them. Right Sho?" He looks at me as he asks and I nod in agreement. "Yeah, if they don't like it then they can just not talk to us. We have each other and that's all I need," I tell him sincerely.
Word Count: 6013
Hii so I finished this chapter. It took me about 3 days to write and I liked the way it turned out. I don't know if the smut was good, but hopefully it was. Thank you guys for still voting and commenting, BUT most of all, thank you guys for still reading. I cannot express how much having people read and actually like my fic really means to me. It's absolutely crazy and so thank you. I love you all and the next chapter will go up on Friday <3
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