" Mr. Black, where is Mr. Lyer this morning? He said he would stop ditching his classes." Asked the math teacher.
" I-I I don't know, H-he went out last night and never came back." Stuttered Virgil.
" Oh, well when you see him tell him that he has detention for a whole month, Understand?" Miss G asked.
" Y-yes, Miss G, I understand." Virgil answered.
" Good. Alright class, of you would look up here at the board.....
Virgil stopped listening after that and just sat there trying to calm down after all the unwanted attention he'd just received. He really didn't want what happens next to happen, but it did anyway.
" You ok, kiddo? You look a bit nervous today, buddy." The boy next to him pointed out.
" I-I'm fine, Patton, just tired is all. Virgil answered, mentally cursing himself for stuttering.
" Alrighty then, kiddo, but if you need anything don't be shy." Patton answered turning back to the teacher to listen to the lesson.
Patton is the kind of kid who's super nice, and no matter how many times you tell him to flip off he still tries to be your friend. Virge didn't actually mind math to much, I mean he didn't do the homework and Patton was pretty nice, and left Virgil to himself, so it was pretty nice. Next period was with THE most annoying kid in the entire world...... Roman. He is an obnoxious theater kid, and he looks hot..... I mean he's a jerk with great hair..... I mean grrrrr..... whatever. All you need to know is he makes highschool worse. And there's the bell time for next class, whoop de do.
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