So Who Is That Really?
Same day right after everyone left besides Bubbles, Prince, Rose and Serenity had left. They are still outside.
Still Bubbles POV
As soon as Brick walked into the house, he went right upstairs to Blossom's room to lay her down. Everyone else walked inside except for me and the kids something about them was not like other kids, kind of like the feeling Bonnie gives me.
"So how are you guys doing?" I said in a sweet tone. "We're doing good." Prince said shaking my hand. "You're wondering why we make you feel like you're around Bonnie right." Serenity said. "Serenity!" Prince called her name.
"No it's fine, I was wondering why?" I said. "All three of them looked at each other then back to me. Rose stepped to me and said. "You have to promise not to tell our moms." "What can get so bad you can't tell your moms." I asked a little curious.
"Will you just have to promise." Serenity said quickly. "Fine I promise, I won't tell them unless a dire situation comes up." I said. All three of them nodded at each other, then suddenly all three of them start lifting off the ground.
I gasped for air. There was a little bit of silence, then I said. "Does Bonnie know?" "No" all three of them said in unison. "Okay now that you told me why you feel like Bonnie. How about you tell me how?" I said hoping they would.
"Will you know the today, that we first meet Evil's-Belinda?" Serenity said. I just nodded my head yes. "Well before that day my hair was the same color as my mom and my eyes was dark purple just like my brother and I was crippled from the waist down, but when Bonnie saved me there was something different about me.
I felt stronger for some reason. I thought it was weird, but then I started to feel my legs again. Three days pasted and the strength in my body got stronger.
After a week I pulled up the courage to take my first steps after the accident when I got hit by the car..." She started talking, but I cut her off. "Wait you get hit by a car?" I asked surprise.
"Yes, that's how I got paralyzed from the waist down it was about three weeks after the Bonnie baby situation. I guess when Bonnie healed me. She changed my whole DNA structure."
"Wow, okay so how did you two get your powers?" I asked Prince and Rose. "Well it's was two weeks after the Bonnie baby situation. We went out into the forest to the cave of wishes.
We wanted to prove to Bonnie that it was okay to have powers. So we can looked into the clear Lake and made a wish that we would be able to prove to Bonnie that it was natural to have powers and reddish pink eyes.
It didn't work so we thought. A week after that my sister got hit by a car and loss her abilities to walk. Serenity wanted to see the case.
We had said yes, so Bonnie picked her up and carried her on her back, but for some reason the place was felt with different kinds of toxic.
We kept going anyway and when we finally got there and looked into the lake. This time when we look into the lake I had golden yellow hair with blue ends and blue eyes.
Rose had red hair and green eyes. We thought it was really weird, then I looked over to Bonnie and Serenity to find serenity's reflection looked the same as she does now and Bonnie reflection looked the same as her.
Then suddenly someone who looked exactly like Bonnie, but her eyes was swapped and hair a little darker with blood red highlights. She started rambling on and on about how we will be her undoing.
We was afraid, but then Bonnie grabbed Serenity and through her towards us. Then she told us to run while she held her off. We didn't want to go, but we had to. We knew we were too weak to try and help her.
When we almost got home we started to call out for help. Then that other girl appeared and shocked me and Rose, but before it hit us we pushed Serena in the air trying to get her out of the way, but then she shot at Serena.
When she hit us it only got my leg and Rose's arm they was both shattered to pieces. We couldn't feel them to the day went Bonnie healed Serena. Rose had told me she was outside of the hospital. She had ran away from home, so she could check on Serena, because her mom wouldn't let her out of the house.
Rose said as soon as the light hit her she fell backwards in to some bushes and it felt like somebody was holding her. All of us were fully healed after a mouth.
It was a week later when all three of us went to the park looking for Bonnie. When something started to attack us, but it was like nobody else could see it.
We got it to follow us out of the park and into the forest, then we ran into a dead-end. Then the creature shot at us with a black beam. Rose had jumped in front of both me and Serenity.
We all closed are eyes preparing for shock, but when we opened our eyes there was a Rose shield in front of us. When Rose started to uncross her arms the shield started to disappear.
Both me and Serenity yelled at her to put her arms back where they was. Then both me and my sister's tried to figure out how to do something to try to fight back then my sister decided to take off her sunglasses that she always wore to cover her yellow eyes.
Right before she opened her eyes she told Rose to uncross her arms. Rose actually did what she said and when she opened her eyes a bright yellow light came blasting out of her eyes.
But it still was up, so then we started running and Serenity fall down and the thing grabbed her. I run and hit it so hard that it let her go. Then something grabbed all of us and said to not move.
We did what it said, but watched it and the thing that grabbed us was a fox girl spirit. It take her one move to make the thing to disappear.
She told us that thing was trying to founded Bonnie. We all asked why was it coming after us. She said it was, because of our DNA was close to hers for now.
We asked how can that be and she said that when Bonnie/Belinda heal us. We was a little confused, because she said Belinda." Prince said. "Wait Serenity do you have a different point of view on what happened that day?" I asked her, because her face was showing a different attitude towards the situation.
She looked at me for a few seconds then said. "When, the fox lady says Belinda I smiled. Due to the fact the day I woke up in the hospital. I was pretty sure that it was Belinda helped saved me, because when my eyes closed.
I was in a different world when suddenly a light appeared I saw her grabbed my hand and yank me back into my body. When I opened my eyes for the second time I saw one pinkish red eye and the other one was reddish pink.
But when she first had grabbed my hand I was surprised..." "You know we told you that you were unconscious and you must have been imagining things." Both Prince and Rose yelled out and cutting her off.
Serenity put her head down. It was silent for a minute then suddenly a mysterious voice came out of nowhere and said. "She was right. You know." We all looked up to see an orange haired, Fox girl appeared.
I pushed all the kids behind me and said "Who are you?" "Fox lady" All three of the kids yelled out. "Wait you mean this is the lady who....." I asked them, but she cut me off and said. "Yes, the one that saved them."
"If that's true, then why are you here now?" I asked her. "Well Bubbles, I'm here to help Bonnie and Belinda get on better terms." She said. "Well you know you're not getting in even with your good reason, because I don't know who you are." I said to her, she laughed, said. "Well is Brick here?"
I looked at her for a few minutes then asked. "Why do you need to know?" She laughed again then said. "Just ask him about a girl named Bloom." "I can't take my eyes off of you now can I." I said to her and she laughed again. 'Why does she gave me these funny feel like I know her.'
'Bubbles it's okay' I heard Brick say in my head. "Okay. Follow me." I said as I walked into the house with the kids in front of me. "Hi Bloom." I heard Brick say. "Hey Brick sweetie." She said.
"Who is she? She better not be an Ex girlfriend or a plaything." I asked him. "Well, do you count your sister as an ex-girlfriend or a plaything." He said with his usual grain. "My sister better not been a plaything and you guys never technically broke up and I haven't seen you with any other girls. What does this have to do with anything?" I said.
"Will she's technically what Belinda is to Bonnie. but for Blossom." Brick said. "So if she's bad why did you tell Ms. Bubble to let her in?" Prince asked Brick mad.
"That's the thing. She not bad. She was just portending her other side." Brick said. "What?" Prince said. "I know its hard to take in." Brick said. "Then why did "Belinda" hurt us." Rose said mad.
"Because you was weak and only a weakness to Bonnie. Just so you know I would never hurt you guys in my right mind." A voice said from the stairs. When I looked up to see Bonnie, but her eyes was red with a little pink in them and her hair was darker with blood red highlights. "Who are you calling weak, Belinda? Rosa said getting mad.
"You're not hard of hearing, because you have super hearing. So are you just a dum-b." Belinda said back. Rose jumped towards her almost hitting her, but Serenity jumped in front of her blocking the hit.
"Serenity!" Rosa said mad at her. "Don't Serenity me. Rose stop trying to fight Belinda and Belinda stop try to get under her skin." Serenity said surprising Prince and Rose. "How can you take her side? She's the one who hurt us." Rose said frustrated.
"She only did it, because she had to." Serenity said. "How do you know that?" Prince said in a mad/curious tone.
"Cause..." Serenity start, but then Belinda coved her mouth and said. "Because I was the one who saved you three from that spirit from killing you and not to mention got Bonnie to even to talk to you and get her to go to the hospital. I also helped heal you three.
Bonnie didn't even know she could even heal, because she's always trying her best not to use her powers. She was too afraid to hurt you guys." Prince and Rose were getting frustrated/mad at the thought. Serenity just looked a little sad. It was a little quiet around the room.
Then Bloom started laughing. All eye fall on her then she said. "Before things get to detail way don't we ask both Bonnie and Belinda there views on what happened from the car incident at the sometime?"
"How can we do that?" Serenity said a little puzzled. Bloom started laughing then said. "Ha ha ha ha...Well one of you kids except for Bonnie/Belinda have to put on this special bracelet."
As she said than she snapped her fingers and a silver bracelet with a hot pink heart-shaped diamond in the middle of two blood red star shaped diamonds on each side with a gold trimmings around each one of the diamonds.
"What is that exactly? And why does it have to be one of the kids?" I asked a little puzzled. "Because the bracelet doesn't work if somebody from her family wears it and the bracelet makes it so pretty much the person wearing the bracelet can control Bonnie and Belinda, but not like control, but more like give the wear the ability to feel their emotions and put boundaries of how far they can leave or use their powers." Brick said looking Bloom in her eyes.
"How do you know that?" I asked. "I did it, before with Blossom and Bloom. Save yourself sometime and just cut off their powers in they, become friends.
It is the best way to go if you want to make sure one of them doesn't start fighting the other, but most of the time it was Bloom starting the fights." Brick said letting out a breath of air.
"Brick I wasn't that bad and Blossom was the one that usually through the first punch." Bloom said smiling. "Yeah, but you was always the one that always found away to get under her skin without throwing any punches." Brick said and she just started laughing.
"Before we get to distracted Brick (she said looking away from brick and towards the kids, but specifically towards Serenity) why don't I ask which one of you would like to be in control."
"I will do it." Serenity said putting her hand into the air like a five-year-old did on her first day at kindergarten when her teacher asked someone to pass out papers.
"Serenity, how can you agree to something so easily?" Prince said. "If you or Rose get to control, you're not going to be fair, because you already have a grudge towards Belinda." Serenity said putting her hands on her hips like she wasn't going to back down.
"Fine but if you get hurt that is on you." Prince said. "Don't worry Prince your sister is going to be just fine." Bloom said walking over to Serenity and putting the bracelet on her wrist. "Nothing happened." Serenity said.
"Of course not you have to make physical contact." Bloom said smiling like she was remembering a memory from the past.
Serenity walked over to Belinda and gave her a hug and suddenly a bright yellow light consumed the air for about 30 seconds.
When the light die down there was three little girls, standing in the spot where Belinda and Serenity was standing.
:p Pink corner :p
Age: 22,ooooooo+
Hair: real,is unknown that ends at her mid-back in a ponytail and when her hair is down it ends at her butt. When she's with Blossom her hair has a orange tent.
Eye:real unknown but for now Dark pink
breast: 44 Large/DD
waste: 27 small
hips: 39 medium
height: 5.6
Sisters: Coco and Vanilla
Dad: Him
Mom: ?
Kid: Belinda
I know that I already getting Bonnie's physical appearance in the beginning but this time there is more details about her and Belinda.
Age: five
Hair color: Light Orange with hot pink highlights (born with her hair like that) her hair is usually in 1 ponytail like her mother's hairs. Belinda replaces the hot pink highlights with blood red highlights and a more rough textures and darker colour like Brick's.
Eye color: Bonnie has pink eyes with red in them. When she turns into Belinda her eyes switch to red with pink in them.
Bonnie is very protect of others even at her own expense. She's always been smart. She's not one to get mad but when she does, she can be more frightening than Belinda. Belinda doesn't like to get pushed around or treated any kind of way and she's quick to put you in your place. She's better than Bonnie with their powers. She plays hard to get but just wants to make sure Bonnie doesn't get hurt.
Relationship: Bonnie relationships with others are very close. Serenity is like a little sister. Rose is like a big sister that you count on, no the matter what happened/ BFF. Prince is like the best guy friend that you could ever have/crush or in other words her Prince. Coco is like a second mother that tries super hard but feels like she can't do nothing right. Vanilla is like that cool aunt that takes you anywhere and let you do anything. Princess is like a third mother that cares but don't let others see her soft side too much but will not let accident or others get in the way of showing you she cares. Robin is like another aunt that is really fun but is quick to play the fourth mother role.
Belinda relationships with others are not so close. Serenity never stop believing in her and like a little sister who always wants to spend time with her. Rose is a pain that jumps the gun way too quickly and easily able to pull her into a fight. Prince is level-headed most days. Coco tries too hard. Vanilla is her scapegoat. Princess is always watching her. Robin tries to forgive but she still worries. (Her point of view will probably change later.)
Power wise: Belinda has more control over her powers. She likes to practice with them a lot so can get better and learn more about them. She loves having powers. Bonnie doesn't know how to use her powers all the way. She's afraid of her powers hurting anyone. She loves her powers but she's afraid of them.
Which parent is she most like: Bonnie is most like Blossom. She wants to protect everyone. But Belinda is most like Bloom. She won't let Bonnie risk herself even with a really good reason and she would do anything in her power to keep Bonnie from getting hurt even if it means sacrificing some relationships. They're both like Brick but Bonnie only inherited Brick's Cookie smile, habit for playing jokes and carefree attitude but still protective. But she is protective like her mother. Belinda is like her father in the way she is quick to go off, won't hold back, rude at times, won't hide her emotions, won't play when others disrespect her or her sister and won't mind giving you a good beat in. She won't let anyone mess with her family or the people close to her and especially Bonnie.
:P pink corner end :P
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