Bubbles POV
When I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked around to see Prince and Rose sleeping on the long blue couch and Belinda, Bonnie and Serenity was nowhere to be seen. But then I heard giggling in the kitchen, so I walked to the kitchen to see what was going on.
When I walked in Bonnie and Serena was sitting at a table holding the egg. While Belinda was getting an apple and cutting it into 3 even pieces. Then she gave one piece to both Bonnie and Serena. She take the egg and put it in the middle of the table and said. "So how are we going to watch the egg?"
Serena and Bonnie looked up and stopped eating as Bonnie said. "why don't we do even three hours or morning and noon and night or day to day or week to week? "That's a good idea how about we do morning, noon and night but we take turns with the morning, noon and night shifts so he can get used to us in all times of the days.
But we should have days that we have him all by are self so he will have time to get to know us and also two people days as well and days when we all don't leave so he can see how we work all together as a team. How is that Belinda?"
"I think it's good so lets find some paper and write it down and a time to work on our powers as well." "Sorry, I couldn't help but over hear you need some paper right." I said walking so they could see me. " Yes we do can you gave us some?"
"I would love to." I said walking to a drawer in the kitchen and pulling out three pieces of paper and one red, pink, and yellow crayon and walking back to them and putting it down. "Thank you very much Aunt Bubbles" they all said at the same time.
Then I walked to a closet and got two covers and put them on Rose and Prince. I walked up stairs and walk in my room to see that Brick wasn't there, but then I looked back and I saw Blossom's room door open. So I looked throw the door to see him looking for something in her dresser.
"So you're looking for underwear or something. Who know you was such a pervert." I said from the door. "I'm not looking for her underwear. I'm looking for Blossom's and Bloom's log book. Why would I see in a drawer when I can flip her skirt. Besides Blossom's underwear is in her middle drawer next to her bras." Brick said with a big grin on he's face.
"Pervert! How do you know that?" I said a little off guard. "Came on Bubs. I'm a guy and Blossom left me in her room every now and again." He said as he started looking under the bed. "That doesn't mean you should look. I've left Boomer in my room before and he never looked." I said.
"How do you know you left and he said he saw you in your bra and underwear before. O there you are." He said pulling out a pink and red book and walking out the room. I followed him to my room and said. "I forgot he was in there and that's the book."
"Yes, I write a lot of it so I could keep trap of them. They also write how they was doing and feelings." Brick said as he handed it to me. "You sure do care about them. What's up? I know you like them but still. Bloom said it herself that most people don't care for both sides.
So why are you doing all these? I'm not saying you're a bad guy but you haven't seen them in 5 years and now your acting like you just seen them yesterday. I know you aren't your brother Butch, but I've haven't even seen you with a girl in the past 5 years.
I mean I know about you and Bloss having a thing in 8-12 grade, but she's been gone. So why?" I said a little surprise that I said that. He just smiled at me then looked away and said. "I love Bloss and Bloom is great to be around. I don't love her like Bloss, but we're close almost like bro and sis even though we have a kid. Sure as Blossom's counterparts I know that something wasn't right and that's why I looked for her for 4 years.
I also know Blossom's feelings are still the same. Even though she feels like I moved on because of all the things she have done and all the people that touched her." "Wait you know that and your just now saying something." I say shocked.
"Not really I only started feeling what happen to Blossom when we had that dream with her. Besides I just know Blossom still likes me. How could she not it's me. That's why I never dated any other girl it wouldn't feel right. Besides Blossom is mine and no one else's, even she knows that." He said as BC walked in saying. "My sister is no ones, got that."
"You want to bet." Brick said looking BC in the eyes as Boomer and Butch walked in. "Fine if Blossom kiss you before we get home then you win but you can't tell her about the bet and it don't count if you kiss her or if we are not around. Also let's make this interesting, you want to do the usual." BC said walking close to Brick ready to hit him.
But then Bonnie, Serena and Belinda walked in and Bonnie said. "No fighting!" both Brick and Buttercup looked at her then back at each other then Brick said. "Your on." Then Bonnie ran up to them and said. "Are you two fight over if mommy likes daddy?" They looked at her and BC said.
"What if we are?" "Well if your fighting over mom. Why not just ask her her in 2 weeks after mommy Bloom come back." "No way that wouldn't be fun and how do you know when Bloss is going to talk to us again." Brick asked looking her in the eyes.
"Because she will be back at the club in 2 week because Him is going to be looking for Bonnie because of the little shows she did three days ago and before any one ask why 2 weeks. It make it so no one can find us. That's what mommy Blossom told us years ago."
"What how do you know what a club is?" Brick asked a little off that she even said club. "We (I) have Blossom's super smarts of course. Besides that I'm very nosey." She said walking over to Bonnie. "You was eavesdropping. I thought you were still sleeping." Brick said looking her in the eyes.
"Nope, I started to wake up when Bonnie started using her powers. I have just been in a half sleep mode so I heard everything you said even from the time Aunt Bubbles and Buttercup found us." "So do you remember anything before that but after you went to sleep." Brick said.
"besides nightmares and occasionally future glimpses or seeing into the present or past, nope don't remember a thing from the last two years." "So what did you see?" Brick asked. Great she has Brick's old evil smile. "Will what's in it for me?"
"I know that look I invented it. So why don't we cut to the chase and you just tell us what you want." Brick said with a curious look on his face. "Can I use the training room right now and whenever I like and go shopping? I'm kind of tired of these clothes." "I understand the cloths but why do you want to use the training room right now."Brick said.
"Your see if you agree but I get to choose the controls and change some of them." "Fine, I wanted to see what you can do, anyway." Brick said walking out the door. We all just followed them. When I got down stairs she was already massing with the controls.
But she wasn't pushing the button she was in the actual control. We all watched her for like fifth minutes before BC said. "Girl, what are you doing?" "I'm making adjustments to the controls." "I can see that but what exactly are you changing?" BC said.
"I'm adding three things. One is to let us see in once mind. Two is to pick opponents and atmospheres by scanning your abilities and using your data from before and your fears and feels as will.
Thirdly voice control so if it's too much you can stop it and it knows when you really can't handle it and no one can turn it off. When it's in that mode." She said not looking up. "Isn't that dangerous? What if it glitches and what if there are things you don't want others to see?" I said.
She was silent for a few minutes then she finally looked up and said. "Will if it is about your feels and fears then it is only going to pull it out if it needs more information. It is dangerous but danger is a part of the fun and if it glitches will I never said there wasn't save guards."
"like what?" I asked. "It wouldn't be fun if I told you?" She said with her dad's smile. "Will how are we going to knew what they are without you telling us." BC said a little frustrated. "Will the true is I don't know what or where or how they work. I just know your mind makes them." She said laughing.
"Are you crazy?" BC said then Belinda walked over to Bonnie. Bonnie started running shaking her head no but Belinda caught her and through her into the training room and shutting the door behind her. She turned to us smiled and said. "maybe a little." She said setting at the controls and pushing start.
"She's playing with you. Bonnie and Belinda can became one, separate and change places at anytime. So ever if there is a glitch. Bonnie is fighting with 2 save guard. One with the training room and one with Belinda." Serena said setting next to Belinda by the controls. Everyone just looked in the training room one way glass.
Bonnie's POV
I hit on the door three times but on the third hit the door it disappeared in the room was surrounded in complete darkness. Then suddenly I heard a small crying in a light appeared in front of me. I followed the light then suddenly I was in a forest. I continued to follow the crying from before.
Then suddenly it started to snow. I keep walking anyway even though it was cold. But then I started to smell blood. I held my nose but it was like the smell was increasing with every step I took. I wanted to turn back but something kept making me go on. Then a figure appeared in front of me.
It started to fly away from me so I chased after it. But then it disappeared. But then I was surround by blood and bodies. I started to tremble. I started to scream, but no one heard me. It got hot all of a sudden, then suddenly two claws grabbed me.
Laughter filled the air and then a crazy smile appeared in front of me and said "This is your fault. You did this. They said you was strong. They depended on you and you couldn't even save one." I just scream. Tears just started the flow down my face.
But then Belinda's voice yelled out. "Do you want this? Are you just going to sit there and cry and scream? You did these before. Why not save them. Nothing is set in stone. Fight, prove Him wrong. You're not as weak as others or you think you are. He is really going to hurt the ones you care about.
Now show him what you can do." As she finished her sentence, I looked up at the smile with a smile of my own and said. "No one hurts the ones I care about." Then a warm feeling consisting me, a bright light appeared and the smile, the claws as well as the smell of blood and the bodies all disappeared. Then I was back where I started in the forest. I suddenly felt like I had no energy left and fell asleep.
Brick's POV
I watch carefully as Bonnie walked in the forest. As soon as Bonnie started crying, I want to tell Belinda to cut it off but before I could even say anything she turned around and looked at all of us and said with tears flowing down her cheeks.
"I don't want to see this. I don't want to see her cry or feel her tremble. But it's going to happen if she keeps doing what she's doing. I've seen this 100 times and it hurts every time. I can't always protect her and neither can anyone else. She needs to see that.
I wish it didn't have to be this way. That's why I can't let her run away anymore. She's my baby sister. I don't want her to live in the nightmares like I did. I don't want her to make those mistakes that make this a reality. Even if I have to be the villain."
As she finished her sentence she wiped her tears away and leaned towards the microphone and yelled out. "Do you want this? Are you just going to sit there and cry and scream? You did these before. Why not save them. Nothing is set in stone. Fight, prove Him wrong.
You're not as weak as others or you think you are. He is really going to hurt the ones you care about. Now show him what you can do." Then the whole training room was considered in a white light and it was like Bonnie never went through the whole thing.
Then the door opened and Belinda just walks up stairs. Serena walked into the training room and grab Bonnie. She carried Bonnie out of the training room and handed her to me. Then Serena went up stairs. The rest of us look at each other and said nothing. We just walked upstairs.
I went to laid Bonnie down in Blossom's bed. When I got to the door Serena and Belinda was inside. I just watch for a few minutes as Serena padded Belinda's back and telling her. "It's okay." I walked in and laid Bonnie down and walked over to Belinda and picked her up. Then I sat down on the bed with her on my lap.
She just looked at me. I looked down at her and said. "It's okay, cry! I know I can't erase the last two years or the fear before that. But I promise to be right beside you as much as I can. If you're afraid I'll hold you tight. I promise we aren't going to leave you two only again. No one is going to die." I said wiping away her tears.
"What I never said it was you guys." "I never said it was." I said as she started to fall asleep. I waited about five minutes then made sure she was asleep. Then I got up and laid her down right beside Bonnie. It wasn't even one minute when Bonnie pushed herself in Belinda's arm.
Belinda's eyes instantly open and looked at her. "It's okay. I'll forgive you but only on one condition. What's the condition? You have to stay by me the whole time that I'm training and make sure no gets hurt. I promise." As they finished there sentence they both fell asleep in each other's arms.
Me and Serena walked out. "Don't break that promise." Serena said wiping her eyes and letting out a big yawn. I picked her up and walked in the room and laid her down. I walked downstairs and sat down. "Are they okay? Are they sleep?..." Bubbles was talking but I cut her off. "There all fine and they are sleep."
"That's good." Bubbles said letting out a breath. "Bubbles stop with the small talk. Brick what are we suppose to do if that's suppose to be our future. She did say some of them was future glimpses." Buttercup said getting everybody's attention. I took a deep breath then said.
"If I listen to your sister closely enough she said that there are always more than one way for things to happen. Also we are going to save a girl that would not let anything happen to her sisters nonetheless her daughter. Not to mention she would rather sacrifice herself then see people she care about get hurt.
When Bonnie was surrounded by these bodies did any of you guys see Blossom's in the mix of them." "No but..." BC said. "but what?" I said. "What does that have to do with it." BC said. "You know how princess said that Bonnie hair turned white, she became pale and fainted." I said. "Yes." BC said.
"Well you looked at Blossom's list of powers, right?" I said. "Yes" she said a little off. "Even if you don't remember she used it on you two once before and she was pale as a ghost as will but she was still fighting into we take over. Your sister also had white hair for a week." I said pointing at my brothers.
" Wait, I would remember if my sister had white hair." Bubble said a little confused. " I said you wouldn't remember." I said. "Not remembering a fight or her healing us is one thing but a week of are sister having white hair." BC said a little mad. I looked at my brothers than back at Bub and BC.
"Well Blossom said not to tell you girls." Butch said. "Wait you and Boomer know too." BC said get even more mad."Yes, well Blossom and Brick was always in our apartment. We also know about Bloom." Boomer said looking away from Bubbles. "Boomer, you keep a secret from me?" Bubbles said looking straight at Boomer.
"Sorry Bubs, but I promise not to tell." Boomer said still looking away from Bubbles. It was quiet in the room for a few minutes then Buttercup slammed on the coffee table and yelled out. "So your telling me that my sister trusted our counterparts more then she trusted us."
We sat there a few more minutes in complete silence when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Bubbles instantly stood up to go answer the door and when she opened the door it was Princess and Robin."Hi Princess." Bubbles said trying to sound like nothing was wrong.
"I'm just here to pick up my kids and leave. I can tell you guys are having a serious conversation. Robin take Rose and Prince to the car. I'll get Serena." Princess said walking in. "Serenity is upstairs." Bubbles said pointing to the stairs. "Thanks." Princess said walking up the stairs.
A few minutes pass then I realize I just let Princess walk upstairs where Belinda was. I got on my feet and ran upstairs. I think the others caught on because they was right behind me. By the time we got upstairs and open Blossom's door. Princess was holding Serenity in her hand getting ready to walk out the door.
She motioned us to get out the room then shutting the door behind her. "Look, she doesn't need to know I know she exist or know that I know it was that egg's fault in the corner." Princess said walking down the stairs. "Wait, how long did you know that?" I asked her.
She looked back smiling and said. "Belinda trains in the middle of the night that how I know she exist. She protected My kids and Rose since she was an one year old there is no way she would just turn on them like that." "But how do you know? Your not telling the whole truth."
"Will I said she's always been there for them. That day she hurt Serenity I wanted to kill her, but the way she was moving wasn't right she let me hit her. Now when I look back on the whole thing I had two kids by that point. There is no way I could have keep up with her and I trained her.
I know she's afraid of me and I like it that way. It's fun to have a puff and ruff scared of me. Also don't tell the kids that we know about there power. O and we are staying in the same apartment complex. Night. " She said walk out the house and into the car. It wasn't even two minutes when Coco and Vanilla and The Professor came in. "Dad were have you been?" Bubbles said.
"I was helping there two get jobs and an apartment." The Professor said walking in he's room. "So how did it go?" Bubbles asked. "Great, I'm working as an police officer at GHOP or Green house of pain and Coco got a doctor job at B.H. or Bloss Hospital were Blossom loved to help out at." Vanilla said walking to a set.
"Wait, how did you get a job so fast and why at my work place." BC said. "Don't you start Coco is working at my place of work too. Also what is Coco specify in?" I said. "Ask Coco." Vanilla said look at Coco. "I'm a paediatric." Coco said. "Brick, what is a paediatric." Bubbles asked.
"They specify in children and babies health, diseases and the birth etc." I said."Coco that not what they said you was working as." Vanilla said. "I know that, but Brick asked what I specify in not what job I got." Coco said. "Then what job did you get?" I said.
"I'm working as a Emergency NURSE." She said grind her teeth at the word nurse and walking out the back door.
"What she don't want to be a Nurse?" Bc said. "Its not that. Its that Coco is always changing jobs." Vanilla said looking at the door. "If changing jobs is to much trouble, why does she keep changing?" BC asked.
"Her bosses and people she worked with mostly males keep hitting on her." Vanilla said. "Why not just use her powers on they? That should get rid them." BC ack. "One, her powers only work at night. Two, try to keep a low profile for Bonnie. Three, even if she did it wouldn't matter because Him made her like that." Vanilla said. "What do you mean?" Bc said. "Him made it so she makes a smell that makes it so male do things to her. So she don't want to hurt them knowing that." Vanilla said look at me."Why are you looking at me?" I said.
She didn't say anything, she just walked close to me, stopping and saying."You picked her up first, but the smell isn't staying." "Isn't that a good thing?" I said a little off. "Yes, but that also means I need to ask you boys something." Vanilla said backing up and look at all three of as boy. "What is it?" Boomer asked.
"Well Boomer you picked up my sister as will and its not staying on you either. I'm just guessing here but its probably wouldn't work on you either Butch." Vanilla said. "Ok I guess but what did you want to ask us and why do you think its not working?" I said.
"Well I was going to ask you guy to watch her back. I know its a funny thing to ask, I mean she truly don't like guys so i'm hoping maybe if you have her back she well start letting people in again." Vanilla said a little sad."What you think boys?" I said.
"Will, we both know Boomer is going to say yes..." Butch said but Boomer cut him off and said. "Hay, how did you know I was going to say yes." "Boomer your so easy to read just like Bubbles." Butch said. "Hay..." Both Bubbles and Boomer started but I cut them off and said.
"We'll do it but you still haven't given me a reason why its doesn't work on us." "Well either its the T(toilet water) in you guys or..." Vanilla started but than stopped all of a suddenly like she was thinking it over than starting again. "You guys have a girl, you are completely into with no doubt in your mind."
"Hay, you got to be playing Butch can't stay with one girl for a month." BC said laughing. Butch let out a small breath. Boomer looked at Bubbles for one second than turned around. Vanilla just laughed than smiled at us then walked to the backdoor. "Hay Vanilla, why work if it might happen again?" I asked.
"She loves helping others besides she hate being home all the time. It reminds her of being in that room that Him alway put her in when we was bad." She said as tears started falling down her face. Bubble went over to her with a box of tissues. "How about you come set back down?" Bubble said. Vanilla just shake her head no. "I have to go check on..."
Vanilla started but then Bubble cut her off and said. "I'll go check on her." "But..." Vanilla said. "But nothing we are family, no we're sisters now. So that mean we have each others backs. We already have to knock that back in own 22 year old orange haired sister." As Bubble finished her sentence she pushed Vanilla to a chair and making her set down than walked outside.
Bubble POV in the backyard
'Now were did she go.' I thought to myself then I heard crying that sound like it was coming from the park. It take me a 1 minutes to get there and fine her. I wasn't even 10 feet close when she jumped up in a fighting stance and said. "Who are you?" I put my hands in the air and said as I walked closer to her. "Its just me Bubbles." "What are you doing here?" Coco said. "I'm here to help you." I said as she put her hands down.
"You don't know me or my life." Coco said. "Well that kind of true." I said as I watch her body language. "What do you mean kind of?" Coco said. "Well I know that your sister's name is Vanilla, you are Bonnie's 3rd love, you was made by Him and he did things to you." I said as she start to get a little surprised. "How do you know that? Did my sister tell you and what do you mean 3rd love?" Coco asked.
"Well Vanilla said Him used to punish you and by the way you move around the boys. I can tell he did something to you that would leave a scar that would make it so you would think it would happen again and with you living with that smell that activates boy hormones, pretty much say it all." I said. She just turned away from me. I walked closer to her and looked at her face to see her crying.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to a bench and got her to set by me. "Why do you care?" She said. "Because we are sisters." I said smiling. "What?" She said making me laugh a little. She just looked at me. "The day you got Bonnie and accepted her as your adopted daughter. You became our sister." I said. She laughed but coved her mouth.
"Its ok, Laugh. I'm the only one here. Its ok to smile and I promise no one is going to touch you with out your permission but if someone does just call me or BC or even one of the boys." I said.
She had a surprise look on face. I laughed and said. "Yes I did say the boys. You helped Brick's kid with a true heart and he can tell. Boomer is a sweet heart and yes even Butch would help you. There just like us girls in the way that they put there family first most of the time.
O and if your even thinking they would ever touch you in that way. They would never do that. Vanilla said she think the reason behind the smell not working on them is because of them liking there counterparts." "She said that? Wait you know they like you guys. Why aren't you guys dating then." Coco said.
"Yes, she did. Its not hard to see. Butch is always trying to make BC jealous, but BC is very stubborn to change. She still gets jealous from time to time in the past, but now she's getting jealous more frequently. Boomer is alway trying to get my attention and he hates it when an other guy try to hit on me. In the beginning it was because of BC stubbornness But for the last 5 years both me and BC been trying to find Blossom.
We bin to sad to think about liking boys." I said with a sad smile on my face. "I feel sorry for Boomer." Coco said. "Why?" I said. "Because he can't date you because of your sisters." Coco said. "I plan to fix that soon, but I don't think it is going to happen until Blossom's home. Talking about home we probably need to get back before everyone start freaking out." I said.
We started to walk, but then Coco said. "What did you mean by Bonnie's 3rd love?" I look at her with a smile and said. "Well by the way Bonnie always call you mom Coco. I can tell she never thought you was her born mom. So, I think she loved her birth mother first even though she didn't know it was Blossom.
I can tell she never ever believed Blossom didn't went her by the way she got mad at the power punk for talking about Blossom." "Ok that's one who's the other one?" Coco asked. "That would be Belinda." I said. "I guess 3rd not that bad than." Coco said as we walked in the house.
What happened in the house Brick POV
The room was completely silent until BC said. "What do you mean punished you when you was bad you was bad guys?" She just looked at BC. Then Butch spoke up and said. "She mean whenever they didn't do what he said or didn't complete a mission, Right.?" He looked at Vanilla and she just nodded her head and said. "Yes but he never touched me he only punished her."
"That doesn't make sense why not punish you too?" BC said. "Because me and my sister never left each other. To me all you needed to do was take my sister, but after a minute I decided to break out my cage and follow him and find my sister. I got sick of him separating us but when I got there Him was beating her into a bloody pulp and he asked if she was happy now. She just stayed quiet then he putted her up and and." Vanilla started but then suddenly stopped talking and started crying.
"Vanilla, I know it hurts but what did you see." I asked her. She looked as me and take in a deep breath and said. "He started touching her. She started to fight but then he said he would just go and do it to me and then she stop fighting. The whole time he said my name. I was going to stop it but something was holding me down and making me watch.
When he was done he walked out and looked at me and said that this is what happens when your bad, but don't worry I won't do this to you. I just will do it to her again and again. As he finished his sentence Coco walked out and looked at me, but before we could say anything he picked her up and take her back in the room and said it was time to punished her for me breaking out of my cage. He did say this time he have a special treat since I was watching.
I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. I cried, but I didn't really start crying into my sister was back in my arms. That was also the day I planed to take Blossom's words to heart and get her out of there." "But when did he put that smell in her?" Bc asked. "That was the special treat and he told me right after he was done." Vanilla said with tears in her eyes.
"So she wasn't born that way? How old where you two when it happen?" I said. "No she wasn't born that way. She use to play with guys all the time and no one ever touch her not even her past boyfriends. The only exception a guy that was two years older than us technically. I talking about just hugging her and we was 13 when they started dating, but he never tried to pull a fast one and he ever know about me and my sister powers as well." Vanilla said.
"So why did they stop dating and you still didn't tell me when it happen." I said. "7 years ago, a week before we ran. They only stopped because Him said he was going to kill him if she saw him again and that was 9 years ago." Vanilla said. "So how did they brake-up?" Boomer asked. "I had to tell him." Vanilla said. "How did he take it?" Boomer asked.
"He was sad, but he told me to gave him a call if things change." Vanilla said. "Have you called him?" Boomer asked. 'Why is Boomer asking all of this question?' I asked myself. "No but after that Him hurt him very badly. So he probably don't went to talk to us again and why are you asking me all this question?" Vanilla said eyeing Boomer.
"Will I have a friend that had a girl's sister tell him that he couldn't date her sister anymore because their dad said he will kill him. Even though he agreed to leave. The dad still beat the snot out of him." Boomer said. "So what is your friend's name?" Vanilla said eyes widen . "Charlie" Boomer said watching her. "Do you mean Charlie Dean by any change?" Vanilla said.
"Yes, that is he's name but to make sure we're talking about the same person what is his age and his middle name?" Boomer said. "His middle name is Kai and now he is 27." Vanilla said after courting . "That' correct." Boomer said. "So how is he and is he all healed up?" Vanilla said. "He's good and he still have a few scars beside that he is all healed up." Boomer said looking to the side.
"So did he move on with his life?" Vanilla said in a sad tone. "If your asking if he is dating than it is a no, but he does go on a lot of trips." Boomer said. "So do you think you can set my sister up? I think it well make her happy to see him all healed up." Vanilla said a little hopeful. "Sure, but he won't be back for another 3 weeks." Vanilla smile then hugged Boomer with her boobs in his face.
"Vanilla what..." Boomer started but then Bubbles and Coco came in. "Vanilla what are you doing to Boomer?" Coco said pulling Vanilla off of Boomer. "Boomer how could you?" Bubbles said as she run back out the door as soon as Vanilla was off of him. He ran out the door after her.
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