Chapter 7
Yami pov
Yugi seemed nervous like something was wrong, I don't blame him if this my first time here I would be scared to. When we got up there I saw a priest glaring at us. "Hey, look I'm not late and I brought my mate jut like the King asked," I told him wrapping my arm around Yugi's waist.
"Just come on his majesty isn't happy with you," He replied. Walking down the hall was silent except for our foot steps. When we reached the doors to the throne room they opened with a squeak, to reveal my brother, and father sitting on their thrones.
"Long time no see father, brother didn't think you still considered me family." I told them in a mocking tone. They glared at me as if this was actually important even though it probably wasn't.
"This is serious Yami the time has come for you to not only pick a bride, but also carry out multiple tasks in shock in the end I will choose who takes the throne. Also you will stay here for a while for running away those years ago." My father scolded.
"I am already married father I don't need a bride, and I don't need the throne you can give it to Atem." I told him picking up Yugi to signal he was mine and mine alone.
"You will still need to have a wedding here to actually be seen as a couple, and though I am not happy about you lover being human at one point in time I will allow it if it makes you happy. I will have to see you do the tasks anyways to make it fair." Father stopped me from leaving once again just like when I was little.
"Fine, but only if Yugi agrees." I replied making sure Yugi would be okay with it.
"It's okay Yami, I don't mind as long as I'm with you." He told me leaning back into my hold.
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