The rough feeling of a marker running over my face and back wakes me up. I keep my eyes closed though, waiting for the moment I make my attack. While I wait, I contemplate my life up until this point. Let's see. I became friends with Jeremy and didn't make a new friend for like twelve years, then Jeremy decided to ditch me for some super-pill, we reunite as besties a month later, we continue to hang out as often as possible since Christine entered his life, I started talking to Jeremy's friends, had a slumber party with them, and now I'm being drawn on. This is fine. Totally fine.
They stop drawing and start laughing. This is jut great. Why do I sleep so much? Oh yeah, because sleep is the most wonderful creation known to man.
"Wanna make breakfast?" Chloe whispers.
"Shouldn't we wait for Michael?" Jeremy asks.
"He'll wake up when he smells the food." another voice adds on. Christine, I notice.
After a few moments of listening to their arguing, I sit up. They jump back, slightly startled but nothing too severe. I wasn't even trying to scare them anymore. I just got bored.
Everyone jumped backward. Everyone except for Jeremy. See, he was trying to add a finishing touch. He had to lean over me to reach my face to add the crowned jewel, a dick, right in the center of my forehead. When I sat up his arms gave way from shock. His face landed right in my crotch. The sound of muffled laughter rings out around the room. It came from everyone, everyone except Christine. That's to be understood. As for me, I'm frozen. Jeremy pulls his head up and backs away, his face completely red. The laughter only grows louder. I stay silent and stare at the floor along with Jeremy.
Rich claps a hand over my shoulder. "What's wrong man? You gay for Jeremy or something?"
I shake my head. "You don't get to talk Rich!" I say, pointing a finger. "You said it yourself, you're bi! As for being gay for Jeremy, I'm not. Never have been, never will be." I cross my arms. The air is tense with awkwardness.
"How about breakfast? Christine, Heere, wanna help?" They both nod and get up. They walk to the kitchen in a haste, well, it's closer to running. They're probably trying to escape the embarrassment. I don't blame them. I would try to escape too if it wouldn't be so painfully obvious I'm doing so. God, I don't even know my way around the house.
"Poor Michael. Stuck in denial. Jeremy's probably the one he's thought of fucking," Rich mocks playfully. My face pales. That was a fucking question?! Shit!
"He refuses to accept his feelings. Poor guy," Brooke adds on.
"I'm not in denial. I don't like him. Never have, never will."
"Look man, I won't judge you if you like him. Just stay away. He's already being fucked," Jake says somewhat seriously.
I groan. "But I don't like him. When did this turn into a seventh grade girl's slumber party? What's next?" I switch my voice to that of literally every mother in literally every fifties teen movie. "Hey Rich, how's your period? Do you have cramps?"
Rich and the girls start laughing whereas Jake is silent.
"Seventh grade girls talk about who's fucking who?" Jake asks.
"I have cousins. Lots of 'em. I know shit."
"Breakfast!" Chloe calls from the kitchen. Finally.
Jeremy's POV
"Christine, Heere, wanna help?" Chloe asks. I nod desperately and get yo to run to the kitchen. Unknown to me, Christine did the same. It's not much of a surprise though.
"What are we making?" Christine asks.
"Pancakes. Eggs too if I feel like it."
"Sounds good," I mumble, spacing out. How long were we up last night?
"Till around four, why?" Chloe answers. Wait, I said that out loud? God I'm not even aware of what I'm doing anymore. "You two start on the mix, I'll try to find stuff to put inside of them."
I nod and dig through the cabinets with Christine. We find the mix and not too long after we have a mix. Chloe starts pouring the batter onto the pan so I sit down and listen in on the conversation in the other room.
"I'm not in denial. I don't like him. Never have, never will," is the first thing I hear. Not gonna lie, that kinda stings. I thought he might actually like me. I guess it was just a one time thing?
Next thing I know there's a mother from a fifties movie, laughter, and something about periods? I decide to tune back in.
"Seventh grade girls talk about who's fucking who?" I hear Jake ask. Wait, what did I miss?
"I have cousins. Lots of 'em. I know shit." Oh wow. Michael's family. They're a weird and wonderful bunch, besides the parents. The parents can burn in hell or waste away in oblivion for all I care. They hurt Michael, they deserve hell. Back to the good family. Michael's aunts and uncles literally raised him. They know him more than his actual parents. He came out to them last year so now they're trying to find him a boyfriend. His boyfriend is going to be so lucky. He has so many attributes that no one could ever compare to. I'd actually be a bit jealous...if I weren't straight.
"Breakfast!" Chloe calls. Thank god.
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