Part 19: Daniel
(This was not requested)
(Y/N) = your name
(Y/F/I) = your favorite instrument
Your POV
I was currently at a Starbucks in LA waiting in line. After about five people it was finally my turn.
"Hi I'd like to order a caramel frappe with extra caramel" I said, happily. The cashier made a face that didn't seem happy.
"I'm so sorry ma'am, but we just ran out of caramel" I frowned.
"Oh ok" I said disappointed.
"Would you like anything besides a caramel frappe?" He kindly asked.
"No thank you" I said with a fake smile and turned to walk out the door. I sighed once I stepped onto the busy streets of LA.
"How do you run out of caramel?" I whispered to myself. I looked down as I walked away from Starbucks. I saw something shiny on the ground and realized it was a penny.
"Oh, lucky penny" I said bending down to pick up the shiny object. Once I stood up straight I examined the penny, then heard a voice.
"Wait! Ma'am!" I turned and saw the cashier running towards me. I gave a confused face as he ran up to me.
"Yes?" I asked, curiously.
"We found some caramel in the back and I was wondering if you still wanted that caramel frappe with extra caramel?" He asked. My mouth hung open as I looked at the penny. I looked back up at the cashier and nodded, smiling.
"Yeah sure" I walked back into Starbucks with him and, again, ordered my drink. I sat down at a table and waited until I heard my name being called. I walked up to the counter and he handed me my drink.
"You are very lucky, you know?" I smiled.
"Thank you" I said and walked out. As I walked down the sidewalk to my next destination I flipped the penny in my hand. It was just a normal penny. 'Strange' I thought 'either that was just a coincidence or this penny really is lucky'. I looked up and walked into one of my favorite stores. I walked around the pet store, looking for a toy for my dog, Stormy. I continued searching for the perfect toy, when I heard something.
"Lucky" I looked behind me any saw a parrot. I smiled and walked up to it.
"She's lucky" the parrot said. I laughed.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Penny" the parrot replied. I stared in awe and disbelief. I decided that Stormy needed a buddy so I called over a worker and asked if I could buy the parrot. She nodded and picked up the cage. On the way to the counter I saw a bright red ball.
"Is that ball for sale?" I asked as she placed the cage on the counter.
"Yeah! It's actually free. I had a dog die recently and I've been trying to get rid of some stuff that I won't need" I gave her a sympathetic frown.
"I'm so sorry, I know how that feels" I picked the ball up and went to buy the parrot.
"That'll be $105" she told me. I got out my wallet. I quickly counted my money and sighed, frustrated.
"I only have $104 with me" I told her, looking up at her.
"It's ok, if that's all you have then I can just use some of my money" she said.
"Oh no you don't have to do that" I replied.
"Please, I want to" I smiled.
"Thank you so much" I handed her my money and officially bought a parrot.
"Now it's time to take you home" I said carrying the cage out f the store, but not forgetting to say thank you and goodbye to the lovely lady.
I walked into my apartment and Stormy hopped her way over to me. She walked up to the parrots cage and sniffed.
"You know what? You need a name" the bird looked at me.
"I'm gonna call you Penny" she squawked in response. I laughed and picked up the cage, putting it on the counter. I walked into my room and to my secret stash of money. I got a few hundred bucks and headed back out to town. I decided to stroll to my favorite store. The music store. I was obsessed with music. I could play a lot of instruments but my favorite one is (Y/F/I). I kept glancing at the penny in my hands. I don't know why I brought it, I just felt like I should. Before I knew my head hit something, causing me to fall down and let go of the penny. I held my head with my hand and looked up.
"Hey!" My vision cleared and I saw the most beautiful human ever.
"Hey" he held out his hand to help me up.
"Are you ok? I didn't mean to run into you" I shook my head.
"It's fine I wasn't looking, so it's partially my fault as well" I said as I looked back and forth between his ocean blue eyes. We stared into each other's eyes for a second, still holding hands. He broke out of his trance first.
"Oh, I believe this is yours" he opened his other hand and held the lucky penny. I grabbed the penny from his hand and flipped it in between my fingers.
"Yeah, thank you..." I paused.
"Daniel" he said. I smiled.
"Thank you, Daniel" I finished.
"My name is (Y/N)" I told him.
"That's a beautiful name" he complemented. I looked down as a blush formed. His phone dinged, signaling a text. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the text.
"I have to go" he said and I frowned.
"Oh...ok" he started to walk away before he turned around.
"Is there any way that I could get your number?" He asked and I smiled. He handed me his phone and I put my number, hoping he would actually text me. I waved goodbye as he walked off.
"Thank you lucky penny"
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