Lucy's pov
I drink my strawberry milkshake from Mira, the sweet taste and smell cutting through my gloomy aura.
Almost the entire guild has been ignoring me except Gramps, Mira, Wendy, Gajeel, and the exceeds. Not even Team Natsu would talk to me. They were to busy talking to Lissana.
I snapped out of it, remembering I had finally finished my novel. I had a bag with me that held it. I was gonna try and show Levy.
When the guild stopped talking to me, I almost lost all motivation, in the book, and in general. But one thing that kept me going was my novel, and how Levy wanted to read it. And with all my.... 'Free time'... I had a chance to work on it more. I look over to my left, to see Levy seated two seats away from me. She was currently reading.
"Hey Levy" I say, drawing her attention. "Hey Lu~Chan" she says with a small smile, but then looks back at her book. "I finished my novel!" I say excitedly, and she looks back at me. "Cool..." she says, "Ready to read it?" I ask, starting to bring it out of my bag.
"No thanks" she say blandly, eyes now back on her book. I freeze, letting my grip on the novel falter.
A silent crack echoes through my head.
I very slowly pack up my novel, and close the tan satchel tight.
My motivation, my reason for still even being here, had just been crushed. I reluctantly stood up, and headed to Makarovs office. I knock, and hear a faint 'come in'.
I open the door, tears brimming my eyes. "I want to leave the guild" I say sadly, a single tear escaping my eye. "Are you sure?" Makarov says, as he now tears up. "Yes" I say, the pit in my stomach very prominent. "Very well, I'll miss you Lucy. Visit when you can" he says, and waves his hand. I look down, and see my guild mark gone. I leave the office, then leave the guild, and hopefully, for good.
~Small time skip~
I sit down at my desk at home, and begin to write some goodbye letters. One for Mira, Wendy, Gajeel, Carla, Happy, and Pantherlily, one for the entire guild as well.
Sealing the last letter, I contact Wendy and ask her to take all these letters to the guild.
~Third person~
Wendy enters the guild with seven newly written letters. She hands them to the respective person, and gives the one titled 'The Guild' for Gramps to read out loud. The group of six opens their letters together.
Dear Mira,
I want you to know that you are the most beautiful, kind, caring woman that I have ever known. You were one of the few who would still greet me with a smile every morning. You would always make my day a bit better with your smile. But sadly, you won't be seeing me everyday anymore. I have decided to leave the guild. And I'm sorry to leave you behind, but despite the few who were still there for me, the loneliness was to much for me to bare. You are a sister to me, Mira. Never forget that. Thank you for being my friend, Mirajane.
Love, Lucy Heartfilia.
Dear Wendy,
You don't know how much you mean to me, Wendy. You were always there for me, no matter what. You would always talk to me, when most of the others didn't. You would go out of your way for me countless times. You truly are the best, Wendy. And I'm sorry, but I have chosen to leave the guild. I couldn't take the loneliness anymore, and the feeling of abandonment. You are like the little sister I never had Wendy, and you always will be. I will miss you dearly.
Love, Lucy Heartfilia.
Dear Gajeel,
You don't know how much the little things can impact someone's life. The smallest of things can change the course of a life. The things you said, like 'Hey', or 'You ok Bunny?' always made my day feel a little more bearable. And even though you didn't know me that well, you still acknowledged me. Despite what I thought were my life long friends, are now completely ignoring me. Thanks, Gajeel. You big goof, I love you. (As friends, you dummies, this is a Rolu story.)
Love, Lucy Heartfilia.
~After the exceeds letters (Sorry I didn't know what to write (ᗒᗣᗕ)~
By now the group of six was now crying. Even Gajeel, one of the toughest of the guild. Some kinda looked at them skeptically, and others looked worried, concerned even.
"Listen up brats!" Gramps yelled, storming out of his office. His eyes were red and puffy. "Lucy left Fairy Tail! She left because you all ignored her! This is your fault!" He announced, and gasps erupted throughout the guild. A few people even started crying. Natsu and Gray look down in shame for what they did to their fellow teammate. Erza was sobbing into her hands. The scarlet haired girl hadn't noticed what was going on, she just wasn't talking to Lucy because she was focused on her upcoming solo mission, preparing and training. No one else has an excuse for what they did to her.
After Wendy had left her house, Lucy went to her safe place to cry. But when she made it to the edge of the forest, she couldn't contain herself. She started sobbing and dashed into the woods.
Suddenly, she bumped into someone. "I-I'm sorry" She choked out, staring at her feet, tears still coming out of her eyes. "It's ok- Wait, Lucy, is that you?" the person questioned, and she looked up to see Rouge.
Most people didn't know that Lucy and Rouge actually bonded at the Grand Magic Games. They had talked a bit in between challenges and battles, getting to know each other personally, without the stereotypes of their guilds.
Without thinking, Lucy ran into his arms, sobbing even harder than before. Rouge grabbed onto her tightly, slowly stroking her hair. "Shh...Shh it's ok Lucy, everything's gonna be ok" he whispered, trying to soothe her tears. The tears took a break, and Lucy's grip tightened on his cloak.
'Heh, the boys right little one'
"Wait, did you hear that?" Lucy asked, sniffling in the middle of the sentence. "Uh yeah, what was that?" Rouge questioned, glancing around protectively.
'Don't fret darling's, everything will be alright'
"Alright. What the fuck." Rouge said, looking through the trees, trying to spot something.
'You won't find anything, boy. But don't worry, she'll be alright'
"What-" Rouge said, but was quickly stopped as some sort of strong magic had appeared nearby. Lucy sensed it too, and they both looked up to see—
(So yeah. This is a thing. Sorry if its like, really bad. But I am sorry to say that I don't know how far I'm going to be able to go with this book. I have some ideas, but none relate to the actual story line of Fairy Tail itself. This is because I stopped watching Fairy Tail a while ago ;-; , do you guys mind?)
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