Stop Chair Abuse
Max's POV
As we walked into the building, it was impossible for me to ignore the excited looks Ross was giving me.
"What?" I finally asked.
"Oh nothing." Ross replied smiled. Tim chucked at how happy Ross sounded.
"Aren't you supposed to be against this sorta thing" Tim asked.
"Oh believe me, I normally am. She went on a date with this one guy and I was against that. But Max is different" Ross explained as we climbed the steps to the office.
I rolled my eyes at his little speech, secretly smiling at how overprotective he was.
"How so?" I asked holding the door for them as we walked in.
"Because if you hurt her, I can just walk into your room and yell at you." Ross 'threatened'
Again, I rolled my eyes. "Oaky first I just want to say that I think you're getting way ahead of yourself buddy. I mean we don't even know what's gonna happen after today. Second, you're not threatening in any way"
Tim laughed and Ross shrugged his shoulders "I don't need to be threatening. I think y/n is plenty threatening for the both of us"
"That is a very true statement" I replied. Tim and I raised our hands as a goodbye to Ross as we split ways to go to our desks.
"You nervous?" Tim asked.
Why did Ross have to say something. "Yes of course I am."
Tim just nodded his head and sat down. I was thankful for the conversation to end. I think I might be making this bigger than it needs to be. It's not the end of the world if she says no. I mean it might totally ruin what friendship I had with her and she may go back to hating my guts again.
I cringed and mentally scolded myself. This type of thought is just gonna make the whole experience worse for myself.
"Come on Penny, I was ten. Ten!" I heard y/n exclaim as she rounded the corner laughing with her friend linked to her side.
"Still doesn't change the past" Penny laughed back. I watched as y/n rolled her eyes, but still smiling at her friend.
"Hey Maxy!" She yelled as she grabbed Jordan's empty chair and pushed herself so within seconds, her chair was colliding with mine. We laughed and I pushed her chair back a little.
"You know normal people just say 'Good morning'" I laughed as she made her best puppy dog face.
"First thing you learn about me Max, I'm not normal" she got up and pushed the chair back to his desk. Only thing was that it hit the side and bounced back towards Penny who was standing off to the side.
Penny grabbed the chair and pushed it, rather hard, into y/n. Y/n just looked between Penny and the chair before giving out a battle cry and jumping at Penny. All the editors that were there jumped a little and turned to watch as Y/n tackled Penny in a hug while they were both laughing their heads off.
"That was terrifying, what was that?" Tim asked me.
I just shrugged my shoulders and watched as Penny tried hitting the other girl off.
"What have I done to deserve this?" Penny asked while still batting at the girl wrapped around her waste.
"You disrespected the chair. He had done nothing to you! I am a part of The Stop Chair Abuse organization" Y/n replied, looking over at me a smiling as she tightened her grip.
"Okay oaky. You're right. What I did to that chair was wrong and I'm sorry" Penny apologized.
I could see y/n going over the words in her head as she slowly let go of Penny. Once she had stood up, Penny lightly pushed her away, kicked the chair so it fell over, and ran away laughing.
"On behalf of the Stop Chair Abuse I order you to stop!" Y/n screamed and ran after he friend.
All the editors laughed and went back to work. "You sure she's the one?" Tim asked.
I smiled and stood up to put the poor chair back at the desk "No, but I know I like her. Plus, who wouldn't like that?"
Tim laughed and turned back to his screen "That is a fair point my friend"
It's been a few hours since the whole chair thing, most people were getting ready to leave, and I've noticed one thing. Y/n seems more wild with Penny here. I mean she has always been crazy but now she's like a chihuahua on crack. I smiled to myself. I'm happy that she has another friend from New York over.
"Hey Max" I heard someone call from behind me.
I turn around in my chair and look at the person who called my name. I tilt my head a little in confusion as I looked at Penny. "Is there something you need?"
She smiled and shook her head "I just wanted to talk to you." She took a quick sweep of the room before sitting on the floor next to me.
I leaned on the arm rest of the chair and looked down at her "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
She lowered her eyes to the carpet for a second before meeting mine again, as she absentmindedly picked at the carpet. "Simple, y/n" she returned her eyes back to the carpet.
I was shocked. Why would she want to talk about her best friend with me? She laughed bringing me out of my thoughts "Don't look so surprised. I can tell you like her. I'm not mad or jealous, if for some reason you thought I would be. I just want her to be happy again"
I was still confused about how she knew and why she was talking to me. She continued, unaware of my confusion "I don't know if she told you about what happened with Clark. But it wasn't what he did that hurt her, it's what he didn't do the broke her. I remember she would always break down, crying into my shoulder about how she wishes that he had hurt her instead of Riley. I was always glad that he never touched her, but I'd never say that. But Max I want you to ask her on a date, I want you to help her forget. Help her remember that people can be good."
"Who's Clark?" I blurted out.
Her eyes shot up to mine, she looked at me almost as if she were trying to read me. She gave a small smile "She'll tell you when she's ready. All you need to know is that something awful happened and she doesn't trust people anymore. But ever since she came here, to this place, she's gotten better. And that's all I've ever wanted."
"What what-" I was stopped when we heard footsteps running towards us.
Penny smiled and stood up. "Finally I missed you, you were gone for ages"
Y/n rolled her eyes but played along "I know right! I promise never to be gone this long again"
Penny clapped her hands "Can we go now?"
Y/n nodded her head and wrapped her arm around her shoulder and Penny wrapped her arm around y/ns waste. Before they rounded the corner, I caught Penny's eye one last time.
I just watched as they walked out of sight, talking quietly. For the rest of the day all I could think of were Penny's words. What had happened to y/n and her friend that was so bad?
Hey guys, I'm back!!! I hope you like it and I made it extra long for you. Sorry for any grammar/spelling errors. Have a good day/night!!
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