Your POV
"I think Max likes you," Penny commented out of the blue. We were driving to the offices for Penny's last day in Washington. I managed to get a half day off to go to something fun.
I laughed "You're crazy. When I first came here, he hated me."
She shrugged her shoulders "You can just kinda tell. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Ross did too."
I snorted "Good thing you know better. Well while we're on the topic, you ask out that one girl you liked?"
She smiled and turned away from me, just the reaction I was hoping for "Um yeah I did. It's nothing official, it's only been two weeks, but I really like her."
"Well that's very good. I hope you realize next time I come out or you come out I am seeing her," I was thrilled for Penny. She told me she was Bi our third year of high school and had only dated four people sense. And out of the four, one was a women. I was worried that it was her not being okay with who she was, but I guess I'm in no place to talk.
She laughed "Yeah, I expected nothing less. She's really lovely, I don't know if you remember, but her name is Amber."
I nodded my head "Yeah I think you mentioned that."
"So now that we cover that, back to Max and his undying love for you."
I nearly choked "That's a bit blunt don't ya think?"
She laughed "Oh sweetie, blunt is my middle name."
I rolled my eyes "There's something seriously wrong with you."
"Tell me something I don't know."
Max's POV
Okay Max you can do this. All you have to do is pull her aside and ask if she wants to go to dinner sometime. Simple enough, right? If I just relax and stop trying to make the situation worse than it is then I should be fine.
Today I was actually doing to do it, I was gonna ask y/n out. Yesterday I don't know what happened, guess Penny being here just kinda set things off for me. And the fact that she told me to ask her out, and the thing about Clark. Whoever that is.
"And the first step would be to get out of my car, right," I mutter to myself.
After I accomplished step one, the next step is to actually make it in the office. As I walk, I pull out my phone and head phones. After scrolling down my list of music, I found the one song that always manages to calm me down. As the sound fills my ears I begin to feel a bit calmer, but of course the worry is still there.
"Morning Mad Max," I hear from behind me.
I stop and pull out one of my headphones, holding back my smile "Good morning to you too Adam. But I hope you realize now that I have complete zen, you can't get to me."
He laughed "Is that a challenge? I never back down from a challenge you know."
I rolled my eyes "Okay fine, it's a challenge."
"Yes! Prepare to taste the sweetness of defeat," he exclaimed as he ran ahead of me, probably to 'prepare.'
I put my headphone back in and started walking again. What time of day would be best to ask her anyways? And I think she mentioned only doing half the day today, so maybe before she leaves would be best. Or right when she walks in and gets settled in, before she has to do anything.
I walked up to the main building and pulled the door open, starting up the stairs. The song was reaching the end, my favourite part was at the end. Ross always tells me I'm a bit obsessed with music, I always tell him there is no such thing. I pulled open the second door and made my way to my desk, stopping by Ems to get my schedule first.
"Heyyyyyy Maxy," Adam called after I had sat down.
I turned around to see him holding a camera and something behind his back "Adam, what do you have?"
He smiled and inched his way closer "Nothing, just wanted to say hi."
"Why do I not believe you?"
He shrugged his shoulders "Because somewhere down the line you acquired some deep emotional issues which cause you to have trust issues."
"Uh huh, nice theory. But what do you have in your other hand," I asked standing up.
He shook his head, and took a step closer "Like I said, I just wanted to say hi."
"I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you," he stated innocently.
I flicked my eyes to the camera before meeting his again "Does this have to do with the 'challenge' we made?"
"Just get it over with," I sighed.
"Get what over with?"
"Adam you're boring the viewers, and me," I told him as I sat back down.
"Okay, fine then," he pouted and I heard him take a few steps toward my chair.,,
Only a few seconds later I felt something on my ear. I shot up and wacked at the thing on my ear. I saw a clothes pin fall to the floor and I whipped around to see Adam laughing.
"3," I started counting down.
"Come one Maxy, I was doing it for the views."
"Come one don't be like that."
"1, you better run."
"Bye," he said as he started running.
I started running after him, and after only a few steps I stopped running to see how far he'd go before realizing that I wasn't there.
"Real nice Max," someone said from behind me.
I smiled and turned around "You know that's what I do best," I said to y/n who was sitting in my chair "Where's Penny?"
She waved her hand behind her "Bathroom, I decided to come see what you were doing."
I smiled "Well I'm glad you did, because I have something to ask you," so much for waiting.
"Shoot," she answered spinning once in her chair.
"Would you, uh, would you maybe wanna go out to eat sometime," God I sound like an idiot.
Her smile faltered for a second, only a second before going back to normal "What?"
I looked down at the floor and rubbed my neck "I'm uh asking you to dinner with me, or lunch."
"You mean a date?"
"Yeah, I do."
She smiled bigger "Yes, I would love to-"
She was interrupted by Adam screaming and running at me. I jumped at the sudden noise and turned back to face him just as he threw a pillow at my face.
"You'll never catch my alive!" he yelled and ran away.
"Great timing," I muttered as I looked over at y/n to see her laughing.
At least I got her to say yes, we'll just have to decide the details once we are free from Adam's rule. But for now, I can plan my revenge against him.
Hey guys, I apologize for the wait. I just haven't been very motivated to write. Are you guys excited for the holidays? What is a song that always calms you down, mine is I'll be Good by Jaymes Young. Have a good day/night!
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