Finding Mal
While Ava and now Dylan were both panicking and trying to find Mal. The young two year old was making her way through the campus in search of her big sister. She wanted Ava back and she was really scared that Ava was leaving her for good.
Mal had really bonded with Ava and she didn't want Ava to go bye bye like her cousin Jay. Mal just started crying when she realized how scary and dark it was as the toddler was terrified of the dark. She decided to go back to her safe crib with her big brother, but as soon as the toddler turned to go back she realized she had no clue where she was.
Mal just quickly went toddling over to the first "safe" place she could find and ended up in the student union where the new TA Alison Dilaurentis was as she was preparing for class the next day. Alison immediately recognized the crying toddler as she had seen Ava with Mal as the toddler was basically glued to her hip. Mal went everywhere with Ava, but right now it looked like the toddler was by herself.
Alison just quickly put down her ipad as she walked over to the crying toddler wanting to help her as she was a mother herself to twin girls around Mal's age and so she knew how to deal with a scared toddler. Alison just bent down to Mal's level and smiled at her. "Hi there sweetie are you lost," Alison asked the toddler sweetly and the small girl just nodded her head while she continued to cry.
Alison just quickly picked up the toddler and sat her down on her lap as she pulled out her phone to call Ava as she was pretty sure that Ava was probably worried sick. She sighed when the phone went to voicemail as she tried another few times, but Ava still wasn't answering. Alison just sighed as she decided to just leave a voicemail and if Ava didn't respond by the time she was leaving to go home then she would just take Mal to Ava's dorm herself.
Alison just let the phone get to voicemail again. "Ava I just wanted to let you know that in case you were worried I have your sister. She ran into me at the Student Union and I thought you should know," Alison told Ava through voicemail and then hung up. She just smiled a bit at the toddler as she was really missing her own little girls right now, but at least for now she had a toddler that she could entertain while she waited for Ava to come and find her sister.
"I just called your sister and she should be here soon, but in the meantime do you want to play some games on my ipad. My girls love these games," Alison told the toddler hoping to calm her and make her feel safe as she knew what it felt like to be lost and scared.
Mal just smiled as she clapped her hands. "Yay! I wob dem too! Cawos we me pway dem on hid own!" The small girl told Alison excitedly, making Alison laugh. "Okay well here you go now I'm going to be working, but you can sit with me and play these games while we wait for your big sister," Alison told the toddler who just smiled and nodded as she was now happy and content playing with Alison's ipad.
A few minutes later Ava along with Dylan and even Caitlin who they had called to help them as well came running into the Student Union as Ava had just checked her voicemails and her phone as she had been searching everywhere with Dylan and Caitlin's help to find her sister. As soon as she had heard the voicemail from her new teacher she just quickly ran to the Student Union and her friends followed.
When Ava got there she sighed in relief when Alison's voicemail was true as Alison was sitting with Mal in her lap playing on an ipad. Ava just quickly ran over to Mal and just picked her up holding her so tightly as she had really thought she was never going to see her baby sister again.
"Oh my gosh Mal there you are! What were you thinking! You practically gave me a heart attack! I thought I was never going to see you again! You are not leaving my side ever again! Now let's go! You are in a serious time out!" Ava scolded as she didn't even look at anyone else and just quickly took Mal back with her as she couldn't help herself. Mal had scared her so much. She really did think she had lost her sister for good.
When they got back to the dorm Ava sat Mal down in her crib as she started her lecture again. She didn't even care if she woke up Carlos. Mal had seriously almost given her a heart attack and she wouldn't let it happen again.
"Mal listen to me we do not get out of our crib! Do you hear me! Climbing out of your crib is dangerous and if you climb out again you are going to time out for two minutes! And do you see this door! You are not to open that door ever! I don't want to see you opening this door or that door or any of the windows! If I see you opening any of those you will be in time out for two minutes as well! Do you understand me Mal! What you did was completely dangerous and I thought I was never going to see you again! You can't wander off by yourself! Now tell me you understand!" Ava screamed out to the toddler in her very stern voice.
Mal just started crying as she didn't like getting yelled at. She hadn't meant to make Ava mad at her; she had just wanted her big sister and Ava had left. "I sowy mama! I no me to! I wan a fin you! I sowy mama pwease no yell! Mama I be goow I pomise," The young toddler cried out making Ava freeze as she let Mal's words sink in. Mama? Mal had just called her mama.
"Mama! Mal did you just call me mama!" Ava asked the small girl in shock/panic. She didn't know how to respond and Mal had just completely caught her off guard. She wasn't a mom! Mal was her baby sister not her daughter! But a part of her was actually loving this. Mal calling her mama just showed that she had done it. She had managed to form a bond with Mal.
She was brought back to reality when the small toddler began to freak out as she had realized that Ava seemed upset at her calling her mama. "I sowy Aba! I no me to caw you mama! I no do id aben!" The small girl cried out as she was now scared. She had accidentally made the mistake of calling the mean scary lady mama and the lady got so angry at her and she got another owie.
Ava immediately picked up the toddler as she just rocked her a little. "Mal I'm not mad at you for calling me mama. If you want to call me that then you can. In fact Mal I think I would actually like it if you called me that from now on. Since I guess I am kinda like your mama now," Ava told the toddler as it was true. Mal calling her mama showed that Mal really did care about her and understood that Ava was in charge of her now. And while the thought of being considered a mom was honestly terrifying, but at the same time she loved her baby sister and she was glad Mal saw her as her new mama.
Mal just smiled as she looked at Ava. "Weawy! Yay I hab a mama! I hab a mama! I hab a mama now! Yay!" The small toddler screamed out as she began to run around the dorm excitedly making Carlos stir as he woke up from his sleep. "Ugh Mal! Go back to sleep, it's late!" Carlos told his baby sister making Mal shake her head no as she was too excited.
"Cawos I no sweep! I hab a mama! I hab a mama! I hab a mama! I so habby! I hab a mama!" The small toddler screamed out happily as she ran around the dorm excitedly, but ended up passing out from exhaustion making Ava laugh as she picked up the toddler and placed her back in her crib, as she made her way to her bed to sleep, but as soon as she got on her bed to sleep she couldn't.
She couldn't sleep. It was like she just physically could not sleep. Ava just sighed as she kept trying to sleep, but everytime she would close her eyes to sleep she would immediately open them again. Ava groaned when she saw the sun come up meaning it was morning time and she had literally stayed up all night.
She couldn't believe that had happened. She didn't understand why she couldn't sleep. She usually slept so easily. Ava just sighed when she looked at the time as she knew that she needed to get Carlos up and registered for school. Just as Ava was getting up from her bed to wake up her little brother and get ready for school the small toddler started jumping in her crib excitedly as she reached for Ava.
"Mama! Mama upie! Mama upie!" The small toddler cried out making Ava smile again as she loved the way Mal said mama it had such a warm and loving feeling to it. "Okay Mal come here," Ava told the toddler as she picked her up and placed her down in which Mal immediately ran over to Carlos and jumped on him like she used to do everyday back in Auradon.
Carlos immediately sprung up when he felt the toddler jumping on top of him he just groaned as he wanted to sleep in. "Ugh Ava! Why is she out of the crib right now!" Carlos groaned out as he didn't want to get up.
Ava just laughed as she looked at Carlos. "Because it's morning and you need to get up! We are having a family meeting in five minutes to discuss what we're doing for school, so get up because I still need to register you and I have classes soon!" Ava told her brother, making him groan again as he didn't want to go to school.
"Ugh whyyyyy!" Carlos whined out making Ava sigh as she looked at him. "Carlos I'm giving you one more chance to get up or I'm letting Mal on you again," Ava told her little brother, making him sigh as he sat up. "Alright fine I'm up! Don't let the puppy out on me!" Carlos told Ava referring to his nickname for their baby sister.
"Okay so um Ava I was actually wondering if I could continue school at Auradon Prep, but still come and stay here on weekends and holidays. I mean I actually really love Auradon Prep and my friends are there. The main reason I wanted to get out was because Mal was unsafe, but if she is here and safe then I wouldn't have a problem going to Auradon Prep still," Carlos told his big sister nervously as he was afraid of her response. It had nothing to do with her, but he really did love Auradon and he had so much fun when he went back with Jane when it was just him and not Mal.
Ava didn't know how to respond to what Carlos had said as she wasn't expecting it. "You want to leave again," Ava asked Carlos in shock, making Carlos immediately shake his head no. "No Ava it's not like that I still want to see you guys all the time and I'll still live here on weekends and holidays. Plus I will video chat like everyday! It's just that when I went back with Jane I realized how much I really loved Auradon Prep when I had the freedom to just be a kid! Please Ava it's like the only school that I'm really passionate about and I was thinking of joining the tourney team this year since I couldn't before! And you guys could come and visit Auradon too! Please Ava," Carlos told his big sister, making her sigh as she knew she had no choice.
Her little brother was so excited to go back to Auradon Prep and she couldn't crush that for him despite how much she wanted to tell him no and that he needed to go to a normal school.
"Okay fine you can go to Auradon Prep, but here's the deal. Your grades stay up, you stay safe, you call and text me everyday and when I call or text you answer every time, and you come home every weekend unless there is a valid reason why. Now if you can handle that then I will let you stay at Auradon Prep, but if you break any of those rules kiss Auradon Prep goodbye because if you break any of those rules I'm pulling you out of Auradon Prep and enrolling you in the nearest public school. Do we have a deal," Ava told Carlos, making him smile happily.
"Yes! I love you so much Ava you're the best sister ever!" Carlos screamed out forgetting about the tiny toddler in all of his excitement making the small girl cross her arms and pout as she looked at Ava. "Hey Carlos someone is mad at you for forgetting about them," Ava told Carlos as she pointed to their pouting baby sister.
"Oh my gosh Mal! I'm sorry! Ava's not the best sister she's the best big sister and you're the best baby sister in the whole universe!" Carlos told the toddler, making her giggle happily. Ava just laughed as she picked up Mal changing her. "Nice save little brother," Ava told Carlos, making him laugh.
"Yeah well don't you have class or something," Carlos told Ava, making her laugh. "Yeah I do! Should I bring Mal with me or is she fine staying here with you?" Ava asked Carlos, but before Carlos could respond Mal ran over to Ava. "Mama I go wif you!" The small girl cried out making Carlos just look at Ava and Mal in shock.
"She called you mama and you're not totally flipping out! Who are you and what have you done with my big sister!" Carlos jokingly told Ava, making her laugh as she ruffled his hair. "Oh shush up! And she calls me mama now. Anyway I guess I'm taking Mal with me. I'll see you soon okay. Don't leave without saying goodbye alright!" Ava told her little brother, making him smile as he went over and hugged his sisters.
"Don't worry big sis I promise I won't leave until you get back. Now get to class before you're late," Carlos told his big sister making her laugh. "Alright come on Mal. You better behave today though," Ava told the toddler who just giggled.
Ava just rolled her eyes as she entered her class and took her seat placing Mal on her lap. She then sent a quick text to her now sorta friends as she realized she never thanked them for helping her look for Mal last night. After she sent the text they both looked at her and then Mal and smiled a little and Ava did the same. She couldn't believe she was admitting it, but she was actually starting to see Caitlin and Dylan as friends and not just people she was forced to hang out with.
It probably had to do with the fact that they had dropped everything to help her find her baby sister last night and they didn't judge her or make her feel worse they just helped support her.
Ava froze when about five minutes into class she saw Dana Booker enter the class as she immediately asked to speak to her, Dylan, and Caitlin. Ava just quickly picked up Mal and followed the others out. She was terrified right now. She had no clue what Dana was planning, but she didn't like it.
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