Chapter 2
Hey guys! Are you enjoying the story? *wiggles eyebrows* Lol no. I can't do anything with my eyebrows for the life of me! XD
Enjoy the story!
"Welcome to Chinatsu High's basketball club!"
That single line kept echoing in my head as I picked up my blazer and my bag. I walked out of the gym with Arima-san following me almost immediately after. His arms were behind his head as he walked and whistled, following behind me. Why isn't he going away!?!
"Arima-san...why are you following me?" I questioned him, as I turned on my heel to face him. He looked at me, and stopped whistling.
"Well, you have to have an excuse for why you're late, right? So I'm coming with you to verify it. The others have the excuse of saying they were cleaning up." Arima-san explained as he kept walking. I sighed and started walking again, speeding up to go to my class. I reached into the pocket of my blazer, revealing my schedule. The good thing about Chinatsu High was the fact that they always mailed the schedules, so that you could go straight to your class, all without having to fight to get to the huge board that other schools have that display your name and class.
I opened up the folded paper in my hands and found my homeroom class, 1-A.
"Oh-ho, you're in the class I was in last year! I'll lead you there!" Arima-san stated cheerily. I followed him silently as he blabbed on and on about something I didn't even care about. By the time we reached the class, I felt like I was about to explode from irritation.
"You're not very talkative, are you Kaito-san?" he asked me. My eyebrow twitched.
"This is the fifth time you have asked me this question Arima-san. What do you think the answer is?" I answered. I think I had a dark aura around me because he backed off.
"Sorry, sorry!" he laughed. You...!?! How can you be so happy!?! I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why, in the name of god, is he so freaking happy!?!
"Whatever." I muttered as I put my hand down. I quickly opened the door, only to be met with silence and a short, bespectacled teacher. He looked at me.
"Who are you?"
I bowed.
"I am Kaito Junko. Sorry sir." I replied. I straightened up as Arima-san explained why I was late. Sensei sighed, and motioned for me to take a seat. I looked out at the rows of seats, and found an empty one near the window. I hoisted my bag over my shoulder again, and walked down the columns of students who stared at me with what I could only assume to be amusement.
"Now, to continue with the introductions. Next."
The guy next to me stood up, and bowed as Arima-san left for his class. He short, pitch black hair and dark brown eyes.
"I am Park Kuro." he introduced himself simply, before sitting back in his seat. He flicked his bangs out of his face as I noticed some of the girls lingering looks. Please don't tell me I sat next to one of those guys who has a lot of fangirls. I had gotten enough of that when I was sitting next to Akashi-san in Teiko.
I stood up lazily.
"I'm Kaito Junko." I stated simply before sitting back down in my seat.
I zoned out everyone else in boredom after that. Before I knew it, Sensei was already saying we had the rest of this period to talk amongst each other, or do whatever we wanted. I took out my headphones, and sighed for the umpteenth time that day as I glared at my tangled headphones. I always hated this. I started to untangle it, but then it formed a knot after a couple of seconds. I gritted my teeth in frustration as I fought with them.
"Ano, do you need help with that?" I heard someone ask. I'm pretty sure that person isn't talking to me.
Well, it turns out that person is talking to me. I glanced towards the direction of the voice and saw my seat mate, Park Kuro. If I recall correctly, Park is a Korean last name. Is he a halfie?
"Yes?" I answered. He looked at the headphones, then at me.
"Oh. No, I don't need any help. I can get it myself, but thanks Park-san." I stated as I looked back down at the headphones. I fiddled with the knot a bit before finally being able to slip a wire through it. I mentally cheered as I held my two free earbuds. I scanned the room of chattering teenagers, watching as they smiled and laughed.
My gaze fell on Park-san, who was staring at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Is there a problem?" I questioned him. He blinked in surprise before quickly shaking his head.
"There's no problem at all Kaito-san! It's're really silent you know?" Park-san stated sheepishly. I could've sworn that a vein popped on my head as I plastered on a fake smile.
"You have no idea how many times I get that Park-san." I said, trying my best to keep my anger from leaking into my tone. This is just reminding me of Arima-san.
"O-Oh." Park-san stuttered out. I stared at him.
"I-Is something wrong?" Park-san asked me. I shook my head.
"It's just that you seemed confident when you introduce yourself, but now you seem more hesitant and shy." I commented before slipping on one earbud. I saw him get flustered out of the corner of my eye, much to my surprise.
"Anyways, I don't feel like being killed by your fangirls," I nodded to the dark, growing aura at the other side of the class. "So I'll be listening to my music now."
"O-Okay." Park-san said before looking away from me, and then at the crowd of fangirls who's aura changed from dark to bright. Park-san and I sweat-dropped at the sight. As Park-san waved to his fangirls with a hesitant smile, I turned to look at my phone. I plugged in my other earbud, and decided to listen to Flyers by Bradio. I stared out the window, bored. I wonder if those traitors got better at basketball over the summer.
Probably not. Kuroko-san is more of a stagnant player, Aomine-san is a lazy pervert, Kise-san is an egotistical kid in a teenage body, Murasakibara-san would only rely on talent, and Momoi-san would just keep doing what she used to do.
The only ones who might even continue practicing would be Akashi-san and Midorima-san in my opinion. I should keep practicing so that I don't lose to them. But then again, they used to grow stronger naturally, and I have no doubt that is the case now.
I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my hand. That's weird, I don't actually have a social life, so who could it be? I looked down at my phone to see that it was from an unknown number. I opened the message up.
Subject: It's Arima~
Message: Hello Kaito-san! It's Arima Kei here! Come to practice today, got it? We have to make you go through tryouts even though you're already on the team! See you there ( ' ▽ ' )ノ
I stared at the screen. How did that irritating creep get my number!?! I quickly added in his contact to my phone before replying.
To: Stalker Captain Arima-san
Subject: You freaking creep
Message: Arima-san, how did you get my number? Are you a stalker to every single one of your kouhai's? You're a creep.
No more than a few seconds after I sent the message, my phone buzzed again.
From: Stalker Captain Arima-san
Subject: I'm hurt! (;_;)
Message: How mean! I asked the secretary to give me your number. I don't stalk my kouhai's!
I snickered at the message.
To: Stalker Captain Arima-san
Subject: Idk...
Message: I'm not sure that's true. The fact that you used different sources instead of just asking me means that I should lock my windows at night.
I chuckled almost immediately at the reply.
From: Stalker Captain Arima-san
Subject: Noo
Message: I'm not a stalker! You don't have to worry about that Kaito-san!
And so on and so forth. We basically argued over whether or not he was a stalker (which he is in my opinion) until lunch. The minute the lunch bell rang, I took out my lunch, and dashed off to the roof. In less than a few minutes, I reached my destination. I slammed open the door, only to reveal Arima-san and some others about to sit down.
Arima-san's head whipped around to find me standing there, who was dumbfounded at the fact that I was even there. His eyes suddenly brightened as he dashed over to me. I was about to bolt away from him when I suddenly felt him tackle me in a hug.
I let out a strangled noise as he held onto me tightly.
"Kaito-san! What a surprise!" Arima-san said happily. I felt him turn me around to face his other friends.
"Guys! This was the first-year I was telling you guys about! Her name's Kaito Junko!" Arima-san introduced. I squirmed in his grasp, feeling more uncomfortable by the second.
"Arima-san, can you let go of me? This is really uncomfortable." I asked. After a second or two, he let go of me with a laugh.
"Sorry about that Kaito-san!" he laughed. His friends looked at him with this intense stare that made them seem like they wanted to kill him.
"Better be Arima-san." I stated. I looked at the basketball captain with a raised eyebrow.
"By the way, what year are you in?" I questioned him.
"I'm a second-year." Arima-san answered, his grin still on his face. My jaw-dropped.
"You're a second year, and you're captain!?!" I exclaimed. That was...shocking to say the least. I would've thought he was a third-year for sure.
"Well, yeah. At the end of last year, I was elected captain." he said, scratching his cheek.
"A-Ah, I see."
It was then that an awkward silence filled the atmosphere around us.
"Well, anyway!" one of the boys said, cutting the awkward atmosphere.
"My name is Shirogane Aki, point guard and third-year. Nice to meet you." he introduced himself. He had blue eyes and short, sandy blonde hair.
"Are you a foreigner?" I asked him bluntly.
"Yes, I am." he answered. He looked down at a guy next to him who was sleeping. He kicked him in the gut, waking him up. The guy jolted up.
"I'm...Izanagi Ken...nice" the blue-haired teen in question trailed off before closing his magenta eyes to go to sleep. Shirogane-san sighed in irritation.
"Sorry about him, he's just...tired. A lot. He's the small forward." he explained. I just waved it off.
"And the last one, Nori Ryo." Shirogane-san introduced, motioning to the brunette that had been fighting with Arima-san earlier today. His green eyes held mischief, one that seemed somewhat familiar, yet foreign.
"It's nice to meet you. I'm the center, and a second-year." Nori-san said. I nodded.
"I see. It's nice to meet you guys." I greeted him back. I checked my watch, only to see that there were ten minutes left. I plopped down on the cement floor, and opened my lunch. I saw them all looking at me weirdly.
"We only have ten minutes left. I suggest you start eating."
It was then that everyone wolfed down their food in a mad frenzy. I sighed at their stupidity. As soon as we all finished, there were five minutes left. I got up and got ready to leave, only to have a hand grab mine. I looked down and saw Arima-san looking at me with puppy eyes.
"What is it?" I sighed in annoyance.
"You have to do one thing before you go to tryouts after school. Get a guy named Park Kuro to try out. I know he's in your class, and you should manage to persuade him to do so." he instructed me, his face giving me the feeling that he was dead serious. I nodded, not too familiar with this Arima-san. He smiled and let go of me, returning back to his cheery self. I didn't shiver, but rather, I pulled his hair. He yelped in pain.
"Don't think you can get away with mood switches on me so frequently Arima-san. Because you randomly switching moods seems a lot like Ak-" I stopped myself from finishing my sentence. I don't want to speak about them. Being from Teiko makes me seem special, but if they learned that the Generation of Miracles kicked me out? That would ruin it. I would be kicked out and not able to get revenge on them.
Arima-san raised an eyebrow at me.
"Kaito-san, is something wrong?" he asked me. There was worry in his eyes, and I saw the blonde point-guard also look slightly worried. I waved it off.
"It's nothing. I just remembered something, that's all." I stated.
"It's nothing big. Anyway, I need to get to class. Bye Arima-san, Shirogane-san, Izanagi-san." I bid, to the captain and point guard. I then looked at Nori-san.
"Bye Nori-san." I said, waving to the center. His magenta eyes followed me out the door, along with one question I knew they had, and I knew it pertained to why I stopped talking.
"Park-san." I addressed my seatmate. He looked over at me, then back at the fangirls.
"I don't care about the bloody fangirls. Anyway, what clubs are planning on joining?" I questioned him, taking the indirect route. I'm not exactly good at socializing you know. He stared at me weirdly, and then smiled brightly. I guess he's taking it as me trying to be friends with him.
"I was thinking of art club. Which one are you doing?" he answered, turning his attention to me. Why would Arima-san want someone that wants to go into art?
"I'm planning on joining the basketball club." I whispered back. His face turned serious then, and it left me wondering why so many people were having mood swings today.
"Park-san, is something wrong? You just fell silent." I asked, knowing that I hit a spot. He seemed to snap out of it, and smiled lightly. He's faking smiles too, similar to Arima-san.
"N-No, nothing's wrong. It's just that I remembered how I played basketball in middle school, and I had a really....crushing defeat. It was from the Kiseki no Sedai." he answered, running a hand through his jet black hair. I sighed. I don't remember him, so I guess it was around third-year, when my relationships were strained.
"I see...I hate to say this...but I knew them personally. And I despise them with a burning passion." I said, trying to keep my cool. I know I failed though because he looked over at me in disbelief.
"They all are such assholes, it's ridiculous. I hate their guts." I hissed, not even caring about maintaining my calm anymore. He looked at me with this almost incredulous look, but then smiled.
"How about I join you in trying out for the basketball club? I feel like you joined to get back at them." he said, smirking now. I smirked back at him. This guy understands.
"I also did it because I enjoy the game. But yes, that's one of the reasons, and I think it would be a great idea for you to join me." I answered. With that, when the bell rang, we both got up and made our way to the gym. Oh how much fun we both will have when we crush them.
"This is our coach, Kurosaki Yamada! Treat him kindly, go it?" Arima-san called out. We all stood in a line, with Park-san next to me. We both talked on the way here, and got to know each other better. He was actually a lot better than I thought, so I decided to be friends with him. Going back to what Arima-san announced, I saw that the manager was the orange-haired guy with the clipboard from the club sign-ups! I proved that (recently found out) second-year wrong already, so he can shut up about me.
"Now, we all are going to start tryouts by splitting you all up into teams!" Arima-san instructed. As he went through putting everyone into teams, my thoughts drifted off. What would happen when I did get my revenge? Would I just...fade into a shell of what I was? What would -
"Kaito-san, we're going to start in a few minutes." Park-san said, catching my attention.
"Right. Sorry about that. I was thinking about the homework we have today...I thought we would catch a bit of slack since we're first years." I said, laughing a bit near the end. He chuckled in agreement as we prepared for tryouts. It's a good thing he didn't see through that.
As Arima-san listed the names of who passed and who didn't, I knew that I would be in for one hell of a ride. The freshmen alongside me are awesome! We may just beat the rest of them if we train hard enough. Of course it won't be easy, so I'll train as hard as possible to make sure that the Generation of Miracles crash and burn.
"Those are the people who have passed! The rest of you may try out during the next semester. Thank you for trying out!" Arima-san announced. From what small amount of students tried out, there were only four of us who made it. I glanced at Park-san, who was standing next to me and glancing at Kurosaki-san sometimes. My eyes trailed over to the other two who tried out. Both were tall, and from the looks of it, had previous experience in basketball.
The taller one of the two had dark brown hair with tied into a low ponytail. His dark blue eyes were staring at the captain with a rather intense look. Lord knows what he's thinking about. The other one was a brunette as well, but with shorter and lighter hair. His bangs fell until his eyebrows, though his hair style was more of a bowl cut. His eyes were chocolate brown. Hm, I believe Hideki Rei was the one with the bowl cut. Vaughan Gareki was the one with the long hair.
"Now then, as we all know, we have a lot to deal with for Inter-High." Kurosaki-san announced, his yellow eyes giving me a quick look. "And due to the Generation of Miracles, it will be incredibly hard to win."
My face was blank at the statement. Of course they would be the biggest challenge.
"But we have Kaito Junko-san here with us who played in Teiko for two years. She's willing to give us all of the information we need on them." Kurosaki-san announced. Park-san gave me an incredulous look as my eye twitched at the thought of them.
"Of course I'm willing. I hate their guts." I hissed, so much venom in the words that Kurosaki-san himself flinched.
"But regardless, we have some information on their abilities due to this. Also, due to the principal wanting good relations with other schools, he set up a practice match in two weeks with Seirin High School, whose basketball team is relatively new as well." Kurosaki-san stated. I stiffened. I would be going against Kuroko-san so soon.
"They shouldn't be a problem, but -"
"They are a problem Kurosaki-san." I interrupted him. He blinked.
"Now, as much as this sounds crazy, it's true. Of the Generation of Miracles, they had a sixth man. His name is Kuroko Tetsuya, a former friend of mine. His specialty was passes, and he uses misdirection to do it. He's practically invisible. He's how Teiko used to make all of those insane passes. I've learned how to see through it however." I explained, watching as some of them looked at me in disbelief.
"Then why has he never been mentioned?" Kurosaki-san challenged.
"Because everyone forgets him. I still have a photo of him on my phone, I can show it to you." I offered.
"Alright then. Let's see it."
I dashed over my bag, withdrew my phone, then dashed back while going through the photos. When I found it, I showed it to them. It technically had a picture of everyone in it, as it was when we were first friends. Kurosaki-san stared at the picture.
"The light-blue haired one is Kuroko Tetsuya, correct?" he questioned. I nodded my head as he handed the phone over to Arima-san, who stared at the photo as well.
"You seemed rather happy in this photo with them. What happened?" he continued.
"Oh. They all believed someone else's lies about me and...things just got really bad." I said, hesitating near the end. He nodded, accepting it for now.
"Oh well. What's been done is done. All that's left is no forgiveness and whole-hearted revenge." I said, my tone going a bit dark near the end. He shivered as Shirogane-san came into the conversation.
"Calm down Kaito-san." he stated. I inhaled deeply, nodding and regaining my cool.
"Sorry about that. But back to the point. Kuroko Tetsuya is a major problem. Because if we also pay too much attention to him, then we will get distracted from the main game. And if we look for a player on that team that he usually passes to, then we know someone to look out for to try and pull something."
"The only other thing is that....he sucks at anything other than passing."
The gym fell silent.
I sighed.
"Yeah. He sucks at shooting, dunking, everything. Quite frankly I was surprised he could even pass a ball." I said, chuckling near the end. I recalled the match where Kuroko had fallen face-first onto the gym floor. I was practically dying on the sidelines since I had been switched out at that point.
"I see. Thank you for that Kaito-san. Now then, let's start practice!"
So I'm aware I haven't updates this on forever. I got writer's block with my other stories, but I hadn't run into a writers block with this one yet, so I finished off the chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it!
And please tell me if it's good or bad! If you have any suggestions, let me know!
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