Chapter 1
I sighed as I walked to my new high school, Chinatsu High. It's not an old school like some of the others, but it's also not as new as Seirin. Unfortunately for me though, the school had upgraded it's uniform for the girls. It was now a black blazer with a white long-sleeved, button-up shirt. The dark red skirt reached until mid-thigh unlike the one in Too, which reached until right under the butt. Ugh, mini-skirts. The shoes were black and had a slight heel on them unfortunately.
"Excuse me? Are you a student here?" I was asked once I had taken a step on school grounds. I glanced at the woman who had quickly stopped me. She looked to be around her mid-twenties with a mole above her lip. She was actually quite pretty with her straight black hair and dark brown eyes. But how can she think I'm wearing the uniform for fun? Let's hope those looks aren't hiding her stupidity.
"Yes." I replied respectfully. I need to observe everyone to see who is better to have on my side in this school. Who knows? Even this woman could be smart.
"Instead of going to your homeroom straight away, you're going to be choosing your clubs first and then going. You have about one hour to do so." she explained. I nodded.
"Thank you for telling me." I said, bowing. I stood back up, and walked to find what would be my tool in my revenge. As I looked around, I noticed that there were a lot more people than I thought. The campus on the other hand, looks nice with all the green grass surrounding the walkway to the school. The white school building itself looks new and not like Rakuzan, which looks like a prison. How am I making all these comparisons to other schools?
When I was looking for which school to go to, I investigated everything. It was when I dodged somebody I was about to run into that I found what I was looking for.
"There it is, but it's...what?" I mumbled to myself as I watched two guys fighting each other. One of them was a brunette while the other had silver hair. There was an orange-haired guy with a clipboard that seemed irritated as he watched them.
"Kei-kun!" I suddenly heard a bunch of girls squeal. I turned around and found a herd of the female species coming towards me. I quickly side-stepped and let them crash into the silver-haired guy who was fighting.
"Gah!" I heard him choke. I saw the brunette he was fighting with laugh at his misery as the guy with the clipboard started chuckling darkly. I sweat-dropped at the scene as I finally arrived at the table.
"Ano, is this the basketball club?" I questioned the brunette. His head whipped around to me.
"Oh, a cute girl! Are you here to be our manager? We don't have one on our team yet!" he stated excitedly. I could've sworn his green eyes were sparkling as I furrowed my eyebrows.
"No. I was wondering if I could play on the team." I replied. I suddenly heard the noise in the small area stop for a second before they burst into laughter.
"A girl? On the basketball team? R-Ridiculous!" the guy with the clipboard laughed loudly. I gritted my teeth in irritation.
"How so?" I inquired.
"W-Well, you might get hurt and stuff. Plus, it's n-not somethi-ing w-women do!" he laughed harder. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Oh really? Why don't I go against him then. If I win, then you have to let me be in the first string." I said, pointing at the silver-haired guy. The laughing died down in an instant.
"You think you can beat the captain? You're crazy." the brunette stated. I smirked.
"Well, it pays to humor the crazy." I replied. The silver-haired guy chuckled as his purple eyes slid over to me.
"I'll take the challenge! What's your name?" he questioned me as he walked closer, a slight smile on his face. The fangirls started squealing in the background. Ugh, so annoying.
"Kaito Junko." I answered bluntly.
"Arima Kei. Nice to meet you Kaito-chan." he replied cheerily, smiling. My eyes narrowed at him.
"-chan? It's fine you're not addressing me by my first name, but don't add -chan to my name." I growled. He blinked once or twice before plastering a fake smile on his face.
"That's fine Kaito-san. Let's go then!" he said cheerily. Ah, you're such a poor actor in front of me. Everybody else is somehow fooled. I wonder why you're doing that Arima-san. As I started to follow Arima-san, I noticed that the fangirls were going away. When Arima-san and I reached the gym, I saw a small group of around 17 second and third-years talking.
"Guys! I'm going to have a one-on-one, can you move?" he announced, clapping his hands. They all looked over and started talking among themselves. I gritted my teeth as I made my way to the court. Arima-san got a basketball and started bouncing it. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. The coach was there with the whistle ready. Arima-san and I kept a steady gaze onto one another as we stood in our respectful places.
"6 shots. Whoever gets 6 shots in first wins." Arima-san said as he stared into my blue eyes.
"You're on."
Arima-san blasted forward right after the whistle blew. This might have stunned me, but after I graduated from Teiko, I had immediately started training even harder in basketball. I quickly blocked him, both of our shoes squeaking against the gym floor. He tried to drive past me to the right, but I blocked him then too. He looked at me with slight surprise. I took the chance and let my arm shoot out.
I stole the ball from his hands and shot off to my own basket. I heard him curse and follow after me, but I had already reached the three-point line. I saw him in front of me no more than a second later, looking at me with determination in his eyes. I took a step back, which he started to follow. Perfect.
I quickly did a sharp turn around him, letting him finish his step in time for me to run and jump to dunk the ball. He turned around and cursed just as I was about to dunk the ball in. I heard him start running towards me, but it was too late. I slammed the ball in making me hear a round of whispers. I landed back on the floor after, and saw Arima-san gawking at me.
"Why are you so surprised? Don't you know what middle school I came from?" I questioned him as I was tossed back the ball. I caught it with both of my hands as I started to take a step closer to him. I started bouncing the ball.
"It seems that you don't, so I'll show you my skills and let you guess."
I ran forward with more speed, blazing past Arima-san. I heard him follow me almost immediately. When I reached the inside of the blue square, I knew what to do. I switched gears and ran backwards, letting Arima-san run past. I had run back at full speed, and I could've sworn I was about to fall down. When I reached around the three-point line, I got into position and saw him turn around.
"What's your guess?"
I shot the ball and let it soar through the air, watching Arima-san as his eyes widened. The score was now 2-0 in my favor. I saw Arima-san staring at me with wide eyes as the ball hit the floor.
"'re from Teiko, aren't you?" he asked. I nodded as he was tossed back the ball from the bystanders.
"Well, was this your warm-up? Because I've still got plenty of energy left." I replied. He smirked.
"You're a worthy opponent Kaito-san." he answered. Hence, we played basketball for another hour or so until we finally got the score.
"5 to 6. Arima Kei wins."
My heart fell. I trained so hard, but I couldn't even beat the team captain? How pathetic am I?
"So this is where it ends. I suppose I won't be able to join then." I stated bluntly. I wiped my sweaty hands on my skirt before turning to Arima-san. He was sweating and panting with his hands on his knees. I held out my hand.
"It was a good game Arima-san. It's a shame I didn't get to join the team." I panted. He stared at me like I was crazy.
"What are you talking about you idiot?"
I was dumbfounded at the sentence. Idiot? It was the deal we agreed on!
"I'm saying I won't be able to join. Do you not remember the deal?" I questioned him. He stood up and grabbed me by the shoulders. I almost flinched. Almost.
"Screw the deal! That was amazing Kaito-san!" he exclaimed. I looked at him like he was crazy this time. His purple eyes held happiness in them, which only confused me further.
"Excuse me? I didn't beat you, therefore I can't join." I said.
"You better join! I'll beat up the captain if you don't!" I heard one of the guys yell. I looked at the crowd of boys in shock.
"Yeah! Come on Kaito!" I heard from another one. Soon, all of them were yelling at me to join. I looked between Arima-san and the boys, who looked at me hopefully. I sighed. I wanted to join anyways, so maybe I should...
"Oi, at least don't beat me up in the bargain!" Arima-san yelled at them.
"Shut up captain!" they shouted back. Arima-san sweat-dropped. This seems like a good team, I guess.
"Fine. What string am I in?" I sighed disdainfully. I heard a bunch of cheers from the upperclassmen.
"You're on the first string. Come to the gym after school today for practice."
It was then that I heard a lot of the guys whistling and cheering. Arima-san grinned widely and let go of my arms.
"Welcome to Chinatsu High's basketball club!"
What do you guys think? Good or bad? I accept any and all critiques!
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