Why Do I Have to Go to College?
Hello! How are you? If your reading this, congradulations! You've found my second long fic! If your enjoying my first one, then try this one out as well XD. Anyways, I'm planning on starting like four more fanfics along with the these too, so keep tuned for all of them!
Amazing cover art done by maplefoxx! Make sure to check her out!
Castiel's POV
Castiel laid his head on the passenger window of the car with a groan as the college came view, turning his head away from the sandy red bricks and crowded sidewalks as college students chatted amongst themselves, making the new friends they would need for the grueling four years. He wasn't ready; he would never be ready to face this challenge, and it was because of his wings. Speaking of his wings, he could feel a feather poking him in the back. He shifted vainly, trying to make it more comfortable on him and his wings, but only succeeded in getting more feathers to cling to his body.
Michael parked a little bit away from the college, behind a rising hedge to hide them from passing college students. Castiel's older brother turned to him, motioning to his trenchcoat that hung limply around Castiel's shoulders, button up in the front so his wings couldn't make a guest appearance.
Castiel instantly knew what he wanted him to do and turned his back to Michael, slipping his trenchcoat off his body. His wings quivered at the cool air brushed the feathers, making him shiver. He waited patiently as Michael carefully moved the feathers back in place, so they settled comfortably on the curves of his back and dress shirts, holes made so the wings could fit through it.
"There" Michael said, allowing Castiel to put the trench back on before getting out. Castiel reluctantly followed, dread filling his chest with every step to the back of the car. As Michael opened the trunk, he looked around them.
It seemed like a nice place. The grass was well kept, the leaves that were beginning to fall were very few and far between, showing that they were regularly removed. The sidewalks were a clean white, despite the constant crowds of students traveling over them. The building themselves looked well kept, which was a big plus. He could remember in high school that the building seemed to grow from the mold that dotted every corner of the building.
When he heard Michael clear his throat, he turned, taking the bag that held his clothes and his hygiene items and the other bag that held his most important possessions. It was a small bag, with only his picture of his family, the brush he used to clean his feathers, and his Ipod and headphones.
He looked at Michael with a soft whine, feeling the urge to run from this place and never come back. "Why do I have to go to college? Hiding in high school was hard enough." He whimpered, looking over the building. Castiel never complained unless he was extremely worried, but it didn't take much to figure that out. He looked absolutely terrified.
Michael sighed and patted his younger brother's back, though Castiel felt little comfort in it., and it only made his wings push against the trench before trembling back into place. "You'll be fine Castiel. You know you need an education." Michael said firmly, his eyes showing how serious he was. Castiel looked away, feeling a little helpless. His brothers were always better at dealing with their wings. Castiel, on the other hand, wished he never had the cursed things.
"Oh, your car is also at the mechanics down the street. When you get settled in, you might want to get it before you start classes, in case you want to go anywhere. No skipping classes though, alright?" Michael said, not waiting for a goodbye as he walked back to his car. He got in, leaving Castiel by himself as his older brother drove off.
Castiel had waited in line for quite a while before he finally reached the lady that was telling people which dorm they were in. He stood in front of her, clutching tightly to his bag as he said his name. She gave him a sympathetic look, flipping through the pages quickly.
"You will be in dorm room 221B" She said, handing him the key to it. Castiel nodded, taking the key and pausing. He glanced down at her, feeling terribly nervous. He didn't want to seem suspicious.
"Will I be sharing the dorm with anyone?" He asked softly, fiddling with the sleeve of his trenchcoat. The lady rose an eyebrow, but didn't ask any questions as she looked at her list. She shook her head, lookig back up at Castiel.
"No sweetie. You're by yourself." She said, a small smile crossing her face when she saw Castiel relax. He thanked her before walking towards the dorm building B, using the map he had as a guide. The building was about the same as dorm building A, which was standing nearby. They both had the same sandy red brick and white doors, windows stretching up the length of the building.
He walked in and up the stairs, ignoring the elevator that had a line of people waiting. Plus, 221 was on the second floor, so it's not like it mattered. It was a short walk, but he forgot about his wings. They help him keep balance, so when he tripped on one of the steps, he fell, his wings trying to flex, but only made it worse as he hit on on the railing.
He let out a groan, his wing throbbing. A fall for a normal human wouldn't hurt that, maybe embarrass them more than anything, but with his wings being extra sensitive, touching them without being careful could result in terrible consequences. So he laid there for a few minutes, trying to gain his breath where it was knocked out of his body.
He didn't notice the person also coming upthe stairs until he saw a pair of shoes beside his chest. "Are you okay, man?" The male asked, his voice deep and slightly worried. Castiel turned his head, forcing himself to sit up. He met the bright green eyes of a very attractive male, and his heart skipped a beat. Of course, the time he was injured and the most attractive guy finds him; good going Castiel.
In case it wasn't clear, Castiel was gay. Of course, he hadn't told his brothers, since they were angels of course. It seemed sort of pointless since they'd probably rip away his grace and make him human, though with the way this day was going, maybe it was a good idea. He hadn't noticed he had been day dreaming, staring at that man before he cleared his throat uncomfortably.
Castiel blushed as he realized what he had been doing and ran a hand over his head, wincing when it made his injured wing shift. This was going to be so difficult. "Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled, forcing himself to stand up. He hissed with the pain, clutching onto the rail to keep himself standing.
"You don't sound okay." The guy said, grabbing his arm to help steady Castiel. Castiel felt nervousness explode in his chest. He couldn't be touched. What if someone figured out? He went to jerk away, but realized that he was going to need help getting up the rest of the stairs. Damn it.
"It's nothing." Castiel lied, leaning on the rail and the guy's arm for balance and support as he made his way up the rest of the stairs. He let out a sigh of relief, though he wished he could just sit down. The movement was making his wing feel like it was on fire.
"Where is your dorm?" The male asked, noticing how pale Castiel's face was beginning to get. "Dude, are you going to pass out?" Castiel looked over at him, shaking his head. He was feeling a little nauseous, the pain making his stomach twist.
"I just need to lay down." Castiel whispered, now using the male for full support as he told him the dorm number. The male looked at him with a weird expression, but Castiel didn't notice, his wings shivering, making him try to walk quicker.
"Did you hit your head?" The green-eyed boy asked as he helped Castiel along. Castiel only nodded, figuring it was the best excuse. It's not like he could tell him he hit his wing. When they got to the dorm, Castiel put his shaking hand in his pocket, pulling out the key to the dorm. He handed to the boy, who quickly unlocked it and led him inside.
Castiel, with the help of the guy, made it over to the bed closest to the door, laying down and instantly feeling a bit better, that it until he vomited in the nearby trash can. The guy didn't get a disgusted look or anything, he only cleaned Castiel up when he was finished and placed a cool wet rag on his forehead, beginning to unbutton his trenchcoat so he was more comfortable.
Castiel grabbed his hands, shaking his head. "Don't take it off." He mumbled, not bothering to come up with an explaination. The boy gave him a weird look but did as he said, pulling the covers to his chest. "I'll be back to check on you in a minute, okay? I'm going to go get your things." The boy said. Castiel felt a rush of fear and almost sat up, but his wing made sure he stayed laying down.
As the boy walked out, he silently prayed for his things to still be there. He didn't have anything of value, but he really needed everything. They were all so important to him. He waited, beginning to sweat, but if the boy was coming back, he couldn't take off his trenchcoat. He'd have to wait.
When the boy came with his things, he sighed in relief. They both seemed to be just fine. "Thank you" Castiel said with a soft sigh. The boy grinned and nodded, sitting the things on the desk, where he noticed a few more bags laying there. He frowned, looking at the bags in confusion. What were they doing here?
"So I take it that you want that bed?" The boy asked, sitting down on the bed that was separated by a nightstand. Castiel forced himself to sit up, confusion lacing his features. What did he mean by wanting this bed? He wasn't going to stay in this dorm was he?
"What do you mean?" Castiel asked, his throat feeling tight. The boy's smile faltered, and he tipped his head as well. Castiel was awestruck by how amazing that made him look, focusing on something but his face. He looked at the wall behind him, finding nothing else he could look at.
"Well, I'm your roomate. Didn't they tell you you had one?" The boy asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he attempted to explain to the confused Castiel. Castiel's eyes widened when he realized what that meant. He couldn't have his wings out.
"No, they told me I was alone." Castiel said carefully, making sure not to sound angry or upset, just curious. He paused for a minute, taking a deep breath as he leaned against the headrest, needing something to lean on.
"Well, I suppose that makes sense. I didn't sign up until the last possible moment." The boy said with a shrug, beginning to unpack his things and putting them in the small dresser on the other side of the room. "I'm Dean Winchester, and I'll be your roomate from now on."
"Castiel Novak." Castiel said, his voice even and maybe even a little pleasant, but on the inside, he was freaking out. How was he going to do this? He couldn't hide his wings from a roomate! Castiel laid down, closing his eyes.
What was he going to do?
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