Elsa POV
I am sitting on the ground still wondering who are these people,and why am I here?
I pull on jack's sleeve and say,"Why am i here and how are these people,and why was i thrown into a sack?"
"O yeah sorry about that it's kinda a tradition that we do when a guardian is picked,don't worry they did the same thing to me"He smiled at first,but then winced when he realized what he had just said.
"WoWoWo I never said I wanted to be a Guardian"I yelled
"You finally told her"tooth said then sticking her hands in my mouth
"Uuuu....hhh..iii...a...little...help....here..."I said trying not to choke on here hand
"Tooth hands off"Jack said while pulling he away
"Sorry their just so pretty"Tooth said
"Tooth did the same thing to me when she first saw me"Jack smiled slyly
"I hope she washed her hands after"I said massaging my jaw
"She probably didn't"When he said that I gaged
"Hey I just joking,hopefully..."Jack whispered
Bunny and north started having an argument
about which holiday is more important
"wait why am I here,you still haven't answered my question"I said
no one answered
Then moon started to glow and sandy saw it to
We tried getting their attention,when jack noticed He started hovering and laughing his head off.
Sandy was holding 5 elves in each hand and starts shaking them violentlenly.
Tooth only added in on the argument trying to get Bunny and North stop arguing over whether Christmas or Easter is more important.
"Christmas tops Easter any day Bunny" North yelled
"You know how many eggs I have too paint and hide in one day!!!???" Bunny said
"Both holidays are equally important, now would you two stop,or did you foregt about the task at hand??!!" Tooth yelled
Then North started an argument that Tooth should be quiet ,because all she does is collect teeth.
"Only collect teeth,Boy you listen here,You guys prepare for a day or night that comes once a year!! I on the other hand,My job is 24/7 so you better..."Tooth kept talking
I think it's time to stop this
"guys" I said
"Guys"I a litte louder
"GUYS"I screamed at the top of my lunges while releasing an exploding arrow
They turned slowly and waiting for what I was going to say next, but then North interupted me
"Ah Many,Elsa why didn't you tell us?" he said as if nothing just happened
"I DID"I yelled showing my anger
"Sandy looked hilirious shaking the poor elves"Jack laughed
"Shut it Frost" I said throwing a snow ball right into his mouth.
He started choking on on the snow ball and finally got the snow ball out of his mouth and gave me a sly smile as if he was up to something but I ignored it.
"Before you tell me why I am here,who are you guys?"I questioned
"I am North A.K.A Santa"North said proudly
"I am guessing Jack is the number one on the naught list?"I said as if I didn't know the answer
"Well actually no he isn't Your number One"He said glaring at me a jack
Jack started pouting
"Guardian of Wonder" he finished
"Hi I am Tooth,The Tooth Fairy"she said
"I am guessing that my teeth are whiter then freshly fallen snow"I wondered
"Exactly,and I am excited that there is finally another girl guardian"She said really fast
before I could realize what she said my thoughts got interrupted
"I am also bring memories to the children of the world"She said while flying in a upward spiral
Then the freakishly tall rabbit started speaking
"I am the Easter Bunny I bring hope to them ankle biters,but its all worth it"He said cunningly
"*kangaroo* cough cough"Jack coughed while giving a faint smile
"Oie I am not a kangaroo MATE!!!"Bunny yelled
"I always thought that the Easter Bunny was a short,cute bunny, But turns out he is just some over grown RABBIT"I said getting louder at the end
"I sheila am a BUNNY not a RABBIT!! there is a difference" Bunny said coldly
"O really I didn't know that oops"I said innocently
Bunny growled at me
I stuck my tongue at him
Jack was laughing uncontrollably
"Shut it frost"i scolded him
Shooting an arrow at his head that missed by an inch
"hey"he whined at me
" you almost shot my eye out"He yelled
"But I didn't" I stated
" So why am i here"I said for like the 15 time
"I will tell you why,ELSA YOU WERE CHOSEN TO GUARDIAN!!!!!" he yelled
"WAIT,WHAT!!!" I yelled
"MUSIC!!"North cheered
He pulled out a book and music started
elves gathered at my feet I freaked out
I shot a snow arrow up freezing the air and I stomped freezing everything around me
including 8 Elves I winced
"sorry ding-a-ling"I whispered
Then I flied up into the center of the room mid-air
"What made you think,I wanted to be a guardian?" I said
jack smirked at the way she reacted
"Do you guys even interact with kids?" I questioned
"I do"Jack said
"Any ways,I need room to spread my wings,enjoy the sights with fine foods in Paris,not cooped up all the time"I said
"Thats what I said and I haven't turned into one one them"Jack claimed
"Yet"Bunny said
"What do you mean 'Yet' " Jack whinned
"But wait, I would also be protecting,Adults and kids,including families"I spoke
"Yes,but Manny says you fit the bill,so are you ready to BE A GUARDIAN!!?"North cheered
"umm...yes...no.....no yes......maybe???"I stuttered
"I don't know"I said
Then I heard something flying towards my head...................................................................................................... "JJJJJJJJJAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!"
Hey Guys just checking in on you guys
you guys are AWESOME,AMAZING, No words can describe how wonderful you guys are 😆😆😆😆😆😆
and lets help out North and Bunny
In the coments type what you think is better
So where was o yea please help me end this fuid these two are driving me insane
and i am trying a new thing here it is: KEEP READING AND LOVE JELSA❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️
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