Now we all know 2020 was a fucking dumpster fire but i did have a good year at some points.So i will take you through my 2020 highlights and lowlights.
The start
I never honestly had the balls to do this thing.The thing in question is writing.I was always scared people will judge me and hate my story but one day i said fuck it.Im making a story for the first time and i dont give a damn!
On February 10th i published Dangerous Storm.It was my first story and quickly(THROUGH THE HELP OF BulletClubFoLife) became a hit.Parker was a my inspiration.He always told me to go for my dreams but i was always a pussy but on this day i wasnt.When he then gave my book a boost with his following i was incredibly thankful and i wouldn't have gotten here without Parker.
1k reads?!
On a sunny day in Pennsylvania i was at my Paps on my phone when I receinveda message from Parker"Congrats on 1k reads".I couldn't believe this but this was only the starting point.
What the hell? Quaranting?
Wellllllll we all know what happended
COVID 19 hit the US and many other places. To me though it was a blessing in disguise as now i was able to spend more time with my paren-JUST KIDDING! My parents both work in the law so yeah.My mom works in a court office and my dad at a prison so yup they kept going to work.
Well kids...its time i tell you all a story so sit your FUCKING ASSES DOWN!!! Thanks.So i am here now to tell you about a special person.This guy is my best friend and someone whose very humble! His name is Ril-Oh what? Wait thats not on the script...i...ok ive been told they dont like being called their name and told they want to be called Fire Dragon JK!!! RLDbeast is my best friend on this app.He has been there through my lowest points*We will get to that soon*.Thank you Rie-Fire Dragon! XD hope u found that funny and if you didnt i just embarrassed myself.
Ok i.....shit ok i...i can do this.
So my dog Mia was my best friend(Sorry RLD).She always would lay with me and be there for me.When she got to her old age she got arthritis in her legs.
So she would fall sometimes while walking cause of her joints.Then in October my heart was broken.On the day after my other dogs bday she was put to rest due to kidney failure........
God i......i...fuck..
She was truly my best friend.She got me through my grandmas passing and through my life.I miss her
2020 sucks even at its end
YAY!! 2020S ALMOST OVER!! HOORAYYYYYY! Actually its not....
In December not only did i find out that my Pap had cancer but my Aunt fell and got a new hip.Yep.....2020 even sucked at its end
And that was my 2020.
Thank you to these special people for helping me through 2020
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