chapter 21
I'd been sobbing for the past 30 minutes. It was so embarrassing to been seen, puffy cheeks and red eyed, but I couldn't contain any of it. I felt like a little child again. Helpless and terrified of everything around me.
"Hey, sweetie, don't cry. We're not here to hurt you, we just want you to answer some questions for us. After that, you're free to go and so are the other two."
The detective was so nice it confused me. I swear I heard him shouting earlier when Zander was in there. Or was it Zander that was shouting? I didn't seem to be sure of anything at the moment.
I couldn't believe they would just let us go if I answered their questions. It lead me to wonder if they'd told Zander this. If they had, why hadn't he just told them everything and we could be on our ways.
"Yes. We know you haven't seen your family in a few weeks. They said they saw you leaving their house the other day but they weren't sure if it was you. So they called the police and told us what car you were all in, that's how we found you at the border. Why were you leaving?"
"we were trying to get away."
"Away from what?"
"I don't really know."
"are you sure you don't know."
I didn't know whether to tell them about my kidnapping.
"someone took me."
"who took you?"
"We don't know."
"Who's we?"
"Me, Zander and Josh."
"so they were also taken."
"no. They found me."
"where did they find you?"
"I think it was in the woods. I passed out so I don't really remember."
Silence filled the room as two women on each side of me scribbled on pads.
"So can we leave?"
"I'm afraid not."
My voice rose as I felt my face flush with anger.
"You and your friends are murder suspects."
"What! We didn't murder anyone!"
Hailey's face came back to me and I knew who he was talking about.
"Do you know Hailey Bennet?"
I tried to play dumb.
"She's rich right? She was gonna invest money into my town."
And she was a good friend, a kind person. She didn't deserve to die.
"that's it. I don't know anything else."
"your lying."
The detective's face contorted into a disgusting glare. All traces of the previously kind man were gone.
"You're not going to let me go, are you?"
Two large men woke me up and put my hands and feet in shackles. I was taken out of my cell and through a long, white corridor. Each of the walls were plain apart from the odd one or two photos of officers and benefactors to the station. My eyes barely managed to stay open as I lightly skimmed over the pictures.
We came to a stop before two wooden doors. On the left wall there was a picture of someone who seemed familiar; my eyes shot open as I realised it was the detective from yesterday. Prick. His name was Phil Rosenbark. Phil the prick.
The doors opened and what must of been at least 50 faces turned around to look at me, disgust laced in their stares. It was a court room. Nobody had told me about this. I straightened up and tried my best to wake up. I hadn't slept properly in a good week at least.
Nothing was really standing out to me until my eyes locked on Allison. She took my breath away. Every time I saw her was like seeing her for the first time.
Her bound hands were resting in her lap as she took a defeated look at me. Josh was to her left. They both looked the same. Tired and scared.
She looked so upset. Until now I wasn't really concerned about what was going to happen to me. I was only concerned about her. Allison and Josh's parents were sitting behind us. I didn't have any family worth contacting and even still, I was 19 so legally nobody had to be here.
I sat next to her and nudged her slightly to get her attention.
her eyes looked bloodshot. It was easy to tell she had been crying.
"It's gonna be okay. I wont let anything happen to you."
All she did was nod but I felt like I was losing her. She had already given up.
I hadn't listened to anything that anybody was saying until my name was called. I stood up and walked towards the witness box, feeling the glares of all the people in the audience.
"Hello, Allison."
The lawyer proceeded to face the jury, explaining the case. She then said something about an interview. My blood ran cold.
"As you can see, this is Allison's interview with detective Rosenbark, from yesterday. Please listen closely."
I looked over at Zander and he looked like he was about to throw up.
Once the video had finished, the jury fell silent and nobody said a word for a good thirty seconds.
"The jury will take sometime to deliberate on the evidence given, a verdict will be reached in the next hour."
I didn't understand how they could possibly come to a conclusion with what they were given. Nowhere did I say that any of us had anything to do with Hailey's death. Although, technically we did. But we didn't kill her. God no.
An hour later we were being led back into the court room. Everyone settled down and the jury came out, taking their seats. One woman though, remained standing with a slip of paper in her hand.
"On the account of the murder of Hailey Bennet, we find the defendants-"
A loud boom echoed over the woman's voice and drowned out the gasps. Before we knew it, the wall to our right was completely gone, leading to the parking lot outside. Three figures dressed in black tore through the rubble and fought off the police.
"Allison! Allison are you alright? Where are you?"
Zander was calling my name but I couldn't see past the fog.
"Zan! Zander I'm here!"
I locked arms with someone, but it wasn't Zander.
He picked me up and started to run towards the broken wall. By now the smoke had started to fade and I could make out Zander running towards me.
"Let go of her!"
Zander rugby tackled the man to the ground and they began to fight. Zander ripped off his mask and abruptly stopped punching the guy.
"Hey man."
"What are you doing here?"
"Saving your ass, as always."
The two embraced and I sat there on the rubble, very confused. When Zander looked around, he saw me and helped me up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Hi Sydney."
"Hey, Allison."
The guy flashed a smile at me and brushed his hand through his hair. Damn.
"So, how 'bout we get outta here before the guys blow the whole place up."
Zander stopped and looked around.
"You mean Floyd and Pete are here too?"
"You bet!"
"Oh man, you don't know how glad I am to see you."
I was so wrapped up in their reuniting that I completely forgot about Josh. As soon as I remembered, I began searching for him.
"Josh! Josh can you hear me? Where are you Josh?"
Sydney stepped in front of me.
"We need to go."
" I need to find Josh."
"Well aren't you a fighter. Seriously, lets go."
He looked toward Zander in a way that asked for help on the subject.
Zander wrapped me up in his arms and pulled my chin up so I was looking at him.
"You go with Sydney, I'll find Josh."
"Zan..." Sydney began to protest.
"Go, I'm right behind you."
Sydney scooped me up and helped me out of the rubble, towards a bright white Porsche. How we were all going to fit in there I had no idea. The other two were already inside the car, one starting the engine. Sydney literally threw me into the back seat.
We had been waiting for about 5 minutes when I saw Zan. He didn't have Josh though.
"Where's Josh?"
Zander glanced at Sydney and they shared the same expression.
"I found him, Al, I'm so sorry. He was already-"
"No, he wasn't!"
Zan tried to calm me down by rubbing his hands up and down my shoulders but I couldn't take it.
"I don't believe you!" I hissed.
I started to get out of the tiny car but both Sydney and Zander pulled me back. I struggled against them both but I knew I wasn't going to get out. We sped off, straight passed the border control and down the highway.
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