Chapter 3: Hello, my dear friend.
Natsu's (POV)
After such a long time I heard a familiar voice.
Everything before was dark but now I can see the light and it shines brighter then it ever did before. And there is one person standing in the middle of it... Lucy.
After a year of being trapped I have been set free. I stood on my own two feet. I was a little unstable having not walked in a year. I felt weight on my shoulder. I turned my head to find my good friend Happy resting on it.
I was confused. I knew that the lacrima was not to break until she returned but... Wait. I looked up to see that beautiful blonde.
"Luce?" I called.
Lucy's mouth was wide open. Her eyes began to tear up and she rushed towards me. She sobbed and wrapped her arms around my waist. I was still shocked at the sight but my instinct took over and I returned her embrace with as much passion as I could.
"Natsu..." Lucy cried into my chest.
I was so happy to have her in my arms once again.
"Hello, my dear old friend." I spoke.
"Tell me that this is real. Tell me that you are really here." Lucy said.
I kissed her head and took a deep breath. "I was gonna say the same thing to you."
Lucy chuckled and tightened her hold on me. "Natsu, I'm not the only one who has missed you." Lucy stated.
"Nalu, come." Lucy called.
"Nalu?" I was confused.
"Yeah your..." Lucy turned and silenced. "Where did he go?" She asked.
"Who?" I asked.
"The little boy that was.." Lucy silenced once more.
"What are you talking about? I didn't see a boy." I stated slightly worried for Lucy.
"Nalu? Nalu?" She called.
"Who is Nalu?" I asked.
Lucy silenced and she let loose her hold on me. she walked away and I followed her. I noticed blood on her arm and reached out for her wrist. I pulled Lucy to me. "Lucy, what happened?" I asked looking at her cut finger.
"Oh, I was cooking when... I must've cut my finger." She replied.
"Lucy are you just going to ignore us?" Happy finally spoke.
"What are you talking about? I'm not ignoring you." Lucy said as she ran her finger under the faucet.
"Lucy, you do know that you've been gone for a year?" I asked.
"Actually, I've been gone for two. And you have been in that lacrima for about a year and a half." Lucy stated turning off the faucet.
"Two years?" Happy asked puzzled.
"Which reminds me... Where did you go off to?" I asked.
"I'm going to leave you two alone." Happy flew out the front door in a hurry.
"I... Uh, it's complicated." Lucy crossed her arms and leaned on the counter.
"Is it really? Was it because you didn't want to marry me?" I asked with a frown.
"No, It's kinda..."
"Kinda what?"
"It's complicated.'
"Quit saying that and just tell me the truth." I demanded.
"You wouldn't understand." Lucy sighed.
"Try me, Luce."
"I left to get stronger, okay?" Lucy replied.
"Okay? What for?" I asked.
"For me... And for you. I wasn't strong enough to be your wife so I..."
"I'm sorry, I must have something in my ears. Cause to me it sounded like you said you weren't strong enough. The Luce I know wouldn't say that... Unless you're an impostor? I'd appreciate it if you'd be so kind as to tell me the truth." I snapped.
"That is the truth!" Lucy spoke. "I didn't want to marry you like that. I wanted to be stronger." She stated with a soft tone.
"Lucy, you are an idiot." I sighed.
Lucy looked at me with a glare and I couldn't help but frown. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I asked you to marry me right?"
"Yeah, and your point is..." Lucy asked.
"My point is that I asked you to marry me because I love you, not because I care about your weaknesses or strengths. You left and at first I thought you were dead but something in me believed more than anything that you were still alive, and now I know I was right."
"Natsu?" Lucy's tone of voice was soft and gentle. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be... I probably would have done the same. But I would've told you beforehand. Because of that you owe me double time." I smirked.
"What do you mean I owe you?" She asked.
"You left me behind, so you owe me."
"Sounds fair. What do you want?"
"Well, first of all you're going to make me food and then tomorrow we are going to get married."
"What?! Natsu that's too soon! Give me a... Um give me... a week." Lucy pleaded.
"Fine, one week then we're getting married like we were going to, two years ago. No take back's."
"Deal. Wait a minute... I didn't mean that!" Lucy pouted.
"What?! Lucy, no takesy backsey's!" I exclaimed.
"Natsu, I need more time. I've got to find the right dress, the right place, and the flowers, the food too... I need more time to plan the wedding." Lucy scrambled.
I sighed. "That's what you meant. Fine, take as much time as you need."
"Thank you Natsu!" Lucy jumped up and down.
"Just a second."
"What now?" She groaned.
Lucy's (POV)
"Who is Nalu?" He asked.
'What do I say?' I asked my self in thought.
'Natsu doesn't even know of Nalu... Then who was that little boy? Maybe Gray, Juvia, and Erza would know.'
"Earth to Luce!" Natsu called waving his hand in front of my face.
"Oh, I... Uh, It's nothing I was just messing around with you." I lied.
"Really? You're quite the actor. It was very convincing." Natsu scratched the back of his head.
'He bought it, great! Sometimes it's a good thing that Natsu is an idiot. Tomorrow I'll ask gray guy's about Nalu.'
"Let me make some food. You must be hungry?"
"Ain't that the truth, I'm starving." Natsu grumbled.
Even though it has been two years, having Natsu with me once again was somehow normal. It felt like no time had passed. Although I'm not at all thrilled to see how everything turns out tomorrow.
Natsu and I ate dinner. It was getting late so I cleaned up the dishes and was about to head home when Natsu stopped me.
"And where do you think you're going?" He asked.
"Home." I answered.
"You are home." He said back.
"I mean it Luce. From now on you live here. After all you are my fiance." Natsu blocked the exit.
"But I don't have anything here... I'll move in tomorrow just let me go home... You can come too, you know." I begged.
"Okay, lets go then." Natsu grabbed my hand and we walked back to my place.
"It's been two years, I'm sure my place has gathered so much dust." I sighed unlocking my apartment.
We entered an my apartment looked exactly the same as when I left. As instinct I started to take off my clothes and headed for the bath. Finally I realized that I basically was stripping in front of Natsu. I stopped myself and blushed deeply.
"Sorry about that." I turned to Natsu, only to see him shirtless.
"Sorry about what?" He asked.
"Natsu, what are you doing?" I shrieked.
"What does it look like? I'm going to take a shower." He said in a 'duh' tone.
"But I was going to take a shower." I commented.
"And your point is...?" Natsu asked.
"We can't take a shower together!" I blushed even more.
"And why not? You're my fiance." Natsu claimed.
"Natsu, we still..." I choked on my words.
"We shouldn't... It's indecent and if Erza found out she'd kill you." I stated averting my eyes from Natsu.
Before I could make another move I was swiftly picked up and thrown over his shoulder as he headed for the bath.
"Natsu, put me down." I demanded.
"First of all, we're going to be married soon so it isn't indecent. Second of all, I could care less about Erza your my mate not hers got it." Natsu turned on the shower and he put me down.
He started to undress me and I let him. At first the water was cold but it got warmer. In this moment I was almost terrified of anything. I stood there looking anywhere else but Natsu.
"Luce, look at me." Natsu cupped my cheek.
I obeyed his command and before I knew it his lips attacked mine. I sunk into the kiss shortly after. Natsu pulled away and he smiled.
"I know we skipped the dates, the whole boyfriend-girlfriend step, and that was literally our first kiss... But... I love you so much, none of that matters. Luce, you can be as nervous as you want because I am too. I don't know much about relationships or marriage but one things for sure and that is I want to have everything with you." Natsu looked me straight in the eyes not wavering at any moment.
I knew he meant every word he said. I pulled him in for another kiss and he accepted me willingly. I was still in my underwear and Natsu wore his boxers just as I was about to unhook my bra Natsu stopped me. He pulled out of our kiss and shook his head.
"Let's not do that Luce. If you take that off I don't think I'll be able to keep my cool." Natsu stated.
"I don't want you to... Go insane."
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