I'm already writing another 2doc fic (go check it out ^^) but I reeeeally wanted to write 2D with "this" Personality. P.O.V.'S will change kinda often? Enjoy ~Soft
{2D's P.O.V.}
I had quite the reputation around school. Most kids are known for being smart or cool or hot but... not me. I would give certain *ahem* services, for drugs or money. Which is what I was doing right now. On my knees in the cold boy's bathroom after school. Did I know this guy? No. Did I care? No. Was he gonna pay me? Yes, and that's all that matters. I started doing this when I moved here at the beginning of the school year but pretty much everyone knew within the first week. I stopped caring about my image a looooong time ago. Ever since I started doing this I got bullied a tiny bit less often, but now they had new names to call me. Slut, whore, fag, etc. I think the only reason the teasing barely went down was because I appointed my buddy Russ to be my official bodyguard. It helped when he was around but when he wasn't, the attacks were relentless. I also have my friend Noodle. She's kinda like my secretary. Somebody tells her they wanna see me and she organizes all the "appointments". I finished with the guy I was with, got my money and started walking home. Noodle and Russ we're waiting outside for me.
"Hey guys. Thanks for waiting." I said as we all started walking in the same direction.
"No problem 'D." Noodle replied. We got to my house and I handed them their payment for the day. Their houses were just a little ways up the street so they went on their way. I went inside my house and to no surprise my mom wasn't home. She was always working at the hospital I know this idea has been used before but I can't think of any other job that has a lot of overtime. She was a workaholic so most of the time I was by myself. My dad had died in a car accident years ago and that's when my mom became super dedicated to her work. I didn't mind though, it's nice having the house to yourself. I grabbed a carton of juice from the fridge and right before I could drink some, my phone dinged. I put it back in the fridge and looked to see who texted me. Noodle sent a picture of a huge house party with the address attached. Obviously she wanted me to go. I changed into some sexier clothes, put in my earrings (that weren't allowed at school), and left for the party.
It wasn't far so I just walked. When I got there I had to step over passed out people on the front lawn to get inside. I immediately saw Noodle talking to one of her friends. I went over to her and she hugged me.
"2D you came!" She exclaimed.
"Did I have a choice? Every time I don't come to a party you hit me." I joked.
"True." She said with a giggle.
"I'm gonna go get a drink." I told her.
"Ok" She said before going back to her conversation. In the kitchen there were bottles of different kinds of alcohol so I grabbed a red cup and mixed a few different ones together. As I was making my masterpiece, someone came behind me and groped my ass.
"I had a feeling you would come Dents." A husky voice said in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine.
"Of course I would. I rarely miss a party." I said, trying hard to make my voice stop trembling.
"What do you want Mudz?" I asked him.
"I love it when you call me that~"
"I've always called you that and you didn't answer my question."
"Why do I have to want something?" He asked trying to sound innocent. I turned around to face him.
"Because you're Murdoc Niccals." I took a drink. He took my cup and drank from it.
"Damn right I am." He bit my ear.
"You know what I want."
"And that would be...?" I played dumb.
"Aw don't do that to me 'D." He whined.
"You got money?" I asked.
"Do I need money?" He bit my neck so hard it started bleeding. I bit my lip and shook my head.
I could never say no to him.
This chapter was a little short in my opinion but I just kinda wanted it to not be too long. Do you beauties want longer or shorter chapters? There will be smut in the next chapter!! If you want me to update then tell me in the comments cause I'm not gonna write a story nobody reads. Hope you beauties have a nice day/night and thanks for reading! ~Soft
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