"Hey, there Tambre!"
Heather flashed a fake smile at Tamara in the hallway. Tamara looked at her confused.
She's been at this school for almost nine months, and never, and I mean ever, has Heather talked to her. It was April.
Tamara corrected her, "It's Tamara." Heather walked beside her, "I know. So, what you doing after school?" Tamara shrugged, "Nothing much. Why are you talking to me?"
Heather laughed like it was all a joke
Tamara looked from right to left, trying to find an excuse to leave.
Heather finally stopped laughing and flashed a smile, "I'm having a party next Friday. You should come!" Tamara looked at her feet and shrugged, "I don't know-"
Without knowing, Logan appeared behind them. He made his charming smile and asked Tamara, "You're going to the party?"
Tamara might think Logan is kind of cute. She stuttered out, "I-I d-don't-"
Heather interrupted this time.
"I thought you didn't want to come, Logan."
Logan shrugged and responded, while smiling at Tamara.
"If she's going, I'll be glad to go."
Tamara felt herself blush. She had never heard a boy say that to her.
Then, Heather ruined that moment, "Well, it depends if she is going. Are you?" Logan and Heather looked at Tamara.
Tamara didn't know what to say. She shrugged and gave a nervous smile.
"I guess I could."
Heather and Logan smiled in success. Heather gave a giggle, "Great! See you there!"
Heather and Logan walked away, and Tamara quickly went to class. Logan and Heather turned the corner to get out of Tamara's sight. Heather and Logan nodded secretly. Heather smirked.
"We got her. Part one is completed," she pulled out her phone and texted Kaitlyn. Logan gave an evil smirk, "Now let's put part two in action."
Joanna and Carly walked outside the building. Finally, school has ended. Monday is gone, now Tuesday tomorrow.
They walked to the bus canopy and got on their bus. They sat down on the fifth row of bus seats.
Joanna sighed as she sat down. "Finally! We get to go home!" Carly giggled, "Yeah! So much work!"
Joanna and Carly laughed and began to talk about how Joel and her uncle Luke were going to show Tamara, Phoenix, Alanis, Asher, and her their old hang out place.
Tamra sat in the back. But, not with Everest, Liz, Susan, or Natalia. No, she sat with Logan, Heather, Kaitlyn, Brooke, and Aaron.
Liz, Susan, Natalia, and Everest weren't to happy about that.
Brooke and Tamara laughed at something Aaron did in math. Tamara was starting to be like them.
Susan looked at Natalia with worry in her eyes. "What if she's the next one to be them?" Liz looked at Everest, "I have been there, like her. I don't want her to do the same mistake." Everest shrugged, "What can we do?"
Natalia looked at Tamara one last time. Natalia sighed, "I guess she has new friends." Liz, Everest, Susan, and Natalia looked out the windows, sadly. Tamara was going to regret hanging out with her "New Friends."
"Hey Joel!"
Joanna walked in with Tamara, who was busy texting Logan.
Joel was on the patio, sitting on the little wooden swing, writing a new song with Luke. They both got up to greet Joanna and Tamara.
Joanna gave Joel a hug, then looked up and smiled at him. She then hugged Luke. She had to look at Luke, seriously, she's like an ant compared to him. She rubbed her neck and laughed. "Uncle Luke, you're really tall, it's hurting my neck."
Luke and Joel laughed at Joanna's comment. She smiled along, at this scene.
Joel looked at Tamara, who was busy texting and smiling at each message. Joel smiled and greeted her, "Hello, Tamara."
Tamara replied blankly, "Hi." Joel and Luke looked at each other confused. Then they looked at Joanna.
Joanna then mouthed, "She's texting her boyfriend." The word boyfriend triggered Joel to move. He cleared his throat and walked up to Tamara. He spoke, "Who are you texting, Tamara?"
Tamara was replying to the text, and responded Joel at the same time. "No one. Just my friend, Logan." Joel nodded, pressing his lips together, "Oh."
Tamara nodded, still texting, "Yeah. I'm going to my room. Bye."
She grabbed a water bottle, her book bag, and walked upstairs to her room.
Joel turned around and shrugged, "Well, I will never understand girls." Luke and Joanna smiled at Joel's words. Joanna walked up to Joel and put her head on his arm. "When are you going to take us to you and uncle Luke's hang out, dad."
Joel looked at Joanna, surprised. So, did Luke. "Did you just call me... Dad?" Joanna nodded, smiling, "Yeah."
Joel smiled widely and looked at Luke. "Well," he clapped his hands, "Get Phoenix, Asher, Jude, and Alanis! We're going to our old hang out!" Luke turned and smiled yelling. "Jude! Asher! Phoenix! Alanis! Come here! We're going to show you our little hideout!"
Joel smiled at Luke's happiness and went upstairs. He knocked on Tamara's door and yelled through the door.
"Hey Tamara. We're going to our old hang out. If you get hungry, there is left overs from yesterday in the fridge." Tamara yelled back, "Okay. Bye, Joel!" Joel smiled behind the door, "Bye."
"Dad, are we almost there?" Jude tugged on Luke's shirt. Phoenix held Asher's hand, they were crossing over a bridge that was over a river.
Luke smiled at Jude and picked him up. "Almost there, buddy." Jude smiled as his dad put him on his shoulders. Jude giggled as Luke lifted him up to touch a tree's leaves.
Asher and Phoenix skipped behind Luke and Jude, giggling and grabbing flowers every few seconds.
Joanna and Alanis stayed with Joel. Joanna would dance and skip on the trail, smiling at nature's beauty.
Alanis stayed beside Joel, holding his hand. She smiled at her reflection. Joel squeezed her hand and smiled. Alanis looked up at her dad and giggled.
Luke yelled from afar. His voice was echoing through the woods.
"I FOUND IT!!!!"
Joel and Alanis looked at each other, laughing at his reaction. They heard Joanna, Asher, Phoenix, and Jude laughing.
Joel gave a happy sigh. "Well, lets go, Lani." Alanis nodded, "Okay, dad."
Joel picked her up and they walked towards Luke and the others.
They crossed over some fallen branches, and made a lot of turns, but they finally got there.
It was a tiny little house, with a ripe bridge. It was a treehouse.
Outside stood Luke, jumping like crazy because it was still there. Jude was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach because he was laughing so hard at his dad.
Joanna, Asher, and Phoenix laughed at both Luke and Jude.
Joel and Alanis laughed along.
Joel was the first one to speak. He caught his breath, still laughing a bit.
"Okay, Luke. You might want to stop jumping before you hit a plane or a bird."
They all walked inside.
Inside the treehouse was three Windows, an escape door that led to a tree with a ladder to get out. There was a tiny table with chairs and dust covered everywhere.
Joanna's eyes sparkled as she looked at the tree house. "Wow. It's beautiful!"
Joel smiled and stood behind her. "It was ours, but now it's yours." Joanna smiled and jumped happily.
Luke stuck his head in and raised an eyebrow, "Just hers?!"
Joel shook his head smiling, "And the rest of the kids."
Luke still glared at Joel. Joel shrugged and laughed, "And yours."
Luke nodded and smiled, "Great!"
Joel, Jude, Alanis, Asher, Joanna, and Luke laughed.
Hey guys! Hope ya'll liked it! Sorry, Moriah wasn't in it, she was in an interview. She will be here the next chapter, tho! Vote and comment! Byez!
Also check out my other book, "Love's To Blame." Please, and thanks! Byez again, Craverz!!
Video below:
Moriah Peters - I am Second interview.
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