Rebecca (Bec) Hope Cooper ~ Craver_Priceless
Natalia Rojas ~
Carly Johnson ~
Elizabeth Dalton ~
As me (NOT my real name so PLEASE don't call me that!)
Third Person POV
They pulled up on a street, in a beautiful neighborhood.
Mountains were in the back, touching the sky. The road was bright, new, and clean, no gasoline stains or wheel streaks. Their neighborhood had a dead end. Around the street were sidewalks, cream colored sidewalks with little green trees.
There were seven houses on the street, three on each side and one that was at the dead end. Each house was kind of different, but they were mostly alike.
All the houses were made of stone and creamed color, with a garage and a green front yard with flowers surrounding the path to the door.
Joel pulled up to the house on the dead end and turned off the SUV.
He smiled, "Well, here we are! Our new home!" Moriah looked out the window and smiled, "Wow. It's beautiful! It's bigger than our old home."
Moriah opened the door, and stepped outside. Alanis waited inside the car until her sisters helped her out.
They were all out, and walked to the front door. Moriah touched the silver rails on the porch, "Wow, very elegant!" Joel and Moriah laughed.
Joel pulled out a set of keys, found the right one, and opened the door. They stepped in and Joel bowed, pointing inside, "Welcome." Joel stretched out his hand and Moriah touched it. She giggled, "Why, thank you!" Joel kissed her hand. Moriah laughed and leaned against his arm.
Joel walked up to Alanis, Joanna, and Tamara. He smiled, "I really do hope you like the new neighborhood." He flashed a smile at Moriah and then back to the girls, "Did I forget to mention, Skillet is our neighbors?"
Alanis looked at her Teddy bear, then hugged it. Tamara just stared at Joel, like waiting for a surprise.
But, Joanna reacted differently.
She just heard the word Skillet and automatically she ripped out the earphones and screamed, "They're our neighbors?!" Joel nodded, smiling.
Joanna jumped up and down, "When can we meet them?! Can we meet them now?! How about now?! Oh, please, please, Please, Joel!" Moriah and Joel laughed at her reaction. Moriah walked up to her daughter, "After Breakfast, okay?" Joanna nodded happily. Moriah smiled and kissed her forehead.
Joel smiled and clapped his hands "So, where would you like to eat breakfast at?" Moriah, Tamara, Joanna, and Alanis shrugged. Joel smirked, "I think I know where. Follow me." Joel walked to the door and headed down the street, but he didn't get the car.
Moriah shrugged, laughed, and followed her husband. The girls looked at each other, confused, then followed their mother.
Apparently, Joel was heading to his mum and dad's home. They don't live far, that's why they didn't take the car.
You just have to walk down the street, take a left, than a right to another dead end, and you're there.
Since Luke and Courtney are Joel's neighbors, they joined them for the walk to visit, too.
Joel knocked on his parents' door. The door pulled open, and in the door way was Luke and Joel's brother, Ben. Joel hugged his brother, "Ben!" Ben laughed and hugged his brother back, "Joel!" He then hugged Luke, "Luke! Luke laughed quietly, "Nice to see you, Ben!"
Paige, Ben's wife, appeared in the door way, "Hello in-laws!" Joel and Luke laughed, "Good morning, Paige."
Paige walked up to Moriah and greeted her, "Hello Moriah! It's so nice to see you again!" Moriah smiled and hugged her, "Same!"
Paige looked at Tamara, Joanna, and Alanis, "These must be your, daughters!" Moriah nodded, "Yes. This is Tamara, Joanna, and Alanis."
Paige waved at them, "Hello girls! I'm Paige." They all smiled, "Hello." Paige giggled.
They all stepped inside. They entered the kitchen. In there, at the sink, was Joel's mum and at the table was Joel's dad. A little boy sat beside Joel's dad.
And right when he saw Joel and Luke he jumped out his seat and ran to them, "Uncle Luke and Uncle Joel!" He hugged them both.
They both greeted him, "Asher!" Asher giggled, "Aunt Courtney!" He hugged Courtney. She smoothed his head, "Hey Asher."
Asher high-fived Jude and Phoenix and shook Moriah's hand, "Hello!" Moriah smiled, "Hi." He smiled at Moriah, "I'm Asher!" Moriah giggled, "I heard."
Asher turned to Tamara, Joanna, and Alanis. He waved, "Hello." They all waved at him. "Sit down," Joel's mum signaled everyone to sit down and eat breakfast.
They all sat down and ate.
Alanis laughed as her grandfather pushed her on the swing that was in their grandma and granddad's backyard. Asher and Jude swung beside her, laughing.
They had all finished breakfast and they were now on the back porch, talking.
Tamara and Joanna were helping their grandmother plant and pick flowers from the garden. They laughed, giggled, and smiled with their grandmother.
Joel, Moriah, Ben, and Paige were all laughing and talking on the porch.
Phoenix sat on the grass with his parents, playing with a yellow toy plane, giggling as Courtney tickled him. Luke smiled at his child.
It was a nice morning.
"Can we go meet them now?" Joanna tapped her mother's shoulder.
She had been bothering them about meeting their neighbors, Skillet.
Joel smiled at her as they were walking to their Street, "Well, it's just John and Korey and their daughter." Joanna fell into step beside Joel, "They have a daughter?" Joel nodded, he put his hands into his hoodie, "Yeah. Rebecca, but we call her Bec."
Joanna smiled as she looked at her feet. She tried to step the same time as Joel, "How old is she?"
Joel thought for a second and answered, "She's sixteen." "Oh," Joanna kept the same step.
"And we're here!"
Joanna, Tamara, Moriah, and Alanis looked up to their destination. Joanna lifted an eyebrow, "But, our house is," she pointed down the street, "that way." Joel smirked, "Don't you want to meet Skillet?" Joanna's eyes widened, "What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Joanna grabbed Moriah and Joel's wrists and raced to the door.
Tamara smiled at her crazy sister, grabbed Alanis and followed them.
Joanna, who successfully dragged Joel and her mother to the door, knocked quickly on the door and pushed Joel, to make it look like he knocked. Joanna whispered, "Nothing personal."
Joel laughed a little.
Finally, after long seconds, the door opened in the door way stood a girl with with brown hair with blonde highlights. She flashed a smile, which made her brown eyes look even more warmer.
She waved, "Hey Joel, what's up?"
Joel smiled and put his hand on Joanna's shoulder, "Not much, Bec. Are your parents home?" Bec nodded, "Yeah. Please, come in." Bec opened the door even wider.
Joanna looked up at Joel to see if she should enter. Joel nodded and Joanna took a step inside. Moriah, Tamara, and Alanis followed.
Inside Bec's home was a staircase to the left side of the room. Across the room was the kitchen, and the room was painted yellow and the curtains were open that it made the house seem brighter.
Bec closed the door and asked, "What brings ya'll around?" Joel still had Joanna in front of him, "Oh, nothing. It's just someone," he nudged Joanna, "wants to meet your parents."
Bec smiled at Joanna, "Sure. Let me go get them." Bec ran upstairs and knocked on a bedroom door. Then, she went back down stairs and into the backyard, and came back.
"They're coming," Bec smiled and signaled them to sit down in the living room.
They all walked over to a violet red couch and sat down. Bec sat down beside Joel, "So, how's the new family?" Joel looked at Moriah. They both smiled at each other and grabbed their hands. Joel smiled, "It's a blessing."
"Joel!" John walked down the stairs greeting Joel. "John, how are you?"
Joel and Moriah got up and walked over to John. "Very well, thank you."
Korey then appeared inside, she wore jeans and a worn dusty blue shirt. It was obvious she was in the garden, "Joel! Moriah!"
She went over to them and shook their hands.
Joanna got up and walked over to her mother. Moriah smiled at her and whispered in her ear, "Why don't you go by Joel?"
Joanna nodded and walked up to Joel. Joel was talking to John, but when he saw Joanna, he stopped talking about that topic and said, "This is Joanna. She's a big fan."
John smiled and Joanna froze in place. John spoke, "Hello, Joanna."
Joanna opened her mouth, but she couldn't get the words out. All she managed to say was, "Hi."
John laughed a little and so did Joanna. Joanna smiled.
Bec looked at Alanis and smiled, "Hey there." She waved at Alanis. Alanis blushed and hid behind Tamara. Tamara giggled a little, "Come on, Lani. Say hi."
Alanis shook her head, blushing. Tamara knew she was scared. Bec shrugged, "It's okay. So, her name is Lani?" Tamara shook her head, "It's Alanis, but we call her Lani." Bec nodded, "Oh."
Tamara smiled and extended her hand to Bec, "I'm Tamara." Bec smiled and shook Tamara's hand, "I'm Rebecca Hope Cooper, but I go by Bec."
Joanna listened to music in her room.
They finally went back home.
Tamara was outside, talking to Bec and her new friends, Natalia Rojas and Elizabeth Dalton.
Natalia and Elizabeth were Fourteen, just like Tamara. They both had brown eyes. Natalia had short, straight brown hair. Elizabeth, or Liz as she calls herself, had long, straight brown hair. They both had glasses, but Liz had braces, too. Natalia was tall, though. Liz was super short. Liz looks like a fifth grader, yet she is in eighth grade like Tamara and Natalia.
Joanna met Carly Johnson, their other neighbor.
Carly was nice and one year younger than Joanna. But, they both loved to dance and music.
Carly had blue, crystal eyes, and long, wavy blonde hair, and was tall. She had braces and glasses, but she rocked them.
Joanna sat on her bed listening to music, until her song, "Lights Shine Bright" came on.
She smirked to herself, and got up.
She walked up to her mirror and began to dance along.
Joanna was a graceful and amazing dancer, only she was afraid to dance in public.
She closed her eyes and danced to the music. Well, what she didn't know, was that Joel walked by her door, and saw her dancing.
Joanna didn't noticed that.
Joel stood in the doorway, and she still didn't know.
Moriah came by, and stood beside Joel.
Finally the song ended, Joanna opened her eyes to see her parents in the doorway.
They smiled at her and waved.
Joanna blushed and spoke, "Um, how long were ya'll there?"
Joel and Moriah playfully did a thinking face.
Moriah smiled and responded, "Um, about, three minutes?" Joel nodded, "Your a great dancer, Joanna."
Joanna smiled and said, "Thanks." Joel smiled and walked away.
Moriah stood there still.
Finally she gave her daughter a thumbs up and closed the door.
Joanna smiled, remembering Joel's words. He's not that bad, she thought and continued dancing.
Hey People/Cravers!! Good news, I updated!! And I will now update this story every Friday. I will update my other book, "Won't Give Up" every Saturday :) Have a wonderful day! God bless ya'll!
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