Third Person POV
"We are moving to Tennessee?"
Tamara asked, raising an eye brow. Moriah nodded happily. Tamara and Joanna faked a smile, that convinced Moriah, "Yay."
Moriah smiled back at them, then turned around opening an empty box and putting in her personal items.
Tamara and Joanna exchanged worried looks. They didn't want to go, they wanted to stay here in California in their house, at their school, have their old life.
But, now that was going to change.
Moriah grabbed two empty boxes and handed on to Tamara and Joanna, "Well, let's get started!" Moriah smiled excitedly, and went back to packing.
Tamara and Joanna walked upstairs to their rooms, defeated.
Tamara's room was across Alanis's. Joanna's room was across Moriah's.
They looked at each other, sighed, and entered their rooms.
Alanis came running down the stairs as the door bell rung. She jumped off at the last two steps and ran to the door. In one arm she held her little Teddy bear, Benny, and used her free hand to open the door.
She pulled the door open, and in the door way stood Joel, Luke, and Courtney.
Moriah yelled from the kitchen, "Who is it, Lani?"
Moriah walked out the kitchen and towards the door. She saw the guest and smiled, "Oh, thank goodness you came."
Joel smiled at his wife, "Hello, my love." He hugged Moriah and placed a kiss on Moriah's forehead.
He turned around and got on his knees to Alanis's height, "Hey Alanis." Alanis blushed and whispered, "Hi."
Courtney and stood above Joel and Alanis, "This is your daughter?"
Joel and Moriah smiled and nodded.
Courtney touched Alanis's hair, "She's so beautiful! Oh, she's adorable!"
Alanis blushed.
Courtney smiled, "I'm your auntie Courtney, darling." Alanis gave a weak smiled.
Luke, with his two sons Jude and Phoenix, finally entered and got on his knees with Joel, "And I'm your uncle Luke." Alanis hugged her bear tightly and whispered at Luke and Courtney, "Hi."
Joel smiled at her tiny and delicate daughter. Moriah smiled at how everyone was together.
Well, almost everyone.
Joel looked around, then asked Alanis, "Where's your sisters, Lani?" Alanis shrugged and hugged Benny even tighter.
Moriah walked to the bottom of the stairs and called them, "Tamara! Joanna! Come down stairs!"
Tamara and Joanna answered in unison, "Coming!"
They quickly appeared down the stair case. When they looked up to see the guest, they faked another smile.
Courtney walked up to them, "They are your daughters?"
Moriah nodded.
Courtney flashed a warm smile, "Hey, girls." They both nodded.
Alanis then appeared behind Courtney. She ran behind her sisters, and hid her face in Tamara's leg.
Tamara was surprised to see Luke and Courtney.
Joanna just smiled at them.
Tamara then looked at Luke. Luke smiled and walked towards them, "I'm your uncle Luke."
Tamara nodded, Joanna smiled, "Hello."
Luke smiled back, "Hello, girls."
Joel walked to them, "We are going to eat lunch. Where do y'all want to go?" Tamara and Joanna shrugged. Alanis just moved from side to side.
Joel smiled at Alanis, and went on his knees, "Where do you want to go, Alanis?" Alanis blushed, "I don't know," she looked at Moriah, "Where do you want to go, mommy?"
Moriah walked over to Joel and Alanis.
She put her arm around Joel and smiled, "How about we go eat some BBQ?" Luke and Courtney nodded, "Sure." Joel smiled at Moriah, "Great! Let's go."
Tamara, Alanis, and Joanna looked at each other.
Everyone smiled, but they faked theirs.
Tamara pulled her straight, dark brown hair into a pony tail in the car.
They were heading to Rooftops, a BBQ place.
Joanna, Alanis, and Tamara where in the back of the car with their cousin Jude.
Their other cousin, Phoenix, sat with his parents in the middle of the car.
Moriah was in the passenger seat, and Joel was driving.
Tamara fixed her hair. Joanna blew her bangs out of her face and listened to her music through her earphones. Alanis kept hugging Benny every time she felt scared, which was almost all the time.
Jude noticed and finally asked, "What's wrong?" Alanis looked at Jude, scared, "Nothing."
Jude swung his feet back and forth, "Are you scared?" Alanis looked at Jude then her feet, "Maybe." Jude cocked his head, "Why?"
Alanis looked at Joel and Moriah. They smiled at each other and held each others hands.
Jude looked at what Alanis was staring at. He smiled, "Mommy and Daddy say that you shouldn't be scared. They say you have Jesus."
Alanis looked at Jude.
Jude played with a bright red little toy car. But, Jude kept talking to her, "Jesus loves you."
He began to sing "Jesus Loves me," although he improvised at parts he didn't know.
Alanis hugged Benny again.
Moriah laughed as Joel told her a joke.
Luke and Courtney held Phoenix with them.
Tamara and Joanna stared at the ground, listening to music.
Jude and Alanis stood in the back, talking from time to time.
They had finished eating at Rooftops and Joel and Moriah thought it would be a great idea to walk to the park.
Jude jumped over cracks on the side walk, and he kept talking to Alanis, "What's your name?"
Alanis looked at her mom, "Alanis."
Jude jumped again, "I'm Jude."
Alanis looked at the ground, "I know. We are cousins." Jude jumped one last time, "Oh."
Alanis looked up and saw a park. A big bright yellow slide connected to red and blue monkey bars and a green baby playground. There was a big track around the park, for people who just wanted to walk or jog.
Moriah, Joel, Luke, and Courtney agreed to go walking. Courtney and Luke took Phoenix with them and left the children under Tamara and Joanna's care.
Joanna sat down on a wooden bench under a big, tall apple tree, on the far bottom right side of the playground.
She plugged in her ear buds and tapped her leg to the rhythm of the song.
Tamara walked and stayed close to Jude and Alanis. Jude sat on a swing with Alanis beside her.
Tamara told them, and they promised her, not to leave that spot.
Tamara walked towards the bench, sat beside Joanna, listened to her music, and watched the kids from afar.
Alanis swung slowly, still clutching Benny. Jude swung and broke the silence, "Uncle Joel is your daddy?"
Alanis stopped swinging, "Yeah."
Jude stopped, "You seem sad." Alanis nodded, "I am."
Jude gave a confused look, "Why? Uncle Joel is fun." Alanis began swinging again, "I'm scared of him." Jude swung, too, "Why?"
Alanis shrugged, "What if he hurts Mommy."
Jude smiled, "Uncle Joel wouldn't hurt her," Jude and Alanis stopped and looked at Joel and Moriah.
They laughed and kissed.
Jude smiled at them, "He loves auntie Moriah." Alanis looked at her mom and Joel, she smiled as her mom laughed with him.
Maybe, she thought, just maybe.
Jude smiled at Alanis and jumped of the swing. He ran towards the slide, excited.
Alanis smiled at her cousin.
She hopped of the swing and followed her cousin.
It was the first time ever, that she wasn't afraid of someone, other than her sisters and her mom.
"Come on, Alanis!" Jude yelled and signaled Alanis to sit by him as they were going to watch a firework show.
Alanis ran towards him and quickly sat beside him. She actually wasn't afraid of him.
She actually giggled, though it was a tiny giggle.
Joel smiled at how Jude and Alanis pointed at stars in the sky. Moriah grabbed his arm and smiled, too.
They looked at each other and sat down on the cool green grass to see the fireworks.
Luke and Courtney had Phoenix in between them.
Tamara and Joanna sat next to their mother, and kindoff smiled.
Moriah wrapped one arm around her daughters and the other around her husband, Joel. Joel kissed her forehead, and the fireworks began.
Alanis and Jude became best friends and giggled all through the show.
Phoenix loved the show, along with his parents.
Joel and Moriah stared at each other and had a wonderful night.
Tamara and Joanna couldn't fight back a smile at seeing this beautiful moment that God gave.
Author's Note- Hey! Hope you liked this chapter. Okay, I'm now adding people for this book, "Whole Hearted {Joriah}" and my other FK&K book, "Won't Give Up." If you want to be in it, comment or DM me. I will need the following facts if you want to be in a book~
• Characters Name - It doesn't have to be your name.
• Hair color and form - Is you hair blonde, brunette, red head? Is it curly, straight, wavy? Is it long, medium, short? IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE YOUR REAL HAIR!
• Eye color - Again, doesn't have to be your real eye color.
• Tall or short? Is your character tall or short? Doesn't have to be your real size!
• Accessories - Do you have glasses? Braces? Or both? It doesn't have to be the real you.
• Age - Child, tween, teen, young adult, adult, whatever age! You don't have to use your real age.
I will add myself in, too!
Have a wonderful day! Byez my fellow Cravers!!
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