.page two
viewer_discretion_330: is there somebody on this forum that can provide anything of value to the conversation, because I think there is a high probability that something criminal is taking place with the students from blakely cake's school. Can Fmod find out if username has an email profile?
ominous_debt: anon-y-mystery for a reason
thefrick_23: no identity (-1 downvote)
aptly_under_smell: (-10 downvote)
ripe_fo_pikin: *shameface at you*
shoot_loading...: How about Le Rosey (with an e). There's a boarding school in Switzerland that goes by that name. Apparently super old.
kush_recker: bruv that place is $$$$$$$ kaching
brain_deluted: nah, move on
Elendil_rolls_5: let's get to the bottom of this
apollo_11_lies: YES let's! No one be dummmm
Buck_the_beav: poo
covert_lampshadey: Le Rosie O'Donnell?
littlejohn_777: problem solved
!_astronutbag_!: Gods help us...
crispy_shifflett: haha #fail
Baristarexia: One step forward 200 steps back, as per ususal
Baristarexia: *usual
ominous_debt: I'm surprised by how many people have commented on this.
Buck_the_beav: post some nudes plz
username hidden: [deleted]
$Horndog$: @_@ aaaaOOOOOgaah @_@
thefrick_23: I likey the bootay
username hidden: [deleted]
STILL_whinging: Really...???
littlejohn_777: OMG, this!
Xiao_raptureglass: And just like that, civilization has gone to shit.
kush_recker: I'm lonely [emoticon: crying face] [emoticon: water gun]
Puppymillscandie: Lonely is the worst [emoticon: ice cream cone] [emoticon: deer]
!_astronutbag_!: howbout this? gray Line with black blue and yellow [image: "Grey Line with Black, Blue, and Yellow" by the artist, Georgia O'Keeffe - dated 1923)
Buck_the_beav: XD
chimpokomon_shoe_42: That title tho. Rough weekend?
brain_deluted: Wham bam thank you ma'am
Elendil_rolls_5: Please stop talking.
covert_lampshadey: wait that is NOT what mine looks like!
littlejohn_777: with those colors someone needs a gyno appt
Elendil_rolls_5: You people need to grow up and get some damn culture in your life. You're looking at the painting of a flower by a famously misunderstood artist. Just stop.
aptly_under_smell: O.o Dat makes me houngree for tacoooooossss!!!!!
$Horndog$: I've seen a pink taco and that, sir, did not come from nature
really_white_dad: from chipotle
Elendil_rolls_5: What am I still doing here?
Buck_the_beav: Not from nature. From paint brush, but juuuust the tip
$Horndog$: (+1 upvote)
aptly_under_smell: (+1 upvote)
crispy_shifflett: LOL I just can't...
username hidden: [deleted]
STILL_whinging: gross
thefrick_23: #nailedit
shoot_loading...: You guys seem like outstanding people *rolls eyes*
ripe_fo_pikin: #lifeasaballer
viewer_discretion_330: This is so derp -_-
thefrick_23: stfu no one cares about you
ominous_debt: Die thread die
Tommy_300k: #allinfavor
Sherbrooke_climber: ring around lerosy pocket full of posey ashes ashes they all fall down #whoislerosy
chimpokomon_shoe_42: the rosie
aptly_under_smell: ring around THE ROSIE idiot
Baristarexia: [weblink: lyrics to the nursery rhyme "Ring a Ring o' Roses"]
wrong_dumbo_30: edit: Lerosy is misreading of "the rosie". [image: large eared elephant from the Disney cartoon feature, Dumbo] #whoislerosy
really_white_dad: come now children lets sing along...t0 the wrong words!
littlejohn_777: that kintergarden lady shoulda been fired, trump style
littlejohn_777: MAGA
ripe_fo_pikin: bitches still be trippin
crispy_shifflett: that's why they all fall down
aptly_under_smell: (+1 upvote)
username hidden: [deleted]
puppymillscandie: theres too much misogyny here
username hidden: [deleted]
Elendil_rolls_5: flagged
ominous_debt: What kind of name is puppymillscandie?
kush_recker: so they're using the puppies to make candy these days?
puppymillscandie: no stupid, it's puppy mills can die
chimpokomon_shoe_42: nO stUpiD, It'S PUpPy MiLlS CAnDY
$Horndog$: that's why they call it chocolate "bark"
ominous_debt: (+1 upvote)
kush_recker: (+.98 upvote)
chimpokomon_shoe_42: (+1 upvote)
crispy_shifflett: I had a dog named tootsie
puppymillscandie: I'm sorry but puppy mills are not something to joke about a$$hole.
!_astronutbag_!: why are you sorry? And btw this is the internet, you can curse all you want.
thefrick_23: Yeah. got it, skank?
puppymillscandie: I'm sooo logging out
crispy_shifflett: Did I mention my dog tootsie?
thefrick_23: @puppymillscandie Don't leave, toots.
puppymillscandie: You should visit these sites. [weblink] [weblink] [weblink] Puppy mills are inhumane profit factories that have no interest in the well being of animals. Its torture and you pay them. Period.
apollo_11_lies: torture doesn't come cheap in my neighborhood. period.
ripe_fo_pikin: my exbf loved torture. period.
username hidden: [deleted]
crispy_shifflett: Tootsie loved to roll. Period.
13_Across: Regarding the efficacy of the answer posed: Ring around Lerosy. There may be some validity here. I've never actually seen the word/name "Lerosy" attached to the nursery rhyme, but it could be a different variation. There are many floating around out there. Could be worth looking into. ?? Suggestions?
shoot_loading...: What's to look into? The nursery rhyme traces back to the Great Plague of London, 1665. That's the bubonic plague for the layman.
really_white_dad: leave /THE LAYMAN/ out of this...
Tommy_300k: great plage the same as the black death?
shoot_loading...: same
STILL_whinging: @shoot_loading... is right. I did a paper on it in high school and can't forget it for the life of me. "Ring around the Rosie" was about how the infected started to show signs, and there was a rose colored rash in the shape of a ring on the surface of their skin. This was the first warning to everyone else to get the infected into isolation. Then the second verse "Pocket full of Posies". This related to the sweet smelling flowers and herbs that were carried in the pockets of the infected. The plague made folks stink something horrible and there was also this strange belief at the time that you could transmit the disease to others through smell. Yes, medicine wasn't on the ball back then. Another interpretation was that it referenced the flowers that were put in a coffin or laid atop a funeral pyre. "Ashes Ashes" — obviously that's the creamtion of the dead to halt the infection from spreading. Some sources said it had to do with sneezing or something, but I never understood that. And lastly, if the message had yet to hit home, there's the final verse, "We all fall down." It's pretty macabre. Especially coming from little kids. I get the chills anytime I hear it. Now their high, little voices all full of innocence make me think of discolored bodies stacked in rows beside an immense pile of flakey ash fluttering gently away in the wind. I know, I have a strange imagination. But the original intent of the song was to help children protect themselves by receiting a description of a fatal disease, thus aiding them in identifying any infected person. It was sung so often that we still know the words today. Thoguh no one has a clue what they're actually saying.
Elendil_rolls_5: love how you wrote that
Elendil_rolls_5: (+10 upvote)
Baristarexia: [image: illustration of 17th Century plague physician in mask and waxed cape]
thefrick_23: that maske! Why the long nose?
shoot_loading...: Anyone else getting Kubrik vibes?
apollo_11_lies: those secret meetings from Eyes Wide Shut are real. there is a subforum somewhere.
Baristarexia: [subforum link: Secret Societies]
Baristarexia: good conversation here, too [subforum link: Stanley Kubrick and Hidden Messages]
13_Across: the unique design for the leather mask was intented to stop an airborne infection from reaching the nose. They were also called Beak Doctors, due to the bird-like shape of the mask.
Baristarexia: They had dark glass eyes on those things. Creepy and very cool.
aptly_under_smell: those guys were in the second or third assassin's creed? info check
crispy_shifflett: totally, the one in Venice
STILL_whinging: wiki'd, Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood and Revelations.
thefrick_23: Lost half my adult life to this franchise. and they keep makin more. I got 2 much love to hate these tho
Tommy_300k: are these movies?
crispy_shifflett: One movie and was shiiiit. Video games. Ideal for the conspiracy theorist and code breaker.
aptly_under_smell: and shadowey assassin who likes architectureal history
Elephas_Maximus: @STILL_whinging That's a nice theory about Ring around the Rosie and the plague, but you're wrong. [weblink: Urban Myths Debunked]
STILL_whinging: @Elephas_Maximus explain dude
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