.page five
really_white_dad: @qwertythekid wtf???
shoot_loading...: @STILL_whinging
ominous_debt: @covert_lampshadey
$Horndog$: Ooooooooooooooh shit
littlejohn_777: creeeeeeeeeeeeepssssss
covert_lampshadey: see, I step away for a few months and look what happens
chimpokomon_shoe_42: Haha I love subs like this, a lot of the discussions I see piss me off or bore me
Elendil_rolls_5: @qwerty_thekid Fmod, how can they use the "username hidden" screenname?
Elendil_rolls_5: plus no underscore?
qwerty_thekid: already looking into it thank you.
kush_recker: cuz its faque doo.
chimpokomon_shoe_42: @Buck_the_beav
chimpokomon_shoe_42: @brain_deluted check it out
kush_recker: no it's a conspiracy, you silly sausage
conspiracy_guy_101: CONSPIRACY GUYS!
qwerty_thekid: Moderator here. So we've been taking a look at the username issue and it's tricky. Either it was one of the guys working here or a hacker. As you well know, this is a finite forum that has, built into it, a set of systems that can be manipulated by the right people. With that in mind, we'll be monitoring things a lot closer now to protect anonymity and ensure the safety of our users.
kush_recker: sounds like one of your users just got abducted, mate
Buck_the_beav: theres a subforum devoted to this topic. Link anyone?
littlejohn_777: [subforum link: Fakes, Fakers, Faques, Fugazis, FAQs, and Fuqs]
STILL_whinging: I think he/she meant [subforum link: Forum Hackers United]
Buck_the_beav: not a he-she
Xiao_raptureglass: wow you're so original
username hidden: [deleted]
qwerty_thekid: Watch the hate talk, bro. I don't want the paperwork for baring you from the forum.
Buck_the_beav: Ohkay. I got it "bro"
STILL_whinging: sexual orientation and transphobic jokes are NOT funny
Xiao_raptureglass: agreed
Baristarexia: (-100 downvote)
Elendil_rolls_5: (-1mil. downvote)
Buck_the_beav: a million! How will I ever recover???
10010110111_codie: (+1mil upvote) I hate it too, but freedom of speech #goAmerica
ominous_debt: From the first comment to the last this is feeling like an elaborate setup
STILL_whinging: it IS fiction right?
brain_deluted: well I'm enjoying myself
apollo_11_lies: They're just trying to get a reaction.
Tommy_300k: Why is this at the top of my feed? Let's use the forum for the reason it was created, to solve ACTUAL mysteries. Not giving h8rs a place to bully, not following the trail of whispering girls on busses, and not recalling the deranged ramblings of elderly child abusers. Does the name "Lerosy" have something to do with the nursery rhyme? It's possible, from the looks of the diary page. Beyond that, it doesnt have meaning. A reference to the plague deaths it is not. A ghost story it is not. Let's just stop posting and bumping and allow the thread to fade into oblivion like so many others. Hackers and mods are trying to use this site to mess with you, don't give them ammo.
217place: it's real, I know it's real
Tommy_300k: whatever. you've been warned.
Buck_the_beav: wut do you know?
Sherbrooke_climber: see, I was sure it had meaning!
!_astronutbag_!: and in a few pages they'll start flogging something to you. A ghost buster gun or some torpedo shaped bubblegum dispenser. This site is clearly not working in its current form! H.E.L.P.
10010110111_codie: post equality and freedom of speech is not something that needs fixing. If you don't like it...well you know where the sun doesn't shine.
Buck_the_beav: @217place waiting to hear how you know it's real
217place: It was a long time ago that I heard about Lerosy, but it goes something like this - - - - You and your friends call out to Lerosy ( tho I'm sure you can do it by yourself ) Then you write to him in a sort of private way, like a diary. You tell him who you love. It's supposed to be like magic or something.
aptly_under_smell: Does he live under a bridge?
brain_deluted: He wants your first born son
Elendil_rolls_5: this sounds like GoT fanfic and r+l=j forever
217place: The whole reason someone would be doing something this risky (at least that's how it felt) is because Lerosy promises to give boundless love to the sincere. If you do not believe in your heart that he is real, he will not answer you. Like, he doesn't exist otherwise. Do you know what I'm saying?
$Horndog$: then he wants you to send him a pair of yer mom's underpanties
ripe_fo_pikin: yeh he sounds like a cult leader
thefrick_23: When does he subtly convince you all to be his wives and do weird stuff between the sheets?
13_Across: I'm trying not to read into this or listen to all the babble, and by doing so I'm gradually beginning to wonder if we have an urban myth on our hands. Perhaps one that has such a devoted following that it's never gotten out into the mainstream. It's happened before.
10010110111_codie: Have you heard of the internet? We know everything there is to know now. #nothingsissecret
Baristarexia: @217place where did you hear about this?
217place: When I was in girl scouts.
kush_recker: thin mints!!
ominous_debt: Keebler makes those now. Companies that steal from little girls are awesome.
really_white_dad: ANY time I see girl scouts at the grocery store I'm reaching for singles. Then I be like hell no. I gotta have some self respect
Buck_the_beav: that sounded icky
Elendil_rolls_5: YOUR brain took YOU there, sicko. I vote for lobotomy. Make the world a safer place.
Baristarexia: @217place So... girlscouts then?
217place: We were camping and it was one of those times when we tell a scary story around the fire. We each had a good one except this one girl. She said she wouldn't tell it until the camp counselor had gone to bed. And when the woman called it a night, we waited and listened as she told us about this Lerosy guy. She was one of those really quiet girls who sit by themselves during lunch and refuse to go swimming. Girl went missing actually. That's why I remember her so well. My parents always reminded me of her when I went out with my friends. "Don't go and get abducted like Kimmie..." But there was a reason it happened to her, you know. She definitely fits the type.
shoot_loading...: What type
217place: girls who get kidnapped
shoot_loading...: AND... credibility goes out the window
Elendil_rolls_5: That's a whole bunch of wrong what you just said there.
217place: You know what I mean. I wasn't tring to be offensive. That girl just acted like she lived in a whole other world than the rest of us. Like she didn't want to belong. There was a rumor that she ran away with one of our friend's dads, but he'd just gotten a divorce and moved to another state I guess. You know girls and their juicy gossip. Everything is top-secret to a teenage girl. Until it isn't. I actually had a lock on my diary when I was younger. As if there was anything in there worth selling to tabloids or uploaing onto wikileaks.
STILL_whinging: Which is why this whole thing feels plausible to me. At least in that urban myth way. Young girls *will* keep secrets, even to their graves.
Baristarexia: Is that all this Kimmie girl had to share?
217place: Yeah, because she heard a noise in the woods and got all frightened. She was about to tell us what he looked like. I guess it's eerie. Said he can hear everyone, everywhere. And just like someone else wrote earlier, we aren't supposed to talk about him. Look, now I'm going to get attacked or something. Maybe I should sleep with the lights on tonight.
sweet_homebody: what did you think when you found out she was missing? dm'ing.
covert_lampshadey: yeh didnt you assume it was lerosy
217place: One of our friends did, totally. She told us we should try to summon him, but we had no clue if we were doing it right. Didn't know about the Ring Around the Rosie thing. Maybe we left that part out!!! Lol.
Elendil_rolls_5: it's because you didn't fully believe, obvi
crispy_shifflett: #failedit #summoningspirits
horoscopy_959: I seriously think you all need to stop talking about this. I'm telling you there is evil at work here. It's evident and powerful. Protect yourself fools
Buck_the_beav: YAY! The aura chick has returned!! Ima post a dick pic on here, you tell me if its as evil as my exgfs think it is
$Horndog$: ^^^^^HAHAHhhaaas this
username hidden: [deleted]
STILL_whinging: so much immaturity
thefrick_23: The pic was deleted!!! What do ya'll think? Did Lerosy take his penis?
kush_recker: Only because he peed his girlfriend's name in the snow
latchkey_lex_2000: Excuse me. I'm not sure what this is or if anyone on here can help me. My name is Will Petrie. My daughter Alexa has been missing for over 48 hours. This site was on her laptop. This is her username, I guess. Latchkey lex. Although she must have been posting from her cell phone. I've never seen her go on these sites or even talk about this. Can someone tell me what's happening? I've read her posts. Who is Lerosy?
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